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November 10, 1983
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
i "intl situation -- questions and answers": yevgeniy.kachanov
discusses anticiar movt in western. countries, describing various.
Qn ~Wwforms it takes, mentioning pickets outside milit bases and campaign
for nuclear-free zones and cities (5 min s vyacheslav lavrentyev
on u.s. intervention in grenada (8 min, sent); kachanov
discusses situation in zimbabwe. lauding its domestic and
foreign policy lines since independence.. noting zimbabwe_and
2I mb& b w.~
tj 10 6,4
rzv FW4
nicaragua were co-authors of unga resolution on u.s. invasion
of grenada (4 'sin): boris andrianov on reagan's visit to far
east (10 min, sent); kachanov continues ., series .. of reports on
situation in Philippines following murder of opposition ldr aquino,
notes mar cos f pressed; readiness ,to. mis ke an .n~d)gents.Ito
electoral law in order to make elections, more democratic
but said nothing about future of u.s. milit bases in
phi Iippines_sshi.ch ,are thropt toYIives of,,local pp.1 : (4 min)s :ed.gfr-
cheporov of novosti on noofascism and racism in britain (7.min):
kachanov on modern piracy which is rampant.on seas of southeast
asia. these priatas are equipped with fast launches and machine
guns and attack passing tankers and fishing boats. (3 min).
(hopLv 1715) 10 NOV 192-3
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k(' ('-, Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
r3 3 tine, events, and
pp l : Inc l journalist's report from
r I &
introduces his officers; ivanov, first secy of minusinsk party
gorkom, describes importance of involving many ppl in ideological
cork. now gorkom holds many of these working mtgs, devoted to
Of J1 course of fulfillment of plan; item on world youth day,
Qrtns notes deios and mtgs will be held in many countries to curb arms
PA Q,,
astrakhan, is soviet militia day, describing good work of militiame
there and interviewing militia colonel who describes it further and
race, quoting oleg blinov on sorry position of young ppi in
capitalist countries (3 min); item briefly quoting cpsu cc.gr.eeting,.
to cunhal, followed by vladislav chernukha report from amadora,
CPS UL 7 ear Lisbon, on engineering. works and role of communists there
of cc of culture workers' tu, describing this. .(homy 0900
or M ta. 0900)
4 ''communists and workers parties movt": soviet author
(noodadon badek) on soviet communists (7 min): communist chilean
cp call on citizens to fight against pinochet (4 min). (amharic
09 #,8r'3O )
Prt fDt-i w
5 "Intl co,rnunist and workers movt": excerpts daily mail intvw
uith (henry uinston), head of cpusa: jorge.kolle, head of_bolivian
comparty, praises work being carried out by comrade (floyd Ortega),
as rural teacher in chaco area in bolivia; french.cp condemns
pretgs4a8s policies. (15 min: spania 0000)
ntl coicnunist and workers ,govt": daily (worker)( intvw with
cpusa chn henry Winston on occasion of party's congress, outlining
eligibility of party mbrship, its stand on 1984 presidential
elections, need for party (7 min); intvw with hans kait,
austrian cp cc mbr, on party's 65th anni
scusses history of
party, party's fight against growing unemployment in austria,
need for reducing power of monopolies (5 min); belgian cp delegs
`Je~,(166M visit to ussr, headed by party's president Louis van geyt who met
U ."
q Im~SSII pono'arey and discussed issue of missiles in europe (2 min);
round brief news. (hung 1730)
NOV 1983
r..v off w' iva.rs. v yvvv vuvsw,wau. prvvrims one are agalnsv arms race
IV (3.5 -min): review of fold art in user, with pashkov--chmn
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H 11
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7 third talk in radio university cycle on communist and worker
rovt at present stage and real socialism in which anatoliy yuryev
and prof oleg vadimov describe problems involved in achieving
shift from capitalism and socialism and most appropriate forms that
rev strA'g`tle can take in this day and age. (20 min: italian 2000)
B "i sociatist countries and socialist-oriented african states":
anon highlighting czechoslovakia's econ achievments (3.5 min);
anon +sith facts and figures illustrating achievments in field
education in gsinea conakry, angola, and ethiopia, with assistance
from ussr and other socialist countries (5 min). (portafr 1830)
9 oleksandr putko on econ performance of ussr and leading t2,
capitalist countries. quotes helmut schmidt saying capitalist
econo=zies are gravely ill, with symptoms of inflation, unemployment
and slump., against this background advantages of planned socialist
economy are particularly visible. In last 30 years average annual
income growth in ussr has been double that of usa. sou economy
funcitons first and foremost in order to achieve rise in living
(3.5 min: enginter 2000)
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
10 youth program: incl interview with vladimir aksenov,
ussr youth organizations cmtee churn, re-world youth day, on
significance of day, prospects which young ppl have in soviet
society. soviet youths protest against u.s. aggressive policy and
support for peace; film 'volunteers' showing young ppl helping
during last war, has caused great interest among young ppl
in no ,xf.
~ U-
(3 ,yin: polish 1*00 bulg t630 czech/slovak 1600 portbraz 2200
3a enginter 1910 arab 1530 persian 1800 dart 1700 mand 1600)
(serbo 2000)
X10 NOV 1983
11 intvw with vladimir askenov, ussr youth orgs cmtee chmn,
re world youth day, on significance of day, and soviet youth
activities towards peace. (rpt serbo 2000, youth program segment),
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
recently held in hungary on. topics discussed at conf.
u6 12 talk on world youth day notes bright future promised for
'/"soviet youths, denounces u. s. aggressive policy, citing
O~U grrnada invasion, etc. sov youths antiwar movement. (3
min: frr y 1330)
(4 M": t h a i 1100 )
13 recorded intvw with (khunying riankaeo bunyanonbran),
a thai deleg to women's intl democratic federation conf
14 mailbao for northam listeners.
0?.^r01 ), -
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(rpt engna 060001) (engna
tAK- so r ann iv
15 anon on how gosr anniv was celebrated in african
Q~N~/ countries. (rpt swahili 081730 on 9 nov list) (swahili 091730)
report on gosr anniv celebrations in african countries.
program for radio moscow listeners' club in africa,
devoted to gosr anniv. club members' greetings for occasion,
also tributes.to ussr's policy of peace. (12 min, poorest:
eng4f 1700 )
18 roundup intvws
with guests from many countries tkaing
part in moscou celebrations. (rpt enginter 091410) (enginter
0710 101.0 frenchinter 092100 german 1000)
i with several latin american reps who attended
~11LVW with
it celebrations, on meaning of this event, and sov struggle for
Raf 4v-" peac (4 min: spanla 2300) 10 NOV 198$
~1 / 00-011
intvw with reps of socialist countries attending
celebtions, on meaning of this event. (4 min: spancuba 0100)
zlatorunski re foreign congratulatory telegrams incl msgs
crab ldrs (rpt anon arabic 091500) (poor: frenchmag 092030)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
d isarr../peace
00-A,, PA4 551
20 summary anon Sovetskaya rossiya on planned deployment
of neu u.s. nissiles in europe. (450 text: tasse 1253 tassr 0430)
k S
23 summary sovetskaya.rossiya's intvw with rude pravo
ed?tar-in-chief, zdenek horseni, expressing his country's concern
re planned deployment of cruise and pershing missiles 'in europe.
(400 text sent: tasse 0741 tassr 0400)
24 report on open letter sent by soviet jaws-to jaws in u.s.
appealing to them to join their soviet counterparts inworking
tos,sard uorld peace. (text, 2,500 text sent: tas-se 0825 tassr
0935. 350 text sent: tasse 0540 variations, fyi 'sent: tassr 06101
3.5 mi,.q: engna 2300)
25 report on first section of brochure "december is near:
europe must choose" published in moscow by soviet cmtee
for european security and cooperation. (450 text sent: tasse
1946 tassr 2149)
26 anon on soviet brochure "december is near: europe must
a NOV 1983
27 anon an issued outlined in sovi t pamphlet "disarmament:
n Fyn uho's against?-, published by milit publishing house in
Q noscou. (450 text sent: tasse 1638)
28 item on disarm in form of questions and answers
t+ based on facts mentioned in pamphlet "disarm who is against."
(10,-n4n, sent. czech/slovak 1700) finnish 1630)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
30 aleksandr zholkver on thatcher's talks in bonn with kohl
which centered On forthcoming deployment of cruise missiles
on their countries territories. (sent: home 19?. orbita 1900
31 tats political news. analyst vladimir serov on talks held
in bonn btwt. thatcher and chancellor kohl, during which both
testified support for deployment of cruise missiles in europe.
(450 text sent: tasse 1643 tassr 1753)
32 yuriy soltan on thatcher's talks with chancello r kohl
during which they urged ussr to show what they.call
constructive approach to geneva talks. (sent: enginter 140 1810
portbraz M200 2300 italian 1-800 german 1600turkish 1400 bulg
1630 polish 1500 czech/slovak 1600.serbo 1700 2000 korean
1330 laa 1300.urdu 1200 1300.beng 1500 bur 1430 indo 1330 1500)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
take 3 of several -- commentary list: Moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
33 vitaliy mikhaylov,on anti-militaristic rally held at cancer
research institute of soviet academy.of medical sciences at which,
speakers urged doctors of world to sign anti-nuclear arms petition.
(6-3 -:in: italian 1800 german 1000 finnish 1630 persian L700
Q4 arab,tc"00 1700)
U izvef tiya aleksandr bovin talks about his trip to scandinavia, in
I "_4~ particular about Peace -movement there. (sent: home 1245 orbita
7 & G l 35
"current problems of intnatl life:" political corr of
account-of antiwar rally.in moscow oncological centers.
anhu/6,- (r p t i~Vian 092000) (eng i n t er 1-531 f r enc h i n t er 092100 t ur k i s h 14W)
b 112-line struggle on intl pol-itical arena": soltan on call by
thatcher, kohl for constructive sov attitude to geneva arms
talks, contrasting constructive sov stand with u.s. insincerity
7 report?on mtg held.at cancer treatment conter.in Moscow to
39 article by It gen d.a. volkogonov: "basis of security"
collect signatures in response to call,for end to nuc arms race
adopted at 3d intl physicians` conf against nuclear war. (5 min:
vie "0)
elaborating andropov's answers to pravda question on euromissile
issu . C#.5 nin: Grand 0700)
40 vladyslavkozyakov on proposed deployment of u.s..missiles.
in euYope commencing 22 nov. (sent: engna 2300)
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
`-'l~SS1~pS .
greens, quoting vogel and brandt, of spd, lord brockway,and european
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
41 anon on latest response in western europe to likely
DJq deployment of u.s. missilas htere, citing declaration by frg
quaker /44. (. Smin: engna 2300)
42 vadi,s sobakin, in series,, on, cruise missiles due to be
andropov's reply outlined, stressing geneva talks can be continued
JJ4 MP---
1 r-,
(sent: enguk 2000)
4 konstantin (shorokin) on
instal on british soil.
in europe.of
cruise missiles with aim of giving impetus to geneva
equip for.u. s.
maintaining this is tantamount to blackmail,,. soviet proposals and
if u. s. does not start deployednt .of,,,pershing ii and tomahawk
misy'illes. (3.5 min: finnish 1630)
44 profile of war veteran and film,director.gr.igory (zucharai)
uuhorkakes strong plea for peace. (.11 min: finnish 1630)
anon on film "warning against danger," antiwar film produced
qu 164tZI-)
by soviet film producer, introduces comment on producer on her
motiy)o produce film. (6 min: korean 1130)
46 talk by hero-of soviet union, writer vladimir karpov,
entitled "for peace, against threat of war," he talks of commitment
to peace shou> by various writers taking part in recent afro-asian
a,?iters' tong in tashkent,,profi.ling individual writers and assurinc
them an all peaceniks of ussr's lasting moral support.
(20' : home 1140)
7 mikhail dobrov
1 C NOV 1983
on,ever-growing,aoti-militaristic,Y arRd
anti-nuclear missile movement throughout world in general and in
a^ fi Italy in particular despite attempts made by nato and pentagon
h1V circles to discredit participants in this movement by calling them
agents of moscow. (7 min: Italian 2000)
- In
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
united states
in clevil~nd. (4 min: enginter 2110 serbo 2000)
50 tass corr nikolay
Lt' ~
setunskiy on opening of cpusa congress
by henry Winston, citing report presented by gus hall, scoring
u. s. milit and econ policies.
(550 text: taste 1814 tassr 2228)
vl ybft a ) 51 summary pravda "Washington's adventurism." on aggressiveness
6W06 - and adventurisn of u. s. imperialism. (tasse 080717) (3.5 min:
1_a pa--
va& 5:0-- --d
rh' ssr /?S
3 summary viadlen kuznetsov article in 46th issue of new
tines drawing comparison btwn u.s. invasion of grenada and arrival
I va5l()~' transport planes with hardware for u. s. cruise missiles at
~~~ ~16'jjt greenhan common. (350 text sent: tasse 1033)
54 account of article in czechoslovak newspaper prace
entitled "heirs to their ancestors." drawing attn to u.s.
militaristic adventurism worldwide, which is
part and parcel of contemporary u. s. history. (450 text: taste
1214 tassr 1515) r- ?-" 1 C NOV 1983
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
49 cpsu cc greetings to 23d natl congress of cpusa and all
american communists it represents. (taste 092205) (one `in:
coSU' home 0204 0304 orbita 0300 german 1000 spanish 0922301 brief:
0 ) taste 0520 tassr 0130 orbits 0200 mayak 0430 home 0500 spanla
en 0000 sp cuba 0100 frenchinter 092100 engna 0001 mend 0700)
c 1 tA S
4 summary of gus hall's speech at opening of cpusa congress
~- 0915 (7 min: german 1000 1700)
7~qld 9
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
(It S
55 tass political news analyst robert serbrennikov on u.s.
attempt to dominate uorld scene, touching on u.s. invasion of
~/ grenada and militaristic ambitions, re cruise missiles.
(5,'JO text: sent: tasse 2133 tassr 2055) VAi 55de, 5
56 (litin) on aggressive nature of u.s. 7th fleet, citing
,Jts components, nuc capability, mission including nuc attacks
against ussr. (6 min: mandsea 1230)
tk S
57 sum^tary of article in indian influential paper statesman
denouncing u.s adventurist policy in world, particularly in
grenada lebanon and latam countries. (arabic 1530)
A 1.
a 5 third and last article devoted to landmarks in history
of soviet-u. s. relations, by prof nikolay yakovlev, noting after
war, many ppl believed bonds of friendship and coop forget btwn
usa and ussr could be as strong in.peace.time as they had been
during war, houever, it was not to be, despite numerous attempts
to revive good relations btwn two countries by ussr, u.s. admins'
seem bent on gaining upper hand, dealing in main with its military
ambitions and approach to salt talks and geneva arms
neg9t).tions. (engna 0001)
vladinir pozner "daily talk"i gives account of his
wall street broker. (rpt engna 092302) (engna 2300)
georgiy sturua noting that info widely disseminated in
usa presents very distorted image of user, quoting various american
visitors to ussr who give their favorable impressions of their
visits, saying picture painted by american mass media does not
represent true picture of soviet ppls':way of-life or thoughts
on intna 4 issues. (engna 0001)
(edward perper), vice pros of u. s. -sov
trade and economic cncl, recalling his mtg with soviet troops
in a.rii, refer.s ?to..-some a ~~ples ~of_.~sadpr?: b sir ess de a Its,, btwn..
tuo countries and says two countries are neighbors. (7 min:
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
H 11 -- I
? Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 93
grendad invasion
62 Leonid levchezko.denounc.ing repression of grenada's ppl and
rtistreat.sent of prisoners.,by ,u. s. marines 3 weeks since u. s.
-1630 persian 1500 1700 dari 1700 turkish 1400 polish 1500
czechtslavak-1600 serbo 1700 2000 camb 1330 lao 1300 bur 1430
in4s 1 3? 50 bang 1500 urdu 1200 1300r anon: german 1600)
engineer 1410 1810 2110-portbr"az.2200 2300 italian 1900 finnish
ridicules president reagan's description of u. s. .
intervention as rescue operation rather than invasion.. (4..5-3,min:
grenadas reagan had no reas.on:to invade,a peaceful small country.
63 (viktor ilychov) on u. s. efforts to justify invasion of
64 roundup of op"inions - of ey,ewitnesses to u: s. - invasion of
grenada, all refuting u.-s. congressmen's stmt that invasion was
justified, including american medical students, canadian (marilyn
green) in pravda. west german newspaper corr, east german engineer
and four soviet teachers intvws in izvestiya. (5 min: enginter
t" S
65 anon refutes u.-s.-arguments justifying armed intervention
in grenada, nofing_that u.s. press revealed washington had prepared
for int. rv ntion long ago. (5.5 min: viet 1300 1400) (,{ S
66 "in the soviet union": inc,l:report on remarks by (prof
nikolay usakov).analyzing u.s. intervention in grenada. (4 -min:
persi, n Jew)
1c NOV 198
67 yevgeniy nikolayev on worldwide condemnation of u.s. invasion
of grenada, referring to unga and nonaligned movements indignation
of u. s. adventurism. stressing aggressive act by u. s. is typical
of its policy of diktat,by imposing its.will on those countries which
do not follou u. s. admin's political line. (enginter 1531)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
69 "latan events in soviet press" feature: pravda on remarks made
by british an u.s. massacre in grenada, pravda also published
tass report on grenada invasion as reported bya u. s., tv, pravda
reports from buenos aires on recent presidential elections and
04-11~ citing
"latan events in soviet.press. (rpt portbraz 092200) (5 min:
(4 min: portbraz 2200 2300)
anon on u. s. policy toward central, southern americas,
rvw of u. s. aggressive acts against nicaraguao cubes
a in past. (4. 5 min: jap 091000) ~l S
71 yuriy soltan rapping u.s. policy in grenada and its
attitude toward other latam countries. (rpt
sinter 091410) (anginter 07,10 1010'f ranch intor 092100 engna
kJ -
u S
0031 geraan 1000 swah i l i 094730)
7Ypepe.and katia on hunger strike being carried out
by Francisco diaz in rome because he is not allowed to,return
to chile. recorded remarks made by diaz justifying his decision.
eleven former communist deputies. submitted a document to supreme
court asking for and of exile. chile democratic group in rome
announced that it plans demonstrations against pinochet throughout
europe. chiloans should go toconsoludates demanding to return
to chi1) (8 nin: spanchile 2100)
NOV 1983
katia on remarks made bychilean official marques
de la plate uho said communist party is involved in protest
demonstration;. this accusation is false aimed at deceiving people.
this is a campaign unleashed by,cni against communist party. (3
min: span chile 2130)
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"mailbag" feature.
pope and katia read and answer letters
ners (5 yin: spanchile 2100)
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71 Pepe and katia on
preparations being carried out by
denocratic alliance and popular democratic. movement for fort
i8 noveRber demonstration, alfonso marqupz:de la Plata has unlea
attack against communist :party. communists are struggling for
freedom in chile. gabriel valdes said to madrid's.dail
ya.that constituent assembly must be called in chile. (7 min:
pope and katia on murder of union leader tucapel ,)imenez.
recorded remarks made by jimenez played. Jimenez was murdered
by pinochet's regime, investigations continue but government
is trying to cover up involvement in murder. (7 min: spanchile
orlando millas,mbr of chilean socialist party, on congress
of chilean journalist assn to.be held in vian del mar to discuss
freedoyf press in chile. (3 min: spanla 2300)
7e summary anon Pravda on u.s: deployment of nine u.s. warships
norfolk, virginia to Cuba, .this is new threat to tuba. U. S.
trying to undermine cuban govt. (3 min: spancuba 0100)
..- ZcS
79 anon.neu-york-dispatch on unga discussion on situation
in central america and u. s. policy there, citing cuban amb, libya's
permanent rep, zambian delegate, tanzanian rep and soviet amb
to un, all exposing u. s. .central american policy. (500 text: tasse
0947 tassr 1043)
guatenala and nicaragua. (350 text: tasse 0745)
130 anon neu York report on speech by mohammad farid zarif,
afghan permanent rep to un, on situation in central america,
pointing to u.s. policy is central america, touching on el salvador,
A) I
01 anon nru york report on address by guayan's repto,unga
davad karran, drawing attn to deterioration of situation
in central america and
C'kla (450 text: tosse 2109)
role played by u.s. in this deterioration.
/3 1 C NOV 1983 kS
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
83 ksandr barabeychik intvws (ban brawdy), editor of
eai bb-a-A-,'
take 6 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
82 intnatl affairs journalist aleksandr (name indistinct)
on efe report that u s. senate has approved approriations for
nicaragua counterrevs operating from honduras territory. (3
ain: nay 2030)
newspaper (struggle) from Jamaica and participants at conf in moscow
of raps of.denoc press which was addressed by boris ponomarev,
an party's attitude to present day world situation, says ponomarev
gave overall view of warmongring attitude of u.s. imperialism.
,jin particular absolute madness of reagan admire in invading grenada,
adds it will now be much more difficult to have caribbean region
declared zone of peace, unless ppls take firm stand against
further such arts by reagan it will be much more difficult task
to nai4ain peace in world. (7 min: ?nginter 1650)
L.1. S
ue surape
84 vladi,nir ostrogorskiy on chancellor helmut kohl's visit to
asian countries and nato missile decision. (~rpt german 091600)
( g er /~R"000) 1 C NOV 1983 Its
8i "our contacts": aleksandr gulyakovskiy report an recent
press canf in noscow by deleg of greens and their talks with sov
officials, inci recorded excerpts stmts made by deputiesto
press U G min); talk on russian language seminar in simferopol
for paf icipants from frg (3 min). (total 13 min: german 1700)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
96 vladinir ivanov "expellees' union and its protectors."
on revanchist expellees' union in frg. 22 organizations represent
2.5 million expellees. they want german reunification; they are
subsidized by frg govt. they demand reparations from socialist
countries, whitewash nazi crimes, influence frg radio and tv;
czaja and hupka are connected with radio-tv networks. zimmermann's
revanchist stets quoted, with frg press comment at time. (5
min: polish 1500)
(rot oerr-A ?s _ nowan+ (germaust 2000)
8 :leonid belkin on british calls for united eurape, recalls
trade tsars within sac, scores (terrell) times article in which
he says unity of west european countries must be based on milit
coop and suggests energetically building up armed forces.
u'L dM_55 thatcher. govt's policy :of stepping up arms is backed with calls
(l ,
89 dim ,auchkin intvw with (denis colas) of london to council
ideas mitted by washington. (enguk 2000)
an hi risit to ussr. (rpt enguk oct 192000) (enguk 2000)
"good evening, austria," program for austrian listeners.
cpsu cc greetings to alvaro cunhal, sac gin of portuguese cps
re his 70th birthday. (tasse 091445) (1.5 min: home 03.30 mayak
0310 orbita 0130; brief: orbita 0001 0200 home 0204 0400 0500 mayak
s 0300 04 a jap 091000)
t~ _Y
?6tn 131rthdo
NOV 1983
91 vadir zagladin pravda, "communist, comrade cunhal. " devoted
&f O for united europe that escalates milit preps and respects nato's
of5 u-
to achievements of portuguese cp sec gin alvaro cunhal on his 70th
birthday. (10 min: italian 20001 500 text sent: tasse 0714
tassj0500/ 8-5 min: portbraz 2200 2360 french 1830 german? 1600)
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
rl IJ
92 meetings with soviets: feature on mbrs of ussr-spain
societ '1 nter viewing soviet opera singer. (18 min: spanish 2230)
93' "friendship panorama": roundup brief news items on
sov-finnish friendship and coops listeners introduced to new
program assistant raini lehtanen who will intvw (inns living in
ussr, with first intvw being with her 10-year-old daughter
(1 min heard, remainder ooorest). (finn 1630)
take 7 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated
10 nov 83
1d1 11257
94 alsksandr (kirin) on western
7 engafr 1700 2000)
9S reports on cpsu cc/ussr.supsov,presidium greetings
-w f sg to dos Santos, on'8th anniv of angolanindependence. (250
4AIA1t V
e Psi
yu p v
p/Le r
text sent: mas;ak 1-500
home 16,013 190 orbito 1600 1900 2004 2200 23041 200 text: tasse
1755 tassr 20001 2-1 min:,orbita.2105 2300 engafr 1700 2000
portafr 18301 brief: home 200 orbits 2110 mayak 2230 engna 23,00
2300 spanla 2300 enguk 2000 s apish 2230 serbp 2000)
1 C NOV 1983
96 1 isume sov. central press. comment re angolan independence
anniv, citing material in.k.omsomolskaya pravda, soviet culture,
za rubezhom and other papers on,angolan's development
progress, resistance to south african aggression,
atrocities perpetrated by unite bands supported by south africa,
u.s. and western support for south africa. (5 min overall:
aid to somalia. (rpt engafr
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97 corr`s report from luanda, pegged to angolan independence
anniv. (2mm sent: engafr t700 2000; 4-3 min: enginter
1410 persian 1500 1700 polish 1500 czech/slovak 1600 serbo 1700
Jl r,*
98 g.orgiy.tanov on angolan`independence anniv and.problems
it encosavters from reactionaries. (6 min: Somali 091600)
10.0 sun:,nary anon new times, 11 nov, scoring u. s. milit buildup
and growing involvement in strife in lebanon, charging that
multinational forces in lebanon have aggravated rather than
helped to solve lebanese problems, reiterating sov stance on
issue of palestinian refugees. (350 text: tassr 1234)
reports on 10 nov onset of kremlin talks.between groatyko
and visiting Syrian foreign minister khaddam. (280 text sent:
tasse 1723 tassr 2139 mayak 1730 home 1900 orbita 1900 2200)
f - ?G1 P,
1 tzin: enginter 141P0O 2000 2100 2200 engna 2300 enguk 2000
102 stmt by dr. nabih irshaydat, Syrian cp mbr, on u..ss
ip-mideast, against Syria. (rpt arabic 091500) (arabic 1530)
SS~(L italian,1800 2000 Spanish 2230 persian 18)0 portafr 1830; brief:
m engine 1800 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 germaust 2000)
' : -
1 04 rare report on proceedings of plenum or Lsrawa up u%-,
citing polit resolution adopted. (300 text: tasse 1318)
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
10D anon on 75th anniv of lenin article: "incidents in.
balkaand persia" (rpt persian 0917}) (persian 1800)
106 anon '?uhat.di.d elections held in turkey show?" underlining
surprise. caused by defeat of nationalist democracy party, arguing
that platform adopted by homeland party in concluding stages of
election cactpaign succeeded in affecting results of elections,
on country's socioecon.problems and prospects for
sov-turk?jsh relations. (3 min: turkish 1400)
anon review of-book on modern turkish history.
turkis09140 ) (turkish 1400)
108 venianin shurygin pravda examining reasons for
ar:.erica's dislike of indian polit stances. (3 min: mayak 03501
280 taxiv, tas s e 0732 tas sr 0230) U S
109 new de.lhi report on mrs gandhi's speech at mass mtg in
kurukshetra. (300 text sent: tasse 0842 tassr 0720)
110 program: "your questions and our answers" presenting intvw
with (vladimir nimaseyev), sov mbr of team at forthcoming
delhi book fair. describes books indian public will see at sov
pavilion and also mentions popularity of some sov writers in
india"") (6 min: hind 1400)
Ill viktor valentinov on how pentagon consolidates its hold over
pakis (sent: enginter 1531) (4S
112 anon on situation in pakistan. (rpt persian 091800)
04 K, sfud
Q-Pl hanl
(per ian 1700)
,-1 ~.i I a NOV 1983 C s
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113 first part vladimir volinskiy: "afghanistan's popular
5 r r evolution e d i t s "
r e l a t i o
on f g
114 bulatov on afghan's achievements in all fields
since apr rev chile resisting impism's aggression. (6.5 min:
mand Ob0 )
that afghan security forc-s# in cooperation with ppl, are
re 66th anniv_of goer babrak karmal sent telegram to soy ldrs,
r and joint mtg of rev council and pdpa cc was held in kabul..
6 p5~2- various films and exhibitions were inaugurated in kabul
tlvto mark occasion, and special mtg was also.held by.sov-afghan
friendship societg in moscow.. reports from afghanistan indicate
land reform is progressing successfully in that country* and
`?fron noscow's viewpoint" review of week's events:
inuing to liquidate counterrev bands. (10 min: dari 1700)
tale 8 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
engineering college in moscow, describing komsomol activities
116 progra=a for chi armymen: report on visit to milit
of college. (7 min: mand 0700)
aiia/far east
117 summary krasnaya zvezda, 10 nov, "Why is reagan
noting in his talks in tokyo and seoul reagan
will concentrate his attention particularly to milit-polit issues
aimed at further buildup of milit strength of japan and
south korea. (7-6 .min: hind 1-4,00 indo 1330 bur 1030;
9- 1 G NOV 1983 S
It 330apt: tasse 0505) /
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118 undated sovetskaya rossiya on reagan visit to japan and
talks btuun reagan and nakasone. (5-4 min: thai 1100 lao 1030
Vt S ~'^ 1309--tap 09120000 7,C S
Nq,l a
119 summary rashidov izvestiya tokyo dispatch "reagan will not
be going to hiroshima," reporting on tight security measures
during reagan's trip to japan. (5-4 min: dari 1200-persian 1500
120 igor vykhukholev tokyo dispatch on reagan-nakasone
talks, refers to reagan aim at seeking to involve japan even
rare deeply into america's strategic schemes concerning asia,
draws attention to jap ppls opposition to have .their soil turned
into america's nuclear springboard, notes strict security
JX ci/~an) WI
fV G4).J.masures taken during visit of reagan whose program does not
dSlw include visit to hiroshima. (5-3 min: enginter 1410 portbraz
2?00 2300 Italian 1800 Berman 1600 Finn 16130 turk 1400 bulg 1630
polish 1500 czech/slovak 1600 serbo 1700 2000 camb 13-30 Urdu
1200 1301 eng 1500 bur 1430 indo 1330 1500)
123 sergey grigoryev on reagan's jap visit, saying his
visit aims at pursuing u.s. policy of aggression, arms race.
in, sent: jap 0910001 3 min: viet 1000)
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Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
124 boris kalyagin on reagan's visit to japan and dap S 00 pp l dena"gainst him. (3 min: spanla 2300) (AS
125 ,sergey losev on reagan's tour of japan and south
e re
earn from
N4~-SON~ lessons of past. pentagon wants Japan, lust like western euro
one of most horrible lessons of human history, but he
~~$ I prefers to bypass hiroshima
ust a
Lj~ -1tu /~s to be juclear missile carrier. (3 min: enginter 2110) Lc S
noes trying to secure milit bases even in sri lanka. (5
nin: hlgd 1130)
128 v. vasilets now York report on un fourth cmtee discussion
of nicronesia, quoting sov rep komendant. (approx 400 text: tassr
asian communist
( ogre'
129 komsoroi primorskiy kray cmtee chief secy's msg to dprk
youth an (world youth day), wishes peaceful reunif of korea,
recalls his leading youth deleg for visit to dprk, visiting
plants in nalin, chongjin kim chalk iron works, proposes
further exchanges. (3 min: kor 0930) 7 /- 20 ff01/~
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
korea. (sent. engna 2300)
126 spartak belgov on reagan-nakasone talks, sans reagan's
itinerary in japan does not include hiroshima and that is
very indicative. if he did go there'reagan would have to recall
127 intvw with raj shekhar reddy, mbr of indian cp, referring
to reagan's current visit to Japan, notes with regret u.s.
attempt to rearm japan and also criticizes u.s: policy which is
bringing world closer to war. describes diego garcia as threat
# &1Y' to'natio'ts in indian ocean region incl india, states that u. s. is
Approved For Release 2009/06/18: CIA-RDP94-01353R002201600004-4
take 9 of 9-- commentary list: moscow consolidated 10 nov 83
Id 11 1 1312
east aurorae
BoWgIMMI-y, %.,w tiexv sent: tasse 1949 tassr 2307)
S ~ n iR~d its activities. (8 min: somali 091600)
132 yakov malykin on coop btwn partners within coma,
specifically btwn various cssr plants and similar soviet plants 16
in machi74Ty field. (6-5 min: romanian .12W polish 1400)
133 item on cema coop in fuel and power, referring to soviet
supplies to other cema mbr countries, coop of soviet-bulgarian
scientists in utilizing lignite in power production in bulgaria.
(6 min -X'C-~ech/slovak 17@0 albanian 1530)
134 anon on 38thanniv of soviet recognition of new albanian
(a I aN'w govt. (S min, poorest: albanian 1520)
135 voices of friendship, program for gdr listeners. (rpt.
Orman 041700,3 (15 min: german 1600)
'130 communique on results of kadar-led czechoslovak delegation
131 "socialist countries and those that follow socialist path"
136 sci-tech: incl outline of research done by venus-15 and 16.
wyenss in tee user": incl report on works done sayuz-7
(5 \mip~turkish 1400)
138 report on sov cosmonauts fitting out solar panels on
r~ .
space tn. (5 min: mend 1600) - 2 Z 1 G NOV 1983
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139 sci-engineering: incl boris belitsky replies to mark konen
on objectives of soviet space program, touching on various
aspects of soviet space program and work carried out on board
Salyut-7, drawing direct comparison of ussr's peaceful use
e with u.s. milit ambitions for space. (engna 2300)
140 summary pravda editorial. 11 nov, devoted to agricultural
plan fulfillment and preps for next year. (orbits 2300)
141 summaries anon pravda "loyalty to the great cause of party,
on`first anniv of brezhnev's death. (ta sse091850) (15-10 min:
home 0615 french inter 0921001 8-3, min: eng inter `1410 1810 21-10
enguk 2000 french 1830 Italian 1600 german 1600.finnish 1630
arabic x'500 persian 1500/twrce/ 1700 dart 1700 turkish 1400
~ASS(Z- t ~,,/ bortafr 1830 albanian 1330 bulgarian 1630 polish k4!4 1500
~~~ -tieV czech/slovak 1-600 serbo 2700 2000 korean 0930 1330-viet 1000
camb t330 lao 1030 1300 hind 1130 indo 1300 thai 1100 bur 1030 1430
ur-du 1200 1300 bong 1500 mandsea 1230)
14'yuriy rogachev re 67th gosr anniv. (rpt enginter.091410)
(enginter 0710 1.010 frenchinter 092-100 german 1000 swahili 091730
000 1 jap ,O t 00 )
3 --i 0 NOV 1983
today is militiamen's day: t. karetnikova and a. zhetvin
report from moscow's petrovka-57 police-sttn radio-control room
on routine police operations in preventin gpetty crime and
L,SSR- app
ending suspects. (7 min: mayak 1530)
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(-g S&
LL's SR-
144 intvw with mikhail korolev, first dpty head of ussr's
central board of statistics, discussing growth of in cimes in
ussr. (450 text: tasse 2155 tassr 1729)
14 -xjjL nt : (katrine shape) of anc: eng inter 1510
146 misc internal ussr items:(59) global 4 democ 5 sov 10 our 4
northam 7 latarn 12 mideast.2 afr 2 asc 6 asnc 4: linked to gosr
anniv: afr 3
unpciginter 0800 0900 0910 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1600
1700 french inter 1700
poorest: spanish? 092000 2000 turkish 081830
--a2 %--- I0
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