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Approved For Release;?,p01/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787RWO200080004-0 PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CYBERNETICS AND SOCIETY September 19-21, 1977 Sponsored by: IEEE., Man and. Cybernetics Society With the cooperation of: College of American Pathologists Human Factors Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Mayflower Hotel, Washington, Q.C. Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080004-0 Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080004-0 A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN With this conference we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of this Society, even though our current name has been with its only for the past seven years, Our worldwide membership of about 5000 members represent many disciplines all brought together by the unifying thread of the "systems" approach to problem solving. In this regard, we are indeed pleased to present John Warfield With Our Outstanding Contribution Award. John spent the past several years grappling with a me thodolog'y for coping with complexity. I lis concepts associated with Interpretive Structural Modeling have been tested and proven as demonstrated by the session- organized by Raymond Fitz on this subject. I feel it necessary to note that we have departed slightly from the conventional in this conference and have introduced two sessions which, to some of our readers. may appear- controversial. The first is the session, Scientific Studies cl/'Acuputretur?e. Acupuncture, as you know. originated thousands Of years ago in the orient and only recently received serious attention by ?testern medical scientists. Did you know that acupuncture flourished in the U.S. from 1820 to I85O?According to a researcher at the National Library of Medicine, acupuncture hid been introduced to the U.S. from 1 urope and a substantial number of articles appeared on this subject in the U.S. medical literature of the period; however, interest waned as he found only six articles for the period 1850-1900. 't'oday, the situation has changed. Western medicine now agrees there is something to acupuncture. Its analgesic properties are recognized but not understood. Bruce Pomeranz of the University of `Foronto, whose article appears here, recently received international attention on his discovery of a possible mechanism that describes why acupuncture works. Stephen Kin), trained in both !:astern and Western medicine, is it trained acupuncturist. lie departs from traditional methods by making use of art electronic device for locating acupuncture points. IIis paper reports striking success over the traditional methods. The session is rounded out by 'recent research by other investigators: Lee, Clifford and Mau. Clearly, acupuncttrrc has now become a valid -research subject. for biochcrne deists. Our second unconventional area is Research in I'cvc?hoc'tter'etic's, organized by Jlal I'trthoff of SRf. The presentation of this session is the outgrowth of the spectacular lutrcheon talk by Iint and Russ Targ at last year's conference for which they received our Franklyn V. Taylor Best Presentation Award. Recognizing that their professional integrity `,vas at stake, they have gone to great lcng,tlis to assure impeccability of (heir work: neverthe- less, a reviewer of their original paper which appeared in the !!.'F.l: I'ruceeditr,r,+ last year stated, "This is the sort of thing I would not bclievc in even if it were tale." Not withstanding such emotional reactions, psychic phenomena are W_... a reality and I1 -i Puthottssession of first-rate carefully selected papers is worthy of your consideration. Finally, among, the unusual presentations, I commend your reading Bill C;cvarter's excellent summary, "A Wiring. Diagram of the I loman Brain as a Model for Artificial Intelligence. William It. Mutt A11?ett Chairman lit Approved For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080004-0 Acupuncture: Its Effect on C bral v ked Pe T12A HEALTH CARE SYSTVMS tentials in Cat,~,pplo~qrJ~g01/03/26: CIA-RDP96-007 7R 20Q080004-0 Douglas R. Hansman,hair1. an, Carclio- University 498 Dynamics Laboratories Inc., Los Angeles, T8P-II PERCEPTION AND NEURAL MODELING Andrew U. Meyer, Chairman, New Jersey Insti- tute of Technology On a State Variable Approach to Neural Modeling and Indentification, A. K. Majumdar, Indian Sta- tistical Institute, Calcutta, and A. H. Nevis, University of Florida, Gainsville A Theory of Motion After-Effect, Chun Chiang, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 506 California Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcomes at Different Patient States, E. A. Patrick, MD and R. Uthur- susamy, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana Health Care System Planning and Evaluation, Robert F. Powers, Dwane E. Anderson, Blair A. Rowley, James M. Cameron and Thomas A. Nicholas, MD. M. M. Ayoub, Texas Tech Uni- versity, Lubbock Health Care System Planning: A State Model Sim- ulation, L. C. Agarwal and P. S. Satsangi, Indian School ofTechnology, New Delhi 540 On the Response Characteristics of Artificial Neural Networks, A. K. Majumder and J. Das, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta 741 Use of Semantic Networks As Representation of Patient Records, Anne-Louise Guichard Radim- sky, University of California, Davis 545 Automatic Diagnosis via simulation of Physician's T11B RESEARCH IN PSYCHOENERGETICS Harold E. Puthoff, Chairman, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California The Einstein-Paradox, O. Costa de Beauregard, Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France 508 Intuition, H. J. Jeffrey, Vandebilt University, Nashville, Tennessee and J. D. Johannes, Uni- versity of Alabama, Huntsville W 13P COMPUTER-ASSISTED MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Multiple Subject and Long Distant Precognitive Remote Viewing of Geographical Locations, J. P. Bisaha and B. J. Dunne, Mundelein College, Chicago, Illinois Response Sensitivity of Human Subjects to ELF Electromagnetic Fields: Critical Considerations for Two ELF Models of Paranormal Behaviors, M. A. 512 Chairman-To Be Announced Computer Applications in Nuclear Medicine, M. L. Gelfand, MD, Eugene Sanger, MD, Edward Sil- berstein, MD, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Cincinnati High-Speed Pattern Recognition of ECG Arrhyth- mias, Douglas Hansmann, Joseph Shepard, Car- dio-Dynamics Laboratory, Inc., Los Angeles 554 Persinger, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario 517 j State of the Art in Remote Viewing. Studies at SRI, E. C. May, H. Puthoff and R. Targ, Stanford California Menlo Park 'Research Institute 519 Up-Date on Pattern Recognition Applied to Early Diagnosis of Heart Attacks, Sam Uthurusamy and Edward A. Patrick, MD, Purdue University , , Some Comments on the Subjective Nature of is Psychic Research, the Subject, Experimenter Re- lationship and the Psychic Type of Personality, I. Swann, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California Evidence for Direct Interaction Between the Hu- man Mind and External Quantum Processes, Hel- mut Schmidt, Mind Science Foundation, San Antonio, Texas 530 535 Computerized Diagnosis in Opthamology, Karl J. Fritz, MD and Carol S. Fritz, Ph.D, University of Chicago W18A ARTIFICIAL ORGANS Dov ....Jaron, Chairman, University of Rhode Island In-Series Cardiac Assistance: Recent Experimental and Theoretical Observations, D. Jaron and W. J. Ohley, University of Rhode Island, Kingston 558 -j. XV Approved, For Release 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080004-0