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Approved For Re else 2001/03/26 : CIA-RDP96-007 7R000200080019-4
l tiffs vchks Pinpoint Sunken -
n 1, ,5UU )quare miles or ocean
lt:,? ~~
'1 WV psyc
? 1 ?-?-ow
exactly pinpointed the site of an unknn 1890s shipwreck off
the coast of California and accurately. described artifacts di`-
'vers would find deep below the surface.
Ingo Swann and Hella Hammk astounded skeptical seleptists with
area where the psychics sam
they would be found, ".'.de-
Glared Dr. Anne B.,Kahle, an
'independent scientific :ob-
Project a.e~
sy CHARLES PAP.MITER J aeries os led -
.Quest" was conducted by the'
server who was aboard the Mobius Group, ,n international
$3-million Taurus I research1organization of .scientists and
. bey _S*~aa
cnhmarine when the -,sill= Psychics he
Nf'r1er1.4L e044VtRE0L
sity of Southern California V- Cotolina island during the experiment
operated in the test.
Swann and Hammid Were drew were chains, a wheel with tually found the ship's wheel in
each given p ,chart covering spokes and a strange Tee- 270 feet of water just the way
1300 square miles of Pacific tangular block. Sxann gave de- Hella drew it."
Y t then astonishing find
tads were u-aw Vas a'- -- molls Institute tar marine anu wmm.c.?:,."?;.-"- ow, s"+. ? ea.?n.
The experiment, part o[ a Coastal Studies of the Univer- ,,SUCCESSFUL SEERS Ingo Swann and Hello Hommid at
Ocean off the California coas
. scriptions of a pipe, cables, a a
They were asked to use their chain and various debris. was a huge rectangular stone
powers to pinpoint the undersea Then divers aboard the Tau- block .. .. which
undtecovered aT looked remark-
-SUBMARINE used in the shipwreck search. The psychics
rug I. "He led us right Jo - "We mall
wreck and the artifacts," said grams, agreed. y
5'iteombe. found a lot of unexpected things
.,It was amazing.'He directed that were similar to what were
tea to one object after another. described by the psychics."
The predictions were aston- Even a top government ma-
ngly accurate. There were rim expert admitted that the
skies and pulleys and shifts. amazing accuracy of the two
re were Jots of cables and psychics is astonishing. '7 don't
sin and it was remarkably think anyone was trying to fool
sy to identify the artifacts the scientists," said Thomas S.
from the drawings. Cooke of the U.S. Bureau of
It was incredible that we ae- Land Management.
Dr. Don Walsh, director of the
Institute for Marine and Coastal
Studies, evaluated Project
Deep Quest, looking for any
possible fraud.
"I'm not necessarily a sup-
poiter, but I couldn't find any-
thing to cast doubt on the psy-
cs' claims," he said.
Could the find have been
"salted" the artifacts placed
ere recently: diG
'4t would be extremely
cult to take said Dr.
iR alsh. -
?Tn Cr that havdown on the
e allegedly
n there that long and make
em look that way would tax
best Hoflywood spec
Eugene week, ass
c Wltcombe, the due p wreck," ctaim-
tor for facilities at the Marine But with the psychics' maps
Institute, and former -40113- _andthem ,board-it was a ac PILOT ed Whtcombe.
mender of a V .S. lRap sub different story. - Al tor wilc Dr. Kahle, a
marine. At 170 feet below the surface, "it was as renowned gco-
J~MoY the sketches Hammid Swann began directing the Tau- ? '~ physicist who
worked on NASA satellite pro-
e area --
locatwn of an
ins I set out to t
ably like what
shipwreck, -and predict shat California's Catalina Island. ulv Ham mid had
would be found there. Actually, the submarine had drawn. "It just
What was astounding was been to the area f}Ye months wasn't the kind
that they both infteadeudy working with sonar, but had of thing anyone
selected the same site - a few found nothing to indicate a would gxpeyo to
hundred yards apart," said shipwreck, according to Allan
f Plidentify with e
late direo-
'Approved For Release 2001103/26 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200080019-4