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Publication Date:
July 8, 1974
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Approved For Tease 2000T0 1 787R000200200022-6
8 July 1974
SUBJECT: Trip Report to Stanford Research Institute
1. On 29 May the. undersigned traveled to Develco, Inc. The
purpose of this trip was to check-out the second order magnetic
gradiometer at Develco, transport the instrument to Stanford Research
Institute, and participate in examining subjects who allegedly have
extra sensory perception or powers. Experiments were to be conducted
to see if low level magnetic fields are generated by these individuals
when they are performing in an extra sensory mode,
2. The afternoon of the 29th was spent checking-out the gradiometer
inside Develco's plant. The read-out was noted to be noisy but this was
attributed to the imbalance of the pickup coils. During the evening the
instrument was moved outside to a deserted parking lot and an attempt to
balance the pickup coils was made. It then became evident that the
sensor was being saturated by RF interference which the building had
been a partial shield against while operating inside.
3. During 30 May the instruments internal RF shield was checked
and its integrity was found to be intact. The RF interference was
apparently being coupled in somehow through the RF stripline which
would, therefore, have to be replaced. In order that the experiments at
SRI might be conducted expeditiously, it was determined that the entire
gradiometer could be wrapped with an external RF shield for the duration
of the SRI experiment and then returned to Develco to fix the RF suscepti-
bility problem.
4. That evening with external RF shield in place an attempt was
again made to balance the instrument. Although saturation was not
experienced large sporadic flux jumps were encountered (flux jumps
occur when a feedback loop in the electronics loses lock during large
signal pulses). This made balancing extremely difficult. The battle
continued early on 31 May. After a day long effort, a balance of several
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parts in 104 was achieved. This between frequent periods of flux
jumping. Although the balance was below the specified one part in
105, it was felt that it might be sufficient for the planned experiments.
Also it was suspected that the flux jumping was caused by a sporadic noise
source in the vicinity of the Develco plant: (Moffett Field and Ames
Research Center or next door). It was concluded that the gradiometer
should be operated at SRI to check its behavior.
5. The gradiometer was transported to SRI early on 1 June. A
short period of operations at SRI indicated the same pattern of flux
jumping as experienced at Develco. The suspected source of this problem
then shifted to the gradiometer and it was transported back to Develco.
6. The source of the flux jumping was discovered after an afternoon
of search to be coupling between the newly applied external RF shield and
the 60 h7 nulling coil attached to the outside of the gradiometer dewar.
When the coil was removed the problem was solved. The nulling coil was
thereafter placed near, but not in contact with the gradiometer when in
use. During the evening of 1 June the balance was increased to its
specified one part in 105 and the gradiometer appeared to be in good
working condition.
7. Early 2 June the gradiometer was transported back to SRI.
A mornings operation in various locations of the temporary building
selected for the experiments indicated that the 60 cycle noise level
was too high for operation at that site. The search for a suitable
site then moved to the main building and various locations were invest-
igated throughout the afternoon. A suitable room was located and baseline
data were taken during the evening hours. More baseline data were
obtained during the morning of 3 June and the liquid helium in the
dewar was replenished.
8. The experiments started the afternoon of 3 June. The physical
set-up of the first experiment was as follows: the subject, with all
metal objects and magnets removed from his person, sat with his head
approximately four inches from the gradiometer's pick-up coils. The
torsion pendulum which the subject was to effect telekinetically was
located 50 feet and several rooms away. The motion of the pendulum
and the output of the gradiometer were recorded on a two-channel strip
chart recorder. The recorder and gradiometer electronics were placed
in the next room out of the subjects sight.
9. During the next two and one-half days, six one-hour experiments
were conducted. These one-hour work periods were broken down into
12 five-minute segments. During the first five-minutes the subject was
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told to increase or decrease the amplitude of the natural oscillation
of the pendulum. The decision to increase or decrease was made from a
table of random numbers and given to the subject by the principal
investigator Hal Puthoff. During the next five minutes the subject
was told to rest. This procedure was repeated for one,hour. Before and
after the one-hour work period, 15 minutes of baseline data were taken.
Also one-hour periods of baseline data were taken as a control with no
subject present.
10. No definitive results were obtained during these work periods.
On a few occasions, signals detected by the gradiometer appeared to
coincide with periods when the subject was told to effect the pendulum.
However, similar signals are present in the baseline data and also occurred
during the five minute rest periods. This unfortunate ambiguity is the
results of working in the main building where activity is occurring above
and below the laboratory area. This activity could not be controlled and
caused spurious signals in the data. The only possible method of removing
this ambiguity in this particular experiment was for the subject to reliably
produce a signal when he was told to effect the pendulum thus providing
temporal filtering. This did not happen.
11. On 6 June the subject was asked to explore the gradiometer with
his extra sense and to cause a signal if possible. As a feedback the
subject was informed when a signal appeared on the strip chart. After the
subject indicated that he understood the workings of the gradiometer and
could generate signals at will, the experiment began. The subject sat
approximately six feet from and line-of-sight to the gradiometer. He was
asked to create a signal on command for one minute, rest one minute, then
create a signal for one minute and so forth. During this experiment and
the previous one, the subject was asked to make gross motions in the
vicinity of the gradiometer prior to each work session. In all cases
this motion was not detected by the gradiometer. This method was used
to insure that no hidden metal or magnets remained on the subject which
could be used to create a false signal.
12. The first four commands to generate a signal resulted in a signal
simultaneous with the command. No further positive results were obtained
during several hours of trials spaced throughout the day. The subject was
then asked to sketch his conception of the internal region of the gradiometer.
The results were disappointing and contained nothing which could not have
been deduced from the outward appearance of the instrument.
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13. On 7 June Puthoff and Targ were given final instructions in the
use of the gradiometer and a liquid helium transfer was made for instructional
purposes. The subject again attempted to cause a signal response from the
gradiometer on command. The results were negative.
14. The return trip to Washington, D. C. was made the afternoon
of 7 June. The gradiometer was left at SRI for further experimentation
with other subjects. Develco, Inc. will make re airs before the gradiometer
is transported back to the . , S G1 D
Original - Circ., LSR file
1 - LSR Chrono
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