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Publication Date: 
November 13, 1973
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00787R000400080009-3.pdf111.06 KB
INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000 13 November 1973 POSITION ON PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH SG1I 1. The purpose of this paper is a) to indicate agreement in principle with an OTS recommendation that a two-fold approach be used in the study of parapsychological phenomena; and b) to elabo- rate what some of the elements might be that fall into each aspect of the proposed program. Though.two separate aspects of the approach are described, it is important to remember that the two classes of studies must coalesce if more than anecdotal or testimonial evidence is to emerge. 2. Basic Research Aspect - The goal is to find, if possible, the underlying mechanism of "giftedness" or to at least identify areas. of communality between "gifted" subjects so that they can be sufficiently characterized to formulate a "profile" or incipient screening system. To accomplish this the following elements, should be included in the program: a. Sensory Evaluation - The classical sensory path- ways in the "gifted" andmatched control) subjects must be studied. Testing must go beyond the "normal" range and include discriminatory measures as well as threshold evaluations for each modality and include some testing (with barriers interposed) focussed on the "special" abilities of the subject. b. Nervous S stem Characterization - Autonomic Nervous System heart rate, GSR, plethysmograph) and Central Nervous System (averaged evoked potential, contingent negative variation, spectral analysis) will be characterized in terms of 1) baseline levels, 2) response proclivities to liminal and subliminal stimuli, and 3) response to stimulus anticipation (AEP, CNV, spectral analysis) and conditionability. c. Psychological Testing - A battery of aptitude and personality tests will be given. A BAB psycholo- gist will conduct an independent PAS evaluation. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-~00787R000400080009-3 OULl INTER ti'AL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400080009-3 Position on Parapsychological Research (Cont'd) d. In-depth Interview and General History - This task will focus on special abilities as perceived and manifested by the "gifted" person. e. Behavioral Assessment - Subjects will be tested using the "assessor" tapes, "observer" movies, tachis- toscopic detection, reaction time, field dependency, time estimates, and other measures so as to relate the results from the "gifted" subjects to larger populations. These classes of data were chosen not only because they are logical in terms of the specific problem but because the data may have some ap- plicability to other on-going ORD problems. It is hoped a "profile" for a "sensitive" may emerge. 3. Intelligence Objective Aspect - OTS will provide the guidance concerning the specific objectives. OTS and ORD can collaborate in de- termining the protocol for conducting the tasks and collecting data. A generic problem that should be solved first is the determination of a criterion for success (on a trial-by-trial basis) or the establishment of a scale (ordinal) and rules for its use (reliability) to accommodate "partial hits." It is expected that whatever specific "operational tasks" are chosen, basic information in the following categories will be necessary. a. Reliability (Repeatibility) b. Validity (Accuracy) c. Resolution (Channel Capacity by Sensory Modality) d. Potential for Enhancement (Learnability) e. Limiting Factors (Force Fields, Feedback, Magnetic Shielding, and Familiarity) Depending on the types of tasks, CNS and ANS data will be collected during task performance. Matched control subjects will be run on all classes of tasks. In addition, subjects. will undergo a medical examina- tion including blood chemistry and X-ray screening; appropriate physical security measures will be incorporated into all tasks. 4. A program that encompasses the type of approach and rigor out- lined above has a chance of providing "good" data (whether the overall results are positive or negative) and should be undertaken. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400080009-3