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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700020001-4 ME11' QRANDu OR: Deputy Director for Science and Technology SUBJECT Clandestine Services Requirement for Research in the Life Sciences 1. Recently, reports from various sources on life science research in the Soviet Union have been called to n-,y attention. These reports indicate a current preoccupation by an important sector of Soviet biological science with cybernetics, telepathy, hypnosis, and related subjects. Stimulated by these reports, I would like to pass on to you son',e thoughts on the possible sig- nificance of these activities to the Clandestine Services. 2. Prior to the creation of the Office of the DDS&T, a small group in TSD attempted to follow current research in the life sci- ences. Their particular interest was in the kind of scientific pro- gress that indicated the feasibility of developing operationally useable systems. After ten years of following this subject, TSD' S reading was that, with minor exceptions, the fields of hypnosis, telepathy, and general control of human behavior were not ready for operational applications. 3. I feel there is a need for a continuing search and reexamin- ation of this somewhat esoteric (and perhaps scientifically disrepu- table) range of activities toward the end of useable techniques for the CS. T SDts current mission has been oriented away from:, this sort of basic research activity and towards close-in support of clandestine agent operations. In the light of the reports mentioned above, I am concerned that recent reported advances in these fields may indicate more potential than we believed existed. I can perceive operational applications, for the CS, in the areas of agent com_rnuni- cation, interrogation, telex etry, and in the general area of control of human behavior, should breakthroughs in our understanding of these phenomena occur. 4. I am assuming that your research group is taking this area of activity under their cognizance and they will, through their con- tacts in TSD, bring to our attention any indications of practical Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700020001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700020001-4 utility that can be mx.,ade of these techniques so that TSD can proceed toward specific operational applicatio:ls. 5. I am happy to note that TSD and ORD are proceeding with a series of monthly meetings to developing an understand- ing in depth of CS requirements in these and other fields. This note is not meant to supplant such a series of discussions as it applies to behavioral activities. I merely want to reinforce the dependence of the CS on your office for these matters. SGFOIA3 .Ki.cnard Helms Deputy Director for Plans Distribution: U & 1 - Addressee 2 - DDP 2 - :['S)3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700020001-4