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Document Release Date: 
April 4, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R000200510002-3.pdf416.87 KB
Ap ,+ chWRelea?@AQA0/08107:LQkAYRl -00g8OQ2005100 Q F.G ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE D-28 #07 a.Sealed envelope a.Provided sealed .None 5S ep80 not a.None-session can- f a.Gancelled due to w/photo of tgt obj. envelope. dissem celled by RVer afte excessive noise. b.Advised tgt obj b.Advised to advise cool down. b.RVer received no photo inside envel. RVer of t t ob' hoto data re. tgt obj c.Advised time coon inside envelope. after session due place/time photo c.Advised of Time to intent to try taken. Coord. again later. d.A11 preceeding 8003 c.Envelope retriev- ( sessions but not 1 1 ed by analyst after ! advised whether this session in an was or was not an 8003 unopened condition ! session. New tgting and stored in safe (method precluded prior ;until session D-48. knowledge re. ro'ect d.T is a m ID. at simultaneous ses sions. D-29 #01 a.Provided sealed a.Provided sealed en- a.After session, 4 5Sep80 16Sep80-D80bldg w/concret e a.In-House: envelope, advised velope to give RVer. advised data had (hard =or as hault floor. 1 T t hoto was o envel. contained b.Told to inform RVer strong relevance t cY) b.Row of ovals,thic a photo of the tgt that envelope contain- ctual tgt obj. alloy metal. bad. , object. ed photo of tgt obj. .Advised of ID of Ic.Sandwich'of "Vees" .AMSAA: CLASSIFIED BY:O163Oz JUL 78 MSG, HUDA (DAMI-ISH) TASKING AGENCY: OACSI, DA (80031, AMSAA (8003(d)) REVIEW ON: 20 Dec 2000 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00020051 DATES FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS tuKET Gj?JTT,7 Ap@rjpypckf.qrdRel!~ffijqq0/08/07 : CJA +I R9650F881 g002005100 ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE SESSION. SOURCE. MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER F'JR SESSION;. FOLLOWING SESSION. SESSION .FORWARDED b.Time Coord: time/' c.Instructed Time place photo taken. 1Coords were time/placeiof AMSAA eval. sion 9 May 80. d.Last 8003(b) ses- photo taken. e.Date of last RVer activity was 15 Apr 8 8003(a). BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS SG1C jd.Veh in which e.4 persons, pass a fifth, operate. k.Compartments se .Computer fire con larated by boxes or partitions. l.Laser/IR capa- bility. TASKING AGENCY: ()ACST- B (8 03) AMSAA, (Rnn~(~)) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00020051 DATES CLASSIFIED BY: !G3OZ 3UL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: 20 Dec 2000 R t I GRILL Ap~ipd,.elq~~g 0108107:t 4kYIPLq6-0979?~0M2005100 ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SESSIONS SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FUR SESSIONi FOLLOWING SESSIONi SESSION FORWARDED BY T SOURCE COMMENTS 'Although supposed to be an eval of i t was LL `s 1LL1110sss, b.Advised envelope velope, give to RVer. .1c-.Wheeled veh(sketch ."Sandwich"aspect tdeval received as ofi place photo taken. ;c.Advised time coords; Sd.Prior session D-28 were to be time/plect3 i f ID off 17Sep8D 280ct80 0bt wlan chard !plates. ruction. (requested. CLASSIFIED BY: IG3OZ JUL 78 MSC, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) DA (8003), AMSAA: (8003(d)) REVIEW ON: 20 Dec 2000 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00020051 C & a GRILLI ApMypc~ forptel@~~9 (2 )00108107: }4pl f -Q0? RW0200510 r Q '"'` ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SESSION. SOURCE. MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJR SESSION, FOLLOWING SESSION, SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS cool down period. i d.Prior involvement e.Last 8003(a) ses- IVer throughout 8003. e.Sealed envelope tgt tgt object. OACSI, DA (8003), AMSAA (8003(d)) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00020051 CLASSIFIED BY:05 33 Z JUL 76 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: 20 Dec 2000 GRILL ~"