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Approved For Release 200: Ay: FDP.9,6-00788R000300180001-0 ORCON/NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS INSCOM GRILL FLAME. .PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REVIEW ON: /,I" /'''G--$ o??vo 0 EXTENDED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6) Approved For Release xD DP96-00788R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000 788R000300180001-0 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC93 1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in complaince with a request for information on a target of interest. 2. (S) The viewer was provided with the geographic coordinates of the target area at the time of the session. He was able to achieve his usual state of relaxed concentration and resolve imagery recognizable to him. Ambient room noise was very bad and periodically interupted the viewer's descriptions of the target. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated. 3. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At Tab A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. P. r--CQ P7 Approved For Release 200 88R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 20QO1Q8Ll . 6-00788R000300180001-0 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC93 #28 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for security). Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate. Relax and focus your attention on your target for this morning. Relax, concentrate, and focus: SG1A Relax and concentrate. Relax and focus. Relax and concentrate and describe the target to me. #7 I come on...I come on the scene there's a medium gray darkness. I saw a starfish... starfish against the gray background. I figure that must be symbolic. I...ah... see a bridge, a steel bridge like structure. It reminds me of a bailey bridge shape. There's ice underneath, it's a railroad bridge. There's a...some kind of (mumble) complex. Manmade structures, I guess it's to the North. I saw a big...ah...big bridge crane...bridge crane. Behind the bridge crane, I see light coming from a corregated building reflecting off of a fog's isolated fog resulting from localized humid heats reacting with cold atmosphere. There's a giant hammerhead back there. Counterweights are as big as a house. +12 #28 Explain hammerhead. #7 It's a big crane...a big crane for lifting very heavy... very heavy things. Approved For Release 2000/ 788R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/0 88R000300180001-0 #7 It's all damn cold. I don't know if it's just the looks of it that make me cold or...ah...I feel awfully cold. #28 What goes on at this place? #7 I am trying to see something to tell me that. It looks like some type of manufacturing or maybe trans-shipment. Items I see could fit either or both, but a moment ago I saw very large dish shape...looks like a...looks like a very heavy very heavy metal. As I kept looking at it I get a feeling for size, it...I started seeing overlay of...ah...metal, lightweight metal grid +15 dishes, big dish antennas, but I couldn't...I couldn't sort it out as it were as to which image was true. I saw more than one antenna shape. OK, that's better. I had trouble moving. I had a's sloppy. I'm inside ah...a big building on the left side. It's a clear story, open bays supported by giant high beams. It looked like a...some kind of assembly line. The air is putrid. I saw pallets of...sure the hell looked like big shells...big gun sheels about 18-24 inches long +20 and 3-4 inches in diameter. There's nobody in here. I see some...ah...giant steel rings over there on a yellow steel rack; its got wheels under it. It's dirty in here; I'm getting out. Outside, facing East, between the buildings I see snow cap...ah... snow on the rough terrain. Appears free of trees. Ahh... what the hell. I saw a 16-18 foot boat on a platform. I didn't see any water. I...ah...this is Russia, I think. I...don't know why I saw that. Yea, I guess I do to. I guess it's just logical cause it''s just cold. Yea, it's heavy...heavy manmade structures. It must be Russia. #28 Move over the area now and describe from an aerial perspective. #7 I...(mumble)...a river, forks, one branbh runs roughly Eastward, one branch roughly to the North. The Eastern branch is bailey bridge shape. Track... track... railroads crosses bridge...ah...splits. The one North...ah... +30 complex. Rough terrain to the North and East. Snow, relatively barren... relatively barren. Ah...river frozen, and I'm so cold I'm just stiff... muscles tight. I...ah... #28 I have no further question about this target at this time. If there's anything you'ld like to add, please do so now. Approved For Release 200 000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08707- C1A-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 #7 No. I don't think so. #28 Alright. Let's draw then. #7 Are we on. #28 Ahh haa. Perhaps you'ld like to start...ah...with the aerial perspective of the area. #7 Yea, that's what I intended to do. #28 OK. #7 to attention to the curves in the river, because I just saw a very broad...ah...view of the river; the curves may or may not be like this. Railroad...ah... crossing the bailey bridge...bailey bridge shape. Forked, one branch continued North and one went to the East. And .this...ah...area was...ahm...mostly metal structures. I think it was a...heavy construction, testing. Oh, I thought over in this area right the North- east, I thought was were...ah...people lived in apartments. There's...ah...rough terrain, mountains or...ah...hilly area to the East and...ah...North. #28 OK. In which area now are the.... the cranes you saw and the building and so forth?. #7 There is a heavy manufacturing ...ah...area. The building I went in was...ah...I came in, I guess, along the track and the big building was to the left of the track. I didn't follow the track all the way in, I...I just got into the edge of this manufacturing area and I wandered into a building, came out, looked further East, and I didn't go on down that way. #28 OK. Is there more than one building in this area? #7 Oh yea. There's more than one building. There's quite a few of them. There was another building in back here, and (mumble). Through here I could see...ah...hills., like that. I don't know what the heck this is, I thought it was a building. There was also some buildings on the right side. This big building here doesn't appear very big around this other stuff, but it was quite huge. It was inside the building with the clear story that...ahm...I saw what I thought was a production line. #28 Is this production line active? 3 Approved For Release 20nnfD/E CI A -nm 8R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 200011$ -0 EOTT788ROOO3OOI8OOOI #7 I don't know. There was nobody there. It looked like the ends were off some of these shells and it was lying on the floor and it was overall rather dirty and filthy around here, I thought like these shells had just been discarded. Ahm...there was a production line just beyond that, had...ah...tables and conveyers and things that went way off down the distance. Ah...over to the left was a...a thing with...ah...welded up, it was yellow, had wheels, and it supported...ah...giant plate or very large plate, wing shapes, the inside was irregular. I have no idea what they were. Ahm...this is supposed to be a clear story overhead here and...ah... it's...ah...kind of hard to show the floor and the ceiling at the same time. I know I can draw better than that (mumble). I'll have trouble understanding what that is a week from now myself. Ah...did I see anything else? #28 I'ld like to know where the...ah...cranes are in relation- ship to the building and maybe you can draw me a picture of the cranes that you saw outside. You used the word at one time, bridge cranes, and then you used the word, hammerhead, and I don't know what those terms mean. #7 That's to the right of the track or South of the track. #7 That would (mumble) on No. 2 it'ld be on the lower side of the track, and I came in on the...ah... big bridge crane and I saw it relative to the tracks, with very dim, nebulous structures in the background. Wasn't till I left that that I started seeing ...ah... buildings in a sharper, better shape. I don't remember seeing much of anything else.. It was interesting. I had a lot of confusion about the big dish shape that I felt was a large casting and I realize I didn't really know how big it was, and as I was looking for something to determine relative scale of the thing, I started getting overlay, it didn't change, I started getting overlay of... ah...light gridwork...metal gridwork dishes which naturally came on as antennas, and I don't know what that would of had to do with this. Perhaps the original image of the heavy casting was more accurate. I don't know, it was confusing there and I just couldn't shred it out. #28 And then there was one time you mentioned you saw on the stand or something. a boat #7 Oh yea. It was down to was to the right of the crane down here. It was a platorm and thought it was adjacent to a building or something, I but 4 Approved For Release 200 88R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08 88R000300180001-0 the boat, a small boat, was laying on the platform right side up. #28 What style of boat was it? #7 Ah...the boat...ahm...was rather austere looking, like it was probably some kind of...ah...a work boat that...ah... someone had to use on occasion. At the time, I know it made no sense to me; I'd forgotten about the river, but now I see another position; makes sense to me. I...I had trouble with it, I want to through it out, I thought, no, I better dump it than through it out, you know, put it out anyway. And even when I said the boat, I didn't remember the...ah..-.the water nearby. I think it's a work boat. It didn't look like a pleasure...not like a pleasure boat i'n the States. #7 On the other hand, it was a...several cuts above a john boat, and I thought it was metal. #28 Alright. How about...ah...this fog that you perceived. For a time being you talked about a fog. #7 Ah...that know like when you see the fog coming off a steam engine or something; billowing out. This was not off of a steam engine or train, but it that's kind of isolated sometime you'll see a fog gather above a manhole cover. Well, this was that kind of fog the result of the heat, moist heat in a very cold air...ah...I really didn't know exactly where it was coming from, but light from some of the...ah...the front of some of the buildings was reflecting off of it, it was kind of attractive, and it caught my eye. And I thought it looked kind was kind of moody looking ...ah...if that makes any sense to you. #28 OK. There anything else that you'ld like to add in the overall impressions. #7 No, except it was just...felt throughout the thing... several time I found all my muscles just tight as a bow string and I'ld tell my relax, and I'ld be conscious of relaxing, and then I would start looking around, I'ld find myself all drawn up tight again. At one time, my face felt very stiff a pinch in~my jaws or something, and...ah...I assumed it was because of cold. 5 "Q Q FM Approved For Release 20 00788R000300180001-0 .Wqk Approved For Release 200 - 0788R000300180001-0 #7 But that's...that's about it. Approved For Release 2000/ - _ vt'88ROO0300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 ApPv ,od For Release 2000/08/07 IA-RDP96-007888000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 Approved Fprt I se 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 flARDP96OO788ROOO3OO1 80001-0 l., t L L ~ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300180001-0