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Approved For Release 2000/081S NFL 96-0788R000300430001-2 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI--I.SH 0516302 JUL 70 REVIEW ON:..,~..' GILL ~~;AME A .1 17 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 SEIGL T88R000300430001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300430001-2 SECRET SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD SG1A SG1A 1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a tar et of interest to USI. SG1A 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the infor- mation provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (5) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 2000 96-00788R000300430001-2 Approved For Release 200018/ : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300430001-2 i r-% - #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1530 hours, 7 May 1980. SG1A SG1A Relax and concentrate now. Focus your attention on Af hanistan. Search Afghanistan for report your impressions to me. SG1A +02 #01: There's a....can see sort of a flattop hill standing on SG1A where this Has no vegetation on it. 'cept a large fla elm (phonetic) to the left...looks like....the left side of a canyon type area. Very, very sheer and very rugged gray rock. SG1A #01: Get an impression that it's not intact. It's kind of spread down the side of this rocks. #66: What is the raw imagery that makes you say that? #01: I see pieces of it, but I don't ........... I don't see a whole..... It doesn't appear to be burnt just smashed and spread like .... down the side of this hill. I don't, I don't see any bodies. It's like ...... I just got smear all over the rocks. SG1A #66: Move directly over and describe the surrounding area. SG1A +06 #01: The "V" shape....uh..... is sort of down the side of the long part of the V shape or ridge line. It looks like a large 7...a large number 7.It's gray ...distinctly gray rock with some short grass.....but very little vegetation. #01: Uh.....mountains, very rugged mountains to the front, and like a large wide open-valley to the rear right....hills to the right. It's like a.....valley is very long narrow valley. Goes to the northeast. It's on the north side of the valley. There is a road of sorts, but it's a main road, but it's only in a hard pack dirt road... about...5 miles southeast of the wreck site. Approved For Release 2000/08/OUN 300430001-2 77 L-UTN C. I -*-REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD Approved For Release 200 0788R000300430001-2 #66: All right. Hold your position over Move SG1A now to a higher altitude and describe the location from this point. PAUSE #01: See...two ravine in the shape of candid against the other..... three valleys to the north that go up into like box canyons...V shape valleys..... three, very large, three very large. mountain top to the northeast.... the road is like a backwards angular S. SG1A #66: All right. Now, as you hold this position, as you hold this position directly over quite a high altitude now, .... as you hold this position looking down S G1A directly at open yourself up to all information SG1A and ask yourself, in your mind, how can I find Open yourself up to all kinds of information relative to this location, and ask yourself how can I find SG1A +10 #01: It's close to some kind of, very close to some kind of refugee route. I see alot of refugees walking. Stone, stone spire.. point of stone ...uh...clearly seen from the wreck site-south, southwest. #66: All right. Fine. Now repeat the question once again. In SG1A your mind ask yourself how can I find this site; how can I find and report your raw impressions to me. +15 #01: Nineteen, number nineteen is important. Seven valleys, phrase seven valleys is important. #66: All right. Repeat the question once again, and report your raw impressions to me. SG1A #01: This is inside edge of second plateau. .one plateau on-another ...northeast edge ......... nortii...northeast corner......... just, just northeast corner. #66: All ri ht. Now at this time move from your perspective to the now. Right down to the crash site. Tell me when you've done so. #01: Okay. Approved For Release 2000 8R000300430001-2 Approved For Release 2 96-00788R000300430001-2 #66: Now, listen very carefully to the following directions. SG1A #66: Stand at the crash site. Do not let your consciousness move from: the crash site as you carry out the following instructions. Remain at At this time FACE in the.direction of the capital city of Afghanistan. #66: Raise your arm and point in the direction of the capital city. By the compass, which direction from you is that? +19 #01: 230...232 degrees. 232 degrees. #66: All right. And, what distance? +20 #01: Seventy kilometers. #66: All right. At this time I have no further questions about the crash site. I would like to give you the opportunity to explore the situation on your own and report anything you think is relative PAUSE #01: I, I don't have anything. I think the Afghan's know where it's at. #66: Tell me the imagery that makes you say that. Tell me the data that makes you say that. #01: I just sense that people know. People in that area know. #66: What people? +22 #01: Afghans. Old, old man with white, white on his head. #66: All right. Anything else? #01: No. #66: All right. I'd like you now to prepare to draw the impressions that you've had. PAUSE #01: Page 1. I don't know how you, want to do this. Do you want to start from wreck location, or do you want to start from large overhead view, and narrow it down to the wreck location? Approved For Release 2000/ 788R000300430001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 Et6E 0~788R000300430001-2 %MA #66: Uh..... give me the overview picture. I know I had you move in altitude a couple of times, but one drawing of an overhead view, that you're confident in, will be sufficient. #01: That's all you want? #66: Well, instead of doing 3 altitude positions...... #01: Yeah. I see.....ok, There's a..... #66: Now, I had you stand down by the wreck, but you don't need to draw that. #01: Right. I got an impression that there was..... I'll put a north there on the upper left corner of page 1.... that there was like a saw tooth, 3 V shaped. valleys, went like this, and there was a.....this kind of impression.... like a seven inverted on a......this kind of affect.... like 2 sevens, and these were ridge lines, and...... down here was some form of point of land with a stone spire on it. I'll label most of this stuff when I get on.....and this was like a plateau...and there was a dirt road that went along through here. Actually, it was hardly what I would term a road, but they term a road there. It's hard packed dirt. #66: Will you label that in some words so we can understand? #01: I will. I'll label the whole thing. #01: And this area out in here was a big flat spance and then there was a second Plato, like affect.....and then there was mountains up here. I'll label them one, two, and three. It's a hard stand dirt road; flat valley; first plateau. I don't know how you spell plateau. #66: P-L-A-T-E-A-U. #01: t-e`-a-u, and...uh...second plateau 3 V shape valleys. These are more like ravines. Deadend ravines....A ....stone spire. And, I don't know if that's a man-made spire, or a natural made spire, but it appears to be a very pointed pinnacle type thing, and...uh twin sevens which were ridge lines....... and the, the X is the crash site. That's a pretty good overview there. And.... uh.....why don't I just put it right on that page .... got the feeling like the.....from the crash site to the capital... given that this is a dotted line here ...went right over the stone spire..... about 232 degrees. Now, what else would you you like? Approved For Release 2000/0 000300430001-2 Approved For Release 2000(Q, -- 88R000300430001-2 SG1A #66: That pretty much narrows it down. Is there anything else you can tell me? Like draw a picture of the aircraft itself. Did you ......let me ask this question...... I showed you some pictures of similar aircraft. Did you recognize what you saw on the ground to be this same type of aircraft? #01: No. No. All I could see was just wreckage. And, it's like spread down about 200 meters of ground down the side of this ridge line.....the face of this reline ..... I get an impression that the face of this ridge line is, a rough gray rock with very little vegetation, and that the...uh...standing on the wreck site..... you're standing on this wall of rock that's probably...... wall is not a good's probably about a 40 degree angle. Runs on down into a seven shape type ravine or canyon. And, I feel like you can see the wreck site from the stone's spire and you can see the stone's spire from the wreck site. #66: route. Okay. Anything else. #01: No. #66: All right. Fine. #66: All right. Back to the question, itself. Is it so broken SG1A up that you can't recognize #01: Uh ... no. There's identifiable parts of SG1A Like a tail bone....a piece, a section of the tail bone, and some broken segments of rotar, you know....the overhead rotar. And, there's large paneled sections of fuselage that, you know, have bits and pieces sticking out of them that are curly. Not a fixed wing type of aircraft. But, identifiable as to what it's hard to say. #66: Do I hear you saying that you, you didn't look at it, and say oh, that's one just like in the picture. Again, I'm asking you. if you recognized...... #01: No. I just have a feeling that that's the wreck site I'm looking for, and I don't...... #66: Okay.....I just wanted to get an idea. Okay, now, is there anything else that you would like to add? #01: Uh....just that the other things that I said about the, the term nineteen may be a road number or a route number or some kind of a map reference number; and I felt that seven valleys, the term seven valleys is important. And, also it's a prime ...I feel like that hard stand dirt road is a prime refugee 5 Approved For Release 2000/ / ? 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