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Publication Date: 
June 20, 1980
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Unidentified Airborne Object P"JCIJ UJtU 5c5SION - SOURCE CIAIFRIAL UTI1 IZEI) PROJECT ';UMBER: 8024 E.AEE' U_)A'E": 20 June 1980 ' For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000400020001 ~ A pr?vPr 17 , t W , t ti t D TO t EECBAC K TO Scl' CE DATES I~NTEPV1F1Ef', I r~ SLSSIO`~ r[~LLO;i~S KEY Pi 5ULT5 t ~!'aJEu Z,1 _J 1t1 SSIO% IO~ilAPCFE) 91Y rl,r SOl'f'CE E Same as viewer. No addi- I Ap ears to be some !24 session against this Jtional information provi- [t arget_by this viewer. Ided to interviewer. This was first session for this interviewer on this target. SG1A building. Camper like c. Road lightly coy- truck seen nearby. f. Middle of nowhere described location. COMMENTS APPLY TO SG1A tdinates of where b. Frame It of the hoto ra h c. Viewer requested to describe tar detail. (Photo was sealed in (seen by viewer. correlation to tar by viewer. (Follow- ingcomplete termin- ation of project, viewer was shown photograph.) Jun 8O 25 Jul 8 et (1400 hrsI ) ters, support post in- ~_____ T side. Boxes stacked against exterior fence.1COMMENTS PROVIDED b. Vicinity of build- FBY ITAC PERSONNEL ing large tubes stacked, PERTINENT TO ALL 22 ft. diameter - 4 5 ft. in_length, fall- JAN EVALUATION OF ing apart from age. I ered w/sand. d. Very large 5 story building, all white, no windows or doors visi- Large object next to large THE FOLLOWING TOTAL PROJECT. THE ONLY WRITTEN or !THREE SESSIONS WAS "VERY INTERESTING!" VERBAL DISCUSSIONS REVEALED A RELUC- TANCE ON ITAC PERSO4 NEL TO PUT THEIR OPINIONS IN WRITING DUE TO CLASSIFICA- TION AND SENSITIVITY OF POSSIBLE SUBJECT MATTER. THE ITAC DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLUSED: 30 September 1980 TASKING AGENCY: ITAC SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400020001-6 ,'N4LVST C , :,.E!, T S CLASSIFIED Bii'. 163 %Z L 78 MSC, HODA (DAWII-ISki) REVIEW ON: Jan 2001 8024 20 June 1980 *Mow M=M Approved For Release 2000108107: CIA-RDP96- 0010 ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TD SESSION. SOURCE uLLnW,iv~ Z)taut.u>v b L. 5IUN FUKWARDEO BY THE SOURCE COM! rENT5 MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJR SESSION Ivery high into the air FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS [%,niTnFn onIa1 vcr SG1A to go to approximatelylinterviewer that was used rn 10,000 ft. altitude on the first session. of some kind. Shaped b. When asked it's not, but it appeared that he was describing a ground object.) DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 September 1980 TASKING AGENCY: ITAC above coordinate area CLASSIFIED BY:VI63 7- JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAM -ISH) REVIEW ON: Jan 001 t I "PtIT T Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-OO788ROOO4OOO2 ASSETS USED SESSION. SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJR SESSION ULL.,WIwv SESSION I SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENT DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 September 1980 TASKING AGENCY: -. - ~_.,. 8024 l.Y;,,, u,,,~, 20 June 1980 Approved For Release 2000/08107 CIA-RDP96- 01 ' J [II TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO SG1A FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVI C ~^ DED ANALYST (r ^ r CLASSIFIED BY:05 G3OZ JUL 78 MSC, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) ITAC REVIEW ON: Jan 200 sErN V, Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00040002 J R t'l uniaentirned Airborne Object ----- 8024 20 June 1980 Approved For Release 2000/08/07-RDP96- O1i ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJR SESSION Sion against this tar- get by this remote . Photograph of tar- geted object in a dinates of the area as c. Date _photo was well as all in ut reviou- SG1C I taken viewer. Because of this, care was taken to pursue only those areas origin- ated by the remote viewer to preclude inadvertantly FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST F L O LOWING SESSION SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS termination of the entire project he was DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 September 1980 TASKING AGENCY: S rc r"t Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-OO788ROOO4OOO20 la H tion provided was: Ob- ject has horizontal aperture, contains black metal grating, circular plates on ob- ject, gun metal gray, looks like stovepipe I 116-7 ft. tall on side which run lengthwise through object. Metal ient, two cable append- CLASSIFIED BY: 163OZ JUL 78 MSG, HQOA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: Jan 2001 8024 20 June 1980 Approved For Release 2000/08107 :CIA-RDP96- 01 ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES r ? a ~n SESSION sntIRCE MATFRIA UTILIZED TNT RVT DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 September TASKING AGENCY: TASKING AGENCY: ITAC KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST BY THE SOURCE COM -BENTS ages front and rear while ends are covered ination a specific pla- CLASSIFIED BY0IE3 Z JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: Jan 001 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00040002 Unidentified Airborne Object A ppEygd F0pCC RRelease 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00040002000 ~JECr NUM3ER: 8024 ENTRY DA;E: 20 June 1980 0 1.- ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PFDVIDED ,NALYST SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJrr SESSION FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FOR7ARDE? 8Y TH SOURCE COMMENTS CD-68 ?( c. Additional comments - - cool but not cold, on- maybe caused by object rotation or light de- ing through space. un barrel shaped por- tion of object is pri- mary function. Will soon be filled w/enerly from unknown. At time ! of photo- completing 3rd part of 3 part DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 30 September 1980 C Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400020001-6 to object. No destructio CLASSIFIED BY:O G30Z JUL 76 1SG, HODA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: Jan 2001