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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM NOT RELj6kSAa14-4+-F%0V-1+ NATIONALS = %%aa E N lTi Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400 CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 REVIEW ON: o?~,o Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-46 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest to USI. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor- mation provided the remote viewer. NOT REL E, ;0* 1NA'IIUNALb ..g Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 I[9 0400450002-8 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-46 TIME #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours, 16 September 1980. #66: Relax and concentrate, now. Relax and focus your attention on the target for today. Relax. Relax. Relax. Your target coordinate: SG1 B Relax. Relax and concentrate. What type of facility is at this location? #10.5: I'm getting a' quonset shape. It doesn't appear...super large. Smaller than a hangar but bigger than a quonset. +07 #66: Describe the activity at the present time. #10.5: ...Some oil drums stacked in corner of the...fencing thing. It's white...(mumble) don't understand. I mean, +09 ##1.0.5:.. f feel desolate isolation. Outpost kind of thing. Look- ing around, not seeing much of anything. I seem to`be in some flat area, kh...rugged snow capped mountains in the background. #66: Again I will ask you, what type of facility is at this location? +13 #10.5: 'eep geddin (phofietic)...some idea of desolation... or abandonment. Skeleton crew. Bunkered fuel oil fah... refueling...some sort of emergency refueling...'but it's all very, very vague, an' there ain't much here. I'm not getting any kinda big data. #66: And what activity is going on right now? Describe the activity at the target...right nov. Present time. +15 #10.5: Uh...I see one man dressed in deep brown parka. 'E's, uh, Approved For Release 200 Mr .e.r~ b Approved For Release 2000/08/07 450002-8 #10.5: rolling 55 gallon drums on their rim. He seems to be like moving these empty drums, um...into a corner area that has all the rest of the drums. Outside corner of the fence or some'tn. Lemme go up on top of this thing...look around.. #10.5: I got a turning radar dish on the right. Small flight oper- ations type...just a shack, a forward field type thing. +17 Nothing fancy. It's on the right. I'm on top of this quonset thing. I got, uh...'ay ahh (phonetic) this place is still under construction. I got a, uh, cat...a cater- pillar type. Moving across this open area, in between this scattering of buildings, towing something like a, uh...a uh.... At first I thought it was towing a, ssaa...launcher trailer of some kind. ...Ain't just nut' n (pho netic) gralled (phonetic) around me. Pretty much I get... (mumble) distant mountains, they're like forty or fifty miles away. +20 #66: Move inside the quonset structure and describe the inside to me. ##10.5: There's a, uh...hangar type thing, of sora (phoonetic) sooing (phoonetic) the longness of it, an' also the empti- ness of it. Like it's not being used,,or not yet being used. #66: All. Tight. #10.5: It's, -ah...little light down the sides, an', uh...I keep seeing, uh...I keep wanting to put a couple a helicopter shapes in there. 'Cause I know it's empty an', uh... asking myself "What will be in there?" I put a couple a helicopters in there. #66: Do you recognize the helicopters? #10.5: Yeah, they're, uh, sort a bulbous like, uh ... (mumble). I don't feel tactical. I don't feel Army, uh...I don't feel that. Feel like, uh...different, umm...more peaceful, more routine. Overnighting, not tactical activity. Like supply, or...recon...peaceful reconnaissance. Like looking for things like, I don't know...looking for things other than bad guys. #66: Okay. #10.5: But they're not there now, I think they there, like they come in once a week, or something. Like they stay 7 8R00040045 Approved For Rel 0002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : #10.5: for a couple days an' then they leave. +2L #66: Okay. I have no further questions about the target area at this time. If there's anything you'd like to add before drawing.your perceptions, please, do so now. #10.5: I'm, uh...outside a, uh...peak-roofed long building... elevated. Small, wooden front porch...steps on the right ...I've come here by saying "Go to the office of the camp leader." I have found this place. It's.a wooden temporary building. Seemingly, anyway. (Mumble) (cough) The...inter- ior (cough) is very rough and unfinished. I'm looking for signs of habitation, but there's no one in the first office which is kinda like a...coumunity room of some kind, a... area where people can gather...hold meetings there. Pre- dominant feature in this room is a black, coal buring stove. Coupoe tables an' that's' there isn't anybody here. There isn't anyone around. The place is virtually uninhabited. Sumlidat (phognetic). #66: All right, let's draw the perceptions you have. #1005: Okay, ummm... First, before I about percep- tions, feelings, I had the feeling that I was out in the mdddle of nowhere, in some isolated, frontier type camp or encampment, that was in a valley or a flat plane, not a valley, a flat plain area, that was surrounded by some rug- ged, snow-capped mountains. (Pause to adjust RVer microphone) Surrounded by,some., uh...rugged, snow-capped mountains on at least two sides of it. I had the feeling that it really was like surrounded, but it...I could see it in at least two different directions that I...took...looked during the session. I had this overriding feeling of whiteness about the whole site. As though I was in an unseasonal area of haavy snowfall, and that I was, like in Antarctica, man. You know, some base camp in Antarctica or something like that, you know, almost. It was that...this overwid... this overriding white end cold... coldness feeling. But I did not feel cold in the session, you know, I'd taken my jacket and thrown it up over me. I felt warm an' okay, but, you know, this...there was this desolate whiteness, uh...snow capped mountain theme meaning like the wastelands of Siberia an' some unseasonal weather, or something like that. Antarctica; some place where the's snow where ain... when it ain't supposed to be snow in... #66: Okay. #10.5: ...majority of the world, you know. Of the known ...of the in the Northern Hemisphere. The...I could not any, Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -?V88l 400400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/ #10.5: uh...much...I could not resolve much significant imagery. I only had this feeling of a quonset type building---Out side of which was...I think outside of which was a fence corner, an' in the corner of the fence was strewn in a...on end...twenty five or thirty oil barrels. Fifty- five gallon drums. When I got up on top of the quonset. Still I was, you know, the only thing that I could see was the mountains, there was...nothing up close attracting my attention, it was like very bland and blase, an' I had to look far away to see anything to look at. When I got up up top of the quonset, on my right I detected a sss...I felt like there, "Oh, well, there might be a revolv...a low wooden shack with a revolving radar thing on top of it here. Oh, well that is just some hodge-podge hap-hazard thrown facility for._ maybe spotting incoming aircraft an' helping them land, or something like that." An' the only activity I had was this...a caterpillar tractor with a front- end...scoop on it, pulling some trailer, an' it was moving ... from between the quonset and the radar place...sort of at an angle across nothing. I mean I didn't see it driving on a road, I didn't'see it driving on an airfield apron,. it was like, just driving on nothing, like on dirt. You know, no prepared...road or anything like that, it was like it was driving on dirt or snow, just'' I didn't know where the heck it was goin', you know, it didn't seem like it was...going any real place. Because of the lack of...of interesting imagery, I had to worry about not making it into something...suddenJ.y'. So, I made the comment in the session about how the trailer being pulled might be like a...uh...a missile trailer, you know." But, I did not see that, I had this flavor well, "Okay following the radome type... radar thing, okay well, maybe this is a SAM site," you know. But, it's not. I- it's like some forward "jump" exploration area, an' ' supply flights using some helicopters, or other aircraft which I did not see or did not feel, but helicopters I felt, might come in once a week and overnight there, drop off supplies, and then fly away. That was the only reason there was a radar there, was to help them come in once a week. An' that, like, any flying or any activity that went out of there was like searching for something. Not tactical reconnaissance searching for bad guys, but, like searching for oil or minerals. You know, something very passive and very peaceful. I didn't get any feeling of militaryness about the place. An' I did not get the feeling that the place was super- occupied with hundreds an' hundreds of tactical troops. I mean it was virtually unoccupied. It was desolate. Everywhere I went, there was nobody. I only saw one guy, an' he seemed like he was jus'...rolling emtpy 55 gallon Approved For Release 2000FOURIv _ ~ - 400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : Cl #10.5: drums back over to this corner place that I told you about. An' at the end of the session, when you gave': know, if you have anything to add I felt "Well hell!", you know, "I can't go on like this, this is absolutely nothing." So I said, "Okay, what would be some good tasking for me to do?" And I decided to go to the chief's building... where the leader's building is, go to that building. So, I ended up at this temporary A-frame wooden structure, elevated... porch with a rail, an' it was empty! (ha) There wasn't anybody in there. There was like a big front room with a pot-bellied stove, but it wasn't -` 'ready-room, you know, it wasn't some combat ready-room in some forward tactical strike force, or anything. It was like where the pioneers ome in an' they sit around the pot-bellied stove an' figure out how the...pioneers...Soviet-type pioneers, you know, that type of pioneer ...theengineers, I'm trying to say. When the engineers come in and they BS about how they did that day and where they were going to go the next day, an' okay everybody, break up, and everybody goes off to their individual hootches, or out...back out into the boonies, an' they... That was it. Very, very low inten- sity; low density place, as far as occupation far as population, and as far as activity. #66: Okay. #10.5: Okay. Here we go with the sketching. Sketch wa... #66: So how 'bout could give me, ah, one sketch that showed the quonset structure, and- #10.5: Yeah... #66: -the fence, then... #10.5: I'll give you an overhead, and then. I'll give you the quonset... #66: Okay... #10.5: An...the feeling of the radar...with the "cat" and... #66: Okay...we could draw the little radar shack... #10.5: Sure. #66: ...and on that one thing. #10.5: Sure. Feel sort of like I wasted, you know, everybody's time. (ha) (ahem) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C to-R P'96-O0T8'8`F 000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ; ##10.5: The quonset was possibly 50 feet by 25 feet. 'Kay. Somewhere, I believe associated with what I could call the forward edge of the... forward end of the quonset is a "L" shaped fenceline and, in this "L'' shaped fenceline are, possibly, 25 to 30...viewed from overhead would be like circles...they are a cluster of 55 gallon-drum, 55 gallon size. Empty. Okay, an' this is a fence. I had the feel- int that the action of the man rolling the empty drum was ...I've drawn this curlie-que...was from the quonset, out in front of the quonset, into the corner. So I'll label that. Okay. Here on the ri... Okay then, what I've just drawn now is called it a cat...caterpillar type is whit I mean. Caterpillar type with trailer, and it moves along here. One the very right side of-sketch a slant roofed, wooden shack that...nothing huge or large about it or so histicated about it. Single moving radar on wooden (sigh) Hum! This has got to be a new record for men (ha ah). That's sketch one., Sketch two. I ha... I do not know where in the quote complex, end quote, the bosses' shack is...I'll draw you a two "dangled" perspec- tive, here. Okay... bosses' ...uh, I forget what I actually used to key mys'elf, like "bosses' office". 'Kay. #66: Okay. #10.5: The only thing inside there...I didn't go through the whole building in sketch two, the only thing in front is the black pot bellied stove on the left. #66: Okay. Anything else then? My original question was, uh, what type of facility is this? If you had to answer that now, what would you say? #10.5: (Snicker) Ah, that's, that's it, you know, I wasn't get- ting a type of a facility... #66: Um-hum. (affirmative) #10.5: I had to work to answer that question. I mean, I didn't see anyth.... As I was saying, wasn't an wasy question to answer. There was no readily apparant object which keyed me ins any way, to answer that question. If I had to label the place today, now, (pause and sigh) I would have to call it a prospecting base camp. #66: Okay. #10.5: That's all I could call it. That's...there isn't a damn thing there that indicates it's anything tactical...any- thing military ...I don't even know where the hell Iwas. #66: Okay...that's fine, is there anything else you'd like to add? Approved For Release 2000/08/00002-8 71 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 #10.5: Well, let me think a minute because there's so-little to talk about, let me' I'm going to kill the tape here, just so I can sit an' think awhile without... causing the secretary total boredom. (Tape recorder off, five minute pause) #10.5: All right, the only two other things that I can think of worth mentioning; or reiterating, is the...ap...apparent feeling of unseasonal cold...and the two helicopters, which I felt were uh...HIP-type, not HIND type, but HIP-type. Uh...rounded fuselages and tail empennage booms that sort of angled up at a a high angle of maybe twenty- five degrees, and are thick, you know, not the bumble bee type body but this...rounded boat-type body. Solid fuselage. And that these were stored in the quonset...uh...the quon- set had like big doors on it, you know, big sliding door type feeling. I had a feeling of a double layer' I could see two lines going up the side of the front of the quonset. They were not in there when I was there. I was...I asked myself "Okay, it's empty...but what usually is here?", an' I had this helicopter feeling... #66: Okay. #10.5: ...and that the two of them were stored in there. But that they weren't kept there indefinitely. They were not tac- tical. It was like they were almost civilian ...or civil- ianized, and they came in very lacadaisically, uh...they were stored overnight, an' fueled up, an' maybe they got a maintainance or mechanic or th...flight...the crew chiefs work on the...the...the helicopetrs. And then the next day they take off again; they might not show up again for two or three days, or four days. #66: Um-hum (affirmative). #0.5: And then they're stored overnight for one night. There's a place to work on them and everything, an' then they take off again. That is it. #66: Okay. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 k4UM JiOR600400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 rl `~ Co. d. rP Y ..rh tip `mod s~ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 4S Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-46 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was told that he would be provided a UTM coordinate during the session. 2. (S/NOFORN) At the be inning of the session the viewer was provided the UTM coordinate SG1 B NOT S LE TO FOR CGN NATIONALS a.. MC OR Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000400450002-8