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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 NATIONALS REVIEW ON:" Gcoo ORCO Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0005(LMDU01-1T' Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIIA-RDP96-0078 R000500510001-1 e% rm %..,) 6 R REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-24 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information concerning a wall in a designated building. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter- mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the docu- ment Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. NOT RELEA -T .F= TIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA- -00788R000500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 10 LAJ TN C. REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-24 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours, 3 December 1980. Relax and concentrate now. Relax and focus your attention now, focus your attention now solely and completely on the building in the photograph I have shown you. Focus now in present time on the building in the photograph I have shown you. As you become aware of the. building in the photograph I have shown you focus your attention even closer, even better, even clearer on the target wall, on the target wall in the building. Holding your focus in present time move to the basement area on the target wall, and scan the target wall of the. basement area. #01: Okay. Just a minute .............. I got six, uh...apparently, uh, they're poured concrete stanchions, and they're flush against the wall. Six of 'em..... Section of the wall is poured concrete... very hard. I'm not getting anything else the wall. #66: Tell me of your relative position of observation as you scan this wall. #01: It's, uh...went to the far right corner... moving from the right to the left...past the...past the two other walls from right to left. They run perpendicular to the, the wall itself. The target wall is, uh, is poured concrete, very hard. I don't see anything penetrating the wall. #66: All right. Now broaden your perspective and as you scan the wall once again ask yourself for anything of interest to U.S. Intelligence concerning the wall in the basement. #01: Okay, just a minute. #66: Anything of interest concerning the wall in the basement.... #01: I don't get anything. #66: All right. #01: Just poured concrete. #66: Now...face the wall, facing the wall now...we are on the side Approved For Release 2000/08/,t, 11iff.- rlf% 0500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 0500510001-1 #66: of the wall on the building in. the photograph, facing the wall. Now move through' the wall, moving through the wall to the other side of the wall, clear through to the other side of the wall. Now turn back and face the wall, you're now facing the wall from the adjacent building. From this perspective scan the wall in the basement area and describe for me what you find. #01: Okay, just a minute..... I got, uh, three rooms. It's like three sections of wall, by from the front, which is the front left. Scanning to the right. First area has a...common wall with the other building. There's nothing there, just poured concrete. Second section. I go through a perj0pendicular wall into a second section. And I have the same.... There's another perpendicular wall...a third section. This sections got, a air space, and it's kinda of a veneer or brick...looks like brick...decorative brick of some kind...or tile, thin, they're very thin... There's...just a minute. There's something holding the tile up... It's like some kinds, um, vertical boards, very thin, with, uh...with some other boards on top. And then this tiling is glued to the boards. I don't see anything in the wall itself, though... Just poured concrete.... There's a line, black line, uh...I can't tell if it's a wire or what it is, but there's a black line in the third section. #66: Which direction does this line move in the wall? #01: It's not in the wall, it's on the wall. It's behind the tile and it comes down around and goes through the perpendicular wall...some kind of a line, black line. Maybe the thickness of a pencil. #66: All right. You can draw for me later the way it appears to you on the wall. At this time place your hands on the tar- get wall, place your hands on the target wall so that you can maintain continuity. Now, I'm interested in scanning the area below the level of your feet, the area of the wall below the level of your feet. Scan now the entire wall below the level of your feet. #01: In just a minute, I gonna go to the front corner again..... There's's two sections... that's like there's two different layers of something in the floor. They're both concrete, though. The one sections got, uh...thicker...there's like floors with concrete poured, and it's on top of another like, uh, elbow shaped section. #66: Okay. #01: Poured concrete. Approved For Release 2000/08/0 500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 #66: Remember I'm interested in the wall. I'm confused of your descriptions of the floor. I'm interested in the wall. #01: It's all wall. It's all part of the wall. #66: All right. #01: Oh, there's a air space, exterior to the front edge of the wall, but I don''s exterior to the building as well and under floor, but I'm not...I don't, you know, wouldn't know what it's for. #66: Okay, focus again on the target wall...the target wall below +15 the level of your feet. Proceed with your scan....... #01: There's a...seam, or a crack...that runs the edge of the wall, from left to right, right where the floor under my feet meets the, uh, the wall. But it's just a crack, a seam. I don't know what that's for....... That's all I got. #66: Scanning from the front of the building to the rear of the building any perceptions about the...wall below the level of your feet..... I'm not doubting you, I just want,to make sure you've covered the entire wall because- #01: All right. I understand. #66: Before you marched me down the wall very neatly. #01: I'm going down the wall now. I don't, just a seam goes left to right through the building. All three sections are the same. I don't get anything except poured concrete and that elbow shaped like section of other poured concrete. #66: Okay. Okay, let us return your perceptions now to the area of the black line, and at this time describe in detail this perception. #01: Okay, I got the third section, front corner, against the wall as high as you can reach, coming through the roof against the wall is a black line, vertical. Comes down the wall behind the tile about two feet, then goes horizontal to the left corner. #66: Is- your perception is going to the left corner towards the front of the building? #01: Yes. But it's the f-, it's the perpendicular interior wall. #66: Oh, I understand, all right. It goes- #01: Of section three. #66: It comes- where I understand, okay, continue to follow where it goes from there. Approved For Release 2000/08/ 510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? W5XW 0510001-1 #01: Then it comes up perdicular- horizontally towards me on the perpendicular wall. +19 #66: Okay, place your hand on the line and follow it further. #01: Okay, it goes down the, uh, another interior... and then, uh, like down another interior wall connected to the back wall of the building. And then goes up through a, uh, what looks like a...goes up through like the floor in the rear corner. Uh...comes out in another room... #66: And then what happens? #01: I'm tryin' to get situated in that room, just a minute... I can't... describe this. It's like a...some kind of a large metal heater or something against the wall. Fills the corner of this room, and it's got a...vents on the front. And like this design it looks like horizontally cans, or something on edge on the end. And there's like a pattern, there's like a pattern embossed in this metal...very much like, uh, the pattern you get when you, uh, ball up a piece of tin foil and then try to smooth it out again. The metals smooth but it's got that pattern. And there's a, like a... section of shelves or something behind me in the room. #66: Okay, it's not necessary to describe the room you're in. I'm- tell me more about the wire. Where is the wire specifi- cally now? #01: I don't, I don't know if it's a wire, but it goes into this metal thing. #66: Into the metal thing? #01: Yes. I- I don't know what this is. Inside I get a- inside the metal thing there's like a...I get smooth steel of some kind. #66: Does the line stop at the metal thing? #01: Yes. It stops there. Now, I don't know what to do with this metal thing, I just get this like stacked beer can pattern and smooth metal inside and that's the designs. #66: All right. Turn around now and move the other direction down the line, so that you might be able to reproduce for me where it goes from the target wall.... #01: I go up the lines through the floor... continues to the second floor... continues to third floor, but doesn't go through the third floor, it goes like :under: the third floor. And it goes like through a...what appears to be a double layer of some kind. Goes through a, uh, just a minute... 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07!e"I fBIV00500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 00510001-1 #01: I don't know if it's wood or plaster. But it goes through a wall of something other than the poured concrete. Small air space and another piece of, uh, stone. It's like brick. And then there's meets like a section of flat metal of some kind and goes into this and stops. It's just ter- minated there. This piece of metal's like, uh, like the end of a square the end of a square box. Only I don't see the other end, it's just one end. And there's a line sort of bend through it. And the edges, where they meet are folded over. This line, this black line, just pene- trates the box and doesn't go anywhere. #66: Okay, I'have no further questions now about the target area. If there's any comments you have please make them now. #01: That's all I got. #66: Okay. Focus your attention now on me and the room where we are, and prepare to draw that which you have perceived con- cerning the target area. #01: Okay, on, uh, page one, what this is, is a view of the wall in the basement from the other building side, meaning that the U.S. side is on the left here and others side is on the right. Uh, the entire wall all the way down appears to be poured concrete. The cuta-, excuse me, the cutaway view, which is, uh, labeled "AA" in the drawing, is done over on the side sort of, shows the cutaway section of the wall. And it's this way all the way down. There's nothing breaking through this wall all the way down, it's just poured. concrete with a...integral to a poured concrete footing and poured concrete floor, and, uh, I'll label that floor, label this footing, label this wall. And there's steel reinforcing rods in here... And, uh, it's very hard concrete. Now there's internal walls on the other side of the building, on the side close to us. And these are, you know, varied and sundried masonry type walls. The third room back, I'll label these Roman, Roman numeral two, and Roman numeral three, the Roman numeral third room back, that wall is the, that subject wall is covered with a tile. And apparently there's, inside the tile, the tiles are on some kind of wood, and inside that there's some kind oflathing,, and in the wall itself. And then this black line...comes down the inside face of that subject wall, uh, in the, in the corner, and then runs outward on the interior wall, and makes a left and goes down another interior wall and then straight up an exterior wall, this being the back exterior it rear. This is the front... exterior. And, uh, that's basically it for the, uh, basement. Okay, I was focusing only on the wall itself here and, uh, the subject wall, and therefore any kind of pipes or sewage Approved For Release 2000/08/ 00500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 0510001-1 #01: or anything that might be connected to that wall on the inside or outside, I wasn't even noticing, I wasn't referring. to. I can tell you the approximate location of the,.uh, the photograph, though, with the, uh, the washers and whatever it is. And I got the feeling like that was right here in this corner.... #66: Okay. #01: And it, uh...that's it, I guess, for the basement. #66: Okay, now, uh, at this point I asked you then to look below the level of your feet as you stood in the basement, and basically you really didn't have much of anything but the little cutout that you've drawn. #01: Okay, in the cutout, I'll label in the cutout my view. I was looking in the direction. of the arrow, okay? When you said look below the floor, I was looking, look, look below- #66: Look over your feet is what I was saying. #01: Yeah, feet. And this is the view that I was getting. Down here was white. #66: Okay. #01: Okay? And that's all I was getting, just poured concrete. #66: Okay. And then I asked you to back and see if you could follow this wire as it left the tile wall. #01: Right. I'll put arrows on this black line to show the dir- ection I went. I went...we'll call this first direction... and we'll call this second direction... And I started in room three both times. #66: Okay. #01: Now, on page two, uh...this would be, okay, if, starting from the basement and putting your hands up on the next floor, the base of the next floor and counting from there, that being one, this would be floor three. #66: Okay. #01: Okay? And this is the wall. Now this wall is interesting in that there is a air space between it... And there's, there's two forms of masonOry or whatever. I feel like, oh this is the U.S. side...and this is the others side. And I feel like the U.S. side is brick with plaster, okay? ... And the other side is, uh, something other than that. Some other...form of masonry... maybe a sprayed-up masonry or something. Approved For Release 2000/08/ qFu 0500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : - 510001-1 #66: Okay. #01: Uh, this thing, this black line goes up...through that section of third floor and it hangs angle through the wall, both walls at the s-, at, in between the third floor. I don't know how to explain that. Somewhere in the middle of the third floor itself, physically in the third floor. It goes through there and intersects a...a metal box, or the end of a metal box...and penetrates it, and just does only that. Just penetrates it. And I described the metal box. This is to basement... Now the, uh..... the other end going the other direction- #66: Would just be direction of number 1. #01: Yeah. Uh, yeah. This would be, uh, second direction that I just explained... And this is first direction... Okay, it comes up through the very next floor, or that first floor and goes into this room...and, uh, goes up the wall and then hangs a left and goes down a wall. This being an exterior wall... and goes into this box like apparatus that's got a, uh, that special metal design on it, that I said looked like crumpled tin foil that's been flattened out again...and it has vents... And this like, what looks, has the appearance of being a row of beer c-', a couple rows of beer cans that are stacked on edge. But that's what it looks like. I don't know how to explain that. Oh.... #66: The point being you're not saying it is beer cans, you're saying that that- #01: No. Right. #66: That if beer cans were stacked up it would be similar in appearance to it. #01: Right. I don't know what this thing is. I tried to go inside of it with the black line. The black line goes some- where in there, okay? I can't see it in there,. but it goes somewhere in there, and that's where it terminates. And every.time I go inside this thing I get nothing but smooth, rounded, shiny surfaces. And I- that's all I'm getting in there, and I- you know, I just don't,.I have nothing in my head to match this to. I have nothing in my head that even remotely relates to it, and this is just gestaltic that I'm getting, you know, and I'm trying to represent it in a draw- ing and it's extremely difficult. I don't know, you know, what else to do. Just this weird thing. That's essentially it, I guess. #66: Okay. #01: But it does terminate in there, the black line does. Approved For Release 2000/08/0k 1/ - 500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : s 0510001-1 #66: Okay. #01: And when I say black line I don't know- all I'm getting when I see this is a black line. Just like you took a heavy black pen and drew a line on a piece of paper. And I don't know if there's any definition to this, or if it's wire, or if it's cable, or if it's know. I don't know what it is, it's just a black line. #66: Okay. #01: It could be. anything. That's it. #66: Okay, fine. Approved For Release 2000/08,; Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0005 510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/ =M= 000500510001-1 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-24 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the attached pictures. The right hand wall was indicated to the viewer and he was told that it would be his task to scan this target wall looking for anything of interest to USI. He was told that in the future he would be looking at dif- ferent portions of the wall but for today he was to limit his scan to the basement area. 2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was directed to look at the target wall from several different perspectives. The viewer was encouraged to elaborate on his perceptions which seemed at the time to be relevant. 3. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewer has worked this target before and as a result is not completely "blind" to the situation at hand. NOT RELEA5A;LE Tp FOR,IGN, NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500510001-1