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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 16, 1998
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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 t(A2-1 7 PE - Boxes are provided to the right of each question. Only one box should be checked for each question asked. If you have any comments which you would like to make emphasizing the accuracy of the information or with reference to any information not generally covered in this format, please write them on the reverse of this page. Response to Tasking Does information provided satisfy your intelligence collection require- ment? Accur8cx Geographical location (terrain, water, river, etc.) Large scale man-made objects (docks, silos, buildings, etc.) Small scale man-made objects (tanks, computers, antennas, etc.) Target ambience (research, production, administration, troop movement, etc.) Activity (nuclear testing, COG, SIGINT monitoring, etc.) Personality (Physical, plans, actions, traits, etc.) Utilitt Please check which best describes the utility of the information provided (in view of what is known at this time, un- derstanding that additional information could raise or lower such an interim ass- essment at a later date) Res onses* t YES YES IN PART C IN PART Q NO b NO 1 YES IN PART NO 13 YES IN PART NO 13 r3 YES IN PART NO D YES IN PART 13 NO YES IN PART ' NO VERY USEFUL USEFUL. MARGINAL NONE CANNOT BE DETERMINED AT THIS TIME *YES - indicates a full agreement with what is known to be fact about the target. NO - indicates a total lack of agreement with what is known to be fact about the target. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-007 R000500690002-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500690002-1 Additional tasking Is additional tasking required? YES NO (If yes, please write what that tasking is on the back of the form) Did the attached information add to YES NO information. derived from other intell- igence sources? Did the attached information aid in tasking YES Of NO other intelligence resources by providing targeting information? (Signed)- SIGNATURE -13 ,q ur e , r i / 5 (Printed)-NAME, GRADE ,SST C~'`'`.S, 962 47 (Printed) TITLE, or OFFICE Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500690002-1 ~5E_E is I IY l[_AS].f .[E T ION t"INAI_. PEtOJCCT EVALUATION FORM Approved For Release 20 0/08/07: CIA-R -5 TNt 0,II T( 7,4 C(~IJStf:f) DAfI ?.;i J 0i f:F7 OF I ICE ,...-.-- 1'EAR MONTH DAY 4. F'RC1.)E CT NUMBER SOURCE NumBER :i TAItGEF COUNTRIE t FtC:?'0iET`5 5iJ3ttl`LTEI) 7. REPORT IDENIIF ICAIION N(!MBI;tS 1UM0E t6). ;~ FOR PROJECT REFERE N(;E S A. RF(JUIREMEENTS (CITE.) _` ___. (1CR/CIR/DIRM .3/DIR[T 93 p B. INITIATIVE REPORT ffl 10. VALUE OF INFORMATION (sC1ict ore) .0 A. OF MAJOR SIGNIFICANCL B. OF VALUE: C. OF NO VALUE 12, RLASON INFORMATION 15 OF NO VALUL (,:,elect one only) A. TOO FRAGMENTARY O B. DUPLICATIVE. p C. UNTIMELY [). NOT IRESPONSI.VE. TO TAS