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Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED,- 051630ZJUL78 NOT RELE (SA Approved For Release 2002/05/' B ,E ;-Q,,, FtG FI. N4TIONALS REVIEW ON:- A-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 M1 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-54 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents.a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information concerning a suspected event of 15 Dec 80, 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter- mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release -00788R000500780001-2 77 FT L= F- Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-54 TIME #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1500 hours, 19 December 1980.. Relax and concentrate now. Relax. Relax. Relax and con- centrate. Relax and focus your attention, focus your attention solely and completely, solely and completely with perfect clarity on the target. Relax now and focus your attention. Focus your attention on the target area. Focus. Now that you have the target area fixed in your attention move through space and time to the target area, move through space and time to 15 December 1980, 0900 hours GMT. #31: Mm, get, feeling of water. Like I'm over a delta area...water or rivers or something... #66: All right. #31: Fingery feeling, fingery... #66: As you maintain your perspective over the target, what is your altitude? #31: Pretty high still... Let me clear and...get down a little lower. #66: What do you estimate your altitude to be at the present time? #31: A couple miles. #66: All right. From that perspective scan the target area from 0930 GMT to 1000 hours GMT. PAUSE #31: I've come lower now. I couldn't hold that high. Got a..... feeling of pine forests split by waters and maybe it's many small lakes but...had this bulging feeling of a...hmm... bulging feeling down below... Oh, some sort of a...sort of an expanding, funny... Approved For Release 200?lD~/ 7~ n788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 20(Y==rA= t pWW88R000500780001-2 -77 L,- w TA L. I +11 #31: I'm sorta down now,' I'm just about on the surface, but I keep getting this, uh............ When you first told me to do, to look, from up there, I had the feeling of the, uh, this area forested and desolate and way out in nowhere. But that this, uh, some sort of a major change took place here. Some sort of a growing and.bulging in the ground, somewhere far below me. But, then down at the ground I'm sitting here minding my own business looking at this bank of forest of trees, and then way up above me is this big billowing thing, like a, uh, off in the distance is like a, uh, big, round, huge, ugly cloud that I can see up over the top of the trees...... +14 #66: All right. As you center yourself in the target again, this time as you.scan, this time as you scan from 0930 to 1000 hours GMT, mark time slowly and explain what happens so that you are in control of time rather than subject to what happens. #31: I'm getting. feelings of horizontal girdering, open steel mesh, girdering above my head. I think I'm located at the target,. almost like bridge, but it's not a bridge, it's like a building shell. It's, this, I don't know what this stuff is used for here, if anything. I don't feel any people around, I don't feel any activity around. It's like I'm at a huge dummy place. This isn't a for- clear- like a clearing in the forest, a sort +17 of a large clearing in a f-...wooded area, heavily wooded. These girders are horizontal and mostly... All right now........ I keep getting this....I really think that the thing that goes on goes on under the ground here because I keep getting this fascination with my feet. This feeling of geologic change, this magnificent change, bulging in the earth here... It's...blocked from my view by the earth. I keep saying, I keep wanting to say that this is underground, that whatever it is that happens underground.... #66: Okay. Do these horizontal girder things have walls associated with them? #31:, No, they're like skeletons to buildings. #66: Okay. #31: They're like scaffoldings, they're not solid.... #66: Okay......... #31: I just now went back up... I was looking back down on this fingery island type of feeling. And I had this, uh, feeling of explosion... shock wave. But for some particular, peculiar reason it's like mostly venting and escaping, it's not-but Approved For Release 20 q6- 0788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 20Q fp lPr-Rfid=07888000500780001-2 #31: somethin' did come up and was visible above ground, but like it's all this shocking, a lot of this shocking, everything was in the ground, and I could see the...the countryside ripple and trees wave back and forth. Like a detonation of a large bomb or a large cash of dynamite or something. That was, I was up high and that was sort of just looking back down and that's when I saw it. #66: Tell me about the experience that you have when this occurs... +22 #31: It is like watching a moving picture of a, uh, B-52 strike in Jietman. It's like this circular shock wave pattern going out, and then the dust, dirt and dust plume'rising out of it. #66: Okay. #31: Very third person. #66: What is your altitude as you perceive this? #31: That was at about a mile. Maybe less. #66: All right. Hold yourse=lf at one mile altitude and I would like to read the coordinates again and the exact, precise time window. Watch carefully when I read that and be prepared to explain what happens. I'll read them again now just to make sure: Now the exact time window: 15 December 1980, PAUSE +29 #31: I'm not gettin' anything. 0 #66: All right. I want to have you do your scan from the time of 0930 to 1000 GMT and I want to put you in some different per- spectives so that we can understand better what goes on at the target, from-several different perspectives. So I want you then to assume the perspectiveI give you and then when I say the word "scan" experience the target and report your experience to me. Okay? At 50,000 feet over the target...scan. Approved For Release 200 TT' " ?'^'"88000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05117 GIA= rpg mmW788ROO0500780001-2 #31: First there's nothin' to see. I was turning around...and, uh, slowly turning my right was as though a huge hatch door had been opened in the ground and a spray of light was coming up out of it, heat and light, like the...upward thrust you have when a rocket in a silo takes off. That kind of thing. Was a very nicely.four cornered, but it was immense. It was a...massive, I mean if there was a door it would have to be a mile across. That's the only thing. #66: All right, fine. #31: And it sorta bulged in the, between the four corners. It was like a, a bulge in it, that's first thing. Like a tablecloth with four corners tacked down in.the breeze. #66: All right. Once again, once again now: SG1A 10,000 feet, 10,000 feet over the target... Scan. PAUSE #31: This funny...long skinny.building,with like two wings off on one side of it. Something is almost "F" shaped... It's got trees all around it. And as I swung around looking at that was like this massive light bolt of light went up past me, something almost segmented, coming out of the building, like a ray, reflected ray of light or something was going past and it was this feeling of brightness, mirror brightness. And it was something to do with this "F" building, but I didn't see it come out of this "F" building or this "F" thing, it went past me as I was looking around somewhere else. Like if you would imagine a radio signal being a physical thing. It was like this tube of signal going by me on the vertical, like it was going up and away from me, away from the earth, it went right past me. And it was....length is not measured in distance, it's measured in seconds, and it was like a four second pulse or something like that, which in fact made the, it was about a half mile long it felt like, if it had any length to it. This building's weird, it's this very long...string bean building. It has weird proportions... excessively long for it's width..... +40 #66: Ask yourself what is the origin. of the phenomena that you experience at this location. Ask yourself what is the origin of the phenomena that you experience at this location. Approved For Release 788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002M7 aI'p`-q 90788R000500780001-2 ,7d. #31: I'm, some strange place here...on catwalks... I don't know where I am, I'm several levels of the bottom level, but I don't know... And there's front of me is this... round thing, it's this, uh, like highly. reflective, huge, round generator or something like that. It's's got layers, extra sleeves around it and I'm like standing on this catwalk, looking at this thing. And there's this longness. Have this feeling that the thing that this is is part of is real long, goes from my right to my left. It's got all sorts of different aspects to it. It's, it's all assembled in straight line. #66: Okay. Can I.ask you to hold your description for a moment. I'm out of tape, have to turn the tape over for a minute. So, if you'll just hold your description for a moment and study it for a minute while I turn the tape over. You may continue. #31: It's, uh, long...and it has this,, shiny, highly complex and segmented.... length to it. I can't tell if I'm above ground or if I'm underground or if I'm in a long building. There's this longness to this whole area here, like I'm inside that long building. The, uh, the head of the, the thing, that beam of light or whatever it was came out of the head of the building between the "F" things. It's at that end, it's not the non-"F" end. That's like the bottom of the thing, the end of, the starting end of it. But there's like where the screen is that openend up that let the light out... #66: Okay. If you'll remember everything that you've seen, 1 have no further questions about the target area. If there's anything you'd like to add please do so now.... #66: Okay, return your attention then to the present time and me and the room here. Move your arms, move your legs, stretch a bit and take a few deep breaths and prepare to draw that which you've seen. #31: Okay, Huh, on sketch .1 I've just drawn a general feeling for the greater area. I had a feeling there were water rivers run- ning in and through and amongst maybe islands, or forming islands, like I was in a delta area, or someplace where there's an awful lot of rivers and water. The- I had a very strong feeling for evergreen forests, you know, some sort of heavy forestation and I thought they were evergreens. Uh...anyway, the idea is the ground bulges up in sketch 1., like a big bubble in a pot of chili. The ground bulges up feeling. Uh, from sketch 1 I went on down into the forest. And I was-. I felt that I was standing, looking at the side, trees from some little clearing, and up...still.,the feeling of underground- ness, uh, and, uh, then I'm looking at these trees and the Approved For Release 2002/05/1 iA Rip -fl 0788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/, 8R000500780001-2 #31: feeling of a large cloud, like a explosion cloud, mushroom cloud coming over the trees, looming over my shoulder... That's not drawn. Sketch 2, at the site once again, you fixed me into the site, I think. And I'm talking about this open scaffolding. The scaffolding runs horizontal to the ground,.long distances, like quarter of a mile. This open scaffolding, as though somebody had, the perception I had was as though somebody had taken one of these very long super cranes and laid it down so that it was horizontal and you could see this open scaffolding. And this scaffolding was in somewhat of a cleared area in the forest. All right. Uh, I'm still puzzled about what was happening and everything else, so apparently for sketch 3 was sometime during the session when.I spoke out and I said look, wait a minute, I'm back up above the ground. I had gone back above the ground and I was looking back down at this forest thing and I saw the classic B-52 strike type of picture where the shock waves are going out in slow motion and you see the, the mushroom cloud, the explo- sion go up out of the middle and turn into a big cloud. When I say atomic type I'm not saying atomic necessarily, but classic, big explosion cloud, billowing dust and dirt and everything. And this feeling of, and: I'm not kidding now, all the while through. thus far I have been fascinated with my feet and with the ground through the session thus far, I have been very-feeling vibrations in the ground type feeling, you know, wondering about earth, all the words earthquake, underground explosion, sizemic event, geologic event, all this was always going through my mind, all the while I was there. That was the biggest thing was undergroundness. All right. Uh, something big underground happening, is what I'm trying to say. And in 3, as I said the shock wave idea was. definitely there in between sketch 1 and 2 I have a mushroom cloud showing up as some sort of visible evidence of something. All right. Then I think you had me stay at that altitude and you had me scan around. And this was at 50,000 feet. Well, I was looking at this dark horizon, everything was dark and under me and I felt that it was darkness, actually.. And I'm looking at this dark horizon of the earth, and I'm sort of trying to drift around, you know, I'm winching myself around a couple, 10 degrees at a time. And outta the corner of my eye was this flash of light, very well configured, very sharply. cornered flash of light, as though it was a, someone had opened up a silo door for an underground missile thing. You know how those doors are. And that it was square, and somebody had set off a strobe in under it. It was this brilliant flash of light and a pattern on the ground where it was escaping through the ground layer was very distinct rectangular. Approved For Release 20 R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 20 I - ="0788R000500780001-2 #31: But at the time I said seems like it's mile by a mile, seems hu-, you know, it was huge, I, felt to me like the ground area of this opening, uh, this blast or opening or whatever caused this light to be emitted was exceptionally large. And I said mile by mile at the time. But for sketch 4 the thing for me to get across is that amidst the blank.dullness of forest at night,'s like somebody took a razor blade and cut a square out of the forest and turned a strobe light on in under it. And it's shining out into the : atmoaphere, away from the earth... Oh, I know, the other thing that I- I likened the formation to when a. rocket takes off out of a silo. All that back blast comes back and it comes out in very straight angular directions away from the rock- you; know, along with the rocket. That's what it was like, it was like this big shooting up out of the surface of the earth. That's four. Now five, I think you moved me to 10,000 foot altitude. And again I have, I can discern the trees a little bit better down there. And I'm,.once again I'm winching myself around looking at the horizon and trying to glimpse some outline or vagueness below me. And, about simultaneous to having discovered some long, skinny building, there are other buildings here, by the way, I might wanna draw those in. The predominant building is an "F" shaped building that':s long and skinny. And as I'm sitting looking around at the...horizon, looking for something, you were telling me to look for something, I'm looking for something, you know, what happened. I had the funny feeling of this burst tube, if you could imagine a tube of light. #66: Is this when I asked you the origin of the thing? #31: Right. #66: Okay. #31: I think. No, no, this is just before the origin of the phenomena, or whatever it is, words you used. #66: Right. #31: No, that takes me, the origin is 6 and 7. Okay. This is still while I'm looking for the phenomena. Anyway, amidst this very isolated and forested area, looking at a dark sky again, if- I was tryin' to say is if you could imagine a tube of light... patterned light, molded light beam going flashing : past you and I was, you know, upright in the atmosphere type positioning, and I had the feeling that this tube of molded light beam went past me. It was about maybe a quarter to a half mile long. It was just went vvvt! right past me. I don't have any idea of the size of it or anything like that but it was like a laser beam, you know, when you turn it on and you turn it off, therefore you have a precise size. And this bolt or beam of Approved For Release 6-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17.,,, CIA-RDP9 -0788R000500780001-2 #31: light goes through the atmosphere. And if you were to hold that light in time and space it'd look like.a large cylinder. It.had the configuration of..a long cylinder. And that's what went past me, like a burst of light. The idea here is molded. I probably should write that down- molded. Formed... beam or burst of light going past. And w- it did again, like the other thing go- the other light thing, it was going up into the atmosphere, away from the ground. Okay. Uh....this is all very. perplexing, but I had the feeling that the -beam of light originated in this "F" shaped building. Okay?..... Which is amidst somewhat of a smaller compl- or a complex of buildings that are, you know, scattered around there. But.the "F" shape is the most important shape. And that originated at the cross.-leg end of the "F" shaped build- ing, and that it originated out of the roof of the "F" shaped building, and it was as though something had been moved aside to allow this thing to escape and then it could be closed back up, like a, like a shutter on a camera... Had a feeling of reflectiveness in there, like reflective mirros and highly shiny and everything really neat down inside there. I didn't go in there. But that's just the i- the feeling that I had when asked me what the origin of the phenomena was like and I found myself in what might be a 2 or possibly 3 level elongated, long access complex, which I believe is the long skinny "F" shaped building, the long access of the "F" shaped building in sketch 5. And then sketch 6 I was up on a catwalk one or two stories above more complex below me. I was looking at this shiny black heavy grossly, grossly metallic electrical generator size magnitude machinery. And machinery had bumps and radiuses that stuck out around it, like a generator would.. And I had two feelings. I had one was that something spun around and around and around and around inside this thing. How do I- spun around and around and around inside of the exterior cir- cumference of the circular part of this thing. And that the burst of light thing went flying down the long axis of this long thing, like a laser generator or some sort of super accel- erator or something like that. Sketch 6 is one view and sketch 7 is another view taken to the right. That's sketch 7 there, goes that way. As you can see I got an upper, I'm on an upper catwalk, lower isle, I can't even make up the machinery complex on the lower isle side, but up on the second level side here along the left side of sketch this very, very long thing. The whole length of the building is nothing but these- like a huge, segmented, black metal warm: that goes down the side. And there's a roof over top. This wasn't above, this was, I could not tell if this Approved For Release 206210 / I it -00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05197 ~_ c n ur a' -on 788R000500780001-2 #31: was above ground or underground. I did feel that I_was in some instances underground. Because this whole undergroundness feeling of something going on beneath the surface of the earth was all very prevalent there, throughout the whole episode. Okay? #66: Okay. #31: And it was all very confusing... #66: Okay. You have anything else you wanna add? #31: Well, it's funny. I don't understand how it.can work this way but at the very beginning of the session is all atomic under- groundness. And at the end of the session it's no longer- I'm not saying that it's not, but the thing was not atomic. The thing- the phenomena that I was observing was.more light laser type flashingness. Okay? The thing that I was looking for was not atomic itself, it might be atomic driven. Throughout the whole series I had the feeling of very, very h-, high sophis- ticated technology. You know, once I got into this place, this certainly isn't, this isn't a long range telescope. This is something that produces something and shoots it out and makes it go far, far away. Heat energy, possibly destructive, but you know, whatever. Okay, and the only other thing I'd like to say is that, uh, it was an unusual session for me. Usually I_can glom right down on a set of coordinates and it doesn't give me any problem. But throughout the whole session I had definitely a get in close problem, I could not, I was very, very hesitant or something to get in close to where these target coordinates were. I was- you'll notice from the perspectives of these sketches I'm be- tween 5 and 10 miles away all the time. And every once in a while I slip in close, but then boing! I'm back far, far away again. Just like other sessions that I've run...similar. Okay, that's all I have. Approved For Releases '^?^?'~^~~~ m "'''""` "^"""" 00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA- Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved F()f- Rele 2002/05h17 \CIA-RDP96-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDF 96-00788R000500780001-2 -Ow Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Relea a 2Q02/05/17: CIA-RDP9, Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP90-00788R000!W078W01-2 t 0 V Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved Fob- Release 20021 ? CIA- R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780 proved For Release 2002/05/17 1A. ~P9 078A000500780001-2 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 TAB Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-54 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the viewer was told that he would be provided geographic coordinates and that he would be working on a past time window. 2. (S/NOFORN) At the beginning of the session the viewer was provided the following information: 3. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to scan the time period 0930 to 1000 hours GMT at the target. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ORCON Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2 Approved For Relea SUBJECT: Summary of Report DC-54, Source #31 22 December 1980 1. (S/NOFORN) The following information was obtained from Source #31 and was given to this office on 19 Dec 80 at 1445 hours: a. (S/NOFORN) Source reported information concerning location at SG1A and during time frame 15 Dec 80 at 0930-1000 hours GMT. Note: During debriefing, source was asked to report on actual time as requested in targeting data. provided by consumer. b. (S/NOFORN) Source reported large pine forest area with many finger- like lakes. Described major change taking place like bulging in ground and huge, ugly cloud seen in distance over trees. c. (S/NOFORN) Indicated that whatever happens, happens underground. Reported feeling of explosion, shock-wave.... shaking in the ground, like detonation of large bomb or cashe of dynamite. d. (S/NOFORN) Reported long, thin building in area. Building had 2 wings to it. Trees all around it. Some sort of bolt of light comes out of building and goes up in the air. 2. (S/NOFORN) Complete report will be forwarded to your office ASAP. Request evaluation of this data be forwarded to this office NLT 15 Jan 81. 3. (U) Included are 7 drawings made by the source pertaining to the above location. 4w'a'o'. 14 1- 7 Incl , '.MURRAY B. WATT As stated t/ LTC, MI Project Manager nninrT CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) i 1 DATED: 0516302 JUL 78 SABLE TU FDFBIGN NA!111) 3ALS REVIEW ON: Dec 2000 Approve&9r-Re-lease 2002/05/17: CIA-RDP96-00788R000500780001-2