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Approved For Release 200 788ROO0600160001-9
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP96-00788 01
Approved For Release 00788R000600160001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning U.S. Army helicopter
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
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#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 17 July 1981;
mission time is 0845..
All right #36, the time is now 8:45. I would like you once
again to go back in time to 17 February 1981. I would like
you to focus on the U.S. Army helicopter 73-21711, with three
crew members on board.
#14: Okay. I would like you to pick up where you left off from
your last session. You were in the helicopter, the stick was
vibrating badly. You were looking out the right window when
something struck you. I would like you to describe the events
from that time on.
+03 #36: It's gonna be all's gonna be all right. It's gonna
be all right-no sweat.......... Going down....(mumble).....
+05 ..... Things are mbvin' very slow...very slow...slow motion..
Floppy straw hat, a jungle native of some type...
Donkey.......... Uh, hurt...... Slim guy standing, 160 pounds.
Straight ahead there .................. I see a guy on the ground...
Something about a buzzard. I don't know whether we hit it or
what, but there's some damn big buzzard. Two of 'em..big ones.
Careful or you'll hit them bastards. Guy gotta have a sharp eye...keep
sharp eye. Look out...
#14: Okay, I'd like you to again focus on the crash. I would like
you to describe the condition of the crew members after the
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#36: Seems to be some open, deep grass..spots, grass very tall.
One of few places where some openness...
#14: Does he find what he's looking for?
+15 #36: I don't know. Have to wait and see.
#14: Okay. Continue...
#36: Somebody in a floppy straw hat-something to do with this...
Local type, local type. He either saw bird go down or is
watching from nearby somewhere. Or he..very timid person, very
timid. Crew doesn't seem to be aware of...native type. I
cant tell where is, if he's okay or not. Think he's
unconscious. He just can't... I lost all account of time, I
don't know how long it's been... But shadows are very long,
it's either early morning or late afternoon, long shadows.
It's late evening, late evening. I feel apprehension about
shadows getting longer. But there's sun on the...sun on the
upslopes there. The slope must be facing either south or east
or somewhere between to the..crew is to the
the south or west of this slope, or southwest of this slope.
Seems to be deep jungle behind me when I'm facing the slope.
Deep jungle, deep timber vegetation....
+20 Distinct feeling somebody..extinct..distinct feeling someone
is aware of..crash site.... I just don't see much else to
pinpoint this position. But I'm getting number 54. I don't
know if it has anything to do with it or not..54...
#36:. I am seeing a pretty well intact fuselage, forward portion..
and trying to tie it to some time frame. I keep wanting it
to be after the crash, but I don't know. It's-it's damaged...
I think the fuselage is not totally destroyed. Sitting at a
funny angle towards the left side..left side down, kind of...
#14: Okay. I'd like you to remain at the crash site. I'd like
you to take up a position overhead looking down at the crash
site. Move now to present time, today, right now.......
#36: I keep seeing a...native shack of some kind. I saw someone
with very skinny legs and olive drab undershorts on, sitting
on a cot like affair..just one person. Very primitive shack,
dwelling. I..from this vantage point don't see any signs of
crash. Looking around very hard trying to tie to the target.
I find myself a shack.
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#14: I would like you to imagine yourself a search aircraft or
helicopter over the crash site. Can you, from your position
in present time, see or perceive any broken trees?
#36: The bird apparently went into a clear, grassy area, went into
overshot, went into trees, under trees. Grass was disturbed
but it's not now. It's that tall stuff..high as a man's head..
weed, grass. Flying along-toward the south of this range.
Approaching you can see broken open areas of this tall grass
and jungle to the left. Broken openness seems up slopes
at the foot of the range. It flattens out to the left. It's..
gets some bigger timber. It's not-what's prominent-to block
off to... As I'm stretching along..with range on my right and
jungle to my left I'm aware of some kind of river off a few
miles to my right- left, left, left. And it seems to be flowing
towards me... Just no sign posts. I see no distressed vegetation
that would indicate that the bird went in...
That's just about it, I think. Can't seem to pin anything down.
#14: Okay. One final question- from your position, imagining you are
a search aircraft, can you see anything of the helicopter from
overhead in a search pattern?
#36: No. Can't see it. I flew right over it and I couldn't see it.
But I was aware of where it was.
#14: If you were an infrared imaging system would you be able to pick
up an image of this from IR?
#36: Not enough deferenti.L..went in under canopy... foreign metal
parts stabilize..Not enough
#14: Okay, I have no further questions at this time.
#36: Might try radar. Canopy penetrating radar, is not...probably
not. Know a lot of targets like this and they.. That's about
#14: Okay.
We're now ready for debrief.
#36: Okay. Drawing one. Was this the only portion that you wanted?
Drawing one? Well, let me tell you what it is, then you can
tell me if that's all you want.
Uh, this is the mountain range, uh, here, sticking up through
this jungle. This long wavy line here identifies flight patty
is where I felt.they were flying. And it lost altitude, it went
right into under the trees in this clearing. I've identified
three clearings. There was more in the area but I didn't wanna
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#36: go to all the detailed drawing, all the little patches that
I couldn't remember exactly how they were positioned. Then
towards the bottom of the page is a lot of jungle getting
bigger and bigger. But I was aware of a intermittent stream
running into other streams, getting. bigger and creating a small
river, which I thought was to the south, in a southerly direction,
roughly. It's indicated towards the bottom of the page, running
across the bottom of the page.
Uh, I had the feeling that the vegetation got very sparse the
higher up you went on the slopes. Any questions about any of
Um, could you put a north arrow on the drawing if you-
Yeah, it's estimated- yeah, it's- north is somewhere towards
the top of the page. Uh, is that sufficient, or you want me to
try an draw- I really don't know exactly within say about 20
degrees how this range is oriented. But I felt west or south
is kinda to the- to the left. So north is probably off in a
direction like that somewhere. But..I was roughly the southerly
or southwesterly slope of that mountain. And I base that on the
way the light was hitting some of the patches of grass higher up
the slope and hitting the slope, long shadows. I felt I really
dread those shadows getting longer, which indicates it musta
been in the evening rather than in the morning, which says that
that was somewhere to the, uh, southwest, south somewhere.
Uh, question. You mentioned that, uh...I think it was
was looking for something.
Yeah, I don't know why I felt it was
but I just felt it
Did, uh, you get any feeling of what he was looking for or
whether he found it?
#14: Uh, just go back over the feeling that you had that there might
possibly be STAT
#36: Think that happened when we moved to the present time. Uh,
I kept trying. to see the crash site, and I felt not too distant
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#36: from there I kept zooming in on a primitive shack of some kind.
And, uh...that just dissolved away and I saw a Caucasian in
olive drab shorts, sitting on some kind of bunk, pad or something
about a foot high, 'cause his knees were quite high and I remem-
ber his legs were quite skinny. Not emaciated, not knobby knees
like malnutrition, but quite slim. And I looked around real
quick trying to see if there was any more or- I assumed that was
one of the crew members, I don't know that.
#14: I have no further questions.
#36: Okay.
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lilt ~ i
Approved For Relea ; 788R000600160001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the attached
photo of a U.S. Army helicopter and the information provided thereon.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to describe the condi-
tion of the three crewmembers after the crash, which took place on 17 February
1981. He was then asked to describe the. crash site at this present time and
to determine if this location could be spotted from the air.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600160001-9
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