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Approved For Release 2003/09/10: INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM Approved For Release 200'S/0V!'f01'rC?A-1MF96-00788 CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 REVIEW ON: McLA Qoo I 7, FLAME Approved For Release q,Q k38 I{) L. 1 6-00788ROO0600280001-6 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-95 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a.request for information concerning an Army UHIH, Tail Number 73-21711. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing in- formation provided the remote viewer. NOT RELEA `'P .R -I N , N TIONALS Approved For Release 2 88R000600280001-6 ? ARARN W'F ~ ORCON Approved For ReleaseA0 &0 L1 Clift-Ein 96-00788R000600280001-6 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-95 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0830 hours, 12 March 1981. SGFOIA3 SGFOIA3 #08: #66: #66: +02 #08: +04 This will be a pre-session briefing to the remote viewer. On 17 February 1981 at 0700 hours at the target a UH1H 1973 model US Army helicopter. went down. It still is missing and cannot be found. Your task this morning will be to locate this helicopter, the tail. number 73-21711. Call signs, Arm 711. . Pilot Co-pilot, SGFOIA3 I now show you a photograph of a UH1H Army helicopter. e beginning of the session I will say locate Army.helicopter 73-21711. At that time we wish you to access 17 February 1981 at 0700 wherever in the world the helicopter is located. Do you have any questions? No. You now have 25 minutes to prepare for this session. PAUSE Relax and concentrate now, relax and concentrate. Focus your attention on Army helicopter tail; number 73-21711, 17 February 1981. Focus your attention now on 17 February 1981. Locate Army helicopter 73-21711 and describe its location to me. I have two things that come up. I got to get.rid of 'em. It's on a,'s on the side of a oa _,h411. , ....It's very desolate. There are'.sharp rocks... and.... if the ah, using.the departure point as a point of reference you gotta go on a course of . about.... about ah, about south/ southeast and then you gotta go about, about 225 miles to the .........think the place of the accident 's abuif it were :: it's very hard to explain......-..- As if it were below the the set of the, the level surface of its surroundings. As if it were, something like going into the Qrand,,Canyon of the surface of the, the earth, if you wish, of that plain goes into a hole ~5 ort f Approved For Release 20 0788R000600280001-6 '4 Q14110 Approved For Release 200Q3/ 108: How can I.....I need you to ask things, 'cause this imagery is ...very muddled. #66: All right. You said that, when you started, that there were two things that you had to get off your mind. #08: Yeah, yeah. I had a tough-time, ah, I had a tough time.:: getting ready for it, because I'Lkept creeping intc,,,ah,time that _ I had to.get ready, kept interferimgti..and...there was a, the thing at remains standin g was the point of reference and about 225, two hundred and twenty-five miles, south, southeast, +06 almost south, southeast. But, the first one was in a desert .and then after...tried to put that.out of my mind...and then :::..(mumble) when we really started....then....tried to follow those impressions. #66: Okay. Now, focusing on-the events of the, the morning of 17 February in this location, 0700.hours, focusing on the events now, access the window at 17 February 1981, and tell me about the events that take place in and around 0700, 17 February 1981. i v +07 #08: Things that come,1are .trainin exercise, reconnaissa e... d _ s ' ve-...r - houl and, ah,,, sector net $num le - U r - east from where they are. BSc naissa.-n support of..... t_roopJ ...... a....ah...imagery is very, very fast; it's so temporary, I can't keep up with it. #66: Summarize it for me. #08: Ah, ah, ah, like they're getting into their craft.. Like they on comes in what, due east, and, in have a reconnaissance Mj_q_pi us pport of guys in fatigues ....apd the character of the desert ISj +09 .....keeps.coming up with the ?p-~e departure, .... and,JJand the okay, the ..ah..when they're there on location is that if you took their point of departure and went east, and another vector(phonetic) that. went.... something.... east, southeast, but that's too far down; t .werenl't_supposed to go that far down. They're at that lower point with that vector (phonetic). #66: Describe to me the events of that accident. +12 #08: For one thing they were flying. very low . ..................... It's as if tla_y went in..the._eanyon;.they were coming out of the canyon; there's a power failure, and hit the side fit. It _jP didn't have the power to get the hell out.....That's the only (mumble) because....... Approved For Release 2 ll , Approved For Release 200 ===C== 000600280001-6 #66: Okay. Describe the condition of the aircraft after the accident. #08: The trouble is...near, damn near remain (phonetic) portion inside is a small, very small piece of a.tail...everything else fell down, fell in, and everything tumbled down went right against the +14 (mumble). There might be a small portion of this section that holds the rotor on the side, in.the side of that hill...... Put it (mumble) of the surrounding., and therefore it's easy to (mumble). The rest of it's just about the (mumble) crate (phonetic) and roll down the hill. #66: The condition of the crew? #08: I don't know. I think it was.....(mumble) was very quick..... #66: In what area of the world are you? #08: I don't know. We could ' gotta.come...that's known.... you gotta come back to your point of departurei.,_ #66: Aha. .I understand what you're saying.. I'd like you to try to move up over the top of the sight. Moue up over the top of the sight. Now, higher. Now, from the satellite perspective, in what area of the world are you? #08: There's only on this, ah, ... (mumble) Middle East, but......... #66: From what do you get the overlay? PAUSE #08: From... knowledge of exercises (mumble), #66: Okay. I have no further questions, but I'd like to give you the chance to explore and comment as you see fit. Once again, focusing. on 17 February 1981, Army helicopter 73-21711. #08: I don't have anything else. #66: Okay. Focusing your attention back to me in the room at the present time, move your arms-and move your legs and prepare to draw some of the imagery you've had. #08: Okay. Well, sketch one is, ah....drawn as the main point of reference which is marked an X with a circle which would be the departure of the aircraft. I got the impression Q "Q Approved For Releas 9 -007888000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2040 I e 0788R000600280001-6 ea/V k r L. 908: it had an assigned area of search which was more or less due east of it, and going from east to, oh, not all the way to south, maybe three-quarters of the way, if this were a perfect square here ..... and somehow,.it strayed somewhat below its area of search, and I got-the impact in a crater sight in a gully type area marked by an X........ two things,.the, the, the area of search which I've indicated by a couple of jagged likes appears to represent a geographical country border area. I'll put that line two, okay. Mark that down as line two. And, there is a line one, closer from the plane of departure, which also has some geographical significance, but it. does not appear to be a country border. But, it is-some type of border. And, that's, it had to cross that and conduct its aerial search to the geographical border. Impression I got from the point of departure to the crash sight is about 225 miles. Okay. #66: And, what is this area..look like then to you? #08: The area, at first, was one of desert, and so on. I think I explained to-you at the beginning of the session, hew all of this very, very quick fast imagery intefered with my preparation and... #66: Aha.... #08: My getting ready for the session ..... I was.....first time ....... in all the times that I've.ever done this that I've had such difficulty trying to push the imagery out of my mind and concentrate on just simply getting ready. At that the beginning I had imagery of ..'.of desert, something like Egypt. And, I had to push that out in my.-mind and force myself to do away with the imagery and awaibt for the beginning of the session so I could start clear.. Now, there's, there's overlay in that, in that I know that we had an airborne division or something in Egypt conducting an exercise. That may have played a great role in all this stupid imagery that I'm getting. At the beginning of the session when I was waiting for the passive in imagery. so that I..... it would be more accurate..... it would be truer imagery than the crash sight in particular ...... change from a desert...... all of this is very desolate by the way...... either, whether it's the first imagery or the second imagery. But, the difference between the first and the second is in the second instance there-was some type of gully .....almost mountainous: aspect with jetting out. But, the more I looked at it, it seemed to be below ground level. Which didn't make sense at all. As if this.thing, this aircraft headed straight into a canyon, was coming out of a canyon, and was really well on its way out of the canyon when it experienced some type of power.failure, and it was.just too close to do anything except slam into the hillside. This is a rock. I don't know why this,. this is predominantly a jetting rock with some kind of vegetation on the side here. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 #66: Okay. Now, is the motif in, although it is desolate as you say in both of your images, is the motif of desert in the second area? #08: No. It's outside. It's as if there were on the periphery on, at the end of.this thing, and it still as ever. Except, that it was more mountainous and.more craggy....ah.... and, yet in canyon fashion. And the only thing that seemed to remain of the aircraft is, is part of the fuselages here which is the tail end of the aircraft, and something that I didn't mention during the session, but which was, I meant to, and..... just didn't.seem to have a was so fast..... there's a, there's a small red. and white thing. I don't know if it comes from one of .the rotor blades, the rear rotor blades or...(mumble) from the...... stern portion of the aircraft. And, there's only a small portion of the stern.of.the aircraft left on the hillside. But, it's so imbeded,.and imbeded in the side that you can't hardly see it, and most of the debris, all of the debris, except that small portion just rolled down that entire hillside.. ....and just, just melted with the background so that you can't,. you can't figure it out. You can hardly see it. You can't piece it together. #66: Okay. #08: That's all I have........ on the damn thing. #66: Okay. IDoiyou have any confidence in the imagery that you did have? #08: Yeah. But, the, the....the thing I, I. didn't like was the inteference with my preparation, which was, like I say, has never happened before. Maybe it was the acute impression of the target that I, just really surprised me...the target. I was extremely surprised for some reason. And, it's as if I couldn't get to it fast enough or...I was going. to say.......let's go now, let's do it now.....but, I knew I wasn't in a complete, receptive state. I kept fighting to get into that receptive state, and it was very, very difficult. #66: Okay. Anything else you want to add? #08: No. Approved For Releas Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 TAB Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 roved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0006002 1-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 TAB Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 00788R000600280001-6 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-95 1. (S/NOFORN) Info unation provided the remote viewer prior to the session is documented as a pre-session breifing,and is included in the transcript. Attached is the photograph shown to the viewer. 2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was.asked to elaborate on those portions of his descriptions which seemed relevant to the problem of locating the target. NOT RELE 0 Fj (VATIONALS RC Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600280001-6