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Approved For Release 2000/ 000600530001-8 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS REVIEW ON:"c.~-c1 - - ~. --- T GRILL FLAME Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release !t322Er.-frt=96-00788ROO0600530001-8 "mmC; L. w UN L. SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-47 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information concerning a target building. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are;provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/0 CggnrT 6-00788R000600530001-8 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-47 TIME #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1300 hours, 12 May 1981. This will be a pro-session briefing to the remote viewer. Today's target is identified to you as the building in the photograph which I now show you. #01: Okay. SG1 B #66: This building relates to `the . individual you know as _ We wish you to help =and his job, by remote viewing the buildin in the photograph and scanning the building to help SG1 B #01: Okay. #66: We'll be scanning the building in the present time, right now, the right now scan of the building. Do you have any other questions pertaining to today's mission? #01: No. #66: All right. You now have 10 minutes to prepare for today's session. Relax, relax and concentrate now. Concentrate and focus. Focus on the building in the photograph I have shown you. Focus and concentrate. Focus on the target building, scan the target area, and report your perceptions to me...... +02 #01: In's in a main entry area... Some, uh, decorative flower work of some kind on a door, doors. It's like a open, open area in the front of a counter. It looks very, almost like a bank. Glass, counter work with glass. Open bay.... Got a, a doorway to a hall on the left... With a.. kind of offices to the sides-and a main, uh, office area at the end.... The, uh, there's like a divider wall of some kind.. It's to the right.. This is a very luxurious type of area... +05 Apparently a, like a more formal or higher class type office.. Got a row of windows in the rear-all the way down the build- ing... Let me scan this building for things that M should be lookin' for. SG1 B 1 QT. $ABI'iE TO FOREIGN NATION J a Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/0 _ - 788R000600530001-8 +07 #01: Feel like a, uh..the only, the only input I'm getting is like a custom made cabinet or bar.. Sort of a "L" shape, built like catty-corner to a corner of a room. I see a, looks like a tea serving set or silver serving set of some kind on it.. Doesn't appear to be any kinda alcohol or anything visible but it's there, it's like under the cupboard. This is a, I got cups, some kind of a decorative tea set. I don't know why I'm attracted to that. #66: Describe the room where this is located. #01: I'm trying to. I get pale blue, color pale blue. I get, uh.. light, light furniture, not heavy overstuffed furniture but almost like Dansk type furniture, very lightly built. I get some very expensive rugs..Persian type carpets,. wide desk... There's a lot, like a lot of red in the Get what looks like a window mounted air conditioners. Two flag stan- chions... #66: Describe your position of observation. SG1A #01: Dead center in the room.. #66: And as you stand in this room now, concentrate solely on helping - and describe your imagery to me. #01: I just get a piece of wood looks like a jack-like a double intersecting cross, small. Has something to do with the, uh, the bar type counter with the tea set... #66: Describe the experience which you have that makes you say it has something to do with the tea set. What is the experience you have? #01: I keep moving to there. I get this free-flowing imagery of this like wooden jack, double intersecting cross. It's like, uh, I get..keep getting them recurring visions and they're one after the other... Try to..get the color blue in there as well but I keep getting a pattern like a oval, oval leaf pattern in black, or very dark green on blue background. Something to do with a counter or bar top and the, uh, a wooden jack. Keep asking if there's any kind of a device in here and I'm not getting any of those, any direct answers to that. I don't, I don't think there's anything device-wise. I just keep getting this series of impressions. #66: All right. Open your perspectives now broader to cover the +11 whole building and continue, focusing solely on helping SG1A #01: Just got an impression of a person. He's wearing a light yellow shirt, brown tie, sleeves rolled up, no outer coat, sandy bland hair. But I don't know what the connection is. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? R000600530001-8 .-HUM M #66: Describe the activity of this individual.... #01: Paperwork... He's in some kind of a management position, something to do with paperwork... He's like in his, uh, uh.. mid to late thirties. He's wearin' a school ring. One of those big, bulbous type rings... I don't know why I got an SG1A impression of him. I was tryin' to isolate another area of interest to _ and that's what I got. +16 #66: Continue now to help-.. SG1A #01: That's all I'm getting. #66: Okay. #01: Getting, uh, incidentally I'm getting the pressure again between the...just above and behind the eyes. I had that once before... Not exactly sure what that means. #66: Just explore the feeling. Just relax and concentrate and explore the feeling for a moment... Explore it. Just relax and explore it.... #01: Just pressure behind the eyes, like I really cracked my head... ......... Think that's all I'm gonna get. #66: All right. I have no further questions about the target area. And focus your attention now back on my voice, back on me here in the room, remembering from the beginning of the session all +21 the imagery you have had. Let's prepare now to draw the im- pressions of the session. #01: Okay. Debriefing here. Uh, page one is a, uh, an entry door. I don':t know which one it is, but it comes into a foyer like area with seats. Then on the left is a low gate that goes in like a hallway. And then there's office doors on both sides and you can just see an office down at the end of the hallway. The hallway, I get a feeling like it angles "L" shape to the right down there at the very end. Call that a "RL", right, right L hallway. Uh, there's a bank like counter with the glass front and everything and the little flip door on the side and it's got files and safes off on the left and a big work area in the back. Like two window air conditioners sticking out of the back windows, which are very high up off the ground. The entry doors, the two entry doors I perceived had some kind of a flower pattern to 'em, or leaf pattern I think I said. Write that on here...leaf pattern... Uh, page two is a separate room, the real fancy office. And I perceived a door towards the bottom of the page which went to an outer office or reception. And the door, which I indi- cated on the left of the page , goes to the foyer or outer hall. I'm not sure where that's at, but it's like an outside area. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 200010810L ,, I788R000600530001-8 #66: Now, this area in two is the one to which you found, the one in which you found yourself when I ask you to help SG1A #01: Correct. And I started out by finding myself at the upper right hand corner of the page at the tea set on the bar. Why, I don't know. Uh, page three I'll do a picture of the inter- connecting cross. #66: Okay. #01: Or jack, what I was calling a jack, which has something to do back here. Also I have a feeling for a predominant blue color in this room. Two flags behind the seat behind the desk, the rug is like a Persian design rug with red, a lot of red in it. And there's two bathrooms like in the back corner. One's accessed from outside the building, or outside the room, and one's for access from inside the room. And that essentially is it. #66: Okay, now in drawing three then- #01: Will be the jack. #66: Okay. #01: Okay, on page three is the, uh, the criss-crossed cross or the jack, the wooden jack. And the image, when I was gettin' this image it was associated to a bar or the "L" shaped cabinet in the room on page two. And that's it. #66: Okay, how do you feel about, uh, today's session? #01: Pretty good. I still think hit his head somewhere. Uh, this is obviously not t hnology that we're supposed to be pursuing. Uh, we could've probably done better by try- ing to find what the ambassador's most afraid of, rather than SG1A looking for what is most concerned with, because the ambassador just would have more familiarity with his own build- ing. I don't, just isn't within the- #66: Okay, you and I of course don't know whether or not is here or when he's supposed to be there or anything. #01: I have no idea when he's supposed to be there or anything. I S G1A obviously can't target for that reason, 'cause he might be in Timbuktu, Iowa, and i I'm targeting him in Timbuktu, Iowa I'm hardly gonna do a very efficient job on the embassy in Kuwait. #66: Okay. In this case we weren't told wha relationship to this building was. #66: But, uh, in scanning the building trying to help we find this pecul- you're attracted to this peculiar of We ea set I 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 , 96-00788R000600530001-8 #66: and this strange shaped device which may have something to do with- #01: Yeah. Jack, wooden jack or whatever it is. That's it. #66: Okay, fine. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 W A." of 10 44 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R00060(6,3000 kb I* Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2 80C6//@c ~lP96-OO788ROOO6OO53OOO1 -8 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-47 1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session is documented as a pre-session briefing and is included in the transcript. Attached is a copy of the building photograph shown to the viewer. 2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to elaborate on por- tions of his session which.appeared relevant to the task at hand. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600530001-8