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Approved For Release 200 788R000600720001-7 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL'79 NOT RE'rC~EA 3 ~1 ~TIONALS REVIEW Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-0 m0'tj ~0 Approved For Release 2000 6-0 888000600720001-7 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-88 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information. 2.. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document Grill Flame. Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2006TH=t6-007888000600720001-7 Approved For Release 200 0788ROO0600720001-7 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-88 TIME #14: This will be a remote viewing session for 13 July 1981; mission time will be 0900 hours. #01: Okay. #14: All right 111, the time is now 0900 hours. In your previous mission against this. target you described a man that U.S. Intelligence is now very much interested in. This man you described was the one that was having a relationship with a woman other than his wife. I would like you now to focus, focus on this individual, this man. When you've acquired him let me know..... #01: Okay. #14: All right. I'd like you to take..take your time and take a very good look at this man, a very detailed look. I have several photos to show you during the debrief. In case.he's not one of the men in the photos in the debrief, I'd like a very detailed description of this man. +03 #01: Just a minute..... The guy is not too, uh, classy dresser. Got a rounded chin. He's, uh, not grossly overweight..190, 200 pounds... 5'8", 5'9".... Has very heavy eyebrows, fairly dark eyes... lotta dark under the eyes... Fairly full mouth. Uh, ears are kinda nondescript. #14: Are there any visible identifying marks?.... #01: I'm not getting any, uh, specifics. #14: Okay. I'd like you to ask your greater consciousness this question. What is the man'.s name?...... +05 #Q1: Got Flash.of a Spanish name...Jorge, translates to George. That doesn't, uh, fit for some reason. I just got that flash... Uh, believe last name begins with an "RE" something... Just +08 begins with an "RE"..... George might be an alias that he uses.. I get that impression.... That's all I get for a name. #14: Okay. #01: That, and last name I. think begins with an "RE". Approved For Release 200^'Q?" ' f-* Qg^:^ "- r 8ROOO6OO72OOO1-7 Approved For Release 200 01- 000600720001-7 #14: Does George have any children?... +09 #01: Yes, from a current marriage. #14: Give me an approximate age on these children. #01: Just a minute..... Getting like early, uh, early teens. Getting a girl like 13 and...boy 15, another boy twelve. Grouped close together... Two boys, girl. Has a- it's difficult to iron this out 'cause he has no feeling for his kids. Views it +10 more as a responsibility, a burden.... #14: When did George arrive at this post, at this present job? +11 #01: About a year,.year and four months maybe. Not yet a year and a half-year and four months. #14: Okay. You mentioned that, in your last session, that it appeared George was having a secret relation, relationship with a.woman other than his wife. I want you to focus on that again and is that relationship still going on? #01: Yes, that's correct. #14: I would like you to focus on this other person and tell me more about the person. +12 #01: Okay. Just a minute... Get a woman-about 38-39. Brown hair.. brown. eyes. I don't get any kinda fantastic looks, I just get average looks. Little bit heavy, maybe 150, 145-150, 5'4" to 5'5"... Getting a feel for like secretary type job. Not a full blown secretary but worker type..typist, file clerk, that sort of thing. Previously-married, apparently divorced. +15 No kids... Tryin' to work on nationality here and I keep getting American for some reason. Matter of fact I'm not getting any nationality for alias George other than American either. I don't understand that. Pretty strange... #14: Does this woman work in the same area or the same building as George or is she an outsider? #01: I'm working.on that. Justa minute...... I'm gettin' the same building, but in a, uh, different, completely different job category. I don't see any advertisement at work that they're.. +17 that they have any kind of relationship going. It's all after work... Wanted to see him winding up at her apartment all the time... I don't, uh, I don't see a great deal of feeling for this woman by him either,-it's more of a convenience type relationship. There appears to be a dependence on him by her though... That's all I'm getting on her. #14: Okay. I'd like you to focus again on George. 2 Approved For Release ^^^^ ? ''? FM ^^748R000600720001-7 Approved For Release 200 ..% R000600720001-7 #01: Alias George. I'm not sure. #14: Okay. We'-11-just call him George for convenience. Focus on that individual and I'd like you to determine if there are.times when he is away from his work by himself, times that he could possibly be approached by U.S. Intelligence. +19 #01: Okay, just.a minute...... Get an impression like there's, uh, one night a week, Thursday or Friday night, when he goes and eats by-himself. He has like two or three favorite restaurants.. He has.a private meal by himself... That's probably the best time... #14: What.type of food does he like to eat when he goes to these restaurants?...... #01: Getting a impression of a...the Balkan or..Greek kind of food. Very spicy Greek or Balkan food. Uh, the kind that comes on a stick or with the spicy type sauces. He likes the wine. Get an impression of like a soft but dry tasting red wine... That's all I get on food. #14: Okay.. One final task. Would it be possible for U.S. Intelligence to make contact with George through his lover?.... +26 #01: Get a distinct impression that would be the wrong-way to do it. I don't think he trusts. his. lover. I think it'.d be better to contact. direct, preferably by a man, not a woman. I sense a, uh.. very chauvanist type atmosphere here. Think he would mistrust anything he got from his lover and the approach. The more direct appraoch that would, uh, allow him to evaluate the benefit would be better.. +27 #14: How and when would be the best time to approach this individual? #01: He, uh, once in a while he'll go to his favorite restaurant out of turn. Like he goes every Thursday or Friday, but once in a while when he's really, uh, in a bad frame of mind so to speak he'll.go.out of turn to the restaurant, like on a Tuesday or Monday or whatever. It's his, uh, method for cheering himself I think. I think that'd be.the best time.. But not.right away, you know. It'd be..the contact could be made then but the offer would have to, uh, be assessed on continuing contact. But that's when he would be best contacted. But.I dot a feeling, that strong feeling again-that this would not be a long term kind. of person. He's, he-would be good for..good for, uh, like one big item and that would be all. He's tryin'.to, I think emotionally he's like to break away himself, and start new. And I don't see him as offering a long term committment to anything. More or less he would seize upon the opportunity to start again somewhere else......... That's all I got. #14: Okay. I have no further questions at this time. Approved For Release 20 100788 R000600720001-7 7rvw.-,. Irv Approved For Release 20 - 8R000600720001-7 #14: All right #01, part of the post-session debrief, I have a group of photos, three, that I'd like you. to look over and see if you recognize any of those individuals........ Keeping in mind that George may or may not be one of those three. #01: Yeah,.I know, I understand that..... No, he's not any of the three. #14: Is there anything else you'd like to add during the debriefing? #01: No, you got it all really. #14: Okay. #01: There really is just one other thing. Okay? I'~n lookin' at these photos and I don't know what the ages of these photos are but really lookin' at the photos I don't think it's any of these three. Except this one photo here, if this guy, uh- it's labeled on the back photo "B" I guess- if this guy had very little hair, was about 40 pounds heavier and dressed a little sloppier he would be very, very close-to what this guy looks like. Extremely close. And the thing that does it is the nose. There's just something about the nose and the confirmation of the-eyes and the mouth and he's just- that's exactly, you know, the ears are pressed flat. That's exactly the right person. But, uh, this is not him today. Okay. So, I don't know if that helps or not. #14: Okay. And.once again that is photo of individual identified, annotated as "B", bravo. End of session. 4 Approved For Release 20GO& ^' R"" 6 ^^'88R000600720001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600720001-7 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600720001-7 Approved For Release 20r r 6-00788R000600720001-7 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DCC-88 1. (S/NOFORN). Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the.attached .photograph of a target he had worked against before. He was told that he would be working against this target again today. 2. (S/NOFORN) See the attached list of EEI for questions asked of the remote viewer during this session. 3. (S/NOFORN) During the post-session debrief the viewer was shown the attached photographs of three individuals and was asked if the man that USI is interested in was one of them. NOT RELE B =, 8, FOf N-NATIONALS Approved For Release 200 7A- - 0788R000600720001-7 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600720001-7 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600720001-7