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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 9, 1981
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Approved For Relesp~/A8~7 ,LA RPjP96`00788R000600890006-4 I17 3-H--S 9 Sep 81 33, U-3i EC : SPECIAL ANALYTIC REPORT INFX)hMATIO'; (u) SECT.ICni I 1. (U) The ir-forr,ation provided as ene bbsure to t:ftiu ret,,rt was obtained in response to a Collection :'equ.irement r,rovi d-d by your c~ f f i cc. The i nt'~rr .-t ion is from an unconfizned source, therefore Caution 1.:; warrart,elj in Its use. ,_Tis office has been tasked by the Comrranding General, Intelligence t:rr Sc*urity. Gum-nand, to evaluate aria Comment, on the operational value of the inf:)m. ati n provided, as well as to aseer taii~i.the accuracy of the source. 2. (U) In order to comply with tiu.s directive, xF ~~,. est. the in.torrmation pr ided 83 an enclosure be evaluated aria Coj-4:r e nts be Pr').V] this Office no later than This should be accomplished by resporoir~r. to rt'uest.iO'n$ t'ro- Vi(:eX: k:ithi.n Section 11-I of tiu:T report. 3. (U) Section II contains special ins trur.ticr f~ r thr ar'.alysts. Y. (U) Project 1umtber: ITACE8719XCU (8120) 5. (u) Requesor: MAJ John. M. Bryant, Jr. SRD, ITAC 6, CS) Source Surber: 19.5 7? (S) lilt e-xrcj;;;tor Number: 8. (S) Dale Irfor~natior; wa:; Obtained_. 26 Aug 81 0900 .1010 .__.~. - Times: F~f 9? ( ) Specific ir-fOrmiation provided by the requestor in ;;up source targeting is: TO-3t of reyui cd -Request that you describe the personnel,. their activities, and ___ Q"i pMent athe following target: SG1A 70? ( ) Specific infox?ration PT'ovicied to the in'' I + in so c rror~tor , o aid in ,cu ce targeting Was: i~? ( ) 3necifi c infolnriaitic provided to the source rcr Jr CT.A:>;iIFZi:i; E : M`C, ~? < Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000600890006-4 A :j Approved For Release 2000/0 /ta -'dIA-RDP96-00788R000600890006-4 12. ( ) Specific information requeste by analyst: (U) Date informa5ion for warded: 4 Sept 81 14. (U) as ;additional data been requested. YF' i 15. (U) Priority: L'}ir Ii l6. ( ) Remarks: 11 ill be provided on 11 Sep 81 1 ~'wi~uR - IN.3TRUCTIONS 'TO ANALYSTS 1. (U) The material you have been given to review has been acrtui.red from a new and potentially valuable source of intellir,ence. Work is currently being, con- ducted on how to improve the accuracy -and reli.~bi_l'i t.y of the data. Your at.tcn-. lion to the evaluation sheet and your remarks will b.: the basis for our assessment of this new collection techrii.c,Ile. Therefore, the effort you expend will greatly assist us aryl will ultimately; result in you receivs n more infoir!!at.ion of incrceas- accuracy and reliabil.i t;, . 2. (U) While formulating your judgume,nts concerning the information provided, the fol? oe r. comments concer nirug this new source of .i.n~ el.l.i ger_C.. may be helpful. Foremost, the infornn 97? :,qI P96T 00788R000600890006-4 x 4 t G~ 1.4fI0rlP.Ia,> (5} Is addit.iana7. 1.Ilf`J 'lliut.7QC: desire i7 Yk:S NO a. (S) Priority.- UR rl?NT ROU1'TNIs' b. (S) Items: (1 ? } /~'~ o ,ti S?R. w 1 cc Rs?~E s~ ~~~rs2 . !g4P dN Signed} SIc. ~A'!~uaI - (Printer:') ?NAME~ (;1 AJ 7~ Q ,4 Diu l TRC (Priritcd) TITUf or 01'I'ICE Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000600890006-4