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Approved For Release D0010w- ORCON/NOFORN GRILL FLAME CLASSIFIED BY: Director, DIA DECLASSIFY ON: 31 Dec 99 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6) G Approved For Release 20007Nk P,0'~' !6-10788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 200010810 ` 'O1 O-00788R000800230001-9 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC30 1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to Provide information relevant to the hostage situation in the Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol:(S),. undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of site, At TAB B is target cueing information provided--the remote viewer. ;? r" d Approved For Release 2000/08/ ~tLP004 Approved For Release 20 0788R000800230001-9 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC30 #66 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for security). For the past few minutes, now, you have been studying a photograph. Focus your attention now on the area designated to you as area X. Relax and concentrate. Focus your attention on area X, and describe the area to me. #32 Not audible. #66 OK. Tell me about it. #32 Not audible. #66 Tell me what makes you say that, particularly. Tell me the raw data that makes you say that. #32 Ok. One person...four desls...(phonetic)...entrance... kind of independent-There is a long...this very long corridor... lots of rooms... there's a (not audible) along this the hallway are offices-four stairwells... one at each end. #66 Describe this person to me. #32 has a mustach...very casually dressed...-impression of (not audible)... jeans and white shirt...these are all military and they are armed. #66 Describe them to me in detail. #32 Get impression...I's audible) Standing guard. #66 What is it they are guarding? #32 Not audible, #66 Ok. Make sure you focus your attention right now, at this moment, right now at this moment and describe the area to me. Right now at this moment. Approved For Release 0230001-9 Approved For Release 2000/ #32 Hallway, guards... people separated, right. #66 What floor is this on? #32 Second. #66 OK. #32 (Not audible) small boots #66 Tell me more about this. Describe the hallway in detail, number of rooms, etc. #32 About 25. Some people are segregated. #66 How are they segregated? How are they separated? #32 Singly,singly roomed. #66 Describe the rooms to me. #32 Go upstairs first.Looking for...but I don't see anything. Impression...little bigger than-like offices (mumbling) one... impression #66 What did you say? #32 They looked like they were admin offices, before. Quite a few..... #66 Tell me some more about the people there. #32 (Not audible) #66 OK. I have no further questions about the target at this time. Is there anything that you'd like to add about what you've seen? #32 First impression...rooms were small in what I saw. #66 You told me about guards on the first floor. Are there guards on the second floor? #32 Yeah. #66 What's this front room area look like? .jj " Q r--, I OECiET A pproved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-007 8R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 21 Ifl7~i T ~9~_~r ~'t ?nn788ROO0800230001-9 #32 (Not audible) #66 OK. Now before we depart this target here, I want you to move outside and look outside. Tell me about the entrances to the buildings in the immediate area just outside. #32 Impression of cement stairs ...entrance way recessed..... #66 I think it's time we draw the impressions that you've had. #32 Because it looks so much like a (mumbling) I was looking for an attic. God I wanted to go CB so bad on this one. I'm going to start with the face of the building since you asked me. Because it correlates with the position of what I thought were desks. Could be control points. White long building... there shouldn't be four...inside I think I saw stairway on each end... somewhere around here....two somewhere around here. the enfr-ance is Cement steps-cement sides to it...I couldn't find the words.. .to these-just there-but I could find the these steps.....why that's important, I don't know. This whatever it was was the walk. This was the entrance (mumbling) Top view of first floor. I saw four somehow...draw it for you even though that says three.ok. in here... I don't want to call it control point, but, that's the impression I got. I saw one in here too. Next to these were admin type rooms, ok. Whereas #66 Down on page two here. This is the bottom floor. #32 First floor. #32 I got the imftession of these , ....comes in like this.. or backup ..... #66 Ok.Now we're moving to page three, second floor. #32 Yes. Very interesting. At first I got the impression there were about 20 rooms, but, the more I looked at Approved . 0800230001-9 or Release 2000/08/07 : - - Approved For Release 2000/08107 C-144kbF 96:,0A788R000800230001-9 'em the bigger they got. So rather than have 20 you had maybe something like 10 to 12 bigger rooms. Here's a corridor, and these are separated into bigger rooms. What I'm trying to say...they're bigger than bedrooms, than what I've seen before, the cell type rooms; they're bigger. What I saw here-in these area se ins, .n see much furniture aro thes were groups of 10... I'll call hem students, wh #66 These groupings d hostages. #32 Oh, no. No, no. These were student types discussing the philosophy of their actions and the current events affecting the hostages and themselves, their entire situation and what I saw here...he should have had... or I think was......I got the impression whet you should have had 8 or 10 guards you only had or 5 guards; and that these people would come up and talk with them and the 4 or 5 that weren't there ere in here talking to them. #66 Ok. So there was a guard people. #32 There were some guard people. There was abou four or five guard people. #66 Like in the hallway, or something. #32 In the hallway, but there should have been mo~e but there weren't. #66 Ok. Tell me why there should have been more. #32 Because I saw more doors leading to these roofs where. these people are and you should have had more guard ; you ' guard per door, or something. They felt they could do the job. They had othing else to do. They were bored.... extremely bor d. They joined in the discussions here. and some imes they'd relieve these other guys here. #66 Who was in the rooms? #32 In the rooms I saw segregated, that was singly almost in most cases they were segregated. The impression I got was these were not the young people, not the young Marines. . .not the young clerks. These were the ? 14 A 9-- 10, Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 200 /d :U4R R56= 777 older people. #66 How many were there? #32 About 15. #66 So, what you're showing me now, in these individual rooms, and you don't know how many rooms, there are... #32 At first I said 20 and then the rooms got bigger and I had to try and pinpoint an estimate would have to be 12 to 15. Mainly isolated, but there may be one or two rooms where you had two people. I think most of them were segregated. I tried to stay away from the analysis bit. #66 It is somewhat difficult for you to say how many rooms there are or how many people there are in each room. ..-?- - -~ #32 Yes.. About 12 or 15 rooms. In most you'll find one pekson. In some rooms you maw Und o. #66 Did you get a good look at any one of these hostages? #32 OK. I kept getting a picture when you asked me who the hell was in there...I kept getting a picture, I didn't even mention that, of a white haired silver haired distinguished looking gentleman and he was around in here someplace. #66 OK. Why don't you put an X with a circle around it to indicate where you saw him. #32 He was middle-late forties. Maybe even early fifties. Real diplomat. And these were bigger rooms. Not quite the size of these, but almost and they looked like big conference rooms. They were kind of empty and this is where these people kind of milled about. #66 It looks to me, that in this session you saw a whole lot at one time, not just one moment in time but, you saw a wAole lot of activity passing before your eyes, as it were. 4132 In fact, I was on target, I tried something a little different. Rather than stay with the beacon 'till the last minute and rush to the target at the last minute, I stayed with my beacons and after I felt very comfortable. Which I was this time. I felt, what the hell, I'll go down, make a prelim...and H ` Tot .. / ;.`f 0 Y Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 2000/ R000800230001-9 I don't know whether that was completely right or wrong, but, I was there. So you were waiting for me on target when we began. Yeah. What I really wanted to do was get over there and OB. That was just a trial, because, I found a couple of times when I precipitated myself from the beacon to the target, transition was a bit quick, and I would have to reorient myself and this thing was.. these pictures-particularly this stuff here, and this stuff here kept coming on strong, this one in two. You feel pretty good, then, about this imagery? Is there anything you want to add to the drawings that you did? et me have in a five g it that s su review Li Th The 11 k you, then, in ,j4A ary of the thing. We a kind a an over p people e a cou by four or fairs, then, we wing a discussion ,at desks downstairs, backed rds downstairs. Coming up the N conglomeration of student types h arge room. leader types philosophically involved tages situation. And there may be ten or 15 of those? yeah. They're in groups and they could her rooms, but, what I saw was in one racj . In addition to these people there ar veral guards. Maybe four or five guar' . ese are assigned. Definitely assigne ression of definitely assigned. T r n more, there weren't because the o didn't think it was necessary, cipa of them left to come and par be you tal OK. did you say there we ng about some of th 'bbem. doors? Remember . Or the re should have e bored to death. what they did, te in discussion. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 2 #32 That was the hallway conglomeration. In other words, this is notnecessarily open hallway. Some place around here you have doors. The access is direct. There may be doors. In fact, you probably have several doors going through the hallway. Some of them are open, some of them are closed, but that hallway should be direct, entire length of the building.. Both, first and second floor. two to a room, at times. fifteen, twelve to fifteen possibly, hostage ty s on the second floor in this building, and they a pretty much, for the most part, maybe one to a ro l maybe some guards that appear to be guarding the rooms, n , Now. So we have these student leadership types lking over the philosophy of what's going on. Then, we avve #32 Y And the impression of maturi #66 The impress' . y of the people. #32 Not talking about the young, young people. I'm talking about functionaries (mumbling) I think he was alone... I got his picture twice. #66 Would you recognize his picture if I showed you some snapshots? #32 Yes., yes. He looks like..uh..something like the N (phonetic) command on TV...what's his name.... Residen(phonetic) is it Residen(phonetic)..yeah... white haired guy ..except that this guy would have had glasses that this guy (mumbling) 466 If I was to show you some pictures, you might recognize who that gentleman was? #32 Yes. If it coincides with what I saw. #66 Ok. Fine. Anything you want to add? #32 No. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Releasd?-Q00/OQZ_~JRDP96- 078 ~1-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 'Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800230001-9 Approved For Release 200 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC30 1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he would be working against the hostage situation in Iran. 2. (S) At the time of the session the viewer was shown overhead inagery of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as Area X was pointed out to the viewer by the interviewer. The imagery is not included herein due to its classification. 1. (S) The "Mike" attached to the viewer malfunctioned during this session. We have reported all segments of the session that were audible and could be understood. 2. (S) After the session was completed, the Project Manager provided the viewer with a series of photos to see if he could identify the individual he had described during the session. The viewer identified, with reservation, Mr. Robert G. Anders. Approved For Release 2SW(;/(7P!-00788R000800230001-9