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Approved For Release 2000/08/O7 Ct bP9&~00788R000800480001-2 ORCON/NOFORN ur' Approved For Release 2000/08/07. -00788 CLASSIFIED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REVIEW ON: 17 Jan 2000 EXTENDED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REASON: 2-301 C (3) (6) MM ieebi--~ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CWQZ96,~ O qJ REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION eC ~;,-i 1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C Approved For Release 2000/08/--.-. 000800480001-2 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC57 TIME #66 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for security). For the past few minutes now you've been studying the picture of Clair BARNES. Relax and concentrate now. Focus your attention on BARNES. Focus your attention on the area where BARNES is located. Relax and concentrate, and describe this area to me. PAUSE +07 #36 I had an aerial view. #66 Tell me about this view. #36 I saw ..tall buildings there.... building. I was looking 5-10 square mile like scene. I was getting all kind of detail. Tall building. Then, I found myself street level looking down a ramp. I came...I expect to see an underground garage, but (mumbling) this ramp it was a tan colored masonry arch pointed at the top. Very, very, heavy door. Very large wood, wood. Looked like a pattern 4-5 inches thick. Appears very old. Bazzare like shops on the left of the street. #66 Ok. Very good. +10 #36 I went inside. I went inside. There's..uh..just inside the doors kind of dirty and unkept. Big column, I guess you would say. Arches at the top. I think he's in a room straight ahead and to the left. I got...I got a glimpse of him asleep,..uh..left side. #66 Ok. Focus in closer on BARNES himself. Focus in closer. Tell me more about the room where he's located. Get a real good focus. Take your time. I will wait. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :,CTARfl g"0 800480001-2 #36 Appears to be a very old world. Might have been elegant times past. Hasn't been maintained. On one wall paper like covering. It would be very expensive if it were new. The room wall shapes is complicated with projections. It's not square or rectangle. It's got all.... the room all broken....very high ceiling.... extremely .... extremely high. #66 Tell me a little bit more about BARNES. #36 ..... Uh.... left cover pulled over part of his head. His face is exposed towards me. His right hand sticking out from under the cover, hand closed, palm down just in front of his..... face. I don't see...I don't see anybody else in the room. I can't see the of the room behind me. I will look at that. #66 How do you get into this room? #36 I..uh..I find myself aware of being just inside the big door. I found out where his room was and there's a door...if I go straight from the big door there's a door on the left facing to the right, but, I didn't go through it. I just ...I just became aware of being in there. #66 Where is this room in the building? #36 It's below grade. It's..uh..I guess you call it basement level. No one is in the room, unless they're behind me. I..uh..haven't been able to see that. #66 Stand very, very well focused... stand in the room and walk from the room to Exit the building. Tell me about the route you take to do this. #36 Ok. I go through a big door from the room. Got a lever type handle on it instead of a round fancy ...I'm in a hallway.... open space....giant fat columns right and left about 10 15 feet from ...out from the wall from where I'm standing. Big fancy reddish masonry type tile blocks in the floor. I'm between columns. There's a wall straight ahead. Hallway going straight away from me to the left. 2- , fV7 Approved For Release 2000/08 ' 000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 . , ; - 000800480001-2 The door I examined initially is to my right. About 15-(mumbling) 16 feet away. Some old stuff, debri is something against the wall It gets more so, thicker as you go towards the big door #66 As you move towards the big door..... #36 I feel a vehicle could....small vehicle could.... I don't know as they do.....but, I believe could get in...ok..ok..plaster,,-something seem to be real bad shape on the ceiling near the door. I should see somebody else.- #66 Don't worry about people right now. I want you to work on the description of the area. We'll work on people in a minute. Move to the big door now. #36 I'm already there. #66 All right. Move through the big door and describe what you see. #36 Oh! Hell (mumbling) I tried to see how the big door opened. I couldn't open it. I'm outside. Looking up... incline. The doorway frame.thing is old and fancy. Walls on each side going up tanish and have pattern on them. I think they may be... +25 may be tile...... street. There's a few trees there. About 30 feet high on the street. Shops..uh.. down the street to my right. There's something funny across the street. Something important... keeps fading. There was something. When I looked up around I thought I recognized...I mean..uh.. I don't know. It could have been a Coco-Cola sign. It's something. #66 Tell me about the shape of the building itself. The building you explored and have now come out of. Turn and look at that building and tell me about its shape. +27 #36 It's..uh..tan and old and it's about-height,'s about..uh..hell...high ceiling. I can't see (mumbling) floors. It must be 70-100 feet tall. It's not the tallest building in the area. There's a taller building opposite side of this building, two, three blocks away, and turn to the left. This building ..... I have a 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 00800480001-2 feeling of a public owned building. I don't know. Uh..... #66 Ok. Keeping your eyes on this building.... keeping your eyes on this building moving very slowly up in the air and look down at it from overhead so you can tell me from overhead what it looks like. Move very slowly and take your time. I will wait. #36 It's ...uh..I see a flat roof and there's a wall on the top to keep you from falling. I don't understand it. The flat part of the roof looks black. I would have thought....I would have thought in a hot area that they would be more reflective. #66 Ok. Let's remember to not try to figure out what you're seeing. Let's report what you're seeing. Move out a little bit higher now and tell me the shape of the building. #36 At first it was chimney like protrusion .....three, three, three of 'em...the building is..uh..half again longer than it is on one of the narrower ends ..... looks like-front is (pause) ....... that would be the front. I see how you get there. If I were standing in ...if I were coming out the big door, looking up a ramp, tur[T right to the corner. Turn right again. That's the front. Come up the ramp, turn right to the corner, turn right again. Fancy. Great big front. #66 Ok. Now, at this time I want you to focus your attention once again on BARNES. Focus your attention once again on BARNES. Move to the area where BARNES is located and this time search the area for more people. PAUSE #36 Huh ..... why (mumbling) looking at that door ..... Ok (mumbling) some people... inside the entrance, I call the front ..... #66 Tell me about these people. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 - 000800480001-2 #36 There's two military types near the entrance. I think in further there's a counter-desk like.. ..uh..and there's a man there that is bare headed. +35 Looks like a uniform, but, but, I don't think it's military. There's three or four more people asleep. I, I, I, I don't see them. I'm just aware that they're behind the, the guy at the counter-desk and I think below. I'm trying to see them, but, I don't know who they are. There's a..there's a (mumbling) around here. Awful bright lights. I don't know. I don't feel good about it. It's on the..I think it's the floor above...above street level. This is.-the... #66 This is the area you are describing with the people is the floor above street level? #36 No. I think they're..I think they're behind and below the man at the desk. #66 The sleeping people? #36 Yeah. I was wandering around, walked into the room at....walked right smack into a real bright spotlight. I can't see why ..why they got it on. There's nobody here #66 All right. Focus your attention now, again, down .to the area where BARNES is located. Down in that 40 area, in and around BARNES area. Search for people in that area. #36 Ok. I come to his door, turn left.. .you know what I think that hallway to the left goes straight ahead when I come out the door has got to be going under street level. Let me....let's so long, I don't think...I don't think (mumbling) that big. Down to the left is..I guess it's a guard. One sitting and the other standing. OH! that's where they are. OK. I went down the hall to the left (mumbling) further to the left then to the right. Right in there is where the guards were. As you go on down the hall..uh..people were sleeping on my right. I don't know who they are. It's cold down here. 1166 Ok. I have one other question, now. I want you to move up on to the roof. Move up on to the roof. #36 Again? 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-Rd. OQ78(00800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 F 800480001-2 #66 Move up on to the roof and face towards the front of the building. Move up on the roof and face towards the front of the building. Tell me when you are there. #36 Now, I'm above the roof about 10 feet. #66 Ok. That's fine. Move over to the edge so that +43 below you is the front of the building. #36 (Mumbling) #66 All right. Now, ask yourself the question, "How do I find this building?" Tell me. Describe to me how I would find this building. How could I find this building? #36 I've been asking myself that question. I don't even know what city it's in. #66 What are some of the things I could use to find this building? #36 There was something across the street from the ,ramp that... felt... locked it in.... I forgot what I it was (Mumbling) disappeared on me. But:.,. see slight silhouette two tall buildings... three or ,four blocks away. Straight ahead, and slightly j\,to the left. I'm ...try again. #66 Relax and concentrate. #36 I must be going hay-wire. I have an awareness ....It can't be. I have awareness of man made water fall. Must be about three, four feet high. #66 Where is this in relationship to the building? #36 I thought it was forward and diagonally to the left...,, half mile. That don't make no sense. They wouldn't.-waste water.-- I-don_'t know if that's inch to an inc ick. Beautiful curtain of water. (Mum some of the edce. It's about 3/4-e a dam, or if it's just a waterfall (mumliil it isfattracti~ve. It's like a scalloped edge. ' cu ved, flat water rolling out of the top of i It's curved. #66 Ok. Bring your attention to focus now, back on top of the building. Looking down now at the entrance of the building, describe to me, from an aerial perspective what is just outside the entrance of the building. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-Q788 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-60788R000800480001-2 #36 A Walkway (Mumbling) curves (mumbling) right and white area in front of the building. (Mumbling) ' s yes, it's a fountain. It's not running. It Li d f l ; k part of a nark _ Walkway is around n o e it. I think it must have been a fountain. But, I 50 feet maybe 200 feet straight ahead. But, 1--5-0- +50 a street near my building. Open park like area. I think (mumbling)just where you get to the othe buildings. #66 Ok. Fine. I have no other questions about the target. It's getting near time for you to draw now. I would like to give you the opportunity to add any perceptions that you may have had that you feel should be reported. #36 Ok. I tried to get that important (mumbling) straight up...straight in front of the ramp. I had feeling it must have been probably a sign.. a store or restaurant or something that I recognized as being perhaps American or western. It probably advertising something that is American but popular all over the world. I used the comparison like a Cocoa-cola sign (mumbling) recognize. Something I felt ..... gosh ..... this is great... .over to that sign or whatever it is and...and look at the ramp and you're there .....but (mumbling). #66 Ok. Let's sit up and draw the perceptions that you have had, now. #36 Uh....I'm simulating city scene with least building that was very tall. #66 This is the first image that you h677 #36 That was the first image that I came on with. I could see this one building sticking up quite a bit from the rest of them. Uh.. cities and that building... very tall is in comparison to the others. Back at the street level and very large ancient type door to me, arched, very thick wood door Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -, `D 96-007888000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 00800480001-2 #36 Inside it was quite dirty and old and unkept, but.... debri against the wall on either side but.... room I saw him in. #66 Ok, Now, is this room immediately inside this door or is it somewhere down inside ? #36 Somewhere down to the left. Perhaps I'd better just discard this page and draw (crumbling of paper).... These columns had support charging up from towards the top. I'm looking down on them this is what I'm going to draw here with the circles (mumbling) sheet. Three to fourth door down. I thought his bed was roughly in this position coming in the door. When I came out, walked back down the hall I'm going put dotted.... course that I followed to the door to the ramp ...I felt his bed was here. I (mumbling) in this position..... never did see behind me. So didn't know what was going on. #66 So, in drawing 3 then, we can see the ramp on the left side and then moving down, tracing backwards from the dotted line is two....the room where he was...and the X that you've marked is kind of your position of observation as you looked at him in his bed. Further to the right in drawing three, what is that? #36 Two guards here. #66 Guards. And these guards are on the same level? #36 On the same level around the corner. I thought there was some kind of desk or something there... table.. near the one that is sitting down.I don't have to draw inside the room in anymore detail. It_:.yas,?old and fancy and maintenance had not been kept up. Must have been pretty fancy at one time. #66 Can you give me in just words without having to draw the inside pf the room, can you give me your idea on what type of a room was it. What was the room used for? #36 I kept asking myself that and was not coming up with any good answers. Its relative position to the building..uh..below grade...if (mumbling) been western I would have thought that it was..uh..just Approved For.Release_2000/Q8~07.-_._CIA-RDP96-00788$Q.QOQ480.0172 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96700788R000800480001-2 a (mumbling) or something. And, yet, the wall had slot of craftsmanship in them which I thought for a storage vault or something, was..uh..much too fancy. I thought if it had been a prison of some type it had been too fancy for that sort of thing. On one wall was expensive paper, j silk pattern, very fine, busy pattern. There was above it and yet, it was done fancy and with a great deal of skill. It was not just a basement storage room. I didn't think. Unless they do things differently than we do. There's no windows. I saw on the wallsand (mumbling) on the ceiling fancy, involved patterns that seemed very antique to me. a (mumbling) coating down about 3 or 4 feet above the floor and I thought it was tile, masonry or something below that. Had a very fancy molding around..quite large..uh..was support built into some of these protrusions from the wall with that same carry over from the columns out here. Maybe, it might have been columns built right into the wall with that same pattern. I don't know. But, I could tell it was support for structure #66 Ok. I think that it was at this point then, after you talked about him, I asked to..uh..trece how you would get out of the building, and you've shown on the dotted line here how you went out the doorway to his room, out and around the columns and down to the ramp, and you talked about that door there. You knew...I think that you said during the session the ramp and the doors are so big that you could probably drive a vehicle in there. #36 I felt you could drive a small vehicle in there. I felt if you wanted must have been 12, 14 foot high. #66 Ok. Fr~:Irn that point then, I moved you up and asked you to describe the building from above. The whole building itself from above. So, then moving to drawing 4 we are working on the aerial perspective of the building. Approved For Release 2000/0817 CI P968BR000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 #36 There were squares, rectangles, different positions on the roof. I felt probably (mumbling) chimney ventilation or something..uh..actually, I think this wall extends out into here. I felt that I could walk into all kinds of nooks, notches walking around this roof. There were trees on the street. I I don't remember looking to see if there were !windows in here. I seemed to know there was someth1 arched shape, fancy shaped. There was some ginger- bread up near the top coming around, but I don't remember exactly how to handle it. #66 Ok. In which would be ..... I see you've drawn an arrow to the front. You were like off away from the back of it looking down. #36 I was up here loo"gft5%n that way. I saw some tall buildings toward the top of the page on my right Later when I looked from the top oaf the roof ea straight acro om the front an some tall buil 1 a distance, straight ahead and slightly to the left (mumbling). There must have been a street by here because the thing I was looking at that (mumbling) to recognize was over here where I'm going to put the triangle. I thought it was very important. I can't remember what it was. #66 Ok. This will be page number 5. When you're ready tell me a little bit about this drawing. Show me some of the things here that you are drawing in 5. #36 This is my tan building. This is the front of the building. I don't remember seeing this sidewalk across that street but I was aware that it was a street. When I was here I was aware that there was a street here and some trees. There were buildings over here but I don't know what they were. This is in the vicinity of that fountain like area that has a walk or something around it. #66 Ok. Give me a big area in the word fountain like thing for the guy that has to look at it. #36 I thought the waterfall like thing was over in here somewhere. I didn't see this in relation to that at one time and awareness was over in here. But I saw it very clearly. #66 Ok. Down here give a line or arrow or recognizable sign or whatever. Approved For Release 2000/08/07: *CIA,KDO96.007.88R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 #36 There wasn't much more, was there? #66 No. I want to take a quick look through your things here. The one we have your first scene coming down onto a city block type thing Two. You find yourself in front of a ramp that goes down below ground level. Number three is an overview of the ramp to the left and these columns inside and BARNES' room. OK. Then four is an over the top ok. I see the top of the roof of the building, and so forth and so on. I see the ramp thing down here at this side. The number five. You have the tan building being drawn very small in scale and you have these streets and the park across the street, and so forth and so on. Now what is missing here is that when you entered the building and you saw some military types and then you saw a man behind the desk and then later you saw some sleeping people. Was all this in the same level? #36 I didn't see the sleeping people. I was aware of them. I'm going to draw this column here. Top view there...quite confusing. I don't know if that's recognizable or not, but (mumbling) what it is. #66 Ok. So down below in three then, you've drawn kind of a side view what one of these support columns look like. Just darken that side a little bit there so it will zerox. That's good. Ok. So on six then do you recall that imagery? Ok. What floor level is this drawing in six here? You said, I think, above street level. #36 I don't know. The bright light was above the street level. This is (mumbling) street level. It had (mumbling) going up to street level. #66 I understand. Ok. We'll call it first floor. The building's first floor. I couldn't follow you through the building too well. That's why I was a little bit confused. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96\06788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 (Mumbling) walk around the building there. #66 Well, yes, but you seemed to go from room to room without describing how you got there, which is a problem. So at the street level we have two guards which you described are military typeaand then we have a man behind the counter, and you said he was in a uniform but different in some way. Ok. From this area I asked you to think about other personnel and now you've drawn approximately, geometrically what the position, but it's actually on a different floor. #36 (Mumbling) below. -,it's behind and below. I had the feeling that hese s airEy"went down to the (mumbling) the ards an j..y(i..sleeping personnel. #66 Ok. Can you th n...I wan to give you back..uh.. drawing number hree an ask you.... can you position other sleeping p el on this? #36 It's, it's off the page to the right about three #66 The other sleeping personnel then would be off.... #36 Down this hall. #66 Down the hall. #36 Pass the guards. #66 And off the page to the right. Ok. #36 I don'tknow if... #66 Off page three to the right. #36 Off page three to the right, but I don't know if they are Iranians or if they're our people. I didn't get a feel for it. But, there were people there. #66 Ok. Fine that's good. Anything else you want to add? #36 No. I...that's about all I can remember (mumbling) details. 12 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 / r 1- 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 ___,_ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-0.078$.QQQ4$Q01-2 _ . Ap ro ed For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R060800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 v o a- 3 x. 3 q Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788_R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788 R000800480001-2 A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RQP96-00788R000800480001-2 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CC57 1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media information, classified overhead imagery and photographs of many of the hostage personnel. He knew he would be working against the hostage situation in Iran. 2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he would be trying to locate Clair C. BARNES. The viewer was shown the attached photograph and was asked to locate and describe the surroundings of the individual in the photo. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800480001-2