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Approved For Release,~O~QQ,/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 ORCON/NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REVIE4d ON: MARctI 2oOV EXTENDED BY: DIRECTOR, DIA REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6) ;}~, ~ ~ 3_t Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 2 -RDP96-007888000800800001-6 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC-27 1. (S) This report documents a Remote Uiewing (RV) session conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A is a drawing made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. (S) The remote viewer was asked to locate and describe the surroundings of Elizabeth Ann Swift. The viewer was aware of several ..other personnel at this location. One was. described as being a female terrorist. There seemed to be some confusion as to the identity of the 'other person. The viewer was unsure whether this individual was male or female, but had the feeling that the person could possibly be a hostage. Approved For Release 2(~~~ ' ?~~'~o-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 _.....~_ .. .._ ._.,r_.. _~ ,..-~....__.._._.3 _~ _ ~ ~_ . Approved For Release 2 P96-007888000800800001-6 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC-27 ~~14: This is a remote viewing session for 18 March 198q mission time is 1830. All right ~t24 the time now is 1630. Mission for today is to locate Elizabeth Ann Swift. I want you to describe her surroundings and tell me about any other personnel that you picture being there. 424: I see a room but it's not...the room has some kind of wood. It's wood, maybe 2 or 3 feet high and then plaster above that, whatever you call that design. It's a very dark wood. She seems to be sitting on a floor. Everything I see is kind of +05 like eye level, if you were sitting on the floor looking around. I see Persian rugs. These are white Persian rugs with...some kind of design. I sense some apprehension in her. It's like a house. I think I'm going from room to room. I just was in a room that had a large area rug. Big rug. The room that she's in has small throw rugs. Like 3 by 6 what I saw. It looked like two or three of them next to each other. -They were white background. Whatever good that Then I was in a large room. Like a dining room with a big red Persian rug, and there seemed to be a heavy table sitting on top of that. Heavy wood table. Maybe a dining table, or something...uh...something large, it seemecJ. Couple chairs around_it. _ _ _.__.~..~~,,__ This place seems furnished like a house would be. ~Uh...I'm sort of like flitting from room to room, I think. PAUSE She most definitely is apprehensive. PAUSE 424: She may be forced to sit on the floor. That's all I'm getting when I'm in the room that I think she's Approved For Relea-- ^""^^''"?~Q~n7 ~ ~~o-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 200 7888000800800001-6 in. Everything I see is, you know, like you're sitting on the floor. Uh...I don't see anybody else, so far. I didn't get the feeling of anybody else around. ~~24: There is somebody else there, yes. Somebody's like sitting, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall or a chest of some kind. Looks like that person's asleep. I can't tell whether it's a woman or a man. Uh...on the floor, doesn't look very comfortable. It doesn't even look like there's a mat. Just kind of, you know, fell asleep against leaning against the wall, or something. This person had dark hair. It-might have been the other woman. It had short dark hair, but...I couldn't really tell beyond that. There seems to be alot of furniture in this roam. I don't think it's a bedroom or anything. It's a sitting roam or something like that. `~~'~~'PAUSE Looks like there's...looks like a little dog in the room. I just...I got a very quick glimpse of a woman I thought it was a num, but I wonder if it's. one of those gales with the scarf affair, you know. Uh.. possibly in the room. At least in the building, somewhere. Yeah. I really think there is another woman, but not a hostage. One of the students. I'm trying to get outside to see where it is. This woman, I think, is assigned to take care of, at least Ann...sort of...whatever they do, know. Approved For Release 2000~~~~~ "~"~~1d-?DP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 200~;~~~ ~ ,. ;~ P96-007888000800800001-6 ~~24: It appears, if I'm at the outside, I think I am, there is...the doorway is arched. It appears to be a wooden door set into a cement wall kind of a high fence, maybe. It's. inset into this. It's a very thick wall. Very high. It's probably +15 8 feet high. It's a wide door. Very wide. Maybe half again as wide as a normal door. I can't tell's a door to a building or whether it's a fence. There seems to be in the vicinity of where I think she a squared-off area that's surrounded looks like a picket fence, but that might be an overlay...there's some kind of a fence around a squared-off area. I don't think it's too big, like a garden p1ot...I don't see anything growing. It's just a squared-off area. That, that kind of idea. It might even be a grave yard. I... +17 I keep getting images of small cars, you know on the other side of this plot. Like it' here's the building and a plot in front of that and then a parking lot in front of that. At least in that area. And, I see slot of land, bushes, you know, sculptured area, or landscaped area. See slot of cars lined up...parked rather Keep getting a Volkswagen. I don't know what that means. ~~14: I want you to move back from the building, far enough to describe the building in its entirety.. Its shape perhaps; its color. +20 ~~24: It's a modern apartment building, I_~i~nk._~ It has , en feet behind that is...uh..:iooka__,like 2 stories. It's tall, white, 2 story. I think that what I saw before was a fence...a concrete wall sort of thing, j._.l--st~ii~~e--that gate, _ok, or that doorway. Maybe an alot of windows. .., -.. Approved For Release ~ (~~08J07__:__CIA-RD_P_ 8.6_-0Q~88~.OQA800~00041-6--------~ Approved For Release 2 ~/A7~~~IA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 ~~24: I, I don't know. I_ d?~].'~-dtk~.i~-k~it! ere she is, but but I keep getting...images of other homes. It might be in the same vicinity, but maybe not. I can't tell. ,~esi`dential area. I don't think that's where sh~~,i~ 1 mean, I don't think she's in any of those houses, ~~14: I have no further questions. ~~24: I don't think I'm going to get anything else. ~~14: Ok. Is there anything else you can add before you start drawing? ~~24: Not to what I've said. No. not a lig could see like that might be looked 1~ drawn to second flo and I kept (Mumbling) Swi oing to eye focuse ok, 'cause my~ he second floor. ..ok...well the fe e a long wall sor a xaggerated, well D ..this is wood l t wood. This onl ~ver it. e a short story. ink she's on the kept...I kept being re's a very...sort ce...that's kind of ... of thing...and, that nyway, the doorway was ark waod, or at least, ike concrete. Now I y maybe 8 feet high. And then the ho s was like behind it. You had to go through there to get to the house. There was like a 2 story which is.....just like a square home (mumbling). I don't think I add anything to my drawing. The reason I want to draw it like this .....yeah.......ok....and there were windows all along .here ...and I kept my eye...kept being drawn to this corner right here. The first thing I saw was the front. This is the......oh, I did it wrong. The front....let's see....I drew it wrong. This, this was the side, but the side was not facing this way. How can I do that. Front. All right.....think that's clear? Ha, ha...look on your face. Think I should redraw it? ~~14: Uh...... ~~24: I'm going to redraw it. ~~14 : Ok . Approved For Releas DP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release ~ -~~'~IA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 X624: Well you're a pretty good artist. Ok. That, that's what I saw and it was just sort of a modern 2 story, I think. Concrete building. What do you call that stuff? Buildings are made of concrete. X614: Masonry. X624: And my eye kept being drawn to right in here. I don't know if that's worth putting on (mumbling). How's that? Is that pretty clear? X624: Doesn't really jive with the other. Let's see. What else. X614: I'm really not sure that there's anything else to draw. 6624: Yeah. The only thing that I could think of was that plot of land, but that might have been like inside, oh, yes, house was about probably about 10 feet back. 6614: Was there anything that you could draw about the room? Was there anything interesting in there? 6624: Not that I think would shed any light. It was so undescript and I didn't get anything definite, you know, except the rugs and stuff and I don't think it's worth drawing. Uh...I am sure they were sitting on on the floor. I'm sure she was sitting on the floor. Um...and I did see that one person leaning up against the chest that was up against the wall. 4614: Did you have a feeling for who that person was? 4624: The only.....definitely overlay.....I wouldn't have gotten it...I am sure...I thought it was a hostage. I didn't get the feeling that it was a guard, or something,. and the view that I had was too general to distinguish the sex, but it was...uh...someone with hair about here, you. know. Short, dark hair. Asleep through with the head over to one side, like that...and just a form, and I couldn' could Approved For Release 20~'~7~',~88.~,0QA8.Oa8D0OQ1.k6-~--- Approved For Release RDP96-007888000800800001-6 have been other woman, but I didn't really get any feeling for it, you know. I think she was sitting in very close proximity to ...she was here..... That is it. 414: Ok. We'll call that the end of session. P96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 ~y.~ ePn.a~~ ~ '~os~ ~ti ~~~~ O Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-00788R00~8~0800001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 Approved For Release 2 -RDP96-007888000800800001-6 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RU) SESSION CCC-27 1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media information as well as classified overhead imagery. Ne knew he would be working against the hostage situation in Iran. 2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he was to locate Elizabeth Ann Swift. The viewer was shown the attached photographs and asked to locate and describe the surroundings of the individual in the photo. Approved For Release 2 IA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-007888000800800001-6