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August 25, 2003
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A roved For Release 2003/~~~~~P96-007888000900060001-7
REVIEW ON: 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
(7~-007_ 59
Approved For Release 20~~i~~ll--RDP96-007888000900060001-7
Approved For Release 20
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session
do not appear to show target correlation. However, the viewer
indicated his relative position in space in Drawing Number 1,
designated by an "X" and his perception of where the target
was on the planet in Drawing Number 8, area designated by arrows.
Both areas designated match the approximately geographic area
of the target (Hoover Dam on the border between California and
Arizona). Despite this curious anomaly, the viewer's descriptions
show no correlation to a dam, water, canyon or desert area. The
remote viewer was undisturbed by ambient room noise which was
minimal. He was able to achieve a deep state of concentration
but was physically active throughout the session drawing his
impressions as he perceived them in "real time" so to speak.
This is not his usual technique. He expressed some confidence
in his images but stated that many of his perceptions were from
a point out in space and he was unable to maneuver his mental
perspective to a point closer to the target.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At
TAB B is available descriptive target data.
Approved For Release 2003 - DP96-007888000900060001-7
Approved For Release 2003/~'~;~~I~P96-007888000900060001-7
#66: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
Okay, #47.5, your target for today will be a
area designated by geographic coordinates. The
geographic coordinates are 36 degrees, 1 minute,
20 seconds, north. 114 degrees, 43 minutes,
Once again, your target for today will be
designated by geographic coordinates. These
coordinates are:
36 degrees, 1 minute, 20 seconds, north
114 degrees, 43 minutes, west
Relax and concentrate. Focus on that point
on the planet Earth, designated by these
coordinates. Focus. Focus. And describe
the target to me.
+05 #47.5; I've had two images so far.
One, reminded me of a long, square or rectangular
tunnel, A long hallway or whatever. Another
image I had was from a great altitude. Almost
from a satellite view.
It seemed like I kind of broke down into an
area. I felt as though I was above the Rockies
looking west and seeing a coast line. I had
better draw some of this initially.
+07 Let me see if I can do some blind contour.
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I felt I was over here looking that way.
Somewhere in here T had a feeling was the
target area.
The other image I had which was very recurring,
just continually keeps popping in and out,
sometimes I see it as a square, sometimes I see
it as a rectangle. My first images were of a
rectangle and I've had more rectangular images
than square images. So on Page 2, I'll make it
a square. And its like looking down a tunnel.
Or, a long hallway. And I perceived this
square or rectangle in the perspective I've
drawn it, I've seen it way out. Now, I'm
getting another image that is more square than
rectangle. And in this one there's very much the
same perspective.
+lI But I had continual recurring shapes.
+14 #66: Describe your perspective now.
#47.5: I keep looking down this tunnel thing from
every angle that can be imagined and all kinds
of weird things are going on here.
#66: Describe them to me.
#47.5: I just had another. and, and what's this, Four?
And these are all repeats, but they're different.
Of this square that I have and this makes
absolutely no sense. I mean it certainly is
not related geographically to a target. That
I know of, anyhow. I had the lines again but
they were not all the way around. They were
only on the walls and they seemed to be some
type of energy source or something that was
radiating towards the other end of the tunnel.
Now, just about since the beginning of this
session, I've wanted to say Los Angeles so I'll
just say it so I can get on to images.
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#47.5; Now how do I express motion, movement?
I'll try to.
This tunnel thing was the first impression I
had. And it just keeps recurring in different
perspective, different things happening with it.
+18 #66: Let that tunnel image form in your mind.. Hold
it firmly. Let the tunnel image come in your
mind and hold it firmly. And then slowly,
slowly move the tunnel image. Move yourself
down the tunnel. Very, very slowly, move down
the tunnel, work your way down the tunnel, see
the sides of the tunnel pass by you, the end of
the tunnel becomes very apparent and grows
bigger and bigger and bigger; describe the area
at the end of the tunnel.
#47.5: I'm not sure if I got down to the end of the
tunnel or not. I'll try that again, after I've
put this down. I had a feeling of swirling clouds.
Again, like I was having a satellite view. And
it was the type of cloud formation that you would
associate with a hurricane.
They are going in that direction. There's
the tunnel (not audible) come back here.
+21 #66: Describe your perceptions.
+25 #47.5: Okay, I found the tunnel, worked my way down to
the end, which normally when you reached the
end of the tunnel things are light. This one
was dark. I think we better leave it at that
because I think I'm someplace where I'm not
supposed to be. I'll have to turn around and
go back the other way. In other words, instead
of going to my target at the end of that tunnel,
I seem to have been going away from the target.
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#66: Face the other direction, move down and
describe what you see.
#47.5: That's funny, right now I'm feeling an oval
type structure like a colliseum, like a
football field. or a stadium or something like
that. At first I saw it from the outside and
then I went above and I'm looking down on it.
#66: Describe the surrounding area.
#47.5: Well, if I stand looking north, foothills and
mountains to my right and its got to be the
Pacific Ocean on my left. That's where the
coast line is. Its not a river and its bigger
than any lake. Its got to be an ocean.
#47.5: That's an odd thing. I just had a general
impression and its an image as I had earlier
but discounted them as they popped up again.
I see Spanish, Spanish type architecture.
You know, the old mission type. In fact that's
what I saw an old mission type building. Nothing
big, nothing fancy. It didn't appear to be
anything special. But it did appear to be a
Spanish mission.
#66: How about working on some drawing now and see
what comes to mind while you draw.
#47.5: Oval shape building. I was looking at it from
the outside.
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#47,5; I seemed to qo up and look at it looking
own. A and B were the same, just different,
viewing it from different places.
There it is again. The tunnel, I mean.
What I'm trying to do is move my way along
it until I get somewhere.
#66: Describe how these relate to the larger geograph-
ical area.
The second was, I felt that I had gotten to the
end of the tunnel. I walked up a flight of stairs.
Walked around and looked and that's what I saw
at Number 7 like looking down a row of railroad
cars is the only way I could explain it. Without
saying that's what they are. But that's what
the effect was. Well. .
Series of same size receding shapes. I guess
that's a little better than trying to put labels
on it.
You seem to be focusing on descriptions of
particular articles or particular shapes.
#47.5: Right.
Which is somewhat characteristic of your past
viewing but its an opposition to what we might
have expected to be some sort of a scenic
overview of a geographic area.
#47.5; I don't know. I get the feeling that the area
is cloud covered. I can?t see it.
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#66: Aha! Simply move through the clouds and
down below.
Describe what's down below you.
#47.5; Then again, I just had a .
#66: Tell me about what you're drawing.
#47.5: Oh, if this were the earth. these are clouds.
I don't know how extensive the area or whatever.
I have the feeling that they're covering the
area that I want to look at and when I decided
to try to take a look at that area, I found
myself at one time, if I were a satellite, I
was over here looking in this direction. Now,
let me. I'll give it in orbit. Okay. When
I wanted. I tried to look at the geographical
area again, I moved over to this position, I'll
label this position One, label this position Two
and I was looking in this direction trying to
look underneath the clouds at an angle. I have
a feeling that that target is right around in
here wherever these two points meet.
#66: .And what did you perceive underneath the cloud
#47.5: Shadow. I don't know. It would be so easy
to analyze all this because its just like a
geography course. For some reason, the clouds
seemed to be obscuring the target at the time.
And rather than do the obvious thing, go down
through the clouds, I just moved over to the
left and tried to look under them.
#66: Okay, well you've got an awf uI lot of imagery
now. Is there anything that you'd like to add
before we see how this imagery compares?
#47.5: Oh, I don't know how to draw an old Spanish
mission, but .
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Approved For Release 2003/09/~, F6-007888000900060001-7
#47.5: I didn't see a cross on top of it so I don't
know why I'm putting it there. .
I don't even know what else goes with it.
A11 I say is, it has Spanish mission type
#66: Okay.
#47.5: That was an independent. Just something
independent when I tried to focus again.
#66: Okay. How do you feel about this session?
What's your emotional level now and what's
your opinion of what you've done here; how
were your images?
#47.5: Well, I'm absolutely positive that this series
of tunnel shapes, funnel shapes or whatever
or it could even be inverted. I could even be
sitting up on top a pyramid looking down, I
don't know. They seemed to be the most recur-
ring thing. And the most valid. I feel very
confident that these have something to do with
the target.
#66: Okay.
#47.5: I was having a lot of fun, as you can tell,
playing up around in space, okay. But I had
a definite feeling I was over here looking at
the target over there. So the target is
somewhere between the mountains and the coast
line or at least that's where my position was.
#66: Okay.
And again, this image I had of being up here
trying to look down, I was looking this way,
those cloud covered. So, when I tired to see
what was underneath the clouds, I switched over
to this position and was looking under the clouds.
#66: Okay.
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#47.5: So, they seemed to where those two points
meet is where the target area is.
#66: Okay. And how about the noise; where you
affected by noise at all? Did you feel
comfortable and relaxed?
#66: Okay. The noise was very low today and I was
wondering how you felt about that.
#47.5: It hasn't bothered me at all. I don't remember
any of it.
#66: It was quite low. Okay, is there anything else
that you want to add?
#47.5: No. Except for the recurring tunnel, funnel,
whatever shapes they are.
#66: Okay.
#47.5: Just kept coming back and coming back.
#66: Okay, fine. That'll do it then.
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