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Approved For Release ZQQSW in: IPIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
REVIEW ON: 30 Mar 99
REASON: 2-301-C(3)(6)
Approved For Release 2
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for the purpose of orienting
a Remote Viewer to the protocol which will be used in
the remote viewing training program at Stanford Research
Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California.
2. (S) Post-viewing target analysis did not show target
correlation with the remote viewer's impressions. The
remote viewer was very verbal during the session. His
impressions were very analytical in nature and were not
characteristic of raw imagery impressions usually associated
with a remote viewing experience in which valid target cor-
relations are present. The remote viewer did not appear to
exercise sufficient discipline over his mental images. He
did not take time to relax and clear his mind of extraneous
thoughts, a process which appears to be necessary in doing
reliable remote viewing. The fact that the remote viewer
was willing to openly discuss his mental images is indicative
of a favorable relationship with the interviewer. It also
indicates his willingness to discuss a human process (mental
imaging) without regard to any social antagonism. This is a
very favorable indicator that the remote viewer may be able
to develop his talents sufficiently to do reliable remote
3. (S) The protocol used for this session and which will
be used in later training is detailed in the document,
Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Local Targets) by Harold
E. Puthoff and Russell Targ, November 1978. Following is
a transcript of the viewer's impressions of the target and
drawings made by him. There are no photographs of the
target as the camera failed to operate.
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
Approved For Release JQQa3 . lA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
#66: This will be a remote viewing session. (Edited
for Security.)
#66: Okay, #39. #20 and #43.5 have arrived at the
site now. The tape recorder just fell over.
They have arrived at the site and are observing
the area. Look at the target with them and
describe the area to me . . . . Verbally tell
me about the area. . . . Describe the area to me.
#39: (not audible) . . . . playground.
#66: Okay. You've decided on a playground then.
Let it come. Let it be clear. Talk to me about it.
#39: Something. Maybe a little sidewalk and slopes.
#66: You are seeing it from the sidewalk?
#39: From the sidewalk, looking in it (PAUSE)
Moving toward the West. . . . Okay, the gate going
into the playground is very close. Okay. Facing
. . . let's see. . . the gate's right here. And
then the left fence is pretty close to the gate
. . Runs out I guess down to the corner. No, the
playground is not totally square. The Northern
boundary fence would go (not audible) . . . .
Southwest distance wise - Now it looks like a
sidewalk in front of this place is relatively new
or its just been repaired. (PAUSE)
Okay, on the Western perimeter fence there's a
little stand of trees up there (not audible) . .
. . Least . . . . a very light colored tree; it
looks like a white birch. And there's other trees
in there and back in the Western perimeter fence
there's a slope down a little bit. Okay, when we
. . . when you proceeded straight, and you know,
its kind of a general incline; to proceeding
straight up the first thing you would encounter
are the swings. . . . . (PAUSE)
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#39: (not audible). . . up about 15 feet, the right
one there. This is a teeter-totter and to the
right of the teeter-totter is one of those round
circular things, you know, the kids; its a seat
and the kids can push and jump on and go round
and round and round. And that tire is just a
little bit up the hill climb. Here is where the
tire is. The tire is here. (not audible) . . .
. . like a jungle jim. And, well lets go back
to the swings. (not audible) . . . . . for, . .
. its relatively a playground, close to the road.
Back to the middle on the swings kids have climbed
up and swung back and forth on their hands. You
know how the metal looks darker . . .
#66: The galvanizing has worn off and. . .?
#39: Right. That's it. I . . . I guess its an older
neighborhood because the house at the left is about
15 years old. An older settled neighborhood. But
at least behind that one row of houses, okay the
road comes by the playground and around and the
first house on the right is the brick and white one
I told you about. It swings on around like this.
Over here like,the playground is open right now. I
can't see any buildings behind it. The playground
itself is all run down now. The kids have been in
it - I see fresh, freshly turned dirt. Now the
chain link fence is not a great big fence. Its
about. . . about waist high. And around that rubber
tire. . . . just a little bit on the upper slope
(not audible). . . a few (not audible). . . stick
out from the center of it. Aha, maybe there's one
more thing in there I must report is a sandbox and
its down the hill near the little round thing I was
telling you about. And, of course, kids have been
running and jumping in it because the retaining wall
on the down side of the slope some of the sand is
piled over and is out of the box itself.
#66: Okay. You've given me a lot of good data about
this and I'm interested to know a little bit more
from a different perspective.
#39: I was going to sit on the swings and look back down
toward the street.
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#66: Okay. Its now about seven minutes after two and
go ahead up the hill. Take a look back down and
describe the area.
#39: Okay, the sun's on my back. Okay, the street in
this area is old, but it looks like the sidewalks
have fresh cement. Now whether the sidewalks have
just been put in . . . . (PAUSE). . . Okay, then
off to the right is a house. . . . When you leave
the . . . When you leave the Southern. . . . the
Southern fence line, you know, its down a little
bit. It starts up toward the house and that area
in there is kind of wet and mushy. Now from sitting
in the swing and looking over to the house on the
right, there's two windows. Aluminum windows. Still
have all your little bitty panes. . . the bottom
the bottom section divided into with a horizontal
bar and the top so you've got four section windows.
Okay, now back to the house. Have a bunch of junk
piled against it. Okay, there's this little porch
that comes out about the middle with steps coming
down. Barbeque grill over here with a cover on it.
Its pretty badly faded--I dan't tell what color it
is. There are garden tools like rakes. . . (not
audible). There is a wheel barrow in the back too.
That's the first thing. Okay. That's a wheel
Now I'm sitting on the swings looking off to my
right. The slope down this right. This wheel
barrow and there is a garden hose draped over the
left handle. A greenish-gray garden hose. Over
here's a white something. A couple of rakes and
then the . . . God, what a mess; then the barbeque
grill with the cover on it. Okay, there is a
concrete pad with steps coming down. Except it
doesn't look like the wheelbarris is on a concrete
slab, it looks like the wheel barrow is on grass.
Now, this big white thing between the wheel barrow
and the grill; I don't know what in the heck it is.
Its white and shiny and just comes up in kind of a
point. But a very blunt point. Hm.
#66: Are you still sitting on the swings; or still
looking from the swings?
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#39: No, I've kind of moved to the back of the house
now. So I'm looking at it straight off.
#66: Okay.
#39: From the back of the house, it kind of slopes down
a little bit, not much, but I'm back down there and
its kind of wet and squishy in there too. Ah. . .
okay, to the right of the grill is a rather beat up
lawn mower. Now that's almost directly underneath
the dual porch coming out of the back of the house
with steps coming down. That house seems kind of
odd, because that porch. . . No, I guess it wouldn't
be that pad. The porch looks like its about. .
7 or 8 feet on a concrete pad. . . its red. . . its
not a big porch -- and its got the steps coming down.
Okay, when out of the house, you come out and down
the steps, looking South and there's a row of trees
between this house and the next house. Pines.
#66: Okay, now I want to interrupt you here so that we
can do an exercise towards a collection of specific
things. You are looking at the target just fine.
And you are seeing things that draw your interest to
it. Let me see if we can't move you around the
target and collect some significant data about the
target you located. Its now about 13 and 1/2
minutes past two now and I want you to go up in the
air and look down on the target from about 200 feet.
Look down on the target and tell me if anybody is
located within the area.
#39: Okay, I've got to move over a little bit because
I'm right above the house now.
#66: Okay, move over the center of the target.
#39: Let me move back out to the playground. #43.5 and
#20 are there and they are up about half way between
the swings and the teeter-totter.
#66: Okay, its about 14 minutes after the hour and they
are halfway between the swings and the teeter-totter.
#39: And they are talking.
#66: Talking.
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Approved For Release NIP1 " 'CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
#39: Okay, #43.5 would be facing. . . . facing toward
. . . I don't know.
#66: Okay, don't concern yourself with that now. Look
down at #43.5 and #20 and tell me when you've got
them good. You got them good. Tell me.
#39: #20's got the poloroid case in his left hand. Now
I want you to describe to me what they are talking
#39: Hm. (PAUSE) I can't hear them.
#66: Okay. Go back up in the air and watch them. Tell
me about their activities.
#39: #43.5 is pointing out.
#66: He's pointing at something.
#39: And #20 just turned to look.
#66: Uh huh.
#39: Down the street past the ah . . (PAUSE). . I think
they are pointing at a landmark.
#66: Don't loose them now. They should be leaving the
target pretty soon now within the next minute or
#39: He's pointing out something down there.
#66: Okay. We'll go see that in a minute. Get back in
focus on them. We'll go back in a minute and look
at what they were pointing at. Watch them.
#39: They didn't take a picture of it. They are coming
back down the hill.
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?ii CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
Approved For Relea _ IIAPa
#66: Okay, they are walking down the hill now. Keep
verbalizing. Keep telling me what they are doing.
#39: Okay, they stopped for a second by the teeter-
totter. And there's no kids in the playground.
Where are they?
#66: Okay, what are they doing now?
#39: They are walking back down. They've both got mud
on their feet.
#66: Okay.
#39: Now they just crossed the street toward the house
I described and they are cleaning the mud off in
the grass on the sidewalk.
#66: Okay.
#39: #43.5's scraping, #20's stomping on the curb.
car is parked very close to the edge.
#66: Okay. I want you to tell me when they get into the
car so that I can note the time.
#39: Cleaning their hands. #43.5 is driving because he's
on the drivers side.
#66: Are they in the car?
#39: No. #43.5 is getting the last little bit of dirt
off his feet.
#66: Okay.
#39: Now he's in.
#66: Now he's in the car.
#39: The car is pointed up toward the house.
#66: Okay, its now about 18 minutes after and you say
they are in the car? Now, there is something very
important now. Follow the car, you say its, what
kind of a car is it?
#39: To me, its a goldish looking car.
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Its a large car, four door, do you think?
Okay, that's fine.
They went in on the first driveway on the left,
pull in and back up and head back down to that
land mark that they were . . . .
Okay. I want. I need a definitive address. Street
address. I want you to follow the car to the street
corner; read the street sign; what's the landmark,
look for an indicator that would tell you where that
As close as I could tell, the house next to the
playground is 7013.
7013, okay.
Its not a Seven-Eleven, they were pointing at a
Dairy Queen sign.
They were pointing at a Dairy Queen sign?
Its a red sign and I'm pretty sure its Dairy Queen.
Okay, they were pointing at a red sign. That was
the land mark area referred to earlier?
Um hm. #43.5 was pointing with his left hand.
Okay, right past the Dairy Queen there's a . . .
an intersection . . . and they are on a stop street.
Will you tell me what that intersection says.
Look around the intersection for a sign post.
G A S S 0
G A S S 0
Approved For Release ZgQmI^?''" 6"DP96-00788R000900790001-7
#66: S A R G A S S 0
#39: Street.
#66: Street.
#66: Okay. Tell me where you are right now.
#39: I'm going back up the hill to the playground.
#66: Okay, good. I want you to take one more look at
the playground. You got something?
#39: Okay. From. . . Now, if you are at the playground,
okay, and you are looking down toward the Dairy
Queen, it kinda slopes down a little bit. You
know. . . . Okay, if you leave the Dairy Queen and
make a left and start up the hill there's a gentle
incline and you get up right around where the play-
ground is and it starts to . . . ah. . . get almost
level, although from lets say the playground on
around the curve to the right there is still a
gentle incline. That 7013, when you're facing
the house, the street number is to the left of the
door and the numbers are in . . .
#39: Yeah. To the left of the door and the numbers are
in. . . To the left of the door and black.
#39: Lots of pines to the left of that house. White
pines. (not audible). . . 15 years old. Rough
estimate. Settled.
But there's still no kids in the playground.
#66: Okay, let's take a look back at the playground again.
And, we'll think about having to draw it. Its pretty
good detail here. Just a minute. So take a look at
the playground. And what we'll try is to zoom away
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Approved For Release 96-00788R000900790001-7
so I want you to go up to about 200 feet again and
look down; picture in your mind what you got there;
the way things are laid out there; hold that image
in your mind so that you can draw it. And then zoom
away up into the air so that it takes a perspective
in the neighborhood. Talk to me about what's
#39: Okay. Continuing up the hill past the playground
there's a curve around to the right and then a curve
West. Now, going down the hill toward the red sign,
the Dairy Queen sign, okay you come down and the road
sort of curves like this down to that intersection.
From the playground down to the intersection, there
is nothing on the left.
#66: Okay.
#39: Okay, hold it now. (PAUSE)
Okay, there is an empty lot and someone has already
started taking down a hill. It looks like they
haven't done any work on it for a little while.
#66: Where are you now?
#39: I'm at the intersection looking, I guess, West.
I imagine that they are going to build something
on that corner between the playground and the stop
sign. Excuse me.
#66: Okay. Its important that you prepare yourself to
draw now. As pretty accurately as you can. So
you tell me when you feel like you are ready to go.
#39: I'm ready.
#66: Okay, you ready to go? Okay, here's some paper here.
#39: Okay, I want to do two things #66. I want to draw
lets say the perspective from above.
#66: Draw the perspective from above.
Approved For Release 2491'P'F CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7
Approved For Release 20~3~~~!~'r'~~ 00788R000900790001-7
#39: . . . Straight like. . (not audible). . Curves
not let see it curves again.
#66: Yeah, now that's the street?
#39: Yeah, that's the street.
#66: Why don't you label it there so. . . (not audible).
#39: Okay .
#39: Now this is an important thing. The sidewalk . .
Okay, now let me make this the sidewalk.
#66: Okay, the sidewalk alongside so . . . .
#39: The sidewalks run like that, but this fence runs
#66: Okay, so you got a little grassy area there before
the entrance.
#39: Right. Now over here at this corner, it just about
touches the sidewalk. Okay, now the gate's in here.
Swings are there. . . and not in an even line
and a little bit down the hill is a jungle jim. . .
Teeter-totter there. . . and the little circular
thing in here. Okay.
#66: And this is what you got when you backed away from
it so you could see the perspective. Okay.
#39: Here's the brick and white frame house.
#66: Label it house.
#39: 7013 with a porch with the stairs coming down this
way. All that junk was stored in here. In the
last house. . . . I guess the last house on the
right side. . . . No, I'll make this straight down.
. . don't want to forget the pines. . (not audible).
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Approved For Relea a 6-00788R000900790001-7
#39: You know, I told you that. . . . Okay, back a
fairly goocdistance in fact. . . . Okay, there's
a hill in ere running back and forth like this.
Now, from this corner down. . . they've kind of
cleared it. This is a rough wall, you know, where
they've had construction. No earth moving. And
this is kind of weird open lot -- there's one big
rock in there. Its kind of overgrown and in some
places it just kind of muddy. But there is one big
#39: Okay, its not Dairy Queen. Okay, if its not Dairy
Queen, there's a red sign.
#66: Okay.
#39: With white letters. Now I don't know if the guys
came in from this way or this way, but to get in
to this area they came up this way . . .
#66: Um hm.
#39: And then parked right in here.
#66: Parked in front of the, ah, in front of the playground.
#39: Right.
#66: Okay, and you saw them cleaning off their feet in
the grassy area right in here.
#39: Right in here.
#66: Okay.
#66: Okay, this is side two. We are back in business.
#39: Okay, now the wet area that I described is right
in here.
#66: Okay, write wet area.
#39: Ah. . . (DRAWING). . . This matches that image.
Yeah, here's the jungle Jim. And where I've got
the tire is where this round circular thing is.
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Approved For Releas P9S-00788R000900790001-7
#66: Um hm.
#39: The tire is, okay the perspective on this one is
wrong. Cause there is a tire. Let's say the
teeter-totter would come down this way and then
off to the right is that round circular thing for
the kids to ride. Chain link fence, trees, white,
West. . . that way. (DRAWING) So, . . . . shit. .
So, whatever street they came in on would be North
of the playground. (PAUSE - DRAWING)
Now, coming in this way, . . . . its a, a old
little shopping center in here. Very small. I
guess a long time ago, it would be called a shopping
center. Okay, when #43.5 was pointing, they were
about right in here. He was pointing back here.
#66: Okay, not lets, for the purpose of the tape record-
ing, put a "X" there in pencil and where you've
marked the "X" that be represent #43.5 pointing at
the sign. On this (not audible) okay?
#39: Trees again. Now this construction has not reached
all the way up into this area yet. (PAUSE)
Okay now, this side of the street, where the houses
are, they are all above street level.
#66: Okay, why don't you write words in here. Houses
above street level on this side or something.
Okay, well it seems we have a great deal of data
here which we can go look at. Is there anything
that's really critical that you feel like you would
like to add. Because it looks like we've got a lot
of information and we can go out and look at it.
#66: An open area up there?
#39: . . . (not audible). . trees.
#66: Okay.
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#39: I can't think of anything right now.
#66: Okay, why don't we . . .
#39: I can describe this house a little better.
#66: Okay, now show me on this; show me on this; okay,
this is the big house that's drawn in here. The
7013 house.
#39: Right.
#66: Okay, and you would like to describe that a little
(Noise - door opening and closing. Someone
said "Hi". )
#39: This is not; you know when I said the windows were
divided, . .
#66: Um hm.
#39: Brick, siding and, and the walkway, of course.
("Hi, you know we are back" -#43.5)
#39: (not audible)
#66: Okay, is that everything.
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Approved POF
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Columbia Maryland-and=Vicinity
Please note that this may Is designed solely for use as a street
guide as of the above dale and is not intended to show present or
future building local Iona, site planning, roadways or other land \'~\
uses. Land use maps may be seen In Builder's Offices or through
the Developer's Representative, The Rouse Company Building,
10275 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, Maryland 21044.
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 CIA-RDP96-00788R000900790001-7