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August 25, 2003
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Publication Date:
July 6, 1983
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Approved For Release 20W I!+~,~' P,DP96-007888000900910001-3
REVIEW ON: 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2 RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
Approved For Release - DP96-00788R000900910001-3
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session
were amazingly accurate. The target for this session was
Pike's Peak, (see description at TAB B) which is located in
Central Colorado. The viewer stated that he had the impres-
sion of being near Denver, Colorado several times during this
session. Denver is located approximately 30 statute miles
North by Northeast from Pikes Peak. Also of significance is
that the map sheet from which the geographic coordinates were
derived was titled, "DENVER". The viewer went on to describe
"beautiful mountain peaks sitting on the floor of a huge plain,
a lot of West-bound wagon train type trails stopped here as a
prelude to crossing the Rockies, skiing and mountain climbing,
definitely the Rockies." The interviewer had noted several
times during the session that there were some disturbing noises
coming from overhead and from the adjacent hallway. The noise,
however, did not seem to bother this remote viewer. The viewer
was very relaxed and expressed a high degree of confidence,
both before and after the session.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in
the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote
Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At
TAB B are descriptions and a map of the target area.
Approved For Release 20 nLLLRDP96-00788R000900910001-3
Approved For ReleaseGPqqXVFJT
#47.5: Okay, #1, I've just opened up the outer
envelope and on the inside is another envelope
and it has a set of coordinates on it. These
coordinates are:
38 degrees, 50 minutes, 20 seconds, north
105 degrees, 2 minutes, 45 seconds, west.
Go to that location and tell me what you see.
#1: The elephant's walking in the hall again.
I see some beautiful mountain peaks. But . .
they're like sitting on the floor of a huge
plain. . type area. Like the tip of, the tip
of a range of mountains.
And there's a big, rather large city there.
Kind of a uniqueness to the city in that.
it has like a foreign appeal to it.
I'm having a little trouble. I'm all together
sure that the city is in (not audible). Trying
to picture the target.
I keep wanting to say Bertschesgarten when I
see this city but its, its not in Europe; its
in the United States. Its. . Its kind of a .
Its got like a German flavor to the town. But
it is a mountain town, but it is a very large
city. I keep seeing temple steeples or some-
thing. Sharp, needle-pointed type steeples.
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Approved For Release
I don't see what they're fastened to. Its
a very picturesque city. Its . . one would
think that it derives its income from tourism
almost because of the festive type, European
flavor to the city. But I don't think that's
true, I think it's income is actually derived
from big business, banking. It appears to be
. . it appears to be a large banking city.
That's significant.
There's some. . snow in the higher mountain
peaks but I also get the feeling that in the
winter, there's quite. . there's just something
telling me now, there's something really
important about the snow. Its just really
inandated with snow. Very. . reminds me a lot
of. . . reminds me a lot of Denver.
+05 The city appears to be on a sort of a semi-high
plateau that's like part of the mountain range
but the surrounding country-side there's a lot
of farming. That's, that's. . the flat plain
type area. The city's separate from the farm
area in that its up on a higher, higher section
of land. I sense that you could probably get the
worst of two climates there.
In the summer, cool in the city and. . and.
almost a desert effect in the more harsher
bottom lands or (not audible).
+06 I also get the feeling that . . that the city
might do quite a lot of business with tourists
but that is not. . that's not its main. . .
theme. . its not. It may have one time been a
tourist type city but now its more of a retirementiJ
type. I sense that there's more retirement here
than there is careers (not audible). . .
I keep getting big sensations of money. Money
and banking for some reason.
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Approved For Release 2 DP96-00788R000900910001-3
This was also a center of a lot of a. . a. .
a lot of trails ended here. I get this. . this
strong feeling or sensation that . . perhaps
a lot of the west bound wagon train type trails
had stopped here. Sort of a prelude to crossing
the Rockies or something. Like there seem to
be. . to be the center. . the center of the mid
west. Its not St. Louis, but its further west
than St. Louis. I keep trying to find something
that's singularly significant about it. I can't.
Outside of the . . I just get the feeling its
strongly in tune with the surrounding mountains.
It might, . . probably a lot of skiing there.
Winter resort. Alpine flavor, that sort of thing.
Very, very rugged mountains.
+10 I have a very strong feeling for Denver. Well,
that's probably all I'm going to get out of it.
#47.5: Okay, have you tried just floating above a
few thousand feet.
#1: That's not high enough. Ha ha ha
I'm(not audible). I mean these are some.
they're not as significant as the ridge line
that these came from, but these peaks are very,
very high. They are very significant. I see a
lot of skiing and I see a lot of mountain climb-
ing. I see a lot of very, very rugged, treeless
a lot of treeless dark, but I see a lot of beau-
tiful trees as well, blue. . feeling. But I see
a lot, an awful lot of them sticking up out of
the tree line. I get a feeling like . . people.
I just feel like people stop there on they're way
west. I see a lot of steeple buildings and sort
of an Alpine flavor. Its almost a park-like
atmosphere. And I sense that tourism is part
of the trade there. And. . but its also probably
more a retirement place than. . and that the pri-
mary business there is banking. Big type banking.
I just get strong feelings for Denverish or
something for some reason. That's not firm, its
just a feeling I have.
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I see water too. Its very, very strange water.
#47.5: Strange?
#1: Yeah. Its going in two directions at the same
time. Its like . . a narrow flow and I'm
looking at . . I've got my eye next to it. And
the water is going up and down at the same time.
Really weird. Weird. That's part of the
extreme temperature changes as well. Very
extreme. Like you almost put your hand in snow
and your right hand in sand. Warm sand. That's
the same feeling I get. (Not audible)
That's really about it.
#47.5: Okay. Well, how would you like to draw some
pictures before you open that up.
#1: Yeah.
#47.5: In fact, this may be fun to have #66 try to
guess where you were.
Very faraway view is like . . a very rugged
mountain range. Down here the mountain range
kind of comes down a little bit. . .
#47.5: Can you draw with that? You don't have to.
#1: No. I probably better. . be better off with
a pencil.
And like down here in this area is a city.
Sitting on the side of this mountain range.
And its like a plateau almost. Drops way into
a lower area of farm land and I get the feeling
that down here in the summer its very hot.
And yet, very cold up here. Which would stand
to reason. But I mean the difference is tre-
mendous which would make this very temperate.
#47.5: T E M P E R A T E
#1: Temperate. In the summer and then in the winter
I get the feeling like this plateau is heavily
innundated with snow and yet this valley down
here might still be very warm. This is Page 1.
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Approved For Release 20fffi , ' RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
#47.5: Okay. Do you want to label that "city."
Write "city" here.
#1: All right.
I see. . I see a lot of these, these type.
a lot of steeple type tops to buildings for
some reason. Some of them are really, you
know, really straight, long and narrow. Hell
of a sketcher. Very long straight and narrow
like steeple tops. And there's like, on the
buildings, there is like a pictures all over the
sides of the buildings. Almost like an Alpine
#47.5: Yeah. I can see why it would remind you of it.
#1: It reminded me of Bertschesgarten to tell you
the truth but I know its not Bertschesgarten.
Page 2. Just a very, flowers everywhere. There's
flowers all over this city. I don't. . a lot of
#47.5: More of a European flavor to it.
#1: Very European flavor to the city. Which really
. . really surprises me, because I don't. .
I don't ever remember seeing a city in America
that had such a Eu.r-o2Gan flavor to it.
Very, very European flavor. And the only
other thing I can sketch is like if you can
picture having your eye next to a water course
and the water course was running this way.
Almost like seeing it run through a pipe without
a pipe.
#1: Then there's sea water running this way. This
is a very difficult to dr$.w. You know its
running that way because Of the way its shaped.
You see it running this wly as well. Like its
going up and down at the ~ame time. Which is
really a . . call it two-*vay water flow. Whoops!
Narrow, two-way water flo . Can't figure that
out. Maybe I'll (not audible) pipes or some-
thing in the city.
Approved For Release 2003
Approved For Release RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
But I would, I would say, and I'm going to
put this on Page 3 because I really feel like
its significant. That it used to be tourism.
But now its retirement. Banking is the prime
business - two S's or one?
#47.5: One. B U S I N E S S
#1: I can't spell. Ha ha ha
But these. . winter is the big season. But
there's plenty to do there in the summer.
The climate there in the summer is very temper-
ate. Beautiful as a matter of fact.
B E A U T I F U L???
#47.5: B E A U T I F U L.
#1: The typist is going to love this tape. Hi,
Very, very rugged mountains. Definitely the
tip of the Rockies.
That's about all I can say about it.
#47.5: All righty. End of session.
Approved For Release 2003/09/116:
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
Central Colorado, in the southern Front Range
of the Rocky Mountains; 13 miles W of Colorado
Springs; elevation 13,110 feet. Its abrupt
ascent from the Great Plains and its isolation
from other peaks in the range has made Pikes
Peak a famous landmark. Wagons headed west in
the middle 1800's were often inscribed "Pikes
Peak or Bust." The peak was discovered in 1806
by an army officer, Zebulon M. Pike, for whom
it was consequently named. A party led by
scientist Edwin James made the first ascent of
the peak in 1820. It is a noted tourist attrac-
tion; the summit is accessible by horse, auto,
or cog railway.
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900910001-3
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Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-R ,OQl88R000900910001-3
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