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Approved For Release 200 irG1A-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 ORCON/NOFORN INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROJECT SESSION REPORT Approved For Release 20 CLASSIFIED BY: Director,DIA REVIEW ON:30 Mar 99 EXTENDED BY: Director,DIA REASON: 2-301-C(3)(6) Dciii4dioototik0 Approved For Release 2 IA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION V 1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for the purpose of orienting a Remote Viewer to the protocol which will be used in the remote viewing training program at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California. 2. (S) Post-viewing on target and analysis indicated minor correlation with the remote viewer's impressions of the area. An administrative problem developed in that the outbound/beacon team was unable to get to the designated target, #46. The beacon team arbitrarily chose a target within travel range and were at this target at the appropri- ate time. The viewer's impressions show minor correlation to this arbitrary target. As to the remote viewer's activity during the session, he had some difficulty in relaxing primarily due to the ambient noise associated with the area. The remote viewer's verbalization was much improved over previous sessions. He was enthusiastic and wanted to conduct another session as soon as possible. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session and which will be used in later training is detailed in the document, Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Local Targets) by Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ, November 1978. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B are photographs of the target site. At TAB C is a post-session interview. Approved For Release 2 IA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 200 DP96-00788R000900940001-0 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION V TIME #28: Okay, this will be a remote viewing session. (Edited for security.) PAUSE +0 #28: Okay, 47.5, we got about five seconds (not audible.) PAUSE #28: Okay, now 43.5 and 12.5 have arrived at the site. And they are observing the area. Look at the target with them and describe the area to me. (Edited for security.) PAUSE #28: Tell me about your impressions. PAUSE #47.5: (Long sigh) #47.5: (Long sigh) PAUSE PAUSE #28: Tell me about the images that come to your mind. PAUSE #47.5: I'm getting the . . . one impression of a very large tree. The . . . it could be a hard wood variety. Perhaps oak. Or maple or something. #28: All right. Be careful not to analyze; just describe . . . Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/0 ? 96-00788R000900940001-0 #47.5: The . . . well, that was the best way I could describe the shape; the tree. #28: Okay. #47.5: Because, they do have a definite type shape. Very large and full. It seems to be a very old tree; a very large tree. #28: Okay. PAUSE #28: Describe to me the position of this image to you. PAUSE #47.5: Well, okay. Its standing all alone and by itself. I would seem to be below it. The tree itself would appear to be on a hill or above normal eye level. A personal view of that. PAUSE +06 #28: Move back away from this image. Move back away and describe the area to me. #47.5: (Long sigh) PAUSE PAUSE #47.5: I get the feeling of several hills - that's all (not audible). #28: Okay. PAUSE #47.5: I'm trying to form another image. (Not audible) I wanted to see if we could come up with something. #47.5: (Long sigh) Approved For Release 200 PAUSE DP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/ DP96-00788R000900940001-0 #28: Tell me about this image you are forming in your head. PAUSE #47.5: I'm coming up with an "L" shape. #28: Okay. #47.5: A long stem and a short foot. #28: Okay. #47.5: Now I see the "L" shape. It looks kind of like. . . I get the impression of a window sill. #28: Okay. #28: Stick to your shapes. PAUSE #47.5: Its, ah, I'm getting almost the same shape I had yesterday with two triangles meeting in the center. This time they appear to meet rather than have a gap. #28: Okay. Remember that. You can draw it later. PAUSE +10 #47.5: I seem to be picking up more images, but they're. . . I can't get anything definite. Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to relax and let it . . . let it come. PAUSE #47.5: I have another image but its difficult to explain so I'll draw that. #47.5: (Long sigh) PAUSE PAUSE 3 HET Approved For Release 20 RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 " Approved For Release 200 P96-00788R000900940001-0 #47.5: I think, perhaps, I had better start drawing. Before I forget all this input that I am getting. #28: Okay. Before you start drawing, I want you to think about the images you've had; think about the images you've had; that you told me about and the ones that you want to draw; think about all of them; and . . . describe the target area from a distance so that these various images are in relation to one another. #47.5: (Long sigh) PAUSE PAUSE +12 #28: Tell me about the images and the area. #47.5: (Long sigh) They don't seem to fit. At first I saw a large tree shape like I said. It appeared to be a large oak tree. #28: Good. #47.5: Next, ah, . . . The next image I had was of a part of a rectangle and I felt somehow it may have something to do with a window. And then I moved over and . . . that's just a corner of it. Then I moved over to another corner of it. Then I had an image of another corner but around it. A rounded shape within that corner. Then I had the . . . an image that I had yester- day, I think two triangles meeting point to point but this time there's no line through it. Ah. . . then I had an image of . . . the only way I could describe it would be a church-type window. It was a long line and then a cane type shape over it. And, when I tried to step back, and I tried to get an overall view of the thing, I really didn;t form any images or ideas. But, I will try to continue if we still have time. #28: We have plenty of time. . . I would like you to do something that you haven't done before. You've given me some very good data; the shapes and forms in the target area. What do you Approved For Release 2000/08 0788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/ RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 feel? Other than visualize? What do you feel about the target area. What do you feel goes on there? PAUSE #47.5: I'm not feeling per se; but I'm getting another image. #28: Describe this image. #47.5: I see kind of a round . . . I get the impression its a structure of some kind. . . almost like a fountain type structure. But that's just a blatant description. Or perhaps the feeling of water has something connected with it. PAUSE #28: Let's search for a communication in the form of imagery. (PAUSE) Ask in your mind. Ask the question about the target area; what goes on there. Ask that question in your mind and look for an answer. An imagery answer. PAUSE #28: Tell me what you see. PAUSE #47.5: It almost looks like I'm getting a nose to nose view with a cat. #28: Describe it. PAUSE #47.5: I get the impression I am looking right at the nose of a cat. I see the nose, the split under the nose to the lip and the puffy cheeks (not audible). #28: Okay. Approved For Release 200 5 CREE-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 20 PAUSE DP96-00788R000900940001-0 #28: Okay, its about 20 minutes after now. Take a quick look again and turn and sit up and draw (not audible). #47.5: A cat, maybe a squirrel. PAUSE #47.5: There are so many images. #28: That's fine. Can you talk to me while you are drawing and the number you are drawing. . . . tape. Would you like to have the lights on? #47.5: Its not necessary. PAUSE #47.5: Number One as I said is a tree. A very large red oak, and it was a single tree that stood out all by itself and it appeared that I was at a lower level looking up at it. PAUSE #47.5: Here's where I had the impression I was looking in a corner. That's the only way I can describe it . . . is a window sill. Inside/outside. And then I had another impression of the other side. (not audible). PAUSE ADMIN NOTE: Tape recorder failure at this point. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 TAB A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Appro d For Releas 000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00090094 01-0 2. 5, q4 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 TAB B Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 ac,rmi Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 TAB C Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 Approved ForRelease2000/08/07 :CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0 SECRiT POST-SESSION INTERVIEW REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION V 1. (S) Post-session interviews are conducted after the completion of a session to provide the selected Remote Viewer with the opportunity to express himself concerning his viewing experience. 2. (S) During the post-session interview the remote viewer related his feelings concerning this session. The salient points of the post-session interview are as follows: a. The mental images experienced by #47.5 did not seem to fit together. b. Despite the low target correlation factor, #47.5 expressed his general "good" feeling about the session. He felt that even though he was unable to adequately describe the target, that he was more comfortable working with the interviewer and the session protocol. c. #47.5 was eager to conduct another remote viewing session and felt he would do even better, given the chance to practice. 3. (S) The interviewer and #47.5 appear to be developing a strong rapport. As a more trusting, mutually supportive interrelationship forms, an atmosphere conducive to reliable remote viewing should develop. Approved For Relea 7 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000900940001-0