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April 24, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/ _ 8R001000500001-6 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISFI 05163OZ JUL 70 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 20q9 . -00788R001000500001-6 =RB TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CCC-80 #14: This will be a remote viewing session. for 24 April 1980. Mission time is 1000 hours PAUSE All right #27.5 the time is now 1000 hours. Your mission for today is to go to the U.S. Embassy compound, and identify any hostages, and all hostages at this location. Describe the security of this location to include the guards. +02 #27.5 There's an entrance foyer to the building... standing in it... it's got wood panelling and red brick floor. There's no, no guard near the door. They all appear to be inside. To the right is opening in the wall. Looks like a very large living room type area. To the left is a hallway. that goes to the right. The hallway goes down....maybe 50 feet...goes to the left.'s like 4 bedrooms..... doors, doors to the bedroom, their open...3, 3 hostages in the room at the end of the hall. Three more in the next room up to the left. Hallway goes left. The room is on the right. Three, three more in the next room, and there's ...uh...2 in the fourth . room... it's on the left side. The 2 in our (phonetic) room aren't there; they're in the shower, or something at the end of the hall. It's like a bathroom with a shower, very large. There's...uh...2 Iranians in the hall with them. Neither one is armed. See what looks like 2 Iranian women and 3 Iranian guards in the front living room area; and the 3 guards.... there... two are heavily armed and one has no arms. The woman has a pistol. two armed they just got....just automatic weapons-sitting and talking with the woman and the other man that has no arms. Trying to see who the hostages are.....who they are. Name Roger comes in mind...Roger, I think is one of 'em.... another sandy colored hair ...he's..uh..state department, civilian. He's taking a shower...uh...see guy with him..... balding head a goatee type beard, light brown hair. He's in the room with the guy Roger. Approved For Release 2000/0 PAUSE LOMUMM 788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/0P' . E _4- -007888001000500001-6 Q-CUP L.. I +10 The third guy in the room is..uh..I don't know who the third guy is...there's a guy they call SKI in the second room. Think he's a Marine nicknamed SKI. Saw another Army type there ..... think.he's enlisted though. Get a strong impression he's enlished...tall, thin guy with short hair that's kind of gotten a little, a little long around the ears. Kind of a frail looking person ................. bird, third guy in this room...wait a minute....I just lost' f ....kind of drifted a minute....uh....third guy is..uh..short blond hair.,. mustache...he.....uh....speaks Arabic. He speaks Arabic. Does speak Arabic. I don't know about the last two... I'm inclined to say that they're civilians..but., I can't get good.....good view of them. There's, there's a foot sentr outside the wall by this corner of the building... kind of walks around back on one of the. trees.... looks like he's got a pistol and a rifle. All these guys have regular: beds. Windows real up horozontal windows that are narrow high off the ground...... These guys are allowed to read alot.....get impression of a library somewhere in the building, they're'allowed access to. Very extensive library. Two, two of these people in the center room are doing, doing push ups...kind of counting off together. That's all I'm getting. Get impression that..uh..he's enlisted. +20 Uh....getting a name too. I don't know who it is. Getting a name like..uh..Derringer or Barringer or Eerringer....... something.....ger. Very definitely pronounced, pronunciation like G-E-R at the end of the name. That's all I'm getting. #14: All right I have no further questions. We are now ready for debrief. #27.5 Ok. I had an entrance door, and as you go in this entrance door, I felt like there was a......another opening just inside clot wider. It was like a hallway here. #14: I want you later--to annotate..... reason being because we don't know when the transcripts will be typed. #27.5 Ok. #14: That way the analyst will be able to take the draw....... annotated drawing and the notes. Which are very crude, anyhow. Approved For Release 20000 f~OlRff-00788 R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 "MI PRW'flfl 8R001000500001-6 #27.5: Ok. Hmmm........ let's see. This entrance foyer was like a red tile. To the left was kind of like a hallway. And, this living room back towards the end where 3 male guards....... #14: Ok. The X with the circle denotes guards. #27.5: Right. The armed guards were these two. This guy was unarmed. Sitting over here was a woman with a pistol. I had the feeling like there was...uh... #14: On my notes I had down. that you ...mentioned two Iranian women. I'm know ..... I'm not holding you to that. #27.5.: Yeah. No. I understand. #14: I've got 'em on my notes and there's just some confusion there. Uh....let me read my notes to you. "Two Iranian women and 3 Iranian guards, two heavily armed, one woman has pistol, one man has no arms." #27.5: Ok. I don't remember the second woman. These were doorways. Felt like there was a..uh....unarmed...guard down at the other end.of the hallway. This is. like a bath area, and there was. 2 hostages in here. It doesn't make any sense. There's a room, and a room, and a room ..... room A, room B, and room C, and room D. Like 4 bedrooms. Room A had 3 hostages. Room B had 3 hostages; and room C had two but they were in the bath. And...uh...I'm going to number these hostages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and S. Uh...that's page 1. Oh! Let me have page 1 back. Up against this wall there was uti...... I get an impression, like there was...uh...against this wall there was some mirrors and some kind of dried plants. Very large. You know. Decorative type plants. And alot of know ...very plush living room. #14: Did you have a feeling where the library was? #27.5: No. I don't. All I know I had a flash there of many books. Like a lawyer's library, and that it was being used by the hostage,they were allowed to use this library. And, I had a feeling like somewhere in this dotted area there was another bath. I don't, I don't know. It's ........ uh..... in these rooms...... Page 2. I get an impression that hostage number 1...... I'm going to have to get this squared away now. #14: Maybe I can help you a little bit better to draw. #27.5: I was working from the right up. Approved For Release 2000/08 %-EN1WzWv788 R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 R001000500001-6 #14: Your first impression of hostages was, as far as identification, goes, was the name Roger. #27.5: Yeah. Number 1 was Roger. #14: And you described him as having sandy colored hair; State Department. #27.5: Right. Definitely civilian. #14: And, at the time, you had him taking a shower. #27.5: No. I don't think that's right. I don't think Roger was taking a shower. I think the 2 unidentified were taking a shower. #14: Ok. #27.5: Number 2. #14: Uh..... the second guy you described is the guy with the balding #27.5: Oh! Yeah! #14: Goetee..... #27.5:, goetee, beard, he's number 2. Number 3. #14: Yeah. You described a third guy in the room. #27.5: I don't think I got anything on the third guy, though. #14: Right. You mentioned you didn't know who he is. Uh...... #27.5: Number 4. #14: In a second room you had a very distinct impression of somebody who was known as SKI. #27.5: Oh! Yeah! SHI. That was really strong. Uh...that was a nickname. Really strange. It just....kind of.....I think that's really accurate, you know. Everybody refers to this guy...Hey! SKI, you know, that kind of stuff..... and... uh....he was definitely in the second room. #14: had the impression that he may have been a Marine. #27.5: Yeah. Uh.......I don't know why I got that impression, but number 5 reminded me of an NCO type, Army type. #14: Yeah. You mentioned that..uh..enlisted Army type. Approved For Release 2000/0 7 ?1F 94fiF06,90788ROO1000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/0 = P 788R001000500001-6 #27.5: NCO, very frail. #14: Yes. You described him as thin..... #27.5: Yeah, you know, if you met him your first inclination would not be to say that he was frail, but I think he's had a tremendous, weight loss, and he probably was not all that heavy to begin with, and I get an impression of frailty with this person. You know. Like a very easy-go-lucky type frail person. #14: You described the person. in this room, short brown hair, mustache, ..... .::....... #27.5: Speaks Arabic #14: speaks Arabic, yes. #27.5: Definitely, and I don't know what gives me that....... impression ...... ..uh.....mustache, brown hair, speaks Arabic. Felt like there was 3 military people, ok. All three were military. #14: Ok. Uh ...... #27.5: That's a very good statement there. #14: go on about're still describing the .....let me find myself here...... people in the second room. You said two people were in there doing push-ups. #27.5: Yeah. .,I got the feeling like the guy that speaks Arabic, and this guy SKI were doing, you know, like an early morning . workout. Like they had designed some form of exercise between them and they were actually...... like one would say, you know, one and the other would say two, and the other guy would say three, and the other guy would say four, you know. They were rking out together. They had a regiment of expr-cise_tha they were,'they were working out.. I, I put that in here as, (j....uh...numbers 4 and 6 were exercising. And, number 7 nd 8 way in the back ....... I wasn't getting too much on tha for some reason. #14: about .....towards the end you came up with the very positive type name with a GER on the'end..... like Berringer. #27.5: I got a feeling like somebody in this group of 8.... uh..... there was like 2 syllebles.and then GER at the end. Uh..... Two syllables and GER at the end of the name. I don't know which of the bunch it was, but that was like an impression that came to me. And..... uh .............................. Approved For Release 2000/0 788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 20 6-00788R001000500001-6 #27.5: Page 3.. I got a feeling of this building. I felt like this dotted area back in here there was a roving guard .......somewhere back in this area....... #14: Ok. It appears that we've covered...... #27.5: Yeah. That's about it, I guess. That's page 3. I felt like it was a super session for what that's worth. #14: We'll call this end of session. Approved For Release 200 90788RO01 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 CIA-RDP96-00788R0010005 0001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/0k: CIANRDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001000500001-6 c cc 40 ?2 /oeo TGT: - ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, - DELTA, ECHO, FOXTROT, GULF, HOTEL - JULIET, KILB, LIMA, - MIKE, XRAY, YANKEE NUMBER 1 - THRU 53 (SEE ATTACHED LISTING) KEY QUESTIONS: ALPHA TGTS: WHICH HOSTAGE IF ANY DID YOU OBSERVE IN THE TARGET LOCAL? NUMERIC TGTS: WHICH FACILITY DID YOU FIND THE TARGET? FOLLOW-ON QUESTIONS: (a) DESCRIBE THE FACILITY WHERE THE TARGET WAS. (b) WERE THEIR OTHER HOSTAGES? (c) DESCRIBE ANY GUARDS YOU SAW. v'-, a / 4 4 X; c el 4V docogoe~~ i I g4r ^- n r 10j /44~ Aw C4 6x 5~ 4V F-9 /44_ _ ~...... 4-t I(- 4alroc Apprg/ed For IF Se 2000/0 Ate: a