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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP96-00788R001100030001-6 MEMORANDUM FOR - RECORD PROBLEM s (C) To document disaus$LQA 4"XA inquiry related to parapsychology FACTS AND DISCUSSION t 1. (U) In response to a 28 NOVe nbOV 77 o Inquiry by Mr. Giza, staff member Remo >~e>' Committee on Intelligence, the foU#w pil e ! Mr. Giza on 12 December 1977: Mr. Dale Graff, FTD/XRQ Lt Col Michael Bloom, AF/XNY MajYJack ~Drantell, 8AS/L _4' Mr VaS 2 (C) ? prcaliminary remarks . i a a tit conducting the inquiry for a committee somber* not identified W a#hiegtos t0 aft7'aTtL*X*4 who had read a 7 August 1S7 " name b . , y j gad- Wilhs1 . ;,'. A shad "Psychic Spying,,, written by Mr., John " " to already spoken with several people fx ~-%Ao C + . omits 4 Agency (CIA) who had indicated to haler ? *; rQreal Technology Division (FTD) was sponsoring +exps ts, uAd a continuing interest in parapsychology*" 3. (S) Mr. Graff explained that FTD had received * task fates the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) , in Dec r X971 r to produce an assessment Of the threat led s e bo research conducted in the Warsaw 'ec t, {S) The. experiments sponsored by FTD were desor at 4 . length by Mr. Graff. The Stanford Rea,a 'ch xnetit 4tea under contract to ?TD, had conducted exper u nts in. ' remote v g... The objective of the experiments was to provide a b sis. +i' s +>!4, ' comparison to evaluate data. At the request Of Mr. cs of the contract final report was left with the 5. (U) In response to a question by. Mr. Giza it V4*. '00,0440W, that the FTD study, now in draft rev " by A7/IN dominantly used open source literat *USAF Declassification & Release Instructions on File* Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP96-00788R001100030001-6 ,; Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100030001 6. (8) During the description of the UUI ox based upon the findings, decide 7 FTD Commanders policy was to conduct the DI34 i We 7. (U) During the discussion it was painted out t prior access to, or any precQnc4p.tYed p'1 q?*. attempt to use an object which they SL. for remote viewing was within. they .t3niafl. RM-4V*r? not` tce1 a +e-: ~t the objective of the experiment was that several experiments were conducted where t'! ab Oct collection of foreign intelligence. ,ic. Graff r Giza asked if FTD had attempted to use ' t ,v i +a ,. , in January 1978, following DIA rent r of the DIA. The decision for renewed tnapkinq Pr ethers is entirely contingent >+1-t,t: study. committee on his total inquiry, he would flat re ma)wL available to the Air Force through ,f+. 9. (U) Copies of the F'TU draft . opt a. ftvap l Warsaw Pact (U), DIA Task PT-1810!- .an . report, Advanced Threat Technigu4. ,$s+eu are being retained by A'/INYSA and W/ MA. ACTION O 'ICER: Lt Col .Michael 419QMk&; IX Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100030001-6 8. (U) Mr. aiza stated that if he..ra1 a repo t