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Approved For Release .3g E'96-OO788ROOl 100390002-7 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE SUBJECT:. DIA Psychoenergetics Activity - ACTION MEMORANDUM (S/NOFOR.N/WNINTEL) (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Under a memorandum of agreement between the U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated ; 1985 (Incl 1), We have taken over operational control of the USAINSCOM CENTER LANE Unit. This unit was established in 1978 to use an aspect of psychoenergetics known as remote viewing for collecting information of intelligence interest. We intend to continue pursuit. of remote viewing applications as a service to the Intelligence Community. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) In February 1979, the Army General Counsel determined that this psychoenergetics activity employed by the Army could be classified as a program involving testing on human subjects (Incl 2). In December 1980, the Army General Counsel determined that the USAINSCOM program did constitute experimentation on human subjects and therefore was subject to the requirements of Procedure 18 (now Procedure 13), DoD Directive 5240.1-R, which stipulates that the Secretary or Under Secretary of the Army must approve involvement in such activity. The Army accordingly reviewed its involvement in DIA review(s) completed. ARMY review(s) completed. ... ... .. ~., .~ ,s.,nntCNN TTnrasr l;Ifdr NOTICE: SENSITNQ Approved For Release 2005/03/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO0110039QQ ny INVOwFa SECRET ,~a. Approved For ReIeks tab DP96-007888001100390002-7 rv,, a:EA psychoenergetics and obtained the necessary approval in January 1981, February 1.982, and September 1983 (Inclosures 3, 4, and 5). (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Concurrent with INSCOM's psychoenergetic program, DTA established a joint service psychoenergetic evaluation effort (1981.1983) known as GRILL FLAME. Under GRILL FLAME, DIA and USAINSCOM sponsored a contractual-. effort with SRI-International for investigating the remote viewing phenomenon. Cognizant of the Army's position that involvement in psychoenergetics should be construed as experimentation on human subjects, DIA General Counsel evaluated the GRILL FLAME program and concurred with the Army General Counsel's position. In November 1981, the Department of Defense General Counsel arrived at the same conclusion and directed submission of the necessary documentation Co the Deputy Secretary of Defense for approval for DIA to proceed with the GRILL FLAME Program (Incl 6). The Deputy Secretary of Defense granted approval for DIA involvement in GRILL FLAME on 14 December 1981, provided that the contractor executed Procedure 18 responsibilities (Incl 7). (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) In keeping with these previous determinations, we are now seeking approval for continuing operationally-oriented psychoenergetics activity. Our involvement will be in strict compliance with the provisions of Procedure 13, DoD Directive 5240.1-R. Approved For Releas---q0P&Wj96-007888001100390002-7