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Approved For Release 2004/06 ' , -F3~f.R 78R001200050001-4 ARMY review(s) completed. LTC Buzby/AV923-7829 31 January 1984 SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME/CENTER LANE (S/CL3/NOFORN) TO: Commanding General PURPOSE: To inform CG, INSCOM of background/status of subject program. FACTS: 1. (S/CL3/NOFORM) USAINSCOM became involved in the intelligence application of psychoenergetics in 1977. In 1981, INSCOM participated in a joint services program with DIA to explore phenomenon known as remote viewing -- a procedure by which a person is asked to mentally perceive characteristics of a remote lo- cation. 2. (S/CL3/NOFORN) Under Procedure 18, DOD Directive 5240.1R, approval by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary of Defense was required if the procedure "may ex- pose an individual to the possibility of injury (including physical, psycholog- ical, or social injury) that increases the ordinary risks of daily life for the subject . . . or that temporarily adversely affects a person's mental or physi- cal condition." 3. (S/CL3/NOFORN) Legal review by the DA General Counsel determined that the program constituted human experimentation as defined by Procedure 18 and that the potential benefits justified the risks of harm to the participants. The DOD General Counsel reviewed and approved the OGC, DA legal opinion on 17 November 1981. 4. (S/CL3/NOFORN) INSCOM dropped out of the joint services program on 30 Sep- tember 1982 after a Congressional directive dictated that the program did not belong under the NFIP. INSCOM obtained approval to continue its efforts in psychoenergetics after that under CENTER LANE program which was funded with S&IA monies. 5. (S/CL3/NOFORM) The CENTER LANE program is annually reviewed and approved by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to Procedure 18 (currently Procedure 13 of DOD Directive 5240.1R) and AR 381-10. The Secretary of the Army last ap- proved CENTER LANE on 1 September 1983. SECRET UMPIM CLASSIFIED BY: CG, USAINSCOM DECLASSIFY ON: OADR Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200050001-4 Approved For Release 2004/8EcCA-~8ROO1200050001-4 SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME/CENTER LANE (S/CL3/NOFORN) 6. (S/CL3/NOFORN) The CG, USAINSCOM directed in early November 1983 that the Rapid Acquisition Personnel Program (RAPT) he implemented as a screening and "sensitizing" program in support of CENTER LANE. Based on the CG's directive, the CENTER LANE Project Manager prepared a Letter of Instruction to integrate RAPT training into the CENTER LANE program. As is the case for the initial program, the human use standards of the DOD Directive 5240.1R and 45 CFR 46 are followed. All contracts in support of CENTER LANE training incorporate U.S. Government "human use" procedures by reference. All USAINSCOM personnel who attend RAPT sign a voluntary informed consent form prior to initiation of training. RAPT training is funded by CENTEX, HQ USAINSCOM, Arlington Hall Sta- tion, Arlington, Virginia from S&IA funds. The Secretary of the Army was briefed concerning the INSCOM involvement of Monroe Institute, of Applied Sciences on 5 January 1984, at his request. 7. (S/CL3/NOFORN) CENTER LANE funding for FY84 is as follows: a. (S/CL3/NOFORN) DA, DCSRDA P6 funds in the amount of $496K were ac- quired through the auspices of DAMI-ISH to finance training and potential ap- plication programs and to purchase biomonitoring equipment. CENTER LANE has an existing $470K contract with sRI International, Menlo Park, California for the training. The biomonitorial equipment ($26,000) has not yet been purchased. b. (S/CL3/NOFORN) CENTER LANE has a FY84 S&IA budget of $239,000 with HQ USAINSCOM, Fort Meade, MD to pay for TDY costs, administrative overhead, and additional training costs. The recent acquisition of the P6 funds, and the ac- quisition of additional personnel resources will acquire a reprogramming of some of the contractual monies ($100,000) to TAY costs. c. (S/CL3/NOFORN) The Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineer- ing (USDRE) has offered $600K additional funding for CENTER LANE research. This funding will support a DIA psychoenergetics initiative. DAMI-ISH is coor- dinating this action with the ASA(RD&A). 31 January 1984 0",04 SECRET LTC, MI CENTER LANE Project Manager IAN BUZBY NOFORN Approved For Release 2004/07/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200050001-4