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Document Creation Date:
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
May 8, 2000
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Publication Date:
May 25, 1982
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Approved For Release 2000/Qlllf'ZQ 88R001400520001-6
05163OZ JUL78
REVIEW ON: Gli~_~,C~t`~f1~
Approved For Release 20
Approved For Release 200 6-00788R001400520001-0
1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation Of a remote viewing
session conducted for training purposes only.
2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in
document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol
(S), undated.
3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing indicates the
viewer had a considerable amount of correlation. The viewer's attitude
was positive.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. Target cuing was a sealed envelope
containing a photograph of an individual.
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Approved For Release 2000/081 i88R001400520001-0
#66: This.will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours
25 May 1982. Following is a pre-session briefing to.
the remote viewer. At this time I provide you with a
sealed. envelope containing a photograph of an individual.
Your task will be to focus on this individual and report
his location to me on the dates that I specify. So at
this time, relax and prepare yourself for today's session.
Concentrate, concentrate solely and completely on the
individual in the photograph in the envelope, I've
provided you. Concentrate now, move through time and space
to 12 June 1976. Concentrate on the individual. MOve
to his location on 12 June 1976. Focus now on 12 June 1976,
the individual in the photograph and describe his location
to me.
#01: Square chair, heavy square chair, white building, with tunnel
parking, underground.
#66: Move now to the evening hours of 12 June 1976, 6:00 o'clock
in the evening. Move to the evening hours of 12 June 1976,
6:00 o'clock. Focus on the individual and describe his
location that evening to me, 12 June 1976.
#01 Flat, flat building, slant roof, red brick, house, green, horseshoe
road, flat road,...see barbecue.
#66. Rise above this area and describe the surrounding area to me.
#01: Very open, homes, flat tan roofs, large building, nearby,
much green, but only grass, few trees. Sectioned off like
(mumble), large water tower, openness spaces, single narrow
road, open spaces.
#661: All right, fine. Relax now, relax. Relax and listen to the
sound of my voice. You will now move your perceptions through
time and space to a different location. Follow through time
and space the individual in the photograph. Focus on the
individual in the photograph and move to his location,
20 December 1976. Focus now on 20 December 1976 and describe
his location to me.
#01: See funny. writing, like thought symbols, great amountness, you
know, like, much black and gray, perfect place for a buildings.
tiny, light gray walls.
#66: All right. Relax now and allow yourself to move to the evening
hours of 20 December 1976, 6:00 o'clock in the evening
20 December 1976. Focus on the individual. Move closer now
and describe his surroundings to me.
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Approved For Release 2000/08 00788 R001400520001-0
#01: Bar or.eating place. Decorations, bamboo, loud, something loud,
loud talk, laughter, like a party.
#66: All right. Now, focusing even closer, disregarding the individual
surroundings, and move and be one with him. Describe his
primary concern, on 20 December 1976.
#01: Family, I see him worrying about family. Something.... separation
from family...loss of someone.
#66: All right. Now,that you have identified with him, turn outward
from him, see through his eyes and describe his immediate
surroundings, o'clock in the evening, 20 December 176.
#01: Polished red floor, brown, something brown, coarse brown wall
everywhere,, polished black leather, green walls, pipes,
vertical pipe boxes.
#66: Focus on the surroundings, is he alone?
#01: A lot of people,
#66: Characterize these people.
#01: Get feeling of military, military people.---
#66: All right. Now.
#01: ---a past student, a student group.
#66: All right, now moving up and out of this area, up.and over the
area. Look around now, from 100 feet above this area and
#01: Cold crisp night, dark, quiet, large open area with some kind
of grandstand. `
#66: All right. Move now, back in time to noon that day and describe
the area to me in the light.
#01: Many groups of people, see some kind of flags, blue flag, shiny
things on the cloth. Many people in white, big festive occasion.
#66: All.-right. Relax now, relax, relax and listen to the sound of.
my voice. We're going to move.-now through time, move now through
time. Relax. Follow the individual now through and space to
15 October 1977, 14 October 1977. Focus now and describe his
location to me , 15 October 1977..
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#01: Just see strange pot, pair of legs on pavement, high steps.
made from bronze.
#66: Find the individual now, find him. Look for him 15 October 1977.
Look for him 15 October 1977. Look for him and describe his
immediate surroundings to me.
#01: Spinning, by low slant.roof building, streets not paved, seems
to be like adobe and mud.
#66: All right. Now, focusing on this total day, 15 October 1977.
Focusing on the whole day, move through that day to a.principal
event of that day,. the thing that's. happening that day.
Follow him to that event and describe it to me.
#01: Just a minute. ........see plants, flowers-pause (mumble)
#66: Change your position of observation so you may see the event
of today. Back away slightly and describe the event.
#01: It's a wedding, chairs, a lot of chairs, many people in suits.
#66: All right. Move through time quickly now so that this that
your preceiving happens before your very eyes and then describe
the capsule version to me.
#01: Someone giving speech, people sitting on chairs.
#66: Jump through time again and then give me the capsule version.
#01: Just see people in groups, talking, appears to be solemn, holy,
Kkeep getting feeling, feeling of missing, missing something
or someone.
#66: All right fine. Relax now, relax and dismiss your perceptions
of passed time. Relax and orient yourself to yourself. Relax
for a moment and wait for instructions. Relax, relax, relax.
#66: Move now in present time to the location of the.individual in
the photograph. Move with all your perception and knowing in
present.time to his.location. Moving freely and directly.
Go now and I will wait for you to describe.
#01: Keep getting all white rooms...Very quiet-see a row of
boxes, small...see a gray stick, gray stick like object with
a ball on the end, more like curve.
#01: Appears sitting at a deek'--.or table, heavily concentrating on
something, keep getting,purple flashes.
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#66: Say again.
#01: Keep getting purple flashes, like meeting of minds.
#66: Ask him to tell you about his location.
#01: Keep getting lighter, hard to tell.if it's inside walls or
outside walls, light color, see black, black windows.
#66: Facing this place, back away from it slightly. Move away from
it now. Push it away and describe it to me.
#01: Full grown trees...set back away from the road..main road.
#66: Tell me about the building again.
#01: Low building, like a cross.
#66: Scan the building.
#01: Strange, it's got a feeling of darkness and light at the same
time, like half dark and half light, very intense feeling, like a
beacon, like a lighthouse is to a ship, very intense, pulse
type, like it is almost alive, building, see layers of gold
seckles, gold, silver reflections.
#66: It's now time to move beyond the confines of my questions,
beyond the limiting factors of my knowledge. Expand your
awareness deep into this problem, all knowing, all perceiving,
expand now without reporting and explore.
#01: It's like looking in a mirror, keep getting a feeling of seeing where I am.
#66: Move into and through the mirror to the individual in the
#01: I see me looking in for light purpose, I identify with this
person,.much lightness ..... It's a beacon lighthouse attraction
more than.other, more than other targets.
#66: All right, fine. This concludes our concern to this individual.
Move back now and focus on yourself in the room in present time.
Relax, relax.
Approved For Release 88R001400520001-0