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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 5, 2003
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Publication Date:
June 4, 1982
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Approved For Release 2003/09/SE
051630Z JUL78
REVIEW ON: %.,> 4ke
Approved For Release 20SUREI-RDP96-00788R001400590001-3
Approved For Release 2003SECREP96-00788R001400590001-3
1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remothviewing
session conducted for training purposes only.
2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document titled GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing indicated
the viewer had a considerable amount of target correlation. The viewer's
attitude was positive.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following are drawings and a narrative concerning the
remote viewing session. . At TAB A is targq_cuing information coordinates,.,
At TAB B is .available target data. No trapeript is available due to
equipment malfunction.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/06ECRET-00788R001400590001-3
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours
4 June 1982. Following is a narrative of the drawings
done after the remote viewing session.- At which time
the remote viewer will review will review his impressions,
and describe the drawings that he had during the_session.
I read you.the coordinates during the session several
times. . Your first impression was that of a wedge shape
or triangle shape. You then talked about a forested area
which didn't seem to be a lasting impression. You then
talked again about a wedge shape and I asked you to go
stand on this wedge shape and tell me about the wedge shape.
And you had two impressions. You've drawn some pictures
here. Explain to me your impressions of this wedge shape,
that I instructed you to go stand on at the coordinates.
#25: Okay. I have drawn an "X" in drawing #1, I've labeled
shape, but it's the wedge shape thing, I guess. I should
change that to wedge shape, because I'm not sure it was
aspiij. I just filled that, I think. And that square
here is like, I don't know, siug2.4141, or something like
that, where you put stuff in there. Maybe it's for old
e..1-112, maybe it doesn't belong on new ships, but I sfETEE?
M7fe, that's where I thought was standing, in that part
of the wedge anyway, where the square and the"X" is, in
drawing #1. I also had an impression of water tower se
thing, where something looms up over you in a bit-Er--
distance, but not real far away. It was a water tower
shape and those were both constructed and I'm not sure
they're necessarily together, but they were both
constructed of thick metal, at least one inch thick.
#66: I remember you used the terms metal plates, several times.
#25: Yes, metal plates welded together.
#66: Okay. Now at this time, I asked you to rise above this area
of metal plates and your wedge shape and describe the
surrounding area.
#25: I could not stick in one place, so I had to like get
glimpses as I went up and down there. And I saw a lake
I think, like a really huge for away shot of the Great
Lakes type lake, a big one.
#66: Was it a large body of water of some kind?
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#66: Okay.
#25: But I didn't, you know I looked to try and determine
if it were, if I could see to the horizon, it would be
water, or if I would just know that it was the ocean.
And that never came through clear, so I don't know if
i.U4s the ocean or not. I didn't feel like it was.
#66: Okay. At this time, I asked you to return down from your
altitude perpective to the wedge shaped objects you
perceived and then we're going to try to go for some
sensory feelings at this point. . So the first thing
I asked you to do, I believe, was to smell.
#25: I got a petroleum smell a couple of tiMes,in the
session. And then there was one time you asked me
to smell and I didn't get anything.
#66: Okay. Why don't you go through the other senses for me
that we talked about.
#25: Okay. Well, I've drawn drawing #3. It tries to remind me
to tell you about the senses of sticky, gooey feeling and
an a sticky oily texture and I tried to taste it.
I didn't want to tae it to be honest. And I had some
trouble doing the tasting of the thing. And I even had
the sense of feeling sick to my stomach, you know, mildly,
very mildly, obviously not sick, but a glimpse of that
sense. That might have been just my creation in my
head that I was going to bite into some crude oil or
something and I wasn't geing to like it.
#66: How about touching?
#25: Touching, it feltstickyand oily.
#66: Okay. Now tell me about the sounds you perceived.
#25: The first time you said to describe the sounds, the first
thing I_heard, the very first thing was a very deep Lig,
Orn .sound, that I had trouble with the wedge shape trying
to make that into a ship, so I figured that was just
overlay thing. Then I heard a shrill whistling sound,
like a train whistle, from the steam train of long ago,
where German trains now still have that shrill, very
high pitched whistle.
#66: Did you hear any other sounds associated with the target?
#25: Not that I can recall now. Did I mention any during the
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#66: I don't know if it was a visual or a sound, a bell?
#25: Yea, a ringing sound.
#66: A ringing sound?
#25: That happened when I hit the, just to make sure it was
steel plate, I hit it with an imaginary sledge hammer, I
heard the ringing sound.
#66: Oh, I see. All right. That was part of your exploration
of the target.
Okay. Now in terms, now we've gone through the senses,.
in terms of visual, in the target itself, what is the most
visual experience concerning the target?
#25: Just a piece ol....s.Laal?paint, not necessarily connected to
anything. I can't tie it to anything.
#66: All right.
#25: It could be on a ship or it could in the water tower or
#66: All right, fine. Then I asked you to move around the target,
and move over it. You had some trouble with that again.
And then in the closing of the sesSion, you said you really
had three impressions that you didn't know what to do
with them.
#25: Yes f the three impressions, that stuck with me after the
session, or at the end of the close of the session, was
the wacige?alaap-e-whieh I was calling a .ship, by that point.
I had made up my mind it was a SFip shape. And the water
tower and this, drawing #4, which is an oil storage area,
petroleum storage thing, like you might find in the Port
of Baltimore, near the Port of Baltimore, where they
move oil in and out.
#66: Okay. I would like to bring up the point at this time,
when you explained your visuals, it's somewhat incongruent
with what you said a minute ago, where the biggest thing,
the most lasting impression you had was this singular plate
that wasn't connected to anything. Are you saying that
is not a visual?
#25: That the Plate is not a visual?
#66: Yes.
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Approved For Release 2003/091E
#25: Maybe not, I don't know. I'm not sure I can tell
the difference yet, in the session or if I can
remember the difference after the session. Maybe
everything, yea, everything that I saw that was a visual
sight, was made out of, except for the trees and the
water, was all steel plate. All had to do with steel
1 I don't know if just a big building madr7=--
s eel plate or what.
Compare for me now, just as we end up here, the difference
in your impressions between the forested area and the
small town type area and the impressions of the wedge shape
and the steel plate area.
#25: Well, the wed e shar? and the steel plate are like things
that I've cou dn't have a memory, that I couldn't tie to
a memory rilyrt, you MOM, something I'd seen before. The
landscape scenes, except for the overhead view of the lake,
looked like a valley in New Jersey that I stayed at ber577,
which is really thickly forested and hilly area.
#66: Okay. I think you're saying that you have vivid memory of--
#25: Of a small town in New Jersey. 0-
#66: --liBut the other thing that you don't have memory of is
the water, the large body of water, the wedge shape and
the steel plates.
#25: Right.
#66: And the sensory things seem to relate to the steel plates,
as opposed to the forested area.
#25: Yes. Whatever is at .the target is certainly steel plate.
#66: Okay. What kind of confidence level do you have in your
session today?
#25: In that steel plate is there. I feel pretty confident, as
far as the, .I Teel like there's petroleum somehow connected
with it too. And.that's all I'm going to say with
confidence, with utter confidence, you know, I'm not going
to say it's.a ship, or.a water tower or a oil sto_upe tank,
or even a t?..?122:::11L6,
#66: Okay. This water tank thing, sometimes you refer to it as
the shape of a water tower, and sometimes you call it a
water tower.
#25: Yea , well, I don't know, that's just like shotthandnothing,
it was never gelled and I didn't examine it as a water
tower. It was just a vague impression of a water tower.
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#66: Okay. Is the drawing you've done of the water tower
shape, represent that which you saw?
#25: Yes, except that I'm not really good at drawing things that
I didn't see clearly, so I just drew that to say, that's
an idea, something lar
#66: Do you have anything else to add?
#25: No.
#66: Okay, fine.
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