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roved For Release 2001/03 0788R001500090057-6 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 2075S CENTER LANE Project Officer WARNING NOTICE: CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO TI-I SE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS TO CATEGORY TWO (2) SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS TNVOLVLL NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: CUR, INSCOIv1 DECLASSIFY ON: OALR Approved For Ref CIA-R1DP96-(L07WR02J50ppQ9p?7-6 ftff"r F.0 REPLY TO IAGP (4TfENg.(SN OF: MEMORANDUM FOR OACSI CENTER LANE Project Officer SUBJECT: Identification of Excess P-6 Funds (U) 28 August 1984 l.. (U) References. a. (U) Memorandum, IAGPA-F-SD, otd 16 June 1983, subject: Support of INSCOIv Initiatives With P-6 Funds (U) b. (U) Discussions, LTC Buzby/LTC Fox, 14 August 1984, Subject: SAB 2. (S/CL-2/NOI'ORN) USDRE P-6 funds made available in 1983 to support the INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (ICLP) incluaea authorization to spend approximately $26,500 for the purchase of biofeedback equipment. Per reference lb, the biofeedback equipment was not purchased after funds had become available. The 17 July 1984 decision by the CG, USAINSCOM to cancel ICLP and transfer its operational capabilities to a national level intelligence agency now negates any further action to obtain the equipment; therefore, the P-6 funds are considered excess and available for turn-in. 3. (FOLIO) Request the OACSI DANiI-ISH CENTER LANE Action Officer take necessary action to return the excess P-6 funds to the proper channel. BRIAN BUZBY LTC, MI OR ALL TIMS COMMAND GROUP APPROVAL/RELEASE,:SHEET CONTROL NUMBER SUBJECT OFFICE SYMBOL DATE Excess CENTER LANE P-6 Funds (U) IAGPA-F-SD 28 Aug 84 ACTION REQUIRED ACTION-OFFICER-PHONE 2656/ CofS A rove Transmittal of Attached Memorandum LTC Buzby AV 923-7829 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD (Describe briefly the requirement, background and action taken or recommended. Must be sufficiently detailed to ,dentif the act, h t r o other urc s (FOUOT ORI~~I ~ eIN L'G 1JAINSCOM recommendation and subsequent Secretary of the Army approval, to cancel the INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (ICLP) and transfer appropriate functions to DIA. (U) DISCUSSION: a. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering made P-6 funds available during 1983 to support ICLP. A portion of those funds ($26,500) was designated for the purchase of biofeedback equipment. A reevaluation of ICLP requirements for the equipment by the ICLP manager and the INSCOM psychologist, emphasis on other program aspects, and a concept change on how ICLP would/should use biofeedback equipment all resulted in a delay in the purchase of the equipment. b. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) The 17 July 1984 decision by CG, USAINSCOv1 to cancel ICLP negated the need for the purchase of the biofeedback equipment even though the ICLP manager and INSCOvI psychologist developed a new concept to obtain and utilize the equipment. c. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) The funds provided to ICLP are USDRE P-6 funds administered through the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research, Development and Acquisition (ASA RDA) and the Deputy Chief of Staff, Research, Development and Acquisition (DCSRDA), and OACSI. They were not provided to INSCOJI for any other use and are not available for other purposes within INSCOv1 without prior approval of the above offices. (see reverse) RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS YES NO A. Personnel ^ 8, Space Authorization ^ a C. Operating Costs (OMA) ^ D. Investment Costs (OPA & MCA) ^ ^X E. ROTE Costs ^ F. Environment C3 (If "YES" coordinate action thru the Command Environmentalist ODCSLOG) COORDINATIONS APPROVAL/RELEASE FFIC E SIG ATURE PHONE SIGNATURE DATE IAOPS-H ~n~ C X yl I DISPATCHED HCAD OF srAFF ELEMENT (Name, grade, phone and signature) 1 , 1 BRIAN BUZBY LTC CENTE , , R LANE Project Ma nag r, AV 923-7 29 656 1 d F ffr?p04QQs1J NOT RELEA Approved For Releasel?g01-/V51 T D 6-00788 R001500090057-6 RSE SIDE Writ I tsa irccn F rna~r.u ,w..., .,w o 007 fl REGRADEDED D i]F.Or.- n n np WHEN SEPARATED FROM CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT AB E T(l FOR7',T , aA Tf1NdT.q Approved For Release 20 It 96-00788R001 500090057-6 (U) WHAT THIS ACTION WILL ACCOMPLISH: a. (S/NOFORN) Identify excess ICLP P-6 funds. b. (FOUO) Notify OACSI (DAMI-ISH) of the excess funds and request their action to return funds to'proper channels. Approved For Release 20DI :Q- -00788 R001500090057-6