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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CI .E 88 R001500120043-7 To: LTC R. Jachim From: Subject: Additional Tasks 1. Enclosed are the materials you requested during my visit. If these are not suitable or if you require additional information, please let me know. In looking at the work schedule, it will not be possible to begin these tasks until late in this fiscal year. The work will not be completed until the end of FY'84. 2. If you are pleased with the enclosed drafts, let me know what your next step will be. We stand ready to prepare and forward an official proposal. 3. In addition to the projects in which you have indicated an interest, I am including a sheet on another topic that we here at SRI believe will be of value to you. 4. Please let me know if I can assist you in anyway. 941/CL-0001 This document contains 6 pages. Copy No. I -- NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS -- Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CI~Mf,:0,p788R001500120043-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/OFE( T$81001500120043-7 To.- Date: 11 May 1980 From: H. Puthoff Location: G?-219 Subject: Selection/Training Task for LTC RJ {::U .............................................................. ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... With regard to Selection/Training. SRI Inter'nati.onatl will provide the appropriate egL.,:ipment, facilities and personnel to accomplish the following three-phase Selection/Training Task: Phase 1: (a) Personality profile data will be collected from calibrated remote viewers, both SRI and client:> using an extended Wechsler test. These data will come from two sources: 1. Data in hand already obtained from certain SRI viewers; 2. Administration o?P the extended Wechsler to those remote viewers that can be made available for testing,. both from the SRI and client communities. The testing will be carried out by two experienced testers, one a consultant to SRI (L)r. David Saunders, LIARS Measurements Assoc.. Lawrenceville. NJ). and one an SRI staff member (L)r. Michael Hecker). (b) The data obtained in (a) will he analyzed in accordance with the P.A.. S. (Personality Assessment System) concept (see "An Introduction to the Personality Assessment SystemTm, by J. Winne and J. Gittinger, Monograph Supplement No. 3E3, Clinical Psychology Publishing Co. Inc:. Brandon. Vermont). (c) From the above analysis will be extracted indications as to the appropriat;e personality profile(s) of interest? Phase 2: (a) In parallel with the above +f`for?t, self-report data (from such tests as the Myer~s- riggs and 16 PF questionnaire) collected from the same sources will be examined for the purpose of designing a pro-screening questionnaire. Analysis of this data will be carried out using the B.P.S. (Behavior Prediction System) concept to generate a scoring key capable of extracting from self-report pre-screening data those individuals with the profile(s) indicated in Phase 1(c) as being the profile(s) of interest. (b) To test whether the pre-screening test is effective in selecting individuals the Phase :1(c) profiles. a second group of individuals will be given both the pre-screening and ext;ended Wechsler tests and the correlations examined. Phase 3: Assuming success in Phases 1 and 2 in delineating individuals with the appropriate profile(s) of interest. a series of remote viewing trials will be carried out with time and resources SGFOIA2 remaining to verify that appropriately-profiled individuals do exhibit a talent for remote viewing. Estimated cost: Approve lease 2000/08/, EC-Er0015001200437 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 SEG Ei 500120043-7 SGIJ T - o. F - 1)at;e: 11 May 1983 rom H. Puthoff Locations 6--219 Subject: Target Search Task C:t:: With regard to Target Search, SRI International will provide the appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to accomplish the following three-phase Target Search Task directed at determining the location of objects, individuals and facilities. on scales covering. e.g., rooImI'?si .e to global. dimensions., Phase 1 (Discrete Search Technique) In the Discrete Search Technique, the target area of interest (e.g., room, globe) is divided up into a series of "zones" or "grid squares," one of which is assumed to contain the target of interest. A statistical procedure (e,. gf. , error-correcting coding, sequential sampling) is then used to statistically average a series of "guesses" to determine in itch:ic:h of the "zones" or "grid squares'' the target of interest; is contained. It has been shown in previous work that such a procedure can in principle yield high-reliability res:;u:l.ts with operators of relatively modest expertise, and a pilot series of trials involving the location of an individual and the;;Lon of ammunition was successful. Several forms of the Discrete Search Technique, including the use of real-time computer and programmable calculator statistical averaging procedures,. will be employed to determine the efficacy of the discrete approach applied to problems of interest; to the client. Phase 2 (Continuum Search Technique) As in the Discrete Search Technique, a number of so-called "dowsing'' approaches have been identified in the psychoener?ge?t;:i.css literature as having some validity in determining the location of targets of interest. In the "dowsing approach, the area of interest containing the target is "examined" by psychoenergei;ic means an a continuum basis to determine the location of the specific target. In the "map-dowsing" version of these approaches, direct access to the area of interest is not required, and therefore the approach lends itself to the types of applications of interest'; to the client? A number of these approaches will be evaluated under laboratory- controlled conditions to determine their applicability to client needs.. Phase 3 (Test) I-c:}:t.lowing an SRI evaluation of the various techniques that show promise in Phases 1 and 2, a subset will be chosen for demonstration of feasibility to the client, with targets under control of the client. Appropriate statistical analyses will be performed to finalize the overall evaluation.. Estimated cost: Approved FgG Se 2000/08/0 lE pl M01500120043-7 F_ I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 SLELERE015001200437 SGIJ f o Date.- 11 I iay 1933 1"orri;; asy I...oc:at;i,on., U...2??2L) Subject: Audio Ana:Ly::ii.a Task for L.TC: RJ c::C:: Puthoff With rregar?d to Audio f naly i.?i, SRI International will provide the apprc:opri,ate eclc.ui.pment facilities, and pc? r?saonnel to ac:c'oinp:I.i.s:>h the The procedures developed in two prrev:i.ou twiks Carvelat;ions RV &ualI?(:y, and RV Evaluat;:i.on), ut:i.:11 be used to del-;ermine the degree to which audio correlations with RV re+:ipcarlsie{; exist within the current training environment? The data callected from within the current tr-aini.nq progratri ?rr'c,ni ssspons:icar'.? i~. pp:I.led personnel Will be used to search for audio corr?e:lat;inns. As in the previous audio proyram, the initial sic.?:;isic)n:s will be 1.1?iiie to formulate cor'r'elation I,ypc:atllc:.,s:,e,~> that can be tested with new data from within program,. In the search .f is r correlations, the RV re