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Document Release Date:
May 17, 2000
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Publication Date:
September 19, 1983
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#66: This will be CENTER LANE training interview for
1000 hours 19 September 1983. Relax and
concentrate, relax. In going there, relax, relax,
relax. Focus your attention, your perception, your
awareness, center now on Paul and Tom's location,
focus and concentrate and describe their location
to me.
#CC: Tall, square.... slanted ...... bright.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Open,...
#66: Correct.
#CC: Rough.
#66: Stage II, correct.
#CC: ..... A gurgling.
#66: Stage II probably correct.
#CC: ...... Edges.
#66: Probably correct.
#CC: ............I got to break.
#66: Fine.
#CC: I'm seeing a whole picture.
#66: Okay.
#CC: ....Finding it difficult to bring out the words.
#66: That's fine. We call AOL break visual, and now
describe your visual, now that we're off target,
describe your visual. I'm seeing a road and a
bridge. I'm seeing a structure.. on legs with
something on top of it ..... with trees, open
area, a big open area.
#66: Okay.
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All right, now your AOL is in structure. Now I
don't feedback on AOL and the point you have to
understand is that what you may have described may
be correct or it may be incorrect.
May be, right.
Yes. And it's fine that you declared it as AOL, so
that what we do now is we go back to the basics and
go back to where we were before, in describing in
structure. The key is to stay in structure, so we
will go through the induction process again and
acquire the target. And you were doing very, very
good on discipline, very, very good. So let's
proceed again.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax
attention solely and completely on
describe their location to me.
Can't feedback.
Probably correct.
Can't feedback.
and focus your
Paul and Tom and
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#66: Probably correct.
#CC: Running
#66: Can't feedback. Admin break. When I say can't
feedback it's because I can't tell, for example,
the word tall maybe be tall to you but not tall to
me, so I don't say correct or incorrect, I just
tell you I can't feedback.
#CC: Um, um, okay.
#66: Now is terms of running, I say can't feedback
because I don't--
#CC: --You don't know what I mean by running.
#66: That's correct. But I called a break because we're
talking now and we're not on site and I want you to
not stop when that happens. There's another thing
that I didn't mention to you, but you're doing very
well on your discipline, I heard you pause for a
moment a while back and work your way through it,
that's called a confusion break, when you're not
quite sure what to say.
#CC: Umm, um.
#66: Rather than letting the mental processing drive you
crazy, you just declare a confusion break and then
go back into it. But I noticed it was only maybe
two or three seconds, so you didin't have enough
time to get screwed up on it, but you did very,
very well. Okay, let's reacquire the site now,
relax and concentrate, relax and focus your
attention, relax, relax, relax. Focus your
attention on Paul and Tom in the present time and
describe their location to me.
#CC: Bright.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Dark.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ......dusty.
#66: probably correct.
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Can't feedback.
Probably correct.
Correct. Okay we've had a stage of stage Its now,
let's move beyond stage Its into the sketch and
drawing mode, which requires you to now put
dimension into the site, to have a change in the
apperature so that you can see three dimensional.
Acquire the site now, acquire the site and move
beyond sensory components into three dimensions.
You can draw for me later. Relax and concentrate
and acquire the site.
#CC: Break. Do you want me to say things like trees?
#66: Absolutely.
#CC: Okay.
#66: Trees is not a sensory input, it's a stage III
dimensional input. All right, acquire the site and
describe the location to me.
#CC: Trees.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ...Stream.
#66: Probably correct.
#CC: ..Bridge.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Trough.
#66: Can't feedback.
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#CC: ....Ah, hills.
#66: Can't feedback. Near the site?
#CC: ...Ah..stony.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ...Road.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ..Dirt.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Weedy more than grass.-
#66: Can't feedback.
#CC: ..Bushes.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Tall structure.
#66: Can't feedback.
#CC: I ah, see wood structure.
#66: Can't feedback. Okay, movement exercise for
function, top of bridge.
#CC: Cars,...ah, across a stream.
#66: Okay, bottom of bridge.
#CC: ...Stream.
#66: Okay, left of stream.
#CC: ..ah, bushes, trees.
#66: Right of stream.
#CC: Same.
#66: Shape bridge, stage III drawing.
#CC: Narrow. ahm....two lane.
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#66: Concentrate now, focus on lane. Describe.
#CC: ..... black surface,... divided.
#66: Okay, break from site.
#CC: Um, um.
#66: Okay, I want you to go back to, in a minute I want
you to go back to top of bridge and explore the
stage Its at top bridge. I want you to go through
the structure, okay, Gestalts stage Its and stage
Ills which are dimensional things so that you can
draw. Want to go from the beginning, focusing only
on top of bridge. All right acquire the site,
acquire the site now, focus on top of bridge, in
structure, report.
#CC: Short ...... narrow.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ......hard.
#66: Correct, that's a stage II.
#CC: ........Bright.
#66: Correct.
#CC: ......Semi smooth.
#66: Correct. Almost a confusion break there, go on.
#CC: Yeah. ...Rails.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Line.
#66: Correct.
#CC: Flat.
#66: Correct. Okay, acquire rails. Touch stage II,
#CC: Cool,..... rounded
#66: Stop. Acquire line.
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#CC: Lime.
#66: Did you did say L I M E lime?
#CC: Lime, I was--
#66: Okay.
#CC: Okay, lime.
#66: I'm sorry.
#CC: Straight.
#66: Stop. Orient rail.
#CC: Explain.
#66: From your perspective describe at the site the
position of the rail.
#CC: On the side, both sides, not a track, ..not by
confusion. '
#66: Confusion break.
#CC: I have two things going through my mind at the
same, a hand rail and a track.
#66: Okay.
#CC: And I did it to myself.
#66: All right, we're going to declare a site, which
means you have described the site, and we're going
to declare an end, which means the end of our
exercise this morning. I now going to put the
recorder on pause and then ask you come around here
and draw as best you can the perceptions you've
#66: All ri
his is the description of the drawing?
ifuu: This is a narrow road leading to a bridge over a
stream and edging the stream are bushes, low bushy
type trees. And there is a large dirt area, it's
sort of stony rock, rocky, that you could walk on.
I was seeing them walk around and not a paved area,
but sort of a dusty area.
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#66: With rocks on it?
#CC: Rock stones. And I saw trees in the background, i
sensed trees in the background that would shadow in
this area, so this area would be bright sunlight.
#66: All right.
#CC And this area would be in shadow. And I saw some
type of structure, and it, I was seeing wood
construction, with a structure on top and appeared
as though a trough was coming off the side.
#66: All right.
#CC: And the road continued on and it was again a narrow
road. The bridge was short, was divided with a
line, with short hand rails. It was a narrow
street, you could hear the water moving. It was
sort of as though I were back here looking over at
#66: Okay, so the perspective from which you've drawn is
not necessarily the perspective from which you've
seen it, but kind of your attempt to put everything
all together?
#66: It's important that you understand that, because as
we go to the site this morning, we may find many
elements of these things here, like a jigsaw
puzzle, but you may have assembled them in the
wrong order.
#CC: Wrong order.
#66: And it's important, I wanted you to understand how
your drawing doesn't represent the position from
which you observed this, and so that if we do go to
the site and find some components, it may be that
you just put the puzzle together in the wrong
order. Okay, do you have any other comments?
#CC: No.
#66: Okay, fine.
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