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Approved For Release 2''8~,`;CIA-RDP96-00788R001600400001-1
IAGPA-F-SD 5 August 1983
SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Interview Summary - HU-1030/8307/01 (U)
1. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) On 030930 August 1983, source #01 was interviewed
concerning three areas designated to him as areas "I", "J", and "K"
within a group of unidentified buildings. The project 8307 sponsor
had provided geographic coordinates of the buildings, a photograph of
the buildings, and a map showing their relative location (see Incl 1).
2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) For this interview source was shown the
photograph provided by sponsor. Other information provided by the
sponsor was shown to the source after the interview as "feedback"
since this interview was the last in a series for this project
3. (U) A transcript of the interview was prepared including a
narritive explanation of Source's drawing (see Incl 2).
4. (U) A DA Form 341 (Agent Report) was prepared for the sponsor .
Attached to the report as EXHIBIT I was a copy of Source's drawing.
This report related the salient points of the interview. (see Incl 3).
as CPT, MI
OPS/TNG Officer
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#66: This will be a CENTER LANE Interview for 0930 hours
3 August 1983. Focus your attention now on areas
"i", "J" and "K" in the photograph I've shown you
and report your perceptions to me.
#01: Ah..four layers of offices the ...other
offices in other building-administrative,
.....four floors. ...... It's like care of
people, ..take care of people. Offices are multi
room. .....There's a boss's..area,'s a
general area,..desks and typewriters.
#66: Okay, we're examining lower floors of which area?
#01: "I" ?
#66: Lower floors of "I" building?
#01: That's the four floors of " I" .
#66: The four floors of "I"?
#01: The four.
#66: I understand. Now if I understood what you said,
you had offices which administratively support some
other function?
#01: That's correct.
#66: And where is this other function located?
#01: It's a...the operations directorates,.?center
#66: Okay. That's on a previous session?
#01: That's correct.
#66: All right. Now, attending to building "I" again, I
understood to say that you have a boss's or
leader's office and then some subordinate offices?
#01: Correct, each floor. General area office, the
subordinates office.
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#66: All right. Each floor has a separate leader?
#01: That's correct.
#66: All right. Tell me about the activity in these
office areas.
#01: Okay, just a minute. ..........Managing people.
See a ...files on people ...typing ..reports, papers.
#66: Describe the personnel in these offices.
#01: ........It's predominantly female, typists,. file
#66: Say again.
#01: File clerks. ....It's just general administrative.
#66: Describe the equipment.
#01: ....It's just all a.. .typewriters. There's a
separate area that's got a equipment. It's
on the roof,..upper most floor.
#66: Break out radio equipment.
#01: ....See a ...see a rig like a..RATT type rig, radio
and telephone. .....Ah, appears to be a backup of
some kind.
#66: All right. Let me understand, we have four floors
plus a separate area, above that which has radio
#01: That's correct
#66: All right. Now while we're still in area "I",
return to the office area and describe the
typewriter to me.
#01: ........Saw a ...kind of strange, it's very wide.
Center has two separate platens, side by
side,..pieces of side moves, the platen doesn't
move, just rotates. ....Ah.....not very high, it's
like flatter than most.....Has a strange keyboard
or it's got extra letters.
#66: Do you mean it has extra buttons?
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#66: Extra row of buttons on it? I see. I'm sorry, do
I understand correctly that it has an extra row of
#01: That's correct.
#66: All right. Find a typist and operator who attracts
you and observe, then, describe.
#01: ........(mumble) of paper, paper with certain
blocks in the first platen, paper with different
blocks in the second platen,...She's typing in the
one. ...It's apparently funny characters. Second,
second platen is doing it different, ..skipping
lines and..... things
#66: Describe the individual doing this activity.
#01: ......Heavy set woman, dressed in a a dark
gray smock of some kind with a, like a
smock with the cross straps,...severe type
dress, makeup, ah...keep getting sensation
of -severity sternness, ...dedication,...ah, knows
her job very well but, ...she's a not very
bright,...her flat personality-or something
hidden. Feeling that something is very deeply
buried ...or hidden.
#66: Move close to her.
#01: ... Following....... frustration, ..very, very deep
frustration. ....Something to do with
a...flexibility, regimen, personal time,...just a
minute. .........The feeling she is brought here
from somewhere else. She misses the home very much.
#66: Okay.
#01: Farm or something. See countryside, very beautiful.
#66: Um. Tell her that you see this countryside and
know of her home, and ask her to explain what she
is doing now.
#01: She's assisting in controlling, manipulating some
resources of people.
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#66: Raw data?
#01: A...See messages going, coming, paperwork
generated, lines of track,..for different people at
different places, shifting funds, shipping
documents of some kind. I even see a....formal,
formalized papers, like, voting
things, strange, voting papers.
#66: Okay.
#01: Certificates, leaflets.
#66: Okay. Tell her what you have seen to ensure the
communications clear. Tell her this.
#01: This is clear, that's clear. She doesn't
understand a lot of it.
#66: Okay. Ask her to explain the machine she uses, the
machine she sits at.
#01: ,.,, .,......,.Translates things-from one set of
characters to another one, another set of
characters. There's special characters there
though, also, but there's not any special
characters when it's translated. .....goes
on, ..just a second .... goes in a roller of some
kind, a machine that rolls it into a
ah...cylinder. Then it's put in another machine
and its sent somewhere. ...She doesn't know too
much about that. ....They just have to be lined up
in the certain blocks on the pages.
#66: I don't understand what she means by special
characters in translating.
#01: ..Just a minute........ She keeps saying that,
"These are my special characters"., like her
special characters. ....Doesn't understand why I
don't understand. And then translated to different
characters that are normal. .....She say their
mine, that their ours, their.." ,
...It's like an awful stupid
question. That's all I get.
#66: Okay. Summarize the "I" building, and then let's
move to "J". Summarize the "I" building and then
let's move to "J".
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#01: .....It's four, these four areas are administrative
function and they equate to the four directorate
type operations office elsewhere. Have a single
boss on each floor,...general secretarial work
occurs, in general office area,...their changing
these papers, ....has to do with people. ...Across
the board admin, people, movement, pay,
organization, shifting
#66: Okay. Before moving to "J" then, does this,
people, orientation, people, movement, pay, general
admin apply to the gal that you've been talking to
or is she different in some way. Is what she does
is different?
#01: Same, all the same.
#66: Okay. Let's move on to "J" then.
#01: ..............A sensation I'm in a barracks area,
see bays with beds,...lockers, lockers are built in
the walls . ......Separate from the..." I" and "J"
areas, there's no connection except for the ground,
ground floor,...upper floors two, two floors are
male,...floor beneath is female. ....Upper most
floor is a..sense of a more permanence for some
reason. Seems to be more lived in, ..not as much
rigidity. Other floors very rigid, sense of
implied discipline in the way things are laid out.
.....Plus, don't see any uniforms at all, civilian
clothes, some uniformity though is there, like
a..all the shoes are the same, all the hats are the
same. Ah, setting,'s got an insight, the hats
are kind of dumb, for some reason they are treated
with a.. some hilarity by the people there. They
joke about the hats. I don't understand that, but
they joke about it.
#66: Okay. Review your scan of "J" and prepare to move
to "K" .
#01: That's all I get in "J".
#66: Okay. Let's move into the "K" building.
#01: ....Just a minute. .. .. ...........Get
a .. (mumble) breaking up. I get a. some VIP type
apartments, upper floors, mostly empty, yet
a. general areas like... recreational type areas.
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It's hard focusing on anything. Seems to be
empty. Get bay, like open area,....seats all
arranged a way, certain way...... tables, get a
smoky feeling in this place, like they sit and
smoke and talk and-just meet. VIP areas are
ah...plush, but sterile. It's like nobody's
there. It's all like, I keep breaking away from
this area,..have trouble staying in that area.
#66: Okay. Where is it that you have a tendency to go?
#01: Predominantly smoky area, meeting area. There's's like a social gathering area, but it's not
used very much.
#66: Okay. I have one other question concerning these
buildings that we've examined, the "I", "J", and
"K" areas.
#01: Okay .
#66: I interested in a general search for below the
ground level facilities.
#01: .........Ah what's a fairly substantial arms room
in the "J" basement,...very heavily armored room
with a lot of -munitions and automatic weapons.
Get what looks a, like a supply room area.
..Equipment up on shelves. Trying to
identify-equipment appears to be suitcases,
containers, metallic containers, some jungle
equipment, canteens, mosquito netting, back
packs,...general camping type gear. And that's all
I get.
#66: Okay. Now I want to orient myself here. Acquire
the "I" building and describe below the "I"
building. Search below the "I" building.
#01: Just get dirt.
#66: Okay.
#01: Same, same other end.
#66: Okay, so it's the "J" building--
#01: --the "J".
#66: --which has these other things below it?
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#01: That's correct.
#66: All right. I have no further questions, however,
I'm going to ask you to draw the machine that the
lady was using, so I'd like you to spend a little
bit of time re-examining that.
#01: Okay, just a minute. ...............Okay.
#66: Okay before we end then, I'd like you to spend a
few minutes exploring beyond the confines of my
questions to those areas which need your access,
your-special access to be reported.
#01: Just get a strong... overall feeling
a. command a... management control, .. almost like
a ...a ...CMA type operation, a -collection
management activity of some kind, but in the
field. It's not a major operation, it's a
the right arm of a major operation.
#66: Are you referring to a particular area?
#01: I'm just trying to dicipher that. .....Yes, a
particular area of the world, but that in turn
is..broken down into geophysical areas,..smaller in
nature. ..Ah has to do with politic reasons.
That's all I got. I just got a complete data dump
a whole bunch of things. It's too confusing.
#66: Okay. I have no further questions.
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#01: Okay, on the drawing, the only drawing here that I'm
going to give you, this is the typewriter like
apparatus which the woman is sitting at. I've
indicated the extra row or set of keys in the
keyboard. She sits on the left side or what's the
operator side. And then the other side is what I
refer to as the normal side or whatever in the a
transcript. The operator side has the original type
with special characters and the copy type side has
no special characters that come out. They're
identical platens in every way, except on the right,
instead of the keyboard, there's rows of toggles and
a row of buttons on the machine. And that's
essentially it.
#66: Okay, good.
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For use of this form, see FM 30-17(C); AR 381-20; tha pr;ponent rag*ncy is the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence.
On 3 August 1983, Source V2-01 was interviewed concerning
three areas identified to him as "I", "J" and "K" within
group of unidentified buildings. Source stated substantially
as follows:
In area "I" there were four floors of administrative
offices (not further identified). Each floor of offices
supported, or worked in conjunction with, one of the four
directorates in area "G". In general, each floor was divided
into two areas, "a boss's area" (not further identified) and
" a general area" which had desks and typewriter like
machines (see attached sketch). The personnel in these
office areas were "predominantly female, typists, file
clerks." Activity in these offices appeared to involve the
managing of people (not further identified). Office workers
appeared to be maintaining files on people (not further
identified) and typing reports and papers. The only items of
equipment in this office area were the typewriter like
machines (not further identified) for which Source provided a
sketch. Personnel operating these machines were "assisting
in controlling, manipulating some resources of people."
Operators used these machines to translate things, "from one
set of characters to another one, another set of characters."
(not further identified) There may have been another machine
n the offices used to send :information somewhere (not
further identified) through the use of a cylinder roll of
some kind (not further identified). On the upper floor of
the "I" area, above the four floors of offices, there was a
eparate area with radio equipment, perhaps a radio-teletype
(not further identified). This equipment appeared to Source
to be a "a backup of some kind" (not further identified).
6-00788R0 600400t001td 1 t.6z-apt Ji..A=:e
. T/LJC .
RDP96-0078 001600400001-1
For use of this form, sae FM 30-17(C); AR 381-20; the proponent agency is the office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence.
AME Of $U?lECY OR TiflE Of INCtQEPfT .....?.-,..._._.._- SU8M6TT E._.~..~_.wd.,~.., - - -
The "J" area was a barracks area with bays, beds, and
lockers built in the walls. The upper two floors were for
males. The floor beneath was for females. The personnel who
lived in these barracks wore civilian clothes, There was a
similarity in the civilian attire. The shoes were all alike
and the hats were all the same. The hats were also the focus
of "some hilarity by the people there." In the basement of
area "J" there was an arms room and a supply room area.
In the "K" area there were VIP type apartments on the
upper floors. These apartments appeared "plush, but sterile"
and were unoccupied. Also in area "K" was a social. meeting
area which was not used very much. Here, personnel. could
meet, smoke, and talk.
No further amplifying information concerning SUBJECT was
obtained from Source during this interview.
Attached hereto as EXHIBIT I is a drawing provided by
AGENT'S NOTES: Source's access to areas "J" and "K" was
Information provided by Source relevant to descriptions
of rooms or offices may be accurate independent of their
locations within buildings. Source is sometimes unable to
accurately relate the position of rooms within buildings, or
the position of a building within a group of buildings, due
to the nature of his access to a targeted area.
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