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Hpprovea ror fteiease zuusiuyi~u : c.:iH-KUNys-uuraaKUU~ ruuz~uuur-5 SECRET 19 July 1983 SUBJECT: Advanced Individual Training for CENTER LANE Personnel(U) 1. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) The first phase of advanced training for CENTER LANE personnel began in March 1982, with in-house applica- tion of the Discovery Series, produced by the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences (MIAs), Route 1, Bax 175, Faber, VA 22938. The Discovery Series training involved the use of specially designed, commercially available audio tapes which produced enhanced levels of mental concentration (see Incl 1}. 2. (S/CL-3/NO.~"ORN) The second phase of training was initiated in July 1952, with the Gateway Program, also from MIAS. The Gateway Program (see Intl 2) involved sending project personnel for resident training at MIAS. Project personnel were scheduled for attendance along with members of the public. This phase of advanced training further developed the ability of project personnel to achieve enhanced levels of mental concentration, improved their target acquisition, and increased target resolution c3uring operational missians. 3. (S/CL-3/NaFflRN) The next pYaase of advanced training for CENTER LANE personnel will also involve the educational facilities of MIAs . It is proposed that Robert A . Monroe, I~'ounder and Executive Director of MIAS, be paid as a consultant to train CENTER LANE personnel in the use of the patented Hemisync process developed by Monroe. The purpose of this training is to enhance the identified ability of selected CENTER LANE source personnel to both acquire ar-d describe information of intelligence interest unavailable by any other collection method. Training will be specifically tailored and designed to meet. the requirements of this office arad extend beyond the confines of the public program currently offerr~d at MIAS. Training is expected to last ten weeks and will include: a. Instruction in the use and application of nanintrusive bica- monitoring equipment employed by the consultant. b. Instruction in and the development of Hemisync tapes, custom made for project sources. c. Instruction in monitoring techniques used during the Fiemisync praces.a . ~~ ~~? ~~ .+~ 'k r v ,., r e 003/09/ Y r F~96-007888001700210007-5 a?` ~ao~ ~,~,:~r~ a,,nr~:~ ~~ a o~~.~x~~7 ~~~~:~.~~,~~aaaLs Approved For Release 2003 ~1 r IALRDP96-007888001700210007-5 `~ c ? ~; IAG PA-F-SD SUBJECT: Advanced Individual Training for CENTER DANE Personnel(U) d. Instruction in the use o~ environmentally controlled areas during the ~Iemisync process. e. Instruction in the application and interpretation of information reported through the use of the Hemi_sync process. The consultant, Robert A. Monroe, will provide the following in support of this training: a. Custom made Hemisync tapes, develaped during training, fors exclusive use of CEN'T'ER LAi1E personnel. These tapes will be designed to enhance the demonstrated perceptual abilities of source personnel and will become the property of this office. b. Training facilities to include all equipment and supplies required. c. Food and lodging for the project personnel who will be tralIled . 4. (C/NOFORN) Funding for this next phase of advanced training will be from ICF in the amount of ~24,4Q0. This amount represents the total cast of the training for two project personnel excluding transportation which will be by government automobile. Funds for training are not otherwise available. Use of ICF precludes the unauthorized disclosure of information classified SECRET/CL-4/ NOFORN under tree CENTER LANE Special Access Program . Funds are available. 5. (U) This action is not in contravention with AR 381-1q. 6. (U) Robert A, Monroe was granted a SECRET security clearance on 11 September 1980, by HQ, USAINSCOM. Flis DA Form 873 is maintained by this office. He has executed a Consultant. Security Agreement and has been a consultant to this office since 1978. 3 Intl 1. as 2. as 3. Consultant Persolial Services Agreement ~~,,..a ~? FREDERICK H. ATWATER .Act?g CENTER LANE; Project Manager CLASSIFIED E3Y: Cdr, INSCOM DECL: UADR SET Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : Cf~4-RDP96-007888001700210007-5 ~~~ f2e1~~`~ ti0 : DP96-007888001700210007-5 CPYRGHT Ncal]ye~.Eard, Virgizxie 229 y8-0130 Phane~: 80~-361-1500 FtE / T.IIE D I SCpVERY PROGRAM A series of training exercises an six stereo cassette tapes with detailed Guidance Manual tantalised in a special DISCpV1i.RY haalc~-album. This is not merely a set of lectures. Instead, it is a carefully dsraigned sequential pragraru of actual met.hads and teChnigLiefw that cart be practiced and achieved in the home enviroeiment. FIIR1'pSE The DISCOVERY Iyrovi.des the ses-ious explorer of human mind potentials with a variety of tools that can be used in his que=st. When learned and applied, these $ive then individursl new awarc:nese:, krLawledgr, and understanding of his eawn self, They help anaa to perceive and control le*vcls of his awn ron$ciousness here?t.a-fare unavailable andAor unknown to him. They may open attia?r reillitieS and energy systems where new inf'ormat.ion and exlaeriEnces may be obtained. They can rrnhance ~nieaaur.ably has creative processes and abi.litie:s. DISCLJSS1Old The DISCOVERI' training is thF product of a twersty-year? s:eseerch effort. by the sta#'f of the ~tan.e?oa~ Institutr: of r1}}l~lit:d ac.iencrxs. Many of the. tec:hnielLSes emp:layed wt:re originated by Ralper?t. Manna', FaurLde~r rind Executive Director of ttie~ Institute. Mr. Monroe is t.tee adit.lior a#' t:he book JOt1RIdE1'S pUT p.F THE .BODY, now a famous classic irc flit #"field acid pub#ishecl ire six languages world?wide. 1'hc DISCOVERY training system employs .~ unit#nc artid exclusive, mr~ans to syn- ctsrorii~e Ltse tsenrislalseric activity of the human brain. This is achieved by a pat- tern of saurLd wavers which encourage a Fra:clLienc?y-k"allowing Response (FFR) in brain electrical activity. Such sound pat. [.erns arc. varied in frequency to obtain. desired states a:E conscioLSSness. 'lhe pros?esc~ is LtLen applied binaurally (different and ina:lc:pendent signals in cash ear} wherein the FFR signal becomes, a "beat frequency",'~' which aids iii tlir brain w:sve synehr?anizat.ion of the hemisphere?s in bott- frr.r~Lre*ney and :~rryi~l i tea~3ea. Very little i.s known as to thc* occurrence of such synchrani.zc=d states in typical hasmcan consiciouseLf?ss. A stLSCly 3t ttic Mc:nnin~;er Fundat.i.ari indicated the ability of an experienctyd Zeii Flastex? to induce it at will., whiclL may suggest it :is mare px?evalent than consides,rd arig,inally. C)ve:r the past six years, the Monroe Institute ties develope4d a,nd tested specific ?'hrami-sync" applications with several thoLSSanc1 participants thraugli it:~ Caat.e:w~3y Program. As a result, it is t.hc 1c:ader in this neL?rly-emc:a-ging #'iclcl o#' coriscioLSSn.ess rc:searctx. The D1SCpVERY Program Lit.ilize;t fully this. expa~rie~nce. It is in etasence a modification ax floe basic G.ate~ray to"C`tini.(1Lle , for in--tiame training, where the factor of repetition-until-result cart be maximised. Rar?el.y ran "instant" success, it: is .rarely a ?'fai.lure" wtian repeated r_ansisterit:ly. S1?I:CII"ICS I)TSt;OVFRY ($95.00 including, po:ztasge~) Voiced by Robert Monroe (Ta be ra:raed with ;stereo c:assrLtts~ player rxrxd Headphones) *?'Auditory fleat.:~ irx t.tLe Brain", "5~C"[1"w?+1TIf~ lC A.~iEIIICE~N", :leptemt>er, 1973 Ar~r~rnvnrl Gnr Rnln~cn 9AA2/AQ/~A !`IA_RIIDQR_AA7S2S2RAA~7AA9~AAA7_~ Approved For Release 2003/09/10 :CIA-RDP96-007888001700210007-5 CPYRGHT 1'iIRYC~{yl^,: Gat?~.way :L:> t? the cinvEl.ok~ment artri exploration of human. c~onsc~.ioueyr%t>.s;;. It ;Ls a system of cx,.~rcis~s dc,szf;necQ to ai.d the individual ~.zt t.he~. itc!)t'?tvr^tttent of lt.s ow~.~ consciousness, so that: h~: may lta?~ow and. rinderf~tand t:~c~t tear h:i.s 1xig,Fle.r ?t?.l.f, tlta.t 11e rttay learn and caxpc:riesr~ce profound arc.ts of.. c=a:ptlnckeci awareness, aclt.i.ev~~ and tail.l..~ul I y contx?oI kti 1)ltysical. body and tl-te c.;,,,t-rrf~b:tdy st:atc~, c:arnn~ttnic,3tr* with ~tncl vl~sit ot?acr c~nc+rf;y structures and realities. HIST?ItY: C3ri.~il~all..y the i4--S00 Fe.seattc:rn of t11c~ br,tirr by the induction r)i' spr~eifie sound pulses bc,t:kl si.r~gl.y tjl?4`AGT~ is ok)?~t~ t:o individuals who are -[.ntcl.lectL,