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Approved For Released 09116 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001700270004-2 SUBJECT: The Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences (U) ISSUE. (U) To provide the Secretary of the Army with information on Robert A. Monroe, and INSCOM's association with the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences (MIAS). 1. (U) Born on 30 Oct 1915, in Wabash, Indiana, Robert A. Monroe received a BA degree from Ohio State University in 1937 and began a career as a radio program writer, director, producer, and executive. Concurrent with his radio broadcasting career, Mr. Monroe pursued his avocation, the practical. development of accelerated learning through expanded forms of consciousness. This work led to the founding of MIAS in the early 1970's. He is the author of the book Journeys Out of the Body, published in 1971. Mr. Monroe has a DoD SECRET security clearance based on a NAC completed on 18 January 1980. 2. (U) MIAS, near Charlottesville, Virginia, is a complete educational facility where Mr. Monroe and his staff conduct educational seminars. These seminars are based on the blending and sequencing of sound pulses coupled with a system of "binaural beats" that apparently create a frequency-following response (FFR) and an environment conducive to the synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain. This process is known as hemispheric synchronization or Hemi-Sync. The MIAS Hemi-Sync seminars teach individuals to develop an awareness and control of inner resources and abilities. 3. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) USAINSCOM association with MIAS dates to 1978, when the potentials of the Hemi-Sync process were considered for application within INSCOM's initial psychoenergetic efforts. Current involvement is as follows: It SA,,L" Al S if D EC 0- tSIrt. Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270004-2 ,T1ICL 1 i Approved For Release 2003/69/16 CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270004-2 a. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Project CENTER LANE. (1) (S/CL-3/NOFORN) CENTER LANE Advanced Training with MIAS consists of four progressive phases that lead to full use of the Hemi-Sync process during CENTER LANE intelligence collection missions. (2) (S/CL-3/NOFORN) Rapid Acquisition Personnel Training (RAPT) is an application of the lIemi-Sync process designed to improve managerial and intra?- personal relation's skills. The RAPT program is managed by CENTER LANE, and is used to screen prospective source personnel and sensitize intelligence managers and consumers to intelligence applications of psychoenergetics. b. (U) INSCOM Center for Excellence (CENTEX) plans to use MIAS/Hemi-Sync technology for accelerated learning of foreign language skills. In addition, the technology appears to offer opportunities for habit control training. 4. (U) Articles which provide additional information on Mr. Monroe, MIAS, and the Hemi-Sync process are attached. Approved For Release 2003/09/16 CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270004-2 4 R e eel a0 16-L?CfA`RDP96-00788 R001700270004-2 P.Q. Box 130 blellysEord, Virginia 22958-0130 Phone: 804-361-1500 RE E.!ff q r C0VERY PROGRAM A series of training exercises on six stereo cassette tapes with detailed I;uidance Manual contained in it special DISCOVERY book-:album. This is not merely a set of lectures. Instead, it is a carefully designed sequential program of actual methods and techniques that can be practiced and achieved in the home environment. PURPOSE The DISCOVERY Program provides the serious explorer of human mind potentials vi_th a variety of tools that can be used in his quest. When learned and applied, I.hese give the individual new awareness, knowledge, and understanding of his own self. They help one to perceive and control levels of his own consciousness here-to-fore unavailable and/or unknown to him. They may open other realities and energy systems where new information and experiences may be obtained. They can enhance measurably his creative processes and abilities. DISCUSSION The DISCOVERY training series is the product of a twenty-year research effort by the staff of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences. '`Zany of the techniques employed were originated by Robert Monroe, Founder anti Executive Director of the Institute. Mr. Monroe is the author of the book JOURNEYS OUT OF T {E BODY, now a famous classic in the field and published in six languages world-wide. The DISCOVI.ItY training system employs a unique and e,ccl.usive tfiearis to syn- chronize the hemispheric activity of the human brain. This is achieved by a pit-- t.;rn of sound waves which encourage a Frequency-FolIowe. rig Response (FFP) in brain electrical activity. Such sound patterns are varied in frequency to obtain desired states of Consciousness. The process is then applied binaurally (different and independent signals in each ear) wherein the FFR signal becomes a "beat frequency",* which aids in the brain wave synchronization of the hemispheres in both frequency and amplitude. Very little is known as to the occurrence of such synchronized states in typical human consciousness. A st.udy at the Henninger Fundation indicated the ability of an experienced Zen Master to induce it at will, which may suggest it is more prevalent than considered originally. Over the past six years, the Monroe Institute has developed and tested specific "hemi.-sync" applications with several thousand parti_._i.pants through its Gateway Program. As a result, it is the leader in this newly-emerging field of consciousness research. The DISCOVERY Program utilizes fully this experience. It is in essence a modification of the basic Gateway techniques for in-home training, where the. i'icto.r of repetition-until-result can be maximized. Rarely an "instant" success, it, is rarely a "failure" when repeated consistently. S1:'EC IFI CS ;DISCOVERY ($95.00 including postage) Voiced by Robert Monroe (To be used with stereo cassette player and headphones) *"Auditory Beats in the Brain", "SCIENTIFIC MfERICAN", September, 1,973 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700270004-2