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Approved For Release 2001/q/9 . ?I RDP96-00788ROO2000130026-9 DRXSY-DS 26 April 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Planned In-House GRILL FLAME Efforts, FY79 1. (S-ORCON) Our in-house efforts in FY79 in Project GRILL FLAME are in the area of remote viewing 9RV) which is an intellectual process by which individuals perceive characteristics of a location remote from that of themselves. All further RV efforts in FY79 will be performed within the AMSAA Remote Viewing Protocol of 26 March 1979*. 2. (S-ORCON) Our initial efforts prior to January 1979 resulted in 32 sessions with individuals serving as beacons at targets in and around the Aberdeen area; 20 of those sessions were performed by two remote viewers and the resulting target descriptions were evaluated by the writer as showing that learning occurred. Also the proponent contractor's evaluation of the last five sessions**, using their new principal concept evaluation technique, resulted in 5 out of 5 matches (with a 0.008 probability that such matching could have occurred by chance). These sessions are being documented in AMSAA Special Activities Office Interim Note No. 15 "Project GRILL FLAME AMSAA Phase I Efforts." The descriptions from these sessions, while being meaningful to the participants, did not prove to be instantly obvious proof of remote viewing to the casual observer. It is believed that this is due, in a large part, to the similarity of the targets to each other (caused by the general similarity of architectural structures in the Aberdeen area). The general similarity of these targets, however, may prove to be helpful in devising RV techniques for detecting and locating tactical targets which generally tend to stay away from unique terrain features. 3. (S-ORLON) The writer's lessons learned from Phase I of AMSAA GRILL FLAME efforts (mentioned above) are as follows: tion of an individual as the target beacon is relatively Utili za a. cumbersome and is manpower intensive compared with coordinate RV. * This protocol was approved for AMSAA's use on 26 March 1979 after its review by The Surgeon General's Ad Hoc Human Use Review Board. ** Three sessions by one viewer and two by another (three were run but one was discarded due to the beacon individual arriving at the target site after the start of the RV session). CLASSIFIED BY: Msg 7 Jul 78, DA`5-6E_0 (DAMI-ISH WASH D Approv ase 20 4V W [ P i 880 oo i G2 ?-?' &.7 1_4 Noe a N i AT'S"A"An 1979 ` :: `~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130026-9 DRXSY-DS 26 April 1979 SUBJECT: Planned In-House GRILL FLAME Efforts, FY79 b. The general nature of targets in the Aberdeen area do not lend themselves to being good targets for incontroversial RV demonstration. 4. (S-ORCON) Taking into account the above and a desire by many to be able to incontroversially demonstrate RV, Phase II was undertaken with the intent of challenging/validating the SRI documented coordinate RV techniques and of exploring potential techniques and applications of coordinate multiple RV (MRV); the following management guidelines were specified for this phase. a. Strive to attempt coordinate RV using only map coordinates expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds to describe the target location. b. Explore utilization of compartementalized secure overhead photography of sites with moderate to low national interest for: (1) Selection of target coordinates. (2) Production of target photographs for use in evaluating coordinate RV descriptions. c. Consider employing a larger pool of targets than RV descriptions for evaluating the RV descriptions in order to reduce the degree of forced matching of targets and target descriptions. d. Attempt to develop coordinate RV descriptions produced by more than one viewer per target. e. Operate within the 26 March 1979 AMSAA RV Protocol. The attached paper titled "Proposed Phase II of In-House FY79 GRILL FLAME Project" addressed this effort in more detail. 1 I ncl W. KRAMAR as Assistant Director for Systems Effectiveness and Joint Service Activities Approved For Release 2001 6-00788R002000130026-9