8931 SESSION # 01, SOLO, VIEWER # 018

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SG1A SG1A Referral Review by NIMA/DoD Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 SECRETINOFORN PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICEt INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROjECT NUMBER? 891 SESSION NUMBER? 01 DATE OF SESSIONg W3 AUG 89 DATE OF REPORTg 28 AUG 89 STARTg / 5-7* END g //f,i? METHODOLOGYt SOLO VIEWER IDENTIFIERt 018 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSIONt Determine and describe the current location of (S/NE/SK) VIEWER TASKING? Viewer 018 tasked with requirements reflected in Para 1, above. 011 furnished a F' otograph of the target and briefed on the target's background. 3. (9/NEISK) COMMENTSt No inclemencies noted. A Summary of Information is attached to this report. 4? (SINE/SK)g EVALUATIONg HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNEL3 ONLY SECRET/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BYg DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 WORKING PAPER SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. (S/NF/SK) The location of SECRET Project: 89M Date: 890028 Viewer: 018 Session: 01 Subject is presently located in Columbia, to the northeast of Bogota, in an almost jungle--like area in the vicinity of Tunja (see map). 2. (S/NF/SK) immediate surroundings: He is in a home-type house which is surrounded by dense, jungle-like vegetation. I got no impressions of mountains being visible from the house. 3. (S/NF/SK) Associates: I got impressions of several people and activities asociated with each. These impressions were: a. There was a woman who is keeping there for the purpose of beating and sexually abusing. b. There are guards all around the home. c. There are "business" people coming and going in great confusion. I got the impression that was performing a "loyalty drive", and that those who did not give their loyalty, did not survive. d. When I directly addressed the question "where is this?", the answer received was the home of "Juan de (garbled: Cave, Cabe, Caveso, Cabeso, etc.). I also got the impression that this "Juan" had been recently killed. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SECRET Approved For Release 2003/05/15: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 PProvectFor Release 2003t05/15 :? GtA-RDP96E-00789R1950700100F011 Colombia MERCATOR PROJECTION SCALE OF MILES 25 SO 75 W? Cabo do, to 6 L Corrix Guajira Peninsula Willemstad Pamplona Peninsula SCALE OF KILOMETERS 2 , spitals of Countries her Capitals ternational Boundaries 'her Boundaries onals ? 0, La A rtia 0 etigniqleg Me da G., Maicao _ creliaga Santa d p,,d1ritn.fe...:viCa/rralp.j.:., . M a Di ulla ,.. e. SR. Nov d. .\., gtorrancas 1Na. Marta(581,m1 Cs Maraealo /9,029 RACHsroba Coldn? , ._??? MR Sa Fru?' d citn ? lfhila Cabimas nueVa? 00 arnpo de la-emit!" IleduPatro ,??...'. n Ant nit, c'912 ni l'' 11 P' sop de 1.. rke , , C OCS 9 %CESAR nli: ;C? 4 A ritUW , 0 Chirnichapa Cat 6 0 xo --....,....,.. 0 certt ?,vo't . 0 t is _ Miiiiiterli 1.3,17:gr ',- ci ga de i'ovs,,s . ra ? Tres PrItla8ORD.R3f3oA 07_74 - Ti."? .rd&"bri - c. Gloria *,?( ni e \ , EVermlnO0Pe r ao _ ...- d - pieta 6 Carnarr ...0 r ... Convene 6nOigno, , _ . ... a? pi ......_ El VII; a,,, 74 I .. ?*, ? '.g i Volador ,,,, Y. .,, 7. 4.''S?C1kCa52\?,ardinala %. Flo. Mosquito argen o Simitic, ff"ta TiSt ' Rlosocio 61. e, I 1 ' 'AMR> ei res.:4 ul. ucasl ! #I''' Zarag4a '1 C. grarnatte0Ti _san.gc bal i minixiiio , via.,R. tAo ' 0 V. ? I ,.-1. ,;PCDInicota *?' V Valdiv Selig:Zeal...7i iltiCira"ntja .,EN'td 'd'ireY ka ....s ' 1. Vinci( 0 , 0 eGgIrde DeR_dtavon5a. ti , aWrSta.Rosa'deOson. 4 A IN '.... ajun7. ?.., Barrancabermr F enztic:o.,.. . BericharP 0 lag rra A __? R Ae... 8 o2y. Pte. olsys Socorro? San Gil as.ticovt;d10?-.1.4'0,,, IAN TA D- oBs:pietr eerier.. .-& I -- urr Contrataci6n0 F. SaFji7 CeacTiTila Cos re Scale 1:8.800,000 'sr Barquisimeto ?Trujillo NE Merida Merinos Goes ? . Jib ..A11- Antioquia? 0 Pio. Berri "Ana Sen Roque o 1 Medellin Nal, itailllf? 0. E VIDado_fRonegro_.2_...._e ta. Vrbarasonson 4 olivar 0 is, t,1,0 I ?pile 0 Ak, 9 sc Ve Biller % Me o aclon ithlreinquir *-77U#IftntS Wa ir9tr ?}Eusia try Palma ui ra aniZalenAr rtortorp4.4cht p Gumeg I 8 F4aCF iga agtatelk .41? wini, IF. C ..,i ?Pturichia Ari oro Cinarue. Camoruco ravo Nor% Armen 734 ague rairVMOUITA Eq_ntibein `1. 0.4 oc;tuoia. zerzatio ocarlalionla*g'?' oFy14.4s ? im12.i.r7 sevnig envx, ?Iiestr pa C, Tulli4 L ESP C A Villavi enclo * 91,,V ODUgl ,f-',..? pirificacl n i____1_ SuroirrGieunaamOm AraTraTO $00aga OEI Carl !IFly s_,,.. haparraLik, Como Coruoleja ,..s untho0 op alnpra Nat galmaCi+ 12,587 it. `-??:?StIr_IL,Aart n mica), nqs t.1 oC ? A !arnpoalegr 0 r4.,..deNeiva Y ? arrance de Um14' Ca an Pedro _st Malan& Quirey n lose del Octme ?Pavan Clo ogostura Palls VIclorinO San Jos6 ? ivv ''' .ii3i.VoloSn La0e5 cOIRSPle -...0\t'lmn.,?x. zo,. Puroe4Plat ...,... / \\?-....? 81"ml ' L-- ,?$, TWO.. 15,243 ft.Agrado? ,.. i -,.... b ?...11q. p ., r. .. ki . , .c4646 : n ? ) A .t., . . . 6 ara6n Earb ?/0 - Bolivar St . Pitalito -... 0Sucre 4 Mercta4., I / a ) .,. .... IF.,d, San Pab .0..?,. 9 e.emen:Fi)orencla dqI El Parer., 0 GUAVI IVAIL Buenos Aires 0 aniufltaS alamer Pt..VCe Pto. Mercedes a Curler Rracaranaima Mit5 nclso Tariana Tres Cum. C A PM. Argentina erto Boy ? a Tagu uertOL Pto.Tol d o. Huitot Pto. Pizarro aque 41, sorb G de Tolima J000' ?Lerida Araratuara La Chorrera ^ Yatina Mol ca0 0 Cechorras oinari o da6iNe n,.r i Ar Barras ?Mediodia 4 Pedrera aPebaS PLO. Carrary: Clara Tarapa CPYRGHT Referral Declassification by NIMA/DoD Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 31 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 (r r A-04, fr 114(57r121-- 7 . (04) C-0 r 11)/4-J 6w4r-AJ, e SS- 121/1 K O A-, AJJ-7/4f7j Afr7r24/25 e)17, Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 or'9. Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 A-- E (1 0-A-7-0 frtc) 1? V:7 f21.1 S (C, s _c F114 (c tricr__ed-XO-;' Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3 5-17/- ? A_ /f0 6 ar)/di (.4)frtitddl-47 5 ) 7-7/ CrerS t I Lej p /a-et / A,) "/ VC (s4 0.11J-0-4Lr - Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700100001-3