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Document Release Date: 
April 25, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 10, 1990
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700210008-4 ADJUSTED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION So Urct 3 ~L toil-mY / 0APg 9o Determine _the current_location_of_the Response: the current location is 15 03' N / 31 01' W /030 Ls; rc rii iL %t 2. Determine the date-, time. _andlocation_where_the contrabandnarcoticswillbeunloaded. Response: (there are three transfers) a. Date of transfer from large ship to smaller ships (the small ships look like speed boats) is 16 April 90, at approximately 2200 hrs. local time (local means the time where the vessels are). The location of this transfer is 53 03' N /- 54 05' W. b. Date and time of second transfer from small vessels to seaplane(s) [this means I have no idea how many seaplanes there areJ, is within 24 hours of the transfer to occur at 2200 hrs on 16 April 90 and within fifty miles of the original transfer point (53 03' N / 54 05' W). c. At some point during the next several days the seaplane(s) will make landings in small inland lakes and waterways throughout Eastern Canada and the North Eastern United States. At these locations the planes will transfer the contraband to shore based vehicles. I was unable to follow beyond this point. 3. Describe_the _activeit.y_at_unloading_point_at time of unloading: - - - Response: All unloading points will be covered by darkness and will be out of the normal range of sight (this means that a person standing on the shore cannot determine the activity at the transfer point). Unloading/transfers at inland waters can be observed -- but they will be highly secured by armed men on the shore. All downloading is accomplished by hand. 4. Determine-and-describe-the-route-of-travel: Response: From it's current location the vessel is sailing 20 - 25 knots on a heading of 47.5' magnetic (towards the Canary Islands). Once it reaches the vicinity of the Canary Islands it will turn to a heading of 305' magnetic and sail to the vicinity of the transfer point. t 11Pa 11 O `f tTflfl , '--- P, .- r Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700210008-4