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Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1990
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t* 11 S Approved For Release 200 0i/ 4 : CIA-RDP96-00789RWW6M$ GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: 23 OCT 90 REPLY TO DT-S ATTN OF. SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Interim Report - 90104-A (U) DT-5 1. (S/NF/SK) Two remote viewing sessions were conducted on 22 October 1990, to provide Indication and Warning (I&W) information related to a possible preemptive strike by Iraqi forces against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. 2. (S/NF/SK) At this time, there are no indications of any plans and intentions by Iraqi forces to launch a preemptive attack against US and coalition forces located in Saudi Arabia. 3. (S/NF/SK) In reply to a request to surface political indicators to substantiate the reported lack of military aggression by Iraqi forces, Remote Viewer 079 perceived Saddam Hussein as intent on seeking a negotiated settlement to the crisis. Viewer 079 indicated that Egypt will play a significant role in the future in support of such a negotiated peace. According 079, Kuwait will not recapture its complete political identity; it will experience economical reversals as a result of the current crisis. More hostages are expected to be released in November (this data recently reported by the press). The United HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR OPTIONAL FORM NO. t0 (REV. 1-80) GSAFPMR(41CFR)101-It.B 5010-114 Approved For Release 2003/07/14: CIA-RDP96-00789R00080Q 3 OQ214e4 0 - 461-275 (272) NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN 1vP.T1f)TAT3 Approved For Release / t CIA-RDP96-00789R000800080002-4 Nations (UN) will play an extensive and key role in the negotiated settlement of the crisis. The name "camaru/kamaru" surfaced phonetically; its significance, if any, is not further identified. A copy of 079's effort is at TAB A. 4. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 049 also indicated there would be no preemptive strike launched by Iraqi forces against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. When pressed to provide military indicators, his initial findings notwithstanding, 049 furnished a series of conceptual indicators that defied clear definition and identification. Tube-like structures (missiles?) appeared to dominate his reporting and sketching. The results of 049's session is at TAB B. 5. (S.NF/SK) OPS COMMENTS: Viewers 049 and 079 remain available to pursue and refine the raw data submitted in their respective summaries. vnj Approved For Release 2003/ SG1J ,00789 R000800080002-4