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Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401200Q01-3 !* r n r n%r --~ -.J . _ ... i t' v t' `- ti i l AR GNU NOTICE , NTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT N1'JMBER: 5179 SESSION NUMBER: 02 DATE OF S' ".,ION: 29 SEPT 88 DATE OF REPORT: 29 SEPT 88 METHODOLOGY: WRV VIEWER IDENTIFICATION: 025 T>% il5ZION: ACCE.:, ; AND DESCRIBE EMPEROR HIROHITO. I? TH r E- v ~r Lit Z t` VL/i_..i. TO ACCESS AND DESCRIBE THE =? ti% CON ENT VIEWED WAS ABLE TO OBTAIN MUCH MORE ` ` ice ; IO~d NCT THE MO ITO STRESSED HOW IMPORTANT IT WAS RLALIZL. ONCE, THE VIEWER STARTED TO VERBALIZE, IT WAS THE US BU .. IS , A .L ;'. V' -7W- R WAS ABLE TO DEPORT ' THAT THE MAN S IC X OT +0"D. VIEWE R. WAS A5T.E TO REPORT THAT BIG 174-0 1ATION WAS O TAT_NE') ')BRING THIS SESSION THAN -ti ATION. ~~ ~wr~~W~unCl ' X11 e t~ H; 3`7 DIA (DT) -7: )ADS Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401200001-3 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401200001-3 5179 880920 025 `" ? 02 SUMMARY THIS MAN IS HIGHLY PROTECTED. HE SUFFERS NOW AND IS ILL. THERE ARE VOLUMES OF INFORMATION ON THIS INDIVIDUAL. HE WILL BE JUDGED AFTER: HIS DEATH. HE IS VERY POWERFUL AND IN THE FUTURE THERE WILL BE A PROBLEM AFTER HIS ABSENCE. HIS HOME CAN ALSO BS A CHURCH. HE HAS PR S'"TIG~. THIS SO~~',DAR. ~:.. 1 a 111J MAN N IS ALSO .J HEN HIS COUNTRY INVADED (THE U.S.?) IT WAS A GRAND PERFORMANCE AND A ISE. TI-11f MAN WAS ONCE AN ENEMY OF THE U.S. BUT NOW HE IS A FRIEND. HE BELIEVES IN PEACE AND FREEDOM NOW. THIS MAN Iti N IIIER. 1115 COUNTRY SELLS SLAVES. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401200001-3 CPJYRdE ':.,# "Uncxpectedly I was taken ill, and could not visit Okinawa, where I had t duty to perform:'- Emperor I Jiro- uto, New Year `wake', 1988. ~7"'1orty-two years after the god died, the man is dying, too. Th life e of Emperor Hiro- hito of Japan, the last sur- iving national leader of World War I and a "living god" for the first 20 ears of his reign, is drawing to an 'lid, and the Japanese are going to et a new style of emperor. Hirohito is 87, and has been in low decline since he had surgery r an intestinal obstruction a year go (and had to cancel a scheduled ip to Okinawa). He was once anked right alongside Hitler and 4ussolini in Allied war propaganda, ut in his later years it was difficult envisage the shy emperor whose lain enthusiasm was marine biol- y as a factor of any great impor- nce in the world. It is equally difficult to imagine. rown Prince Akihito as a mover and. aker: His best-known public hievement in 54 years of life has en to contribute a section about,: bies to a book on fish. Yet the ange of reign will have a profound feet on the collective cmol ional life the Japanese. There is no Japanese under 60 o can remember a time when Hi- hito was not on the throne: He ans the country's entire modern story When he emilt' to th throne 1926, Japan was '4111 Ow poverty- ?icken but ferocintt'aiy- c!r-tt'cmined derdeveloped cut,tttty of whose iabitants Rudytird l iltlittg once ote that they were Trot natives, And young IIh olttti? '6 tt 1f1erally od to most Ja,ltitric pc'. k0ten an fortunate policenttut tnlstlirected imperial motorrtttie down an al- he disemboweled l,ltttot'lf in gen- e for his error. The emperor was incarnation of the Japanese peo- with absolute huthotlty, and no linary mortal could look at him. There is still a g, *%q deal of dis- e about how t,ittt it Itirttltito per- ,ally exercised l,tk t,olliority, or t it to other pt'ttOr. tit tht= years ding up to Wit hi tS',rt 1lt but 15 rs after asce ntfiit tit, fit 'une he sided over a tulllir+t I to ilt'e con- fling half of Asltt Five years aftct tititl ftt ltresided ~wynne Dyer is ri t tiitmnist ed in London, Enghttttf, Emperor Hirohito ulation huddled in its ruined -cities (two of them devastated by atomic bombs) - and the American con- querors required him - to renounce his godhood. In the 1947 constitu but only "a symbol oflthe state and the unity of the people" Not much has beets seen of the t. mperor in the succee I ing four dec- ades - usually only a ouple of pub- lit rualtc'arances a yt'til 1 ai yct he was always prest ttt (,t r ltt' J uut'se consciousness tea It powt. symbol of continuity tititlt tits titrnal oast. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789F001401200001-3