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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-0078401401610001-8 NOF-C RN WAI::thd:I: NCi 7:14{"I"Ia:I....L.. a: C:iliiia~lt' ;E: :::i(:7L.U1"tC,:a i;(: AND i i; :1"I I(::)X:}#ii.i :I: h{V(:JI....VLi:I:} ............. ................... ............................................."......._............................. .............. ............................... .......,............_...,................. .,...........,............. ....,...................... .......... ..,...... r?'r:ti0JE:(:::1" Nt..llylS.:EEIR;; sIi.: ::3ION NUMBER.- 01 DA-1"r: (::)I:::' Sr:::('s;:i: C) 1\h; "'.`.; 88 DA1"I:* OF REP: OR'T'e 5 DEC 88 C -;0 P' E-1-i?"IC)SJC:)I....C.)C.3Y Irv 025 I"I7:;iii;:,10141;. AC:;C:ri:A1411 S:}1::EiCl?i 7:13E I"I1E TARGET AT ( () C:) I I:} :C Ir1(~ I I::i: f::i J' 1 !: 1.:::;1I. / t) ac'.' 1::. () 2 (r:;/IVI":' /.:,F::: ) vi: E E.;'I:t "I"t::) ACCE:;::AND IN: "CRIBE B "I"HI: "I"AIRC 11" Al" 2:1.67 4/t::),::''/:1. 30. 3 U-3 /141F"/::,I?:::} (::C)IvIMI::::hl"I"(:,, VT I;iWl::::I::2 I IAD (1 Nlt.,Jc('l."F::: IiPASM IN HER LEG. TF 1I i"s WAS "11-1E: l::" J IR;:ii"f S?tG:EAC:.'C:)lu T'(?ll::U )I::i T' 1::: (:)I1-111:..:. V I EM I::::R,, :1: i'...: RV I EWE:IR WAS AL...160 D1....7.I\II:) (:)I\1 ..... I:I:t, 4w t::,/III:::'/;:,F::} I:::VAL..UA"I":..0141;; HA14{S:}i.".li:i: V:1:A I?:::r::I::::"I" (II(: N1\1{::I.?..(:ii 01\1I....Y .................................................................................................... ........................... ..........................._.._............. Af:s911 7: L X:} S: Y s S:? 7: (?1 (I71" } DECLASS I FY . C:)(?1S:}IR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 025 88120/1, So :I t::) J. The site is ii:t land and structure interface. The main structure is in the outlying area ::}'f' a city up on a hill. This structure looks similar to a it southern church. It has iia white door and a gray roof with ibl steeple and bell tower (see sketches an pages 1, 3 and 5). I?1 large object (weight) is hanging from top posts by chains (page f. ? I?).. It .L a ?c, either ti}., ,iiar?.I.'' morning or evening , I'" ti;:i' i :I. {?; t:: where the sky is hazy with i r . ' t white light. On the i n s i d e of the structure, there is sit very steep and narrow staircase with corridors, a ::)i;asi54ifYiiis}I"it iial"'Ii:?iia and small rooms (page : sketch). The predominant colors are brown and white with wooden doors and some basic furniture. The purpose of this structure is for people who belong to iia particular sect. They arf?:i? searching and moving upwards. People come here and stay to get in touch with . themselves. .. It .1.a,. > considered a sanctuary for some and .l .L '$' i?:>'' s work. Dedication iiar'iii fulfillment in giving c:}-f' one's self for q . f?5 others .. a is 't'i"it?:i?. ' focus. foreign w c:) m t } n :1. ssss present who :i. s;ii :i. n her 40's with curly h a i r , as round face, and a t brown/red cloth on her head (veil). She makes the best (::)'f' her situation and comes to t h i s place for solitude and refuge. She has come to this structure to seek out knowledge from those that are there, S(::) (:') that she can ht:5.I.I"} herself and others. Men are also present .. and dressed in black and white. These men are serious about conducting and maintaining t h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n . They have meetings Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 a I?} i:a !::} :I. ~:a r'1 av :i. 'l i?1:i, r?~ 'k. i?1 :i. ? r ?::>'k: r.. t..t r: 'i: t.a I,.. r?:;y :~ r'1 t:;! r? c:} t..t I::} 4;:! t::~'l:. I?1 E:: I`? :i. I?1 r:! ?ii. w L. 1 e?is e? tat..t:i. t?::?i:: l?. a. fr1i r.:)r? :i.1 rier gr?t::)w'( h'1 tranci I1s:YViiS :a t:at::)r.::a. t:ai}i:a vli1;I. ?::>ysiis'f::t?::?fr1 t:a) ?iiit:?'{:'. (::} ? L:}t?Z?.L .I. t?:.? ?ia.. {. t.::s:aI ir)t..){.'. f))s:aI?:.t::} r: r'1y I'?e3.:i. ca r'1 it :I. ?ii> s a ?iii 4 ? C:: 'I:: I"'I :i. '{:: E::? in :i. ?::i?iii t::) 11 1'" if? g siiY I'" t:: a. }) t :! .i. s:a 6N i:;Y I"1 i:a C:) I"' C:I t? ? I"' .. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 ved For Re sb 2 /010 ; C,IAlRDP90-06769 QO X610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00 Approved For IA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 y Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401610001-8