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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : UNITED M
8 JULY 1988
SUBjECTr SUN STREAK Report 0005 ?
1. (S/NE/SK.) During the period of 2 February 1988 13 June
1988, five remote viewers conducted a total of 41 SRV sessions in
an effort to address the requirements concerning an event. These
requirements are enclosed at TAD A.
2. (S/NF/SK) 003 was tasked to first provide information
on the leaders of state. and diplomatic activities of one of the
groups associated with the event and second to describe the
event. He reported as followsN The leaders meet in a large,
ornate, solid structure that has elements both ancient and
modern. It seems picturesque, like it could be a sight-seeing
attraction if it weren't- being u5ed on a daily basis for more
serious purposes. There is a sense of it being non-US. The
leaders are part of a group which in general is cynical,
ruthless, ambitious, machiavellian. There is a sense of religion
permeating everything but top echelons are more "going through -
the motions" than truly religious, exploiting religious fervor
and net of those under them +or the power they can
thereby control for their own machinations and political
manipulations. For the. most part they believe they are doing?
what's right. But that's because they don't think the thing's
they do are wrong. Physically they are usually not fat, are dark
complected, have somewhat wizened features with dark, almost
pitiless eyes they are male, dour, harsh. Internal structure
and loyalty base are stable, but leaders have a feeling that
everyone external is out to get them.. Friends are made
conditionally, always with the suspicion that they turn on
them when interests dictate. Nations they trust most don't share
contiguous borders. Except in rare cases, alliances are
opportunistic and not expected to last. The U8 is viewed as an
antagonist. There is a short, thin, pinch faced person with
argumentative and strident voice who is speaking vehemently,
arguing, and persuading. It's "like" he's trying to convince
someone to do or see things his way.,. He has power over his own
particular responsibilities, but can mainly only influence, not
command, those among whom he is now. This person is a bit of a
zealot, and is promoting some course of action that others see as
rash or perilous or ill-advised. He's a good salesman, though,
and some fear he may persuade undecided one to give his plans
majority support. There is one overall key figure-who carries
most weight but whom those present regard as somewhat "out of it"
or arbitrary, who might be inclined to make controversial
decisions because of a whim, but which would bind the.6,91W6a16,
(REV. 1-80)
GSA FPMR (41CFR) 101-11.5
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* GPO : 1984 0 - 461-275 (272)
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support of it. The zealous person is bemusedly accepted by this
key figure because the zealous person is a "gung-ho" "hard-
charger," whose goals and Weltanschauung are quite similar to the
key figure's, though the latter iS marginally aware that the
zealous person can get carried away and be preposterous in his
demands. Still, the key figure is likely to listen to him
because he likes what he says, often agrees in principle, and
regards the others present as worry wart wafflers. The leaders
are debating about a course of action involving violence and
military involvement?directed against external target/targets of
apparent national size. The zealous, argumentative "advisor"
(above) is for the plan. The plan has a potential +or physical
and diplomatic harm to their own interests, and therefore the
cooler heads present consider that, though there is an
acknowledged chance for success, the potential damage might
outweigh any good that might come of it. Still, they're
intrigued, if cautious. on a continuum, they're a little right
of center, the zealot way towards the left end. (He senses the
need to be extreme to balance out the others). There is somewhat
an overall sense of paranoia. Indirect or devious action is the
best course of action for operations. Political and personal
issues are involved like some personal animosities are mixed in
political adversarial relations, making the situation even more
volatile, unreasonable, complex and difficult to resolve.
Personal pride and a distorted sense of honor i5 involved in
squabbles and this bleeds over into the present situation. To a
considerable extent it involves turf and power struggles as well
as image/face. The event involves an explosion. Something that
was intentional, designed, planned and successful though only a
qualified success "like" trying to get somebody specifically but
wI:: wasn't there after all. A small group. of people wearing
light olive or tan clothing are planning an activity that
involves violence and an operation. it something they've
planned and will go through with regardless. They are viewing
the target location from a slightly higher elevation. There is a
considerable distance between the launch point and impact but
still within sight of each other. They launch/ fire something--
allowing +or travel time, distance, arcing/trajectory and impact.
Impression of a smooth, cylindrical, tapered, swiftly moving
object moving rapidly through the air. An airport is involved in
the event. This occurs at a time of limited visibility.
Visibility conditions are chosen because some light is necessary
for mission accomplishment but low visibility aids in successful
attack then escape. There is a solid connection with the
intended goal. The sense of satisfaction is high because the
target structure is regarded as highly protected and hence
essentially safe. The structure which is hit is dark, neutral in
color, with tall parts, frameworks and steps like a ship. the
structure after the incident reveals billowing, dark smoke,
licking flames, twisted structural components, debris and a very
large, ragged gap in the roof. The people outside are. dismayed.
and disoriented and others are moving towards damage
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3 (S/NF/SK) Viewer 911 was tasked first to describe the
societies associated with the event and then to describe the
event itself. He reported the following :1. ii4? fl?? 1 ciii the event
involves a conflict between two societies. The first is a
relatively peaceful, happy spiritually oriented people. They
lead a simple but happy existence. They seem to be more closely
associated with the target area than the other group. The people
in the first society are very religious and spiritual. However,
their concept of God is very much different from ours. They
perceive God as the great mystery, a force that governs all
things in the universe. They be that this force has
awareness, a consciousness, something that could be described as
the "life force." They seem to be very close to nature and
believe that this conscious force can be found even in rocks,
etc. There is a strong feeling of equality among the people.
Each person deserves equal consideration because each one serves
the important function of keeping the natural order of things in
balance. Children are considered this first society's most
important asset. Children do not belong to the family unit as
much as they do to the community. It would be just as correct to
address any adult male as "father" as it would be one's
biological father and vice versa. These people seem to be aware
of some impending danger. The second society is material
oriented and interested in acquiring wealth and power. This
second society is more technically advanced than the first
society. The relationship be the two societies seems to be
the age old story of conquering a relatively peaceful people by
military force, 'F or" reasons of greed and grandeur. Excuses given
Tor such actions are righteousness and destiny. The event
involves a man made object/device which is metallic, silver, long
and cjgar-shaped which flies very high and then moves in a
downward arc to impact on the target location. A cutaway view of
the object is shown in TAD D. The object has a very dense, heavy
core which is surrounded by a metallic skin. the core is under
tremendous constant, equal pressure. If the pressure is
increased or becomes unbalanced. the matter in the core can become
very unstable. The object originates from a long, metallic
cylinder. It makes a roaring, rumbling, thunder-like sound. The
target location is a very large, open area where there is sandy
land and an interface with contained water (like a lake). There
is a large dark blue black structure there as well as another
at. that is a memorial or a monument. Associated with the
event is the image of people cowering in houses with a terrible
feeling of fear. Everything is illuminated by a crimson red
Si. ight. Military uniforms associated with the event are khaki-
brown with a brown leather belt. The people have an oriental
look. The event itself is not as important as the lasting
effects it produces. Associated with the event are the concepts
of murder, assassination and martyrdom. A feeling of powerful,
spiritual forces surround this event. There is something
mys.tical about it.
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4. (S/NE/(:K) Viewer 010 was tasked first to provide information
on the leaders of state and diplomatic activities of one of the
groups associated with.the event and second to describe the
event. He reported as'followst One leader is in Washington, DC,
as a representative of his country. He is a thin, wiry man with
a very rugged face. He appears to be caucasian male with darker
than normal skin. The dark appearance is caused mainly by beard.
There were repeated impressions that his clothing is a dark color
(repeated impressions of present dark blue or purple clothing.
The dark colored clothing seems to be of very heavy material and
is something like a "dress". He +eels strongly acc. is right.
His attitude is somewhere between "things will happen as they
must, and I am playing my part", and "I'd better be prepared to
take advantage of things when they happen", again, leaning more
toward the latter. Overall, he doesn't really care, he just
knows that he is prepared +or when the time comes, and feels sure
It. is coming. This person would let a lot of things slide by
without any other reaction than just observing, but when the time
was right he would act with a definite firmness and strength
which would run over anything in his way. His present job is as
a representative of his country, but his feelings that this job
is nothing more than a stepping stone toward his goal. He +eels,
above all else, that he is working 'F or his own future, and little
else. He comes from a scarre(:1, dry land and very thin, dark
skinned people. The feeling of care and concern he has +or this
place and these people is not the same as love +or someone, but
more the feeling of loving pride one has in one's favorite pet
animals. He has close familiarity with a country's leader's
office who appears to be a US President. His tasks seem to be
carried out at the highest level of government. He considers
himself as "being an integral part of predestination."
There is the perception that he views the violence of others as a
necessary part of the progress, but that he mentally ignores the
harsh realities of it. He perceives his final personal objective
as being higher and more powerful than the U.S. Presidency. He
sees himself as one day controlling many countries which are
somehow related. His goals for his country aret a)
Modernizationt of military, of libraries, and of official
functions and b) Upgrading of defenses and buildings. The event
occurs where there is a tall, steep mountain overlooking a harbor
which is mostly surrounded by land. Between the mountain and the
water is a large city. One area of the city is on fire and there
are ships burning in the harbor. There is a ship sitting 1/2
mile out in the harbor. The time of day of day is when the sky
is too dark to see well but it is still light enough to notice.
The ship is large and tall and has many structures above deck.
it's name begins with an "L" followed by either an "I" or "U".
The interior of the ship has metallic rooms filled with metallic
equipment. A sailor on board is wearing white and black clothing
and short pants. There is a room which is tilted over. A man is
trapped there, his lungs hurt deeply. He is aware of the danger
of his situation but is either too confused or simply incapable
of doing anything about it. The ship is on +ire and there is an
explosion. People on the ship are running around in a state of
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panic. The fire is basically centrally located on the ship and
is coming out the top. The explosion on the ship was caused by
the +ire. The fire came from the sky, falling from the sky at. a
40 degree angle. It appeared like blobs of +ire raining dawn in
droplets. In following back to the cause of the +i re there was
the perception o+ guns firing from one side of the ship up at a
40 degree an0e. Fire rained down on the ship from exactly the
same position. The point of origin for this fire was the
underside of an airplane. The airplane had. been travelling from
a third location on land in a line which would take it directly
over the ship. After it was hit the main section of the plane
fell causing a huge splash. There was the impression of seeing
the ship through a superimposed Japanese flag. It could not be
U etermined wether the ship was Japanese or was a Japanese target.
There was a repeated image of an American emblem on the airplane.
Before being hit the airplane dropped bombs on the land. These
bombs were the cause of fires and large sections of ground being
thrown into the air.
5. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 079 was tasked to provide information on
the military forces associated with the event and then to
describe the event. She reported the followincp The areas
associated with the event include a mountainous region a small
city and a wide, open, circular area surrounded by trees with a
small body of water nearby that is used +or light transportation.
In the city is a high ranking military presence. The high
ranI.:: ing military men were trying to negotiate peace. Plans are
being made and secret work is being done. The event involves. an
incursion between two groups. One group is represented by either
a solid orange flag with a thin black stripe or a green flag.
The other group is represented by a .white +lag with a red emblem
in the middle. The group represented by the orange flag is
backed by a foreign military. There is an older, bald, foreign
military leader wearing a green uniform who is behind a plan to
keep these two groups fighting. The event involves a planned,
daytime attack by the group associated with the red and. white
+lag. This group launches a pointed object into the other
group's area. The pointed objects are long and thin and fly
swiftly through the air. As they travel, the air hits the
objects and makes them work better. The pointed objects had been
hand carried to the location from which they were launched. The
object hits the exart area that is intended. The group that
launched this object are at a location from which they watch the
whole effect. The group that is hit is caught off guard. When
they hit the objects cause an explosion and a fire. This is in
the circular area surrounded by trees. When the explosion
happens some of the men are harmed and others scurry around to
get out of the area that is hit. Some men leave by water. A.
short man with extremely balding black hair was responsible for
the attack. He smokes cigars. The end result of the event will
be one of e:qpansi.on.
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6. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 099 was tasked to report first on the
military forces associated with the event and then to examine the
event. He reported as follows3 There are. two military 'f(:)lfl
associated with the event. The first is a division sized element
of ground troops. The leader is a military officer in his 50's,
has a large nose, thick hands, is big boned, stocky, not tall,
strono (almost brutish), psychologically tough, has streaked
(black-grey), combed back hair, furrowed brow, does not like to
wear a hat, wears a tan uniform (like khakis). The next up in
this man's chain of command seem to be civilians, but this
arrangement may be only temporary for purposes of accomplishing
some specific or general mission. Impression of a "foreign" but
politically-controlled environment. The man is an exceptionally
profess.onal military leader but more comfortable in the
tactical versus strategic arena. He is not a political animal,
does not like to be near the "head shed". He is a loner, he has
no soft spots; military busjness is his only business--it is his
milieu, he does not engage in small talk. He is beyond the
concept of self confidence, but not careless only concerned that
the job gets done right. He is an imposing figure (not so much
physically), but his lieutenants trust his experience and savvy.
He spends most of his time in the field but his presence is
accepted by lower echelons (peers do not seem to be present )j
however, he does not participate in engagements, but is kept
constantly apprised of dispositions,etc. The moral of this. first
military force is good. This force is located at a site composed
no a group of older, boxy structures located on the east side of
a range of hills/ mountains that border a wide open vast track of
land/ corridor that leads to the north/ north east toward a range
of mountains. The leader focuses a great deal of attention on
the hills to the West which offer an enemy cover, concealment and
the high ground. It seems that the most serious security threat
is posed by enemy approaches from this direction. Patrols and
observation posts must constantly monitor the area. His primary
mission seems to center around the security of the No
corridor "out in front" of the position. The force is to hold
the area and secure lines of communication. He responds to other
orders from his "higher" (somewhere else). Although the mission
seems tactically simple, and required assets are all present,
this leader was assigned because in less capable hands things
could fall apart, i.e., constant care and attention to detail is
demanded- ..... one's guard must he always up. To the immediate west
of the hills/mountains is at city. The city lies in a flat plain.
There is water to the west, either a river or an ocean (See TAB
C). The second military force consists of approximately 150
ground troops. The troops are not highly trained, but are
professional and obedient. The leader is a 30 year old "officer"
who receives target information 'from spies/informants. The
military force is an autonomous group that is connected with a
native civilian who negotiates on their behalf rhis force takes
the initiative in most engagements and seem to always attack from
the high ground. They prefer to travel in file formation. The
troops, though not highly trained, are professional and obedient.
They are not afraid to engage and will stand their ground if the
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tactical situation warrants. They "do what they must do" to
support a "cause" but are not fanatically attached to it. They
are in the business for "the long term." Most or all of their
time is spent in the field. They are well supplied with food,
small arms, ammo and clothing (brown boots). The event involves
action initiated by the smaller military group upon the direction
of the "political controller." Ideas associated with the event
are surprise, capture, concealment and strategic. The leader of
the small military group is altruistic but also naive--he is
unaware that his group are viewed as pawns by the political
controller. He does not recognize the political controller as
the snake-in the-grass that he is. The force attacks at the
direction of this bureaucratic official who is located away from
the area. He is expectant and the event is a card he plays. The
attackers consider themselves as defenders almost as if the
target represents oppression in some sense. The event/ attack
involves munitions raining down on the city. The result is
burning structures in the city. A large, yellowish-white
structure is on fire. Associated with the fire are the percepts
diversionary, supporting and productive. This is one event in a
series of raids. There is also a fire on the dock in the
southwest o+ the city" a perception of thick, black, choking
smoke. The +ire on the dock is "retaliation."
7. (S/NE/SK) A report discussing what was learned about the
solo methodology as a result of 8005 will be forthcoming.
3 Enclosures
TABS A thru C
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