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Document Release Date: 
May 10, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 9, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002000260001-1.pdf145.67 KB
WARNING NO??f? I C:E n INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED ------------------------------------------------------------------ SECRE'T'/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) liii:FiV 1::31:::;:35 7: cal\i I 'I?it.J C:I::::I:)l.Jf:i........ REPORT CONTROL NUMBERu 1-2 NICKNAME: DATE OF ::31:::::;3;:31 ON;. 9 Dec 84s TARGET COUNTRYm UNKNOWN REFERENCES: None SESSION NUMBER: 0 1 MISSION 1:3"..??11'?l.J ::;. Initial. I:7f'i..l..t:::: t'.:ll:::? REPORT: 11 Dec f::lc:> (Continuing) TE:C:I???!!\I I (: t_iE iii :l l._:E Zi:: I:) a I:.:::I::iV SOURCE IDENTIFIERu 101 ........................... _................. _...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ....................................... _... _... . ( ) 4:3 h:: ;iii #ii3 I O I\I .. There were no unusual occurrences, . .. ? ... .I. r ~ t:.:.l. t?~s rrt {~:~?+r t r.:: a. t.:.+?s or external environmental conditions known to the Interviewer which may have inf1!..lFrcnc::e the results of this session. This session was conducted entirely utilizing ERV protocols. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000260001-10 ast. ( ) The following narrative contained within _ ..t f::I l..4 (::t:. sa't: a. t::) i"t marks .i, u:i ~:a r't abridged copy of ? Source's I'.c:tssst.????sr}.'?iiis:i.cai"t ? summary has been C'?:?C:I a. 't".C:il'.. :1.sail .I. a.::". t:i?!Ct q as written summary. This indicated), by the !_tnder?s:i. r;Jrted f car? clarity, grammar and str?!_lct!_!re. T?he actual unabridged summary is maintained in the mission f:i. e.l c! dossier at this location along with any other material produced during t':.h:i.s session, e.,r:J, sketches, notes, etc. BEGIN Nc F RA...IVt::: "(There is a) building, ' ha]. : I . , maybe f i v e or s i x stories. (The) b u i l d i n g has a bend or right angle in (the) middle. (The) building SEt:::RE..1/NOI=ORN ? SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000260001-1 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000260001-1 SECRET/NOE OF N - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY is old a:tii{::) has ?st'vii:??r'list.l. feelings (about :1.'t.) t7l..t't:. none (of these feelings) are precise or absolute. (The) building has an imperial. feeling (on one hand and c:Yi"t the other i.t appears as a) htossp:i.'t:.lit:I. (with) people trying to help c:tthter people. p::':i.nal.l.y there is a feeling of t.udIy(:i.ngl) q learning. There is a :i.lar?tg{iii, room with a long table (that is incidentally) older than the men sitting around it. There is also a more mc:1t::ior'ri part:. (o'f: this building) with closed circuit TV. (In this pasr?'t:. of the building) 't.htar_e is a study going t::1n".. b.. ( ) During the lac:'t':t_ta:t s:;ic?:?sss:1.onq Source reported (:other data which may imE::1ac:t on the final assessment of this target. That .. : is raw unevaluated form,. data listed below :1 (:1) ( ) The people who work at this facility are br?.1 ghtt. and intelligent Ni a good mixture of both young and old. military seem to be an impression of any type of military There does not personnel at this site. (2) ( ) Upon entering the there appeared to i::tr: some sor''t:, of elevated "checkpoint" or information desk. word chec::kl:1c1i.r"rt seemed to be to strong since there does not appear" to be any unusual type of security afforded this area and the elevated area appeared to I:ae more of an information booth with personnel inside maintaining a card file with information on each person in the building in a manner more akin to a !_Iost.. locator as ? system. opposed to a I::1