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1(/ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00200029000 ? ImMOMPPRIVNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROjECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMDERg 1-2 NICKNAMEg DATE OF SESSIONg 15 Dec 86 TARGET COUNTRY: UNKNOWN REFERENCES:: SPR ..... 001 SAB SESSION NUMBER:: 02 DATE OF REPORT:: le Dec 86 MISSIOhl STATUS:: Continuing TECHNIQUE UTILIZED:: ERV SOURCE IDENTIFIERg 101 1. ) TASKINGg In addition to the original tasking provided to the Interviewer, (see reference above), the Interviewer was told that an. initial review of the previous session was considered of "interest" to the actual intelligence questioned being posed. Therefore, at the direction of the Or: Officer, during the session cited in this report, the Source was re targeted to the same area in an attempt to clarify the data provided during the first session. _Prior to the beginning of this session, Source was provided the same encrypted coordinates as the previous session reported in SPR 001 B6, SAB, as per Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) protocols. No other cuing or descriptive data except that quoted above was provided to the Source pertaining to this site. 2.( ) SESSION:: There were no unusual occurrences, inclemencies or external environmental conditions known to the Interviewer which may have influenced the results of this session. This session was conducted entirely utilizing ERV protocols. 3.. ( ) (..,11111 A RY:: a.( ) The following narrative contained within quotation marks is an abridged copy of Source's post session written summary. This summary has been editorialized, (as I ndicated), by the undersigned for clarity, grammar and structure. The actual unabridged summary is maintained in the mission field dossier at this location along with any other material produced during this session, e.g., sketches, notes, etc. BEGIN NARRATIVEg "Inside (the) large building (there) is a secure area (with) double door (and) closed circuit TV. (In this area there I perceive) four maiNONOWNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 otiMPIRMT/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY or five people (in a) working group as opposed to a decision making group, although the two functions tend to blend (together). , (There are) two main characters. One (is-about) 60 (years old), bald on top, thin, short (almost) elfin (in appearance). (He) is very enthusiastic (with) a tremendous amount of energy. (A) second (nal ri is large, fat and in (his) fifties. (He) is very deliberate (and) does not become exclted (and cannot) be rushed into anything. All (the) men here are civilians, although there is a military this study (group). The study is composed of many separate studies, each a complete (entity) unto itself. (These separate studies,) are brought together here. Some of these studies are (1.3repau-ed) in different languages. The groundwork for (this project) has been going on for (a) considerable (period of time. (In the room where the men ar6 located there is a table and) on the table there is a box(like device). Coming out of or going into the box (the concept is unclear) is a brilliant violet light. (Thilii) light both pulls in towards the box and (at the same time) slams away from the box. The elfin man thinks that this device, a force or light, has the potential to do about anything from "slicing, dicing to peeling vegetables". Inside the box was a taste that triggered a memory going back 20 years. It may have been magnesium or magnesium powder that I recall from (a) high school physics class." Li . ) During the actual session, Source reported other data which may impact on the final assessment of this target. ' That data is listed below in raw unevaluated form:1 (1) C ) The bUilding previously described in the referenced SPR 001-86, SAs, now has taken on a more angular shape, perhaps even a triangular shape. Some hallways within this building intersect at an greater that 90 degrees. Within the L: uilding, the ground flpor seems to be devoted to more plebian tasks with a more somber and unappealing appearance. The upper I evels, on the other hand, are more "cheery" with a brighter ambience. The work here, however, is very serious and some areas any displays of humor are unappreciated. (2) C ) The "box" which had a "violet light" aspect I:. o it was apparently being examined/tested by the men in the room. It appeared to be oblong shaped with openings at each end. Light from the box did not just radiate out from the box, it "poured out", a phrase that took on a confusing meaning to the Source. He attempted to clarify this concept by stating that the light, "poured out instead of just shining out". This light was extremely bright and the men in the room appeared to wearing darkened glasses or goggles while viewing it. The "light" seemed to be "pouring" from the box while at the same time being "vacuumed" or at: strongly bark into-the box as though a body or object were trying 4mmlIMPAMMOOMOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 4.!MFRIRPWVNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY to escape "four or five gravities". Words used to describe the effect of the light included, "purifying", "filtering", "purgatory "a parallel to plastic" and "smoothing but in the sense that an object is "smoothed" by shaving or planing (0) ( ) Internally within the box, the source of the light appeared to be a wide mesh apparatus surrounding a curved central object. There was a feeling swirling and tremendous magnetic attraction associated with the interior of the box. The "cause" of the light was described as, "combustion in a broader sense", "friction", "a coming together", "chosen", "collapsing", "a feeling of very heavy force being drawn inward", "a buffer", "a change of frequency", "a glowering (sic)", "gleaming", "something to with substance, not with "a" substance but just with substance", and "charred or seared". (4) ( ) The studies utilized in this project pertain this box, however, it is only at this level that the studies come together. People working on the separate studies are not suppose to know the purpose/relationship of their work to this project. This concept of deception and "need to know" is not fully successful and some of the people working on the lesser studies have surmised the overall concept but have kept their knowledge secret for fear of reprisals. The study, as a whole, is still only a step towards an ultimate goal. The box represents only this particular phase of the study and reflects only this level and it I s not in itself the final purpose of the study. (5) ( ) The "violet light box" when operating gives off an imperceptible vibration. A hand placed in front of the box would perceive the feeling of being drop into a vat of acid or of being placed in a food processor. The immediate physical reaction is one of being violently "sucked into the box while at the same time being slammed forward". The violet light spectrum is an important component of this device which seems to have some similarities to the old type of X-Ray units once used by shoe stores to examine the fit of new shoes. This device is probably capable of cutting through metal, although that was not is planned or intended use. It also has the capability of stripping away molecular structures and bonding in some manner, but again this may only be one of many potential uses for this project/box. (6) ( ) When specifically "queried", the enthusiastic "elfin like man" provided an impressive list of some other specific uses +or this "box" (concept??). These included the +act that this concept was much more accurate than radar in detection, could be used for coding, had the capability of "surreptitious and silent" penetration, could be used for communication (a concept of "bouncing things up and back" accompanied the idea of use in agiWWWNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8 - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY communication), furthering knowledge, controlling an area (the term used was "space" but not in the universal concept but rather in the zonal concept), guidance for ships, to mark things and to "differentiate" (the concept of "differentiate" was used in conjunction with the idea of being able to strip or alter molecular structure or bonding). 4. ) OPS FEEDBACKN It is unsure whether further sessions by Source on this target would provide +urther clarification of the major gestalts of the target. Source is essentially a non-technically oriented individual who may lack the proper points o+ reference to adequately relay the somewhat obscure descriptives pertaining to this target. SG1 J WIRMAIRT/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000290001-8