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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 5, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 2, 1993
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002600110005-7.pdf62.35 KB
SG1J Appr ase 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-0078980026001100 LIST~G A t 6 1993 us 1VIAII , ug , --Mail-- August 2, 1993 3:15pm MAIL IS - FROM: DIR NMIPC Private TO: SG1J FOR YOUR - SUBJECT: SARs Tasking/Control Information Action COPY: NMIPC_ALL NMIPCKM SG1J U-286/PC 1. Please task P-AS2 to assume responsibility for receiving and processing weekly SARs. 2. The weekly process/timetable for the weekly SARs will be as follows: a. Schedule: (1) Identify SAR topics at weekly PC Staff Meeting. (2) PC, PA, PG, PO, P-AS, and P-FM forward approved SARs in correc format to P-AS2 (ATTN: by 1200 hours on Thursday via higgi enclosure in WP5.1. SG1J SG1J (3) P-AS2 forward consolidated SARs on disk to by 1 hours each Thursday. b. Once the SARs have been reviewed and approved by NMIPC Hqs, - SG1J _ will forward the final SAR to ESO NLT 1200 hours an Friday. 3. Copy of all SARs forwarded to ESO will be addressed to NMIPC-ALL so tha SG1J all will be informed of what was rovided. Any questions on the above shou be addressed to P-AS2, SG1J SG1J Mail item created by Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002600110005-7 Approved For Release 20 ~ A-RDP96-007898002600110005-7 TOPIC: STAR GATE Overview Briefing (U) SUMMARY: (S/NF/WN) We provided a STAR GATE overview briefing to Mr. Lin Wells, Deputy to the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) for Policy Support. Mr Wells asked numerous questions regarding recent and historical program developments. We also provided him with our assessment regarding foreign activities relative to our mission area. We were also requested to provide him with background documents for his review. Also in attendance were the Chief P5, and the following DIO's: SG1J ACTION OFFICER/ TELEPHONE NUMBER: PAG-TA SG1J SG1A SECRET NOFU Approved For Releas IA-RDP96-007898002600110005-7