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Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600150007-1, SECRET SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE FY 1995 GDIP BUDGET MARCH 31, 1994 QUESTION AREA: PROJECT STAR GATE (S) QUESTION #15: What is the funding and personnel profile for FY 1990-95 for the STAR GATE project? (S) ANSWER: Since FY 1980, DIA manpower devoted to STAR GATE has remained constant. Manpower and dollars for the period FY 1990-95 are as follows: FY YEAR Manpower Other O&M/R&D Remarks FY 1990 10 billets 0 FY 1991 $2000K Congressional + up FY 1992 " $2000K OR FY 1993 " 0 FY 1994 " 0 FY 1995 $573 QUESTION #15(a): Is this research and development project cost effective? (S) ANSWER: In response to a January 1994 Congressionally Directed Action (CDA), Defense Authorization Classified Annex Joint Explanatory Statement, Enclosure 13, the Defense Intelligence Agency has prepared a draft multi-year research and peer review plan to focus on these issues. In that regard, the Defense Intelligence Agency will convene a Scientific Advisory Group consisting of chief scientists from the Services and from DDR&E to validate the program's research and development objectives and make recommendations as to which objectives should be pursued and the program scope required to achieve those objectives. If the Scientific Advisory Group determines objectives in the plan are viable and executable, the General Defense Intelligence Program Manager will compete this initiative with others for limited available resources remaining in the program. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) QUESTION #15(b): What are the performance criteria for STAR GATE? (S) ANSWER: The performance criteria used for Project STAR GATE are governed by two recent Activity directives which focuses on the personnel REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISTRIBUTION FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DIA/PAG CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY DECLASSIFY ON OADR SECRET Approved FIKPPeNW-lWNOf 9CFi P-PBPgN OWfST9 66&150007-1 Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600150007-1 SECRET selection and training of newly assigned operational personnel, and on protocols for in-house proficiency enhancements and operational projects. Also, an evaluation form patterned after the one used by DoD HUMINT operatives is currently being utilized by Activity customers when providing feedback to operational taskings. The contractor, at our direction, is developing a certification program for operational personnel so that proficiencies can be both maintained and further enhanced. Program objectives in the draft multi- year research and peer review plan include research objectives to further codify methods for selecting and training operational personnel; target identification; and refinement of protocols. QUESTION #15(c): What examples of STAR GATE can be cited as contributing to the intelligence functional areas of collection and production during FY 1993? (S) ANSWER: During FY93 Project STAR GATE contributed to the intelligence functional areas of collection and production by providing data to Joint Task Force-4, and to DIA's J2 and the National Military Intelligence Production Center's analytical elements. n- house raining proficiency projects conducted to enhance opera ional capabilities. For FY94 and in addition to the foregoing, on-going joint activities program have been established with JTF-4 and other DoD elements. Plans are underwa to develop working F Agencies. STAR GATE repor a on the wort one y the contractor in re significant experimental results that could be considered of a break-through nature. Experiments were in the areas of entropy which demonstrated a significant degree of correlation between anomalous cognition (AC) and dynamic changes in a target's entropy. The value added is that it should provide an objective method for assessing the AC skills of operational personnel. In the experiment on remote observation, it was demonstrated that changes in the electrical properties of a person's skin could be effected according to the intent of the isolated operator. The value added is that anomalous mental phenomena (AMP) could used to remotely influence biological systems. As a result of the experiment regarding alpha desynchronization, it may be possible to train operational personnel in a manner similar to biofeedback. (S/NF/WN/SG/LIMDIS) REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISTRIBUTION FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DIA/PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY SECRET Approve RWr A9+I ?W Off9 F@DP1k6?f9WbWAWM$600150007-1 Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600150007-1 SECRET SG1 B QUESTION #15(d): Without fiscal constraints, would GDIP fund STAR GATE in FY 1995? At what level? (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) ANSWER: -- We have established a Scientific Advisory Board to validate program objectives and to determine executability. (S) -- In the FY 95 program, we have sustained the manpower in STAR GATE. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) -- We will continue to evaluate and scope objectives in light of existing resourcing. (S) REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DIA/PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISTRIBUTION bJ8 Tfi ~ SECRET Approve R& RPiM O4& FeWFlbfi9g~$600150007-1