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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 SECRET DT-S- 1008-S DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ADP SYSTEM HEQUIHEMEnTS (U) Initial Report 20 December, 1990 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 ? ADP SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (U) INITIAL REPORT Date of Publication 15 December, 1990 SG1J This is a Department of Defense Intelligence Document prepared by the Technology Assessment and Support Office, Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency for Technology Assessment and uppor ffice (DT-S) NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASS BY: DIA/DT DECLASS: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 ADP SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (U) INITIAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS SG1A I . PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I I . SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 III. THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IV. EVENTS AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE TIME REQUIRED . . . . . . . . . . 2 V. PERT CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VI. PRELIMINARY HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX 1: MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS FOR EACH STEP . . . . . . . . . . 7 APPENDIX 3: EXAMPLES OF SURVEY RESULTS (U) . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY preliminary analysis of 1 (U) This report presents the results of a p method of system analytical data. and supporting preliminary schedule/cost estimate, preliminary analysis, it is estimated that 2. (C) Based on the p 000.00 would be needed to acquire the approximately $80,000.00 to $116, hardware/software necessary to meet the program's ADP needs. Some of the major items identified are: a. New computers (80386-based systems to meet increasedsneeds). upport the The current system (80286-based) annotheyficientlytible with be compa large databases anticipated, anticipated contractor's systems. b, Text and graphic digitizers for data input. C. SYBASE or comparable database software package. d. Standard software (word processing, spreadsheet, etc.)? e. Research input devices (biofeedback, EEG, etc.) f. Laser printer(s) for professional output. g, Projection monitor for presentation. h. Telecommunications hardware/software., pro ram facilities are physically separated from the 3. nce the m (U) echni al a g most of the acquisition effort will have main DIA technical fcilitieersonnel. At present, there is only one to be performed by program p uter skills (a background in program member who has the requisite comp The systems analysis and design) to manage the acquisition process. estimates in this report are based on the Computer Operations Manager dedicating an estimated 407. of his time to the effort. wire approximately 12 4, (U) Based on this limitation orating Capability. This estimate months to achieve system Initial Op if additional qualified personnel could be reduced by up to 6 months, were assigned to assist in the development activity. 5. it is requested that management (U) Due to this long lead time, management e. review/approval of the proposed approach be granted as soon as p Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 ADP SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (U) INITIAL REPORT I, (U) PURPOSE: of this initial report is to delineate the steps (U) The purpose for the development/upgrading of the unit's ADP system to necessary adequately meet present and future needs. More detailed aspects of each portion of development will be issued in follow-on reports. II. (U) SCOPE: (U) This report presents an analysis and PERT chart of the work m to meet this that must be performed in order to arndaDabasetmanagement needs, project's administrative, training, R&D, and of the Foreign Intelligence with special attention to the adatabases. database and other topic-specific III. (U) THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ACTION: (U) The most important aspect of procuring/upgrading an ADP system is la_ n Wing. Millions of government dollars have been wasted on new a ment and delivery, is not compatible with the equipment which, after p y , or is so "user old system, does not meet the users' real needs, unfriendly" as to actually hinder efficient office operation. The only preventive measure for this is proper planning. man, if not most, computer systems are bought (U) For example, Y~ because a computer vendor demonstrates impressive velcapabili ies,tor amount system because the office wants to buy theThe"most most common"result is that the of money allocated in the budget. system users have to change their work habits to meet the new system's nstootlats ettthat balthough shortcomings and idiosyncracies. They often learn the system may be good for engineering opp cations, the bulk of word processing or database searches, which may the computer's real work load. (U) The proper way to plan a system is to learn first what not what a vendor has to sell. Once you know what you need, find a vendor whose products can meet those needs. The user should not have to meet the system's needs; the system should meet the user's needs. (U) These considerations take on even greater significance for this program. Since it is physically separated from the main DIA technical Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 facilities, we do not have easy access to maintenance or technical support. Such factors as maintainability, reliability, compatibility and supportability, as well as the ability to function in a "stand-alone" environment, must be given adequate attention up front in the planning process, not only in terms of hardware/software, but also with respect to program personnel qualified to operate/maintain/modify the system to meet changing program requirements. At least one member of this project needs to be a qualified Computer Operations Manager. IV. (U) EVENTS AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE TIME REQUIRED: (U) Proper planning proceeds in a set pattern of specific steps. The elimination of any of these steps, taking steps in the wrong order, or taking shortcuts could spell disaster for the new system. The time estimates shown reflect one person working part-time on the task. A. (U) TASK A: Establish the system's OUTPUT requirements: (Survey of the unit's needs). Figure 1 shows a list of the output requirements at the time of the last system analysis for this office (1985). An update of these requirements should take approximately 4-6 weeks. B. (U) TASK B: Establish the system's INPUT requirements (Survey what is necessary to meet the unit's needs). This must include all equipment, training, software, new work routines, etc. necessary for allowing the data to get into the computer. Figure 2 lists just the manhours necessary for keyboard entry, as of the last system analysis (1985) This survey should not be started until the output requirements are completely understood. It should take approximately 3-4 weeks after the completion and approval of Task A. C. (U) TASK C: Determine operating and security requirements: Such factors as operating environment, security regulations, etc. impact directly on purchase considerations. If other personnel are available, this step can be accomplished in the same timeframe as Task B. If not, it will require an additional 3-4 weeks after the completion of Task B. D. (U) TASK D: Determine the system's THROUGHPUT requirements: In other words, determine how much the system will have to handle at any one time, as well as overall. This constitutes the-system's working parameters, and is "must know" information at purchase time. Figure 3 shows this information as of the last system analysis (1985). Estimated time for determination and report: 2 weeks after the approval of Tasks B and C. Approved For Release 2000/08/08: C1A-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 E. (U) TASK E. Determine other office impacts: How will meeting the present needs affect future needs? Only by determining what the probable future needs will be can you make certain that the system is capable of growing along with the unit, and will not become insufficient to the unit's needs within the foreseeable future. Figure 4 is a list of only the filing requirements necessary for the system as of the last analysis (1985). This step should be a constant consideration during all of the above surveys, but should be addressed separately after completion of Task D, and should generate a report of its own. Estimated time for completion: 2 weeks after the completion of Tasks A-D. F. (U) TASK F. Conduct a market survey the possible hardware/software available: In other words, "shop around". This step is most important, and shortcuts should not be taken. It is time- consuming to talk to vendors, wait for information and pricing, etc. For this reason, an estimated 3-4 weeks should be allotted for this step. NOTE: Maintenance requirements and repair costs must be considered in this step as well as initial costs. G. (U) TASK G. Establish and document the final budget aspects. This step can be performed at any time, but the above findings may call for a final reconsideration and adjustment of the allotted amounts. If amounts need to be renegotiated, this step can take 1-8 weeks. H. (U) TASK H. Delineate contractual requirements and demands: This step should be performed early in the process, as it may impact drastically on all future decisions. Estimated time: 2 weeks, performed at the same time as other steps. 1. (U) TASK I. Order new hard- and software: Time estimated for writing purchase requests, purchase orders, etc. is 2-3 weeks. J. (U) TASK J. Decide which data and documents are to be transferred to the new system: This task is performed by management, and can be performed at any time. K. (U) TASK K. Delivery and installation: Time requirements for this step depend on the vendor, the paper-trail system, and a multitude of unforeseeable factors. An estimated time frame is 4-8 weeks. L. (U) TASK L. Installation and checkout of the system: This includes thorough testing of the system, using office data and documents. During this time the Computer Operations Manager gains a thorough knowledge of the system and the software, in order to train/help others. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Initial testing should take approximately 1 week. M. (U) TASK M. Transfer and conversion of data and documents from the old system to the new/ Acquisition of data and loading of databases to provide an initial operating capability: Estimated time of transfer for our office: 0 - 3 weeks. NOTE: This time estimate can vary greatly according to the compatibility of the new software with the old. N. (U) TASK N. Personnel training: Initial training of personnel prior to first usage of the system should require 1-2 weeks, according to the software purchased. However, there is a period of up to 3 months afterwards while the users are still below maximum proficiency. During this time, the System Administrator is called on quite frequently to spend time working out problems with individual users. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 V. (U) PERT CHART (U) The following PERT chart shows the necessary scheduling for tasks A-N. PROJECT: ADP DEVELOPEMENT PLAN .1991 ADP DEVELOPEMENT PLAN .Da: Who : Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. ------------------------ ---- Establish Sys Output Req O.X.: ----------- Establish Sys Input Req . 0.X Determine Throughput Req Determine Ops/Security Req Determine Office Impacts It O:X O:X : 0:X Establish Budget 0:X :----------------------- - Market Survey (HIP.-S/kt) Determine Contract Req O: X 0:X Order H/W-Slit 0:X Deliver/Install/Training Data Acq/DB Construction O:X O:X Initial Operating Capability: O:X Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 HARDWARE/ SOFTWARE ESTIMATES. of Task F, PRELIMINARY completion VI. (U) until the this time. Wherever given h no exact costs can be be phoaVecbeen figured into the Althot s stem costs ca costs a rough esimat ears of maintenance applicable, 2 y 00 900 ost. estimated c (10 terminals) 80386-based system Laser printers (2) Graphics digitizer (OCR) ter reader optical charac not be needed) So Area Network (may not be needed) Local cal (may Modem research equipment specialized aratus Biofeedback app Synergizer EEG Generator Random Numb COSTS TOTAL ESTIMATED . 6 71, 16,000.00 3,000.00 1,400.00 7,000.00 25,000.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 100.00 $116,000.00 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 APPENDIX 1: MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS FOR EACH STEP Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 (U) Each step requires specific considerations. Some considerations already delineated by the date of this publication are: A. (U) First, establish the system's OUTPUT requirements: Some important considerations are: 1. (U) Printed material requirements: Printed matter in the form of reports, database summaries, etc. makes up the bulk of an office's computer usage. It is the most visible and long-lasting output the system will make. It is therefore the most important Output consideration. Report types, quantity and quality of print, single vs. multiple sheet printing, etc. must be considered in order to build a system which will meet the unit's needs. Figure 1 contains a listing of the printed output requirements this office had when the last systems analysis was performed. A more up-to-date listing will accompany a more detailed report. There are three basic forms of printers: a. (U) "Daisy wheel" (also called "letter quality, even though all three types can produce letter-quality print"). This printer has a rotating wheel which strikes the paper, leaving an impression of the letters. It is slow, loud, has very little flexibility for specialized purposes. It does not have any graphics capability. b. (U) "Dot Matrix" (including "ink jet"). This printer has a "print head", containing small pins which strike out in the required patterns to print text or graphics. It is more compact, less noisy, and very flexible for specialized purposes. In fast mode, the letters and graphics are made of coarse dots. In slow mode, the dots can barely be seen, but the slow mode is very time-consuming, and usually keeps the user from any other activity on the computer while printing takes place. Printed output, especially graphics, is usually of less quality than desired. c. (U) "Laser". This printer uses a laser to form an image on a xerox drum which is then transferred to the paper. It is fast, quiet, does text and graphics with extremely professional looking results. However, it will not do carbon copies, (U) Graphics output requirements: a. (U) With the modern trend toward presentation in graphic format rather than as printed text, graphics requirements are a major concern. Figure 1 includes the graphics requirements, since almost all graphics are printed before being changed to other presentation formats. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 b. (U) Another form of graphics output is that of the projection-type computer monitor. This adds both color and motion impact to presentations and to computerized training. There are two basic forms of projection equipment for this purpose: 1) The Overhead Projector Slide Screen: This is a monochrome monitor which is the same shape and size of an overhead projector slide. It hooks to a nearby computer, and forms an image exactly the same as that on the computer screen. When this is laid on a standard overhead projector, the screen image is cast onto the wall or projection screen, just like any standard overhead projector slide. This allows the presentation to be controlled by the computer operator. The cost of this type of monitor is approximately $400, and is limited to monochrome displays. 2) A dedicated projection monitor. This type monitor has a standard color monitor with a lens in front of it which projects the computer image onto the wall or a projection screen. The cost is in the $800 range, more or less, depending on quality, projection distance, color quality, etc. Like the other type, this does not require a dedicated computer, but simply hooks to a standard machine for projected output. Database presentation requirements Will output be merged into other output or stand alone? Will data output require accompanying graphics? Will database software be compatible with other output? 2) Modem (for tele-output) - does this need to be a secure line with crypto? 3) Projection screen terminal (for briefings) 4) Color vs. monochrome software being used on the system? What other equipment is necessary for 1) Printer or plotter Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 B. (U) Second, establish the system's INPUT requirements: Having established the OUTPUT requirements shows the planner what INPUT hard- and software is needed. For example, if maps are to be included in presentation graphics as part of the output, maps will need to be INPUT. There is only certain equipment which can digitize maps and put them into the computer, and the planner is automatically pointed to the need for such equipment. Beyond the obvious input requirements, however, there are other considerations: 1. (U) How labor intensive is the input? Is there equipment on the market which will be cost effective, due simply to a savings in man-hours saved? 2. (U) How user friendly is system? No matter what the system costs, it costs too much if the user will not use it. 3. (U) What other equipment is necessary for input? The basic system rarely ever has everything you need for any work which is more advanced that just text or data input. For the program's purposes, the following input devices need to be evaluated: a. (U) Graphics digitizer: This input device is much like a xerox machine, but instead of a copy of the original, will digitize pictures, sketches, artwork, etc. into a format which can be incorporated into word processing documents, briefing slides, etc. This is a graphics only device. b. (U) Optical Character Reader: This input device is also like a xerox machine, but will read a document and input the text into word processing documents. This is a text only device. c. (U) Modem: This input/output device connects the system, through phone lines, to other computer systems, databases, etc. It allows the system to draw off data and information from other sources, send documents to other sources, etc. Secure modems may or may not also require: 1) A Crypto device for encipherment of the data, documents, etc. 2) A secure telephone line for transmission. d. (U) Special input devices specific to the program's 10 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 mission: Such input devices are bought separately from the normal equipment we would buy for its regular mission. However, this requirement on the program's computer system means that, when those other pieces of equipment are bought, they will have digital outputs which can be read by the computer (they usually do not have). Such specialized devices include, but are not limited to: 1) Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) device: This bottom-of-the-line device measures the minor variations in the skin's resistance to an electrical microcurrent. Such variations indicate the worker's mental and emotional state at any given time. The machine, therefore, works as a monitoring device. If such a machine were used, it should have a port for output of the results in digital form. 2) Biofeedback: Much like the GSR, a biofeedback machine allows the monitoring of the worker's mental and emotional states, through the monitoring of brainwave activity. This device has the added ability to give the worker audible feedback. Therefore, when the worker's mental state is less than desirable, he/she will know, and can immediately work to bring themselves back into optimum working order. Again, such a machine can only provide an input to the statistical databases if there is a port for the information in digital form. 3) EEG: An electroencephalograph (EEG) machine has never been used for this office, but the need for one has long been recognized. It is a more sensitive machine than the biofeedback machine, and can keep track of much more data. It does not provide feedback, unless used with the hemisync device, mentioned in the next item, below. For such use, a digital port is required. 4) Hemisync: This device uses tones to help attain working states in a much shorter time, as well as to help train new personnel in attaining these ideal working states. The standard machine of this type merely produces tones. However, with digital input/output, the hemisync machine can work in conjunction with the EEG and the computer. The computer, while recording the statistics involved in the work period, can use the information coming from the EEG to control the tonal output of the hemisync machine, to produce the optimum session working-state parameters. This EEG-hemisync combination is the optimum setup presently available for the program's location and exclusive use. 5) Magnetoencephalograph: This device is exponentially more accurate than the EEG and can be used in much the same way as the EEG-hemisync combination. The cost, however, is totally prohibitive, requiring special cryogenic devices, a special facility, Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 having such a machine for the There is no justification for a proposal that 'workers mightrg to ch etc. own private use. There is strictly resa program s ecial tapes e disks m re one of these machines is located? statistical a place where should its, for to sec a sp al is purposes. If so, plans for use the rogra which contain the digital resu, studies. and securit re uirements: ecial o eratin Append 2 (Foreign C. (U) Determine s is addressed in App irements are: tions One set of special requ other major considera Intelligence Database). (U) Personnel re aired for: a. System management b. Software maintenance c. Database administration d. Software installation/checkout needs as Identification of new software/hardware e. th increases. office grow f lost/damaged files/data. g, Recovery o ecial o eratn needs: lan ua es for s n If not, 2. (U) Pro rammin the office's needs? ice for all -the-shelf software suf specialized software' three options for sp ded This there are the special software nee. (U) Contract for ense (up to a. due to its exp acts on security, a non-option, it also imp option is usually time and money' any secure information $50,000/program) in both to be read onto since an outside contractor has program. which will be manipulated by his from DIA? This Request special programming complex, it b. (U) If the program is very costly in respect to time. option is may still be contracted out. language in with the (U) Include a programming cleared in-house C. train already and money ($40 - $100), and have or software is the preferred and most time erson who is gram has only, however, might personnel to use It. This resent, the pro Good planning, ram specific needs. effective method. At fully qualified top g 12 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 include a requirement in the Personnel Selection criteria to insure that at least one new incoming personnel has programming ability. 3. (U) Should workstations be interconnected? (Stand-alone vs. LAN or mini-computer). There are too many pros and cons for each decision to be addressed in a document of this size. The determination makes minor differences in system capabilities, but makes huge differences in terms of system costs and flexibility. A major consideration, however, would be whether or not everyone on the program needs on-line access to the databases. This, of course, is a management issue. SG1A 4. (U) Does the program need a Tempest system? In light of the program's current facility and anticipated database classification level, security requirements must be studied in detail. Tempest-secure systems have no more capabilities than regular systems, and normally have little impact on the user. The costs of such a system, however, are sometimes doubled or tripled. When judging this aspect of system needs, one must take into account the facility in which the system is located, and all other security aspects. One obvious method of cutting the cost is to determine whether or not Tempest approval is needed on all terminals, or whether one or two dedicated Tempest terminals will suffice. Also, some means of controlling the perimeter around the program's facilities might be feasible to meet this requirement. 6. (U) Will the system need data transmission capabilities? This consideration impacts directly on all decisions about input, output, and security. 7. (U) Will additional training be required a. Because the system imposes new security risks? (Specifically, in this case, how will the handling of SI/TK Codeword material impact operations?) b. For the System Administrator? c. For the users? 8. (U) How will in-house research impact on the needs of the Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 system? Several pieces of equipment will be bought in other purchases for in-house research, such as EEG machines, biofeedback, Random Number Generators, etc. In designing the system, it must be remembered that these machines will probably have digital ports to feed data directly into the computer, and/or for direct computer control. This stage of planning must take into account that INPUT and OUTPUT ports will be needed to access these machines. D. (U) Determine maintenance requirements and repair costs: It is often true that maintenance winds up costing more than the equipment, itself. Major considerations in this area are: 1. (U) Will DIA's present maintenance contract cover new equipment? 2. (U) Will some of the equipment come with its own warranties, alleviating the need for immediate service contracts and/or saving on contractual costs for maintenance? E. (U) Determine other office impact: Several of the specific projects which are to be performed will impact the office environment in the form of work schedules, deadlines, etc. F. (U) Determine future growth needs and uses: A system which is designed to meet present needs only will tend to be obsolete the day it is installed. If the machine actually does do its job of allowing the office to become more productive and meet present needs in a shorter time, its very presence in the office will cause growth. If it cannot meet this growth, the fault is that of the planner. This stage of the planning is perhaps the most nebulous. No one can accurately predict what future needs will arise. However, the planner must try to logically look at the office's goals, personnel, and must consider ALL future plans the office is making (not just those related to the system), to be certain the system will meet future needs. G. (U) Once a complete understanding of the needed system is achieved, conduct a market survey of hardware/software meeting the requirements. The major considerations which must be addressed include, but are not limited to: 1. (U) Software/hardware compatibility. 2. (U) Software/user compatibility. 3. (U) CAN THE FILES FROM THE OLD SYSTEM BE CONVERTED TO THE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 NEW SYSTEM? If not, old documents and databases will have to be either retyped, or will be lost to computer usage. This is unacceptable. This aspect is usually ignored when lining up purchase plans, and almost always results in a disastrous situation for the office. H. (U) Make a survey of vendors, purchase resources, prices, etc. 1. Is it necessary to go through DIA-established channels? If so, what are they, and what information/actions are required on the program's part? 2. Can the program go directly to a contractor? 3. How much off-the-shelf hard/software can be used? Will it save money to do so? I. (U) Delineate contractual requirements 1. (U) Is DIA approval needed for hard/software? 2. (U) Who handles the contracts? 3. Matching funding to costs. How is overall money distribution affected if one thing cannot be purchased or if maintenance costs for one thing mean that something else has to be given up? Is the overall picture considered for EVERY change made? J. (U) The actual mechanics of replacing the present system 1. Are the users briefed and prepared for the inconveniences facing them? 2. Which is the best installation method: all at once or in "builds" (gradual integration)? Each has its own time demands on the users. 3. Software installation on new system requires a period of "check-out" before the users are proficient. How long will this take? 4. Transfer and/or conversion of data and document files, loading of databases, rewriting of program macros, etc. 5. (U) Training/Re-training of users 15 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 APPENDIX 3: EXAMPLES OF SURVEY RESULTS (U The examples in this appendix are taken from the last system analysis, performed in 1985 on the Wang computer system which the program used at that time. Some of the items will not apply to the present situation, and some items which apply to the present situation will not be found in these examples. The purpose of this section is simply to allow the reader to better understand the level of detail which must be considered (but is often ignored) in ADP system acquisition and to indicate the minimum requirements that the proposed system will have to meet. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 EX from 19 s/doc (Example report #/mo. 10 010 pages/mo TYPE OF DOCUMENT 01 X 440 pages/mo Access Roster database 02 X 20 040 pages/mo t' MONTHLY DOCUMENT OUTPUT REQU IKr r-~V% 1? (U) 85 System analysis - not current esfmo aion) AMPLE Briefing texts 40 X 01 - = 002 pages/m0 ams 02 r Charts/diagrBudget 01 X = 020 pages/mo - 05 X O1 025 paces/MO Misc. other TOTAL PRINTED OUTPUT/MONTH Cmd operating 01 X 20 - 01 X 50 050 p g Contract a es/mo Concept pnegotiations 01 X 15 = 015 pages/mo Contract evaluations 20 X 01 = 020 a pagees/mo s/mo Trettainerisng 20 X 04 = 080 pg DCailovery letters Summ. 02 X 03 - 006 pages/mo Data manipulation* 14 X 07 = 098 pages/mo Decision papers 12 X 02 08 _ = 024 024 pages/mo pages/mo Disposition forms 03 X 008 pages/mo Fact sheets 04 X 02 002 pages/mo File backup record 01 X 02 = deleted report 01 X 10 = 010 pages/M0 Files 008 pages/mo Historical report 01 X 08 036 pages/mo Informatiimpacton papers 03 X 12 _ a es/M0 apers 80 X 03 240 p g Inter-office corr. 01 X 08 = 008 pages/S0 Justification papers 18 X 02 = 036 pages./mo Memos for record O1 X 01 001 020 page /111 Mileage report X 20 = es/so Monthly Training Rpt. 05 X 02 = 010 pa- s ants. pkg. X 02 = 030 pages/mo Operation 15 rq ondence X 02 _ 012 pages/M0 Outside corresp a es/mo Personnel evaluations 06 03 X 02 = 012 p g non image/MO . . _L "nt- - U5 % 025 pages/mu 05 0 X 05 020 = 05 X 04 = pages/110 60 04 = 240 pages/20 02 X 20 = 040 pages/110 01 X 05 = 005 pages/20 02 X 12 = 024 pages/20 10 X 25 = 250 Pages/so 20 X 01 = 020 pages/'AO 02 X 01 = 002 Pages/so 02 X 05 = 010 pages/so 01 X 09 = 009 pages/mo 005 pages/mo Prof- 'IL... --- Project officer Reports Project results summaries package Session session reports Staff studies Stage essays Talking papers Technical summaries Training database Travel reimbursement Travel reports utility assessments VuGraph slides Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 EXAMPLE 2: MANHOURS REQUIRED FOR KEYBOARD INPUT (Example report from 1985 System analysis - not current information) ITEM #/mo. Hrs/doc Hrs/mo Monthly Training Rpt. 01 X 14 = 014 hrs/mo Daily Training Summ. 20 X 03 = 060 hrs/mo File backup record 04 X 01 = 004 hrs/mo Files deleted report 01 X 02 = 002 hrs/mo Operations rqmnts. pkg. 05 X 01 = 005 hrs/mo Session transcripts 60 X 05 = 300 hrs/mo Session reports 60 X 02 = 120 hrs/mo Session results package 05 X 05 = 025 hrs/mo Training database 20 X 01 = 020 hrs/mo Technical summaries 01 X 05 = 005 hrs/mo Inter-office corr. 80 X 02 = 160 hrs/mo Proj. Ofc. rpts 05 X 04 = 020 hrs/mo Stage essays 01 X 04 = 004 hrs/mo Travel reports 02 X 02 = 004 hrs/mo Briefing texts 02 X 08 = 016 hrs/mo Charts/diagrams 20 X 01 = 020 hrs/mo Mileage report 01 X 01 = 001 hr /mo Physical training rpt 01 X 01 = 001 hr Into Contract negotiations 01 X 50 = 050 hrs/mo Contract evaluations 01 X 20 = 020 hrs/mo Decision papers 14 X 12 = 168 hrs/mo Fact sheets 03 X 03 = 009 hrs/mo Information papers 02 X 12 = 024 hrs/mo Historical report 01 X 05 = 005 hrs/mo Proj. Ofc. hist. rpt. 06 X 02 = 012 hrs/mo Personnel evaluations 03 X 03 = 009 hrs/mo Incls/indorsmts/etc 20 X 01 = 020 hrs/mo Significant Events log 01 X 03 = 003 hrs/mo Staff studies 02 X 20 = 040 hrs/mo Concept papers 01 X 20 = 020 hrs/mo Utility assessments 01 X 02 = 002 hrs/mo Justification papers 01 X 06 = 006 hrs/mo Project summaries 05 X 05 = 025 hrs/mo Memos for record 18 X 01 = 018 hrs/mo Outside correspondence 15 X 02 = 030 hrs/mo Talking papers 02 X 07 = 014 hrs/mo Investigation summary 05 X 03 = 015 hrs/mo Cmd Operating Budget 01 X 03 = 006 hrs/mo Impact statements 01 X 05 = 005 hrs/mo Data manipulation* 02 X 03 = 006 hrs/mo Misc. other 25 X 01 = 025 hrs/mo TOTAL MANHOURS REQUIRED = 1303 hrs/mo Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 EXAMPLE 3: ADP MEMORY REQUIREMENTS (Example report from 1985 System analysis - not current information) Date of surve : October 28 1985 y , Application # of users # of files # of sectors Memory req. Documents 23 1,229 39,933 10,222,848 bytes CP/M programs 6 11 10,703 2,739,968 bytes BASIC programs 14 106 7,811 1,999,616 bytes Indices 31 54 5,880 1,505,280 bytes OIS data files 7 23 3,935 1,007,360 bytes Glossaries 8 34 1,356 347,136 bytes Message in-basket 1 1 553 141,568 bytes GLOBAL objects 7 27 477 122,112 bytes BASIC data files 13 16 427 109,312 bytes BASIC indexed files 1 1 14 3,584 bytes BASIC indexed keys 1 1 13 3,328 bytes TOTALS 31 1,503 71,102 18,202,112 bytes 25 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1 EXAMPLE 4: FILING AND HISTORICAL REQUIREMENTS (Example report from 1985 System analysis - not current information) ITEM File? Length of time Monthly Training Rpt. Y 05 years Daily Training Summ. Y 05 years File backup record Y .5 year Files deleted report Y 02 years Operations rgmnts. pkg. Y 10 years Session transcripts Y 10 years Session reports Y 10 years Session results package Y 10 years Training database N N/A Access Roster database N 05 years Technical summaries Y 10 years Inter-office corr. Y 02 years Proj. Ofc. rpts. Y 10 years Stage essays Y 02 years Travel reports Y 10 years Travel reimbursement Y 10 years Briefing texts Y 02 years Charts/diagrams Y as needed Mileage report Y 01 year Physical training rpt Y 01 year Contract negotiations Y 10 years Contract evaluations Y 10 years Fact sheets Y 02 years Decision papers Y 10 years Information papers Y 02 years Historical report Y 10 years Personnel evaluations Y 10 years Significant Events log Y 10 years Staff studies Y 10 years Concept papers Y 10 years Utility assessments Y 10 years Justification papers Y 10 years Cover letters Y as needed Project summaries Y 02 years Memos for record Y as needed Outside correspondence Y as needed Talking papers Y as needed Investigation summary Y 10 years Cmd Operating Budget Y 10 years Proj. Ofc. historical Y 10 years Impact statements Y 10 years Misc. other Y as needed Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900090001-1